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Official October 2008 NPD Results


All the paranoid hate for Wii Music is rather hilarious, as if all Ninty had planned for the future was a half-dozen sequels, and the low sales have resulted in the canning of all of them...


kpop100 said:
So you think Wii Music was a smashing success?

In terms of spent costs vs sales probably. Is this the "ZOMG system seller for casuals" Probably not but with Wii Fit and Mario Kart (and soon Animal Crossing) i dont think Nintendo needed that either.


lawblob said:
Also, lol at Wii owners gloating. I fail to see the joy in owning a system with no good games released in the last six months, and none in the next six.


Gloating is silly, but not as bad as making outrageously stupid or ignorant claims like your own. Grow up.


Oh, already? Somehow I expected the results only next week.

Wii impressive as always, DS not as much as it used to be. PS3 and LBP: :( People don't like awesome looking games?


sonycowboy said:



Tiktaalik said:
Req: Sales of:

Monster Lab
Lock's Quest
Monster Lab - ;_; No one, no one talks about it. single digits, probably.
Castlevania - Should be acceptable, probably in line with previous entries.
Lock's Quest - no idea

At least these are my predictions. Doubt we'll actually get any data about the latter.
Of course LBP planet didn't sell that many copies. It was on on the shelves for like an hour and a half....

Those Wii sales are astonishing.

Not bad 360 sales. Though I must admit it irks me that people are willing to pay more for less. I'm talking purely in terms of hardware cost/power, not making a judgement on the relative value of machines.


gtj1092 said:
Why don't we point out the people that said LBP wouldn't even make the top 10 in october?

Hint: they greatly outnumbered the people who thought it would be huge out of the gate, but don't let that stop you now

Because most people predicting this were predicating it on GHWT taking up 2-3 spots in the top 10.

LBP did about the same first month sales that I was expecting, and I wasn't expecting it to hit the top 10 this month.

It's more GHWT bomba than LBP doing well that's gotten it on the top 10

mr stroke

MikeE21286 said:
I was, but I think the SOCOM brand name just exhausted all it's sales (that and the headset pack-in). It will be nowhere to be found next month.

I think maybe the LBP marketing got rolled out a little too late. I still don't think many people know of this games existence outside of GAF and other places. The problem with LBP is that I think Sony wanted to get the casual gamer in with it, but the PS3 price point is just too high. $299 needs to happen......

outside of geekville and hardcore gamers not many really know what LBP even is. I would be blown away to see the game even get to 400k this year(in US)
LCfiner said:
OK, your humor was too subtle for me, I guess :).

I've been on GAF too long: too many crazy lists that are made seriously just have me shaking my head at some of the spinning.

going back to PS3 sales, is anyone surprised (as I was) that SOCOM outsold LBP on the PS3? I hadn't really heard much hype for Socom, but the sales show it selling around 15K more.
SOCOM's got quite a strong following in the US, actually. Hardcores are always underestimating that series.
DMeisterJ said:
Wouldn't it be 2.5 actually?

GC = 99 dollars
Wii = 250 dollars

Wii = 2 Gamecubes

Therefore Wii makes them 2.5 times the money.

Math Reggie can get with!

You forgot to calculate duct tape.
Teriyaki said:
Wow at Fable 2. It's like everyone who picked up a Wii also grabbed a copy of it at the register.

Poor LBP and Dead Space. :(

I think they actually didn't print that many copies of Dead Space thinking that it would tank. In a few places I went to it was sold out on 360 and only scant PS3 copies were around. Probably just my area though.


Tiktaalik said:
Wii Music bombing is sweet justice. It makes up for Dead Space doing so horribly.

If Animal Crossing bombs it will be sweet as well, though my reasons for not liking Animal Crossing Wii are different than yours Amir0x. Nintendo shouldn't be rewarded for pumping out a near clone of one of their earlier titles.

Wii Music's terribleness is really enough of a victory: I need no sales to hate shit. But the concept itself was something I personally never wanted to see spread. It was one of the most insipid and cynical pieces of software I've ever played, and enjoying it virtually demanded an endless amount of personal compromises of taste.

It is the truest test of the fanboy: If you can formulate a defense, and then wrap it up by the pretense of your supposed "musical career" and all the years you've been to "music school", you can possibly legitimize this sorry, backward ass piece of non-functional noise making.

You can reduce it to a simple fact: music is about making things which sound good. I understand why they might have had to gone with the midi, but that does not excuse the inevitable result: that everything sounds like it was grinded through the massive ass cheeks of Cameron Manheim.

