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Official October 2008 NPD Results

JudgeN said:
Your kidding right? LBP? Dead Space? Valkyria Chronicles? Possible new PoP? Fable2? Shit man i could list a ton of great games from just this year.
The only title on that list that I have any interest in is Fable 2.

The rest of those titles will likely be just like Mass Effect, GTAIV, DMC4, and so many other titles this gen. Purely overrated shit. There is no quality gap between the 360 and Wii, just an asshole gap.

I've got both a 360 and Wii, I bought the Wii for Nintendo titles. I've gotten some great games from them, I bought the 360 for Mass Effect and other 3rd party titles. We'll see about those other 3rd party titles, but Mass Effect will likely be my disappointment of the generation.

I went into it at least thinking it'd have the coherent story of KotOR, but nope. Some bs story about mans acceptance into a larger galactic civilization. With all the twists and turns of a badly written teen drama. The game is short, waaaaay too short, with nothing of any real quality to flesh it out.

I don't know enough about some of these other titles so highly rated like BioShock, but I just don't see this quality gap. There's a definite visual gap, even among shitty 360 titles over the Wii, but that difference in quality just isn't there.

Segata Sanshiro said:
If this console generation is sporting the "best hardcore gaming has to offer", hardcore gaming really ought to be disappointed at its subpar efforts.
Who can tell if he's being serious or not, but that's a more concise version of the point I'm trying to make.


Amir0x said:
I don't know if it deserves THIS big sales (would have preferred Dead Space to have that, personally), but it was such a big improvement on the first.

However, for Fable III I need them to drop that dialogue system or at least greatly increase the complexity. There's this beautiful world to explore, and so many unique individuals, but conversations are relegated to one liners and farting.

and fix the really gimped co op. There is absolutely NO reason why my character should not be able to join somebody elses game. This henchman thing was the lowest point of the game
Eteric Rice said:
Um, it's very likely that if the Wii didn't exist, there would be...

1. More games on the HD consoles.

2. More HD consoles sold.

So yeah, it's effecting them, even if you don't see it. And we're only 2 years in so far with the Wii recently getting closer to being the biggest world wide.

Do you think maybe the Wii is actually allowing for the development of more HD console games in a sort of backwards way....?


chespace said:

The divide between Nintendo fans and PS360 fans has come to a point where both sides aren't even educated anymore on what's available on either platform.

I admit, I have never heard of this Monster Lab game that's supposed to be like the second coming of fucking Front Mission on Wii. But I'm intrigued nonetheless.

If even one person checks out Monster Lab because I spammed its message of love and peace and front-Mission-esque turn based battles in this here NPD thread, my work is done. Seriously though, it's a pretty good game.

Kinda like Lock's Quest. Quirky title, hybrid genre, no hype, small budget, but polished! - enjoyable all around. Won't set the charts on fire, can't be used in list wars, but comes recommended by fellow gaming enthusiasts.

GAF is all about the hype now. But with Far Cry 2, Dead Space and Fallout 3 all hitting and kicking fucking ass (you've seen me in those threads, right?) during this crazy month, who can blame people. :p
Tiktaalik said:
See this is how my reasoning for wanting it to bomb is different than Amir0x and co's. I played Animal Crossing DS, having never played the GC game, and I thought it was a really interesting game, strangely compelling, but it didn't really go anywhere or have "an end game" and so overall it was a mixed experience.

I'm upset about Animal Crossing Wii because instead of looking at the DS game and trying to figure out they could push the ideas further they're essentially just re-wrapping the experience with little fundamental additions. Pathetic!

Which is the reason I will not purchase it. I played the shit out of AC on Gamecube, then the DS version came and it wasn't that big of an improvement over the original, and now seeing that the Wii isn't doing any big improvements either is reason enough to not purchase it.
RPS37 said:
You, sir, may be on to something.
How well did BioShock sell in its first month last year? The demo obviously had some effect on that and I feel like the two games were in similar positions market-wise.

