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Official October 2008 NPD Results


Oh shiz I just noticed Motorstorm 2 bombed bigtime. BUBUBU TEH FIRST ONE SOLD 3 MILLION...yeah pack-in sales people, all I see in the used Ps3 software section are "not for resale" editions of Motorflop. :lol
Holy crap at 803k for the Wii, one can only imagine what they have ready to ship for Nov/Dec....

360 pulls back that all-important "Second Place" crown for 2008, and Fable 2 pulling in some decent numbers. I'm sure Peter is having a pint of ale at The Sandgoose to celebrate.


Not that I care about sales too much but can we get a number for what Golden Axe Beast Rider did? Just very curious,if it was a total bomb or if if charted at all.
sillymonkey321 said:
I vow to never put a "Secret ___ game" on a list. Ever.

I vow never to make a game list.

jett said:
Oh shiz I just noticed Motorstorm 2 bombed bigtime. BUBUBU TEH FIRST ONE SOLD 3 MILLION...yeah pack-in sales people, all I see in the used Ps3 software section are "not for resale" editions of Motorflop. :lol

Post launch google sales for MS1 confirmed?


PS3 has had a fantastic year in terms of games, not sales but games. Year of the PS3 indeed
talking about games people


LCfiner said:
is this a fucking joke? "secret PS3 game"

take it off the list and suddenly your argument is credible.
Was a joke.

Anyway, I guess you might be able to put Heavy Rain in the list.


BishopLamont said:
I'm going to enjoy it when Wii Music keeps selling, while LBP drops off the face of the earth. Wii Music is fun for the kids, think of the kids guys!

:lol :lol :lol

I need to bookmark this stuff.

Eteric Rice

MikeE21286 said:
The casuals "graduate" into "core" theory confirmed?

Well, it could be pushed, since a Wii ____ game actually bombed. Miyamoto may see this as a sign that it's time to give them something more interesting.

PhoenixDark said:
Like Wii Fit

No, more like Mario Kart Wii.


gtj1092 said:
Why don't we point out the people that said LBP wouldn't even make the top 10 in october?

Hint: they greatly outnumbered the people who thought it would be huge out of the gate, but don't let that stop you now

I am honestly shocked it made the top 10. I predicted it to tank, frankly, so I am surprised it did this well.

Also, lol at Wii owners gloating. I fail to see the joy in owning a system with no good games released in the last six months, and none in the next six.


ayrkain said:
PS3 really sucked, but funnier still is watching the 360 apologists spin this as a victory. Less than half the sales with a lower price point. Ouch.
Hey look, TJ Hooker is back too.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
good sales for 360. Looks like it will handily beat the PS3 this year with sure Nov + Dec sales coming. Poor Sony. Mismanaged the hell out of the PS3 with pricing and cuts.


Man, jett is truly enjoying himself. :lol Mr. Negativity no more!

BishopLamont said:
I'm going to enjoy it when Wii Music keeps selling, while LBP drops off the face of the earth. Wii Music is fun for the kids, think of the kids guys!
Evlar said:
No thanks, I'm sure Whitta can defend himself. Sorry to interrupt your axe-grinding, won't happen again.

Apparently from your previous posts, he can't. Oh well, keep up with this:


Let me know if you need a replacement keyboard - my treat :D


Junior Member
CoG said:
Tim Robbins being prison-raped by The Sisters would be more appropriate :lol
:lol I tried to find that when I originally posted this months ago, needless to say I didn't find it. :lol


shooting blanks
LCfiner said:
is this a fucking joke? "secret PS3 game"

take it off the list and suddenly your argument is credible.

Secret ps3 game is the funniest shit I've ever seen in a list in my life :lol
X26 said:
man the wiifans are going to run out of pants at this rate
I'm surprised there isn't more bitching from all ends this generation.

Aside from the rare BioShock, SMG, MP3, MGS4, and Mirrors Edge, where are all of the great games this generation?

Even past greats can't live up to their history.
So what happens next month when LBP October 2008 sales (5 Days) > LBP November 2008 sales (30 Days)?