Music making that always sounds terrible is all the justification anyone needs to crap from up high on the product, everything else that was awful about it was gravy.

So, anyway, even if Wii Music revives itself and finds its apologists and ends up with legs, it puts a small smile on my face.
chespace said:

The divide between Nintendo fans and PS360 fans has come to a point where both sides aren't even educated anymore on what's available on either platform.

I admit, I have never heard of this Monster Lab game that's supposed to be like the second coming of fucking Front Mission on Wii. But I'm intrigued nonetheless.

Very true. I think a big part of this on the Wii front is that the 'good' games are coming from small unknown devs. The other way around would be just ignorance, but that isn't the case. Wii only owners seem to be very aware of whats on the gaming consoles and instead of forking out the huge sum of $200 for a 360, they just complain about it's not on their system.
Socom really isn't that big of a surprise. It's always had a rabid following and I just wonder how many people downloaded it (since they are not counted in this).

LBP will do just fine over the holiday season.


BishopLamont said:
Too much Wii Music hate and LBP love, I'm just balancing things out. ;)
The numbers already "balance things out". Wii Music bombing.. not every Nintendo game can be a winner. If you really want to help, promote Monster Lab or something. :lol

Angelus said:
I dedicate this in Shane's honor.


kpop100 said:
So you think Wii Music was a smashing success?

Goodness, no! It's also not a bomb after 1 month's of sales, either. If it averages 80K per month for the next 10 months (you know, typical "expanded audience" sales curve made all the easier by the next two months being Nov/Dec), would you consider it a bomb? ;)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Weisheit said:
I wonder if you'd be singing the same tune if the Wii didn't exist, the industry wouldn't be so recession proof than, would it?

Yep, it doesn't change anything...

Who said anything about recession proof? Wha?

It's useless to play the "what if" game because it detracts from the point -- being that Nintendo's success is good for the industry, and does not harm the profitability and popularity of HD consoles.

In the end, it's a happy coexistence for all HW companies. The only folks who lose here are Wii-only owners who miss out on the best hardcore gaming has to offer.


I'd forgotten today was NPD day. I'm delighted with Fable II sales; such a lovely game. I was pretty disappointed in the first, but this one did everything I was hoping for and more. Well done, Peter.


Thunder Monkey said:
I'm surprised there isn't more bitching from all ends this generation.

Aside from the rare BioShock, SMG, MP3, MGS4, and Mirrors Edge, where are all of the great games this generation?

Even past greats can't live up to their history.
This season has been so poor for the Wii, and I say that as someone who has just about every decent Wii game and more Wii games than any other system etc etc. Recently for 360/PC I have bought FIFA 09, Fallout 3, Mirrors Edge, Fable 2, Gears 2, World of Goo, plus playing the Left 4 Dead demo constantly, wanting to replay The Witcher Enhanced Edition, and wanting to check out Dead Space and Farcry 2 in the new year when things calm down.

In that same period on the Wii I have bought de Blob and Warioland.

I like my Wii, but the comparison is stark.


I am shocked at how limp PS3 is. Now that it has shot its wad for holiday 09, won't its numbers only get comparatively worse next month?

Resistance 2 is a joke compared to Gears 2 in terms of numbers / consumer awareness. PS3's holiday HW sales are totally fucked. :(


Teriyaki said:
Wow at Fable 2. It's like everyone who picked up a Wii also grabbed a copy of it at the register.

I bet more new Wii owners in October bought Fable 2 with their system than Wii Music :lol


Publishers need to realize that unless you get a massive hype campaign going early on like Assassins Creed, you can't release your new IP near the release of big launches of sequels.
lawblob said:
I really am shocked at how limp the PS3 is. Now that it has officially shot its Holiday 2009 wad, won't its numbers just get comparatively worse next month? Resistance 2 is a joke compared to Gears 2 in terms of numbers / consumer awareness. The PS3's holiday HW sales are totally fucked. :(

Wait till Killzone 2

it was inevitable


mysticstylez said:
I don't think one can stress how sweet that would be. However we are talking about Animal Crossing, the DS version sold great, so I doubt it will bomb.

See this is how my reasoning for wanting it to bomb is different than Amir0x and co's. I played Animal Crossing DS, having never played the GC game, and I thought it was a really interesting game, strangely compelling, but it didn't really go anywhere or have "an end game" and so overall it was a mixed experience.

I'm upset about Animal Crossing Wii because instead of looking at the DS game and trying to figure out they could push the ideas further they're essentially just re-wrapping the experience with little fundamental additions. Pathetic!
Don't suppose there's a chance of someone being able to dig up some Motorstorm numbers is there? I'd be interested to see how close to the top ten it was.