I don't know. Bioshock had a lot of nerd gamer cred pre-lease that probably leaked over a bit to the casual market. I don't think Dead Space had that at all. If anything I was skeptical of it.


donny2112 said:
Goodness, no! It's also not a bomb after 1 month's of sales, either. If it averages 80K per month for the next 10 months (you know, typical "expanded audience" sales curve made all the easier by the next two months being Nov/Dec), would you consider it a bomb? ;)

80k for 10 months? Well it is certainly not happening in Japan why the hell would it happen anywhere else? Positive word of mouth? :lol


Segata Sanshiro said:
If this console generation is sporting the "best hardcore gaming has to offer", hardcore gaming really ought to be disappointed at its subpar efforts.
yeah i often think that people need to realize this

all the HD consoles really offer more in comparison to last gen is better graphics..
MikeE21286 said:
Do you think maybe the Wii is actually allowing for the development of more HD console games in a sort of backwards way....?

yup third parties are really raking money in on the Wii because they understand the market :lol :lol
Stoney Mason said:
I don't know. Bioshock had a lot of nerd gamer cred pre-lease that probably leaked over a bit to the casual market. I don't think Dead Space had that at all. If anything I was skeptical of it.
BioShock sold 300k within it's first week I think.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Segata Sanshiro said:
If this console generation is sporting the "best hardcore gaming has to offer", hardcore gaming really ought to be disappointed at its subpar efforts.

I like my retro games as much as the next guy, but I'm glad I can continue to discover new favorites and new classics with each generation.
Seriously how much money has Nintendo made off Mario Kart Wii, Wii Play and Wii Fit so far? They are not even that good of game.....espically Play.....

I'm kinda shocked, and happy that Fable 2 made number 1. I think it totally deserves it.

I hope LBP does better. With the total lack of marketing (nobody I talked to even knew about this game) and the delay, I'm glad it made the 10 top, but seriously it deserves to do better.

Eteric Rice

MikeE21286 said:
Do you think maybe the Wii is actually allowing for the development of more HD console games in a sort of backwards way....?

Perhaps, but it's hard to say. Ubisoft isn't doing as great with their Wii games as they once were.

I'd say the DS in some weird way is probably having a better effect on the HD consoles than the Wii is. :lol


Thunder Monkey said:
I don't know enough about some of these other titles so highly rated like BioShock, but I just don't see this quality gap. There's a definite visual gap, even among shitty 360 titles over the Wii, but that difference in quality just isn't there.
The difference in quality in terms of shooters between the HD consoles and Wii is beyond stark. Across all genres? I think the argument could still be made. It depends how many games you consume though. If you only play a game every month or two, then maybe the output on the Wii would be enough. It simply isn't if you play a lot of games.


Volcynika said:
Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

Isn't this where you should rattle off a list of Wii games that nobody cares about, but Wii owners claim are all awesome?

The good part about being a multi-console owner like me is that I don't have to pretend that the Wii is anything other than what it is.

2008 has been an orgy of fantastic games for the PS3 / 360. Wii, on the other hand, has had like 3 AAA games the entire year.


So lets see what Miyamoto said he expected from Wii Music.

Wii Music launched almost a week ago in Japan, and just released in the US, and will ship in Europe shortly, and it's only been a brief period of time but it's doing not too badly, about what we expected. Because Wii Music is so new and different, our feeling is that it's one of those long sellers that will sell over a period of time, not race right out of the gate.

Nintendo expects the game to have legs I guess time will tell. Good hw numbers all around. The PS3 is still going better than it did last year at least.


Psychotext said:
Don't suppose there's a chance of someone being able to dig up some Motorstorm numbers is there? I'd be interested to see how close to the top ten it was.

In these hundreds of posts no one is really talking about Motorstorm, i figured it didn't get released till November. *looks up it's release date* Apparently it came out Oct. 28th? Would be nice to see what it sold, but i'm not surprised at how poorly it did.


Segata Sanshiro said:
If this console generation is sporting the "best hardcore gaming has to offer", hardcore gaming really ought to be disappointed at its subpar efforts.

If that were even remotely true Metacrtic et al shouldn't be filled with so many A games this gen. While, one could argue some of those hardly deserved the grades they got it's kind of hard to put that case forward with any kind of blanket statement for so many games.


suffah said:
No, November is always a big month and R2 will definitely move some consoles.

That said, I wonder if LBP will break 750k stateside this year.

PS3? November? I doubt it... In this economic climate where people watch every buck, no way.

Shit, Best Buys black friday deal has PS3 with old RC and old BD for $399.... and on the other hand, you get 4 free movies/games with $300 360 bundle.

With people watching over their money, good blu-ray players being under $200, PS3 wont fly off the shelves.

If all of this happened last year, when economy was in good mood, then shit yeah. But it isnt, and it isnt... so sucks to be Sony...