'Cause I don't see another 215K in its immediate future.

We can still blame the recall, right? :D
The fact that the 360 is the only console with 3rd party sales in the top 10, just shows that the Wii's insane sales will never affect MS. Plus having the top seller of the month be a 1st party MS game is just icing on the cake.


non-sanctioned troll
Haunted said:
That wouldn't surprise me at all. :lol

There is no doubt about it, just browse over to OA (you don't have to be registered to view the threads). It's definitely Snah/Hans avoiding his permaban.
X26 said:
Yea, who's he think he is! I mean just look at all those...great...games....that have and...are...coming ouuuuuuuut GAAHHH

sorry, couldn't do it

I'm not the one who said "that's all Sony/MS fans have to look forward to". His comment was stupid.


I wonder how many years/months until the PS3 is discontinued. Personally I'm pretty sure it's gonna get xbox'd soon.


B-Rad Lascelle said:
So what happens next month when LBP October 2008 sales (5 Days) > LBP November 2008 sales (30 Days)?

'Cause I don't see another 215K in its immediate future.

We can still blame the recall, right? :D
Any reason to be happy about this beyond rank systemwarz?


jett said:
I wonder how many years/months until the PS3 is discontinued. Personally I'm pretty sure it's gonna get xbox'd soon.
JEsus christ there isn't a big enough rolleyes smiley in the whole fucking world


ayrkain said:
PS3 really sucked, but funnier still is watching the 360 apologists spin this as a victory. Less than half the sales with a lower price point. Ouch.

Ouch? The fuck are you on? PS3 was obliterated once again this month can you not grasp reality?
I'll spell out out for you. The PS3 was the least favored machine that consumers wanted overall. It came in dead last AGAIN. Its a trend that's been going on for all but a few months since the generation has started. Its also still loosing money while Nintendo and Microsoft are sitting back counting thee green,having a good laugh while Sony struggles to break even.
But again the numbers don't lie. Sony is the least favored console out there,its being kicked around like a mutt.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
B-Rad Lascelle said:
So what happens next month when LBP October 2008 sales (5 Days) > LBP November 2008 sales (30 Days)?

'Cause I don't see another 215K in its immediate future.

We can still blame the recall, right? :D

Most likely we will never know since NPD no longer provides us with top 20 or top 10's for each system. Funny how nobody leaks stuff anymore inconspicuosly like back in the day.
WrikaWrek said:
Wait for "Secret PS3 game", is the new shit. You just can't beat it, cause it's secret bitch

Sony fans have adopted the 'waiting for unannounced game' style from Nintendo fans, that's not to say Nintendo fans still don't practice it in much higher numbers these days.


I'll pick up Dead Space when it hits the bargain bins... there are just too many games right now, and a lot of people probably feel the same way.

It's tough to launch a brand new IP against some of the top sellers of the year in October. There is a lesson to be learnt there. I hope Mirror's Edge does better...


mysticstylez said:
The fact that the 360 is the only console with 3rd party sales in the top 10, just shows that the Wii's insane sales will never affect MS. Plus having the top seller of the month be a 1st party MS game is just icing on the cake.

Some people keep going on about 3rd party's ignoring the wii, as if they somehow are all ocmplete idiots and are purposely "missing the boat". The wii is not 3rd party freindly outside the regular uber casual fare, the end.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
So what happens next month when LBP October 2008 sales (5 Days) > LBP November 2008 sales (30 Days)?

'Cause I don't see another 215K in its immediate future.

We can still blame the recall, right? :D
I'd be shocked if LBP even charted at all next month.

Anyone expecting it to show up in the top 10 with 215,000 units for November is just... not bright. It very well could sell higher then that, but I doubt it even charts.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
So what happens next month when LBP October 2008 sales (5 Days) > LBP November 2008 sales (30 Days)?

'Cause I don't see another 215K in its immediate future.

We can still blame the recall, right? :D

So you dont think the recall hurt Little Big Planets numbers?
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