GhaleonEB said:
I'd forgotten today was NPD day. I'm delighted with Fable II sales; such a lovely game. I was pretty disappointed in the first, but this one did everything I was hoping for and more. Well done, Peter.

I don't know if it deserves THIS big sales (would have preferred Dead Space to have that, personally), but it was such a big improvement on the first.

However, for Fable III I need them to drop that dialogue system or at least greatly increase the complexity. There's this beautiful world to explore, and so many unique individuals, but conversations are relegated to one liners and farting.


Fredescu said:
This season has been so poor for the Wii, and I say that as someone who has just about every decent Wii game and more Wii games than any other system etc etc. Recently for 360/PC I have bought FIFA 09, Fallout 3, Mirrors Edge, Fable 2, Gears 2, World of Goo, plus playing the Left 4 Dead demo constantly, wanting to replay The Witcher Enhanced Edition, and wanting to check out Dead Space and Farcry 2 in the new year when things calm down.

In that same period on the Wii I have bought de Blob and Warioland.

I like my Wii, but the comparison is stark.
To be fair, you could have bought World of Goo on your Wii. ;)


kpop100 said:
I bet more new Wii owners in October bought Fable 2 with their system than Wii Music :lol
Nintendo wishes they could make a game with the crossover of depth with casual appeal that Fable 2 has. (I kind of wish they did too since it would have less bugs, but it would also have less digging up condoms, so hey, the good with the bad and all that).
WrikaWrek said:
Publishers need to realize that unless you get a massive hype campaign going early on like Assassins Creed, you can't release your new IP near the release of big launches of sequels.

The only reason I got Dead Space was because of the GAF official thread impressions sadly. I thought that game would be typical EA hokum until that.
WOAH, I mean WOAH!

Wii Music and Guitar Hero didn't make the top 10?

Fable 2 was the best-selling game of the month?

LittleBigPlanet actually MADE the top 10. HOLY CRAP! I could've sworn that it would'n't have due to the delay.


lawblob said:
Also, lol at Wii owners gloating. I fail to see the joy in owning a system with no good games released in the last six months, and none in the next six.

Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?


Does maths and stuff
lawblob said:
I am shocked at how limp PS3 is. Now that it has shot its wad for holiday 09, won't its numbers only get comparatively worse next month?

Resistance 2 is a joke compared to Gears 2 in terms of numbers / consumer awareness. PS3's holiday HW sales are totally fucked. :(

No, November is always a big month and R2 will definitely move some consoles.

That said, I wonder if LBP will break 750k stateside this year.


shooting blanks
Amir0x said:
You can reduce it to a simple fact: music is about making things which sound good. I understand why they might have had to gone with the midi, but that does not excuse the inevitable result: that everything sounds like it was grinded through the massive ass cheeks of Cameron Manheim.


Post of the day

Eteric Rice

chespace said:
Who said anything about recession proof? Wha?

It's useless to play the "what if" game because it detracts from the point -- being that Nintendo's success is good for the industry, and does not harm the profitability and popularity of HD consoles.

In the end, it's a happy coexistence for all HW companies. The only folks who lose here are Wii-only owners who miss out on the best hardcore gaming has to offer.

Um, it's very likely that if the Wii didn't exist, there would be...

1. More games on the HD consoles.

2. More HD consoles sold.

So yeah, it's effecting them, even if you don't see it. And we're only 2 years in so far with the Wii recently getting closer to being the biggest world wide.


Kuroyume said:
That's what EA gets for not releasing a Dead Space demo.

You, sir, may be on to something.
How well did BioShock sell in its first month last year? The demo obviously had some effect on that and I feel like the two games were in similar positions market-wise.


botticus said:
To be fair, you could have bought World of Goo on your Wii. ;)
True, but when I get the option to play a puzzler in windowed mode and let my wife use the good TV, I'll take the PC option each time.
chespace said:
Who said anything about recession proof? Wha?

It's useless to play the "what if" game because it detracts from the point -- being that Nintendo's success is good for the industry, and does not harm the profitability and popularity of HD consoles.

In the end, it's a happy coexistence for all HW companies. The only folks who lose here are Wii-only owners who miss out on the best hardcore gaming has to offer.
If this console generation is sporting the "best hardcore gaming has to offer", hardcore gaming really ought to be disappointed at its subpar efforts.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Wow, Wii Music did even worse than I expected.

And Guitar Hero.. wow.

Interesting interesting month.
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