Sure does not help that they Yen is so high too, they are losing enough money as it is.
Segata Sanshiro said:
If this console generation is sporting the "best hardcore gaming has to offer", hardcore gaming really ought to be disappointed at its subpar efforts.

Does anyone have a gif of someone talking out their ass?


shooting blanks
Blu_LED said:
Seriously how much money has Nintendo made off Mario Kart Wii, Wii Play and Wii Fit so far? They are not even that good of game.....espically Play.....

I'm kinda shocked, and happy that Fable 2 made number 1. I think it totally deserves it.

I hope LBP does better. With the total lack of marketing (nobody I talked to even knew about this game) and the delay, I'm glad it made the 10 top, but seriously it deserves to do better.

Yeah and fable 2 sold that in 10 days


lawblob said:
Isn't this where you should rattle off a list of Wii games that nobody cares about, but Wii owners claim are all awesome?

The good part about being a multi-console owner like me is that I don't have to pretend that the Wii is anything other than what it is.

2008 has been an orgy of fantastic games for the PS3 / 360. Wii, on the other hand, has had like 3 AAA games the entire year.

I like you making your huge generalizations, but I'm a multi-console owner myself, and I still don't have to pretend anything. But thanks for playing!

(Besides, even if I make a list, you'd try to put down all the titles based on your opinion, you seem like the type)
spwolf said:
80k for 10 months? Well it is certainly not happening in Japan why the hell would it happen anywhere else? Positive word of mouth? :lol
You do realise US/EU is a much bigger market then Japan now right? Nothing's set in stone but is it that hard to believe Wii Music can have legs?

Hunter D said:
This gen was decided last year.

1. Wii
2. 360
3. PS3
This gen was decided the moment the Wii was unveiled.


polyh3dron said:

That's the kind of reaction I love to see on page 8.


Junior Member
chespace said:
Who said anything about recession proof? Wha?

It's useless to play the "what if" game because it detracts from the point -- being that Nintendo's success is good for the industry, and does not harm the profitability and popularity of HD consoles.

In the end, it's a happy coexistence for all HW companies. The only folks who lose here are Wii-only owners who miss out on the best hardcore gaming has to offer.
Nah, you didn't say anything about the recession, I was just making a point. You did infer the Wii's success was of no great consequence one way or the other, which couldn't be any further from reality.


Eteric Rice said:
Perhaps, but it's hard to say. Ubisoft isn't doing as great with their Wii games as they once were.

I'd say the DS in some weird way is probably having a better effect on the HD consoles than the Wii is. :lol
dont think so.. the DS is a very very specific market dominated by Nintendo, Square Enix, THQ and maybe activision.. I dont think that any of those development dollars are going to fund HD projects as THQ is not making that many HD games, Square Enix is putting their dev dollars on DS and PSP and Activisions DS devision is vicarious vision.. (and they dont make HD games)

lawblob said:
Isn't this where you should rattle off a list of Wii games that nobody cares about, but Wii owners claim are all awesome?

The good part about being a multi-console owner like me is that I don't have to pretend that the Wii is anything other than what it is.

2008 has been an orgy of fantastic games for the PS3 / 360. Wii, on the other hand, has had like 3 AAA games the entire year.

wait a sec.. i still have not received my Fable II and Gears II copies but i consider the Wii having a really good lineup this year.. with nice surprises like FFCC MyLifeasaKing, Boom Blox or De Blob..

The 360 only had very predictable albeit high quality games.. with some bummers (GTA IV,... while being good is not the best game ever like people claimed.. NG II is great also but everything outside of the fighting system is not up to date..)


sillymonkey321 said:
In these hundreds of posts no one is really talking about Motorstorm, i figured it didn't get released till November. *looks up it's release date* Apparently it came out Oct. 28th? Would be nice to see what it sold, but i'm not surprised at how poorly it did.

MS2 did a lot less than LBP thats for sure... in Europe it wasnt in top 10 anywhere.

I dont think anyone is talking enough how good SOCOM sold... up to few months ago, heck few weeks before its release, game had no coverage and what it had said that it was just poor/mediocre game, period. Not to forget it is MP only game too.


Nooreo said:

What the fuck are you guys gonna do about this?!!

Clearly they currently don't give a fuck about PS3 being a massive hit anymore, they just want to stay in the black for now. I can't believe it's been 2 years later and the price range is STILL $400-500.


Meanwhile at Nintendo Headquarters....

Nintendo henchman: Sir! The NPD numbers are out. Wii Music has bombed in America!

Iwata: What?!?! How is this possible.... We have to re-evaluate everything... quick... tear down those plans.

Nintendo henchman: But the Wii 2 plans... they're almost complete.

Iwata: Scrap everything! Wii Music was a failure. We're going in a new direction.

Nintendo henchman: But Sir, our Wii sales were off the charts! We did over 8..

Iwata: Forget it. Call up Capcom. Tell them we're reconsidering their "Sporgenblorg" project.

Nintendo henchman: Y-yes sir... Er.. What should we do with Miyamoto?

Iwata: Don't tell him anything yet, but lock down the building. We don't want him to escape before we can deal with him. *Twirls DS stylus maniacally*


Amir0x said:
I don't know if it deserves THIS big sales (would have preferred Dead Space to have that, personally), but it was such a big improvement on the first.

However, for Fable III I need them to drop that dialogue system or at least greatly increase the complexity. There's this beautiful world to explore, and so many unique individuals, but conversations are relegated to one liners and farting.
Fable II let me woo a married woman, get her to fall in love with me, marry her, give her a generous household budget and then let me trick her into following me to a place where I executed her (she got Electrocution on the ol' Wheel of Death thingy), and my reward was a weapon that is specially designed to slaughter the innocent.

I respect that in a game. :lol

Between that and being able to catch an STD, it deserves every copy sold. Well that and the combat system is crazy good. Anyhoo I just like to see good work rewarded; I'm not yet through the game but it's been delightful so far.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Eteric Rice said:
Perhaps, but it's hard to say. Ubisoft isn't doing as great with their Wii games as they once were.

I'd say the DS in some weird way is probably having a better effect on the HD consoles than the Wii is. :lol

Nobody fucking knows what would happen if the Wii never existed. Why get yourselves all hard with this fantasy about it?

The reality of market today is that the Wii is selling to folks who would have never bought a game console to begin with. This opens doors of opportunity for both MS and Sony.

And to those out there who feel that this generation is lacking in quality and innovation compared to previous ones, well... there's always Virtual Console, I guess. :lol


spwolf said:
80k for 10 months? Well it is certainly not happening in Japan why would it happen anywhere else?

If you were familiar with how sales go in the U.S. for Nintendo/expanded audience titles, you wouldn't be questioning it so fervently. ;)
spwolf said:
I dont think anyone is talking enough how good SOCOM sold... up to few months ago, heck few weeks before its release, game had no coverage and what it had said that it was just poor/mediocre game, period. Not to forget it is MP only game too.

Are you really surprised? Socom has a hell of a following. Even the PSP games sold well.
jett said:
Clearly they currently don't give a fuck about PS3 being a massive hit anymore, they just want to stay in the black for now. I can't believe it's been 2 years later and the price range is STILL $400-500.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing.....

Either that or they are seriously confused with what people want. That 160 gig Uncharted bundle for $499....just....:lol...moving backwards guys....


Thunder Monkey said:
The only title on that list that I have any interest in is Fable 2.

The rest of those titles will likely be just like Mass Effect, GTAIV, DMC4, and so many other titles this gen. Purely overrated shit.
Maybe this hobby isn't for you.


ayrkain said:
Sorry, I'll clarify. It's no victory for the 360 to sell half the number of consoles that Nintendo did with a lower price point. The PS3 obviously needs a price cut badly, but I wouldn't bet on it actually happening. Whether or not the 360 has games that I like or not, it's still a second with a lower price point and a year's head start.

Dude..didn't mean to single your post out,sorry. It was really directed at the board in general more than anything. While I did expect the 360 to have better sales than what it did,the fact is there are 3 brands and all carry great game experiences. The whole U.S. market having a massive recession still doesn't have everyone including their grandmother running out to buy these machines. Ofcourse the Wii is a different story,but thats more of a fresh approach to the way people think of what a gaming experience is for them,its a new type of way to play I suppose.

As for Sony...I know its a radical statement but I'd personally rip out the BluRay,or atleast make a cheaper version that is non BluRay. Sorta go with a new plan,were only midway through this gen. so why not? Start turning more heads with the machine,start selling better,making money,start getting the consumer's confidence back,do that before this gen. ends and they can maybe have people forget the mess they are in at the moment.

Now it doesn't mean they should abandon BluRay,no I can respect the videophiles who love their HD format for films. But its just that well why not offer a version of the pS3 without it? Would that be so bad? They skipped out on b/c and that more gaming related than BluRay is,so I don't think it would be any type of crushing blow to the gaming community,it'd just make the machine cheaper to buy for some who don' really care for BluRay.


spwolf said:
MS2 did a lot less than LBP thats for sure... in Europe it wasnt in top 10 anywhere.

I dont think anyone is talking enough how good SOCOM sold... up to few months ago, heck few weeks before its release, game had no coverage and what it had said that it was just poor/mediocre game, period. Not to forget it is MP only game too.

Yeah i'm surprised it's in the Top 10.

Socom had a big following on the Ps2 though, so it makes some sense at least. Motorstorm 2, man i called that ways ago. I said it was just like the Atv games and shit on the Ps2, 1st one sells gangbusters because there's nothing else to play, and 2nd one doesn't even come close because there's other shit to play.

Tiktaalik said:
Meanwhile at Nintendo Headquarters....

Nintendo henchman: Sir! The NPD numbers are out. Wii Music has bombed in America!

Iwata: What?!?! How is this possible.... We have to re-evaluate everything... quick... tear down those plans.

Nintendo henchman: But the Wii 2 plans... they're almost complete.

Iwata: Scrap everything! Wii Music was a failure. We're going in a new direction.

Nintendo henchman: But Sir, our Wii sales were off the charts! We did over 8..

Iwata: Forget it. Call up Capcom. Tell them we're reconsidering their "Sporgenblorg" project.

Nintendo henchman: Y-yes sir... Er.. What should we do with Miyamoto?

Iwata: Don't tell him anything yet, but lock down the building. We don't want him to escape before we can deal with him. *Twirls DS stylus maniacally*

Somebody give this man a tissue.
Fredescu said:
The difference in quality in terms of shooters between the HD consoles and Wii is beyond stark. Across all genres? I think the argument could still be made. It depends how many games you consume though. If you only play a game every month or two, then maybe the output on the Wii would be enough. It simply isn't if you play a lot of games.
My big problem from last gen to this, is the surprising lack of games I'm playing at all.

I owned well over 100 games last gen between the four platforms. This gen I own less then 20 across two. Heavily tilted toward the Wii.

I don't see the quality difference. I didn't before I owned a 360, I definitely don't after. But then again I don't tend to like FPS, or TPS. And that seems to be just about everything the 360 has to offer. Fable2, Banjo, and Mirrors Edge are probably my 360 haul for the remainder of the year. My Wii haul will likely be de Blob, Deadly Creatures, Mushroom Men, and Animal Crossing.
I think that the Wii Music sales numbers should make everyone happy.

- Nintendo haters can (stupidly) be happy for obvious (and stupid) reasons.

- Nintendo fanboys can be happy that Nintendo has 'gotten the message' that even they (the fanboys) have certain limitations on the kinds of dicks they'll suck.

- The adults who actually like this game (god bless them), and the children who (perhaps reasonably) like this game will, can be happy because they'll still get to play it.

Why would anyone be sad? Great news all around!


is now taking requests
Don't see why Dead Space has disappointing sales. Should be about 300k combined, is that really bad for a new IP? I'm not that much into salesage but still.

Lack of GH is pleasing. Do not like (overpriced) peripherals with my games.
Tiktaalik said:
Meanwhile at Nintendo Headquarters....

Nintendo henchman: Sir! The NPD numbers are out. Wii Music has bombed in America!

Iwata: What?!?! How is this possible.... We have to re-evaluate everything... quick... tear down those plans.

Nintendo henchman: But the Wii 2 plans... they're almost complete.

Iwata: Scrap everything! Wii Music was a failure. We're going in a new direction.

Nintendo henchman: But Sir, our Wii sales were off the charts! We did over 8..

Iwata: Forget it. Call up Capcom. Tell them we're reconsidering their "Sporgenblorg" project.

Nintendo henchman: Y-yes sir... Er.. What should we do with Miyamoto?

Iwata: Don't tell him anything yet, but lock down the building. We don't want him to escape before we can deal with him. *Twirls DS stylus maniacally*
:lol Perfect.


donny2112 said:
If you were familiar with how sales go in the U.S. for Nintendo/expanded audience titles, you wouldn't be questioning it so fervently. ;)

Maybe you can enlighten him and the rest of us ;)




I heard that half the shipments of LBP were still on trucks when the NDP deadline passed. Should be much higher next month!
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