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Official October 2008 NPD Results


I hope Bethesda was lying about the 4.7 milion of units of Fallout 3, or they singlehandedly have the biggest bomba since E.T. :lol
Today, Wii Music comes out in the UK. I will be doing my own little social experiment and seeing how many people choose Wii Music, over Guitar Hero (both released at the same time).

Tomorrow will be a super fun day at work. Oh the taste of marmite.

I have to say, one thing did impress me about Wii Music. God damn is the packaging impressive. Shame they never do that with Zelda or Mario eh?
DrForester said:


Xbox 360:



I like the 360 being the Enterprise E, but why is DS Defiant and Wii TNG, etc?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Tiktaalik said:
Meanwhile at Nintendo Headquarters....

Nintendo henchman: Sir! The NPD numbers are out. Wii Music has bombed in America!

Iwata: What?!?! How is this possible.... We have to re-evaluate everything... quick... tear down those plans.

Nintendo henchman: But the Wii 2 plans... they're almost complete.

Iwata: Scrap everything! Wii Music was a failure. We're going in a new direction.

Nintendo henchman: But Sir, our Wii sales were off the charts! We did over 8..

Iwata: Forget it. Call up Capcom. Tell them we're reconsidering their "Sporgenblorg" project.

Nintendo henchman: Y-yes sir... Er.. What should we do with Miyamoto?

Iwata: Don't tell him anything yet, but lock down the building. We don't want him to escape before we can deal with him. *Twirls DS stylus maniacally*

Jtyettis said:
If that were even remotely true Metacrtic et al shouldn't be filled with so many A games this gen. While, one could argue some of those hardly deserved the grades they got it's kind of hard to put that case forward with any kind of blanket statement for so many games.
I feel pretty comfortable saying that this gen has a long way to go to match last gen, and given the lackluster output on the Wii, rising costs of production all around, I'm pretty sure it's not going to.

I'll be sticking with the handhelds and my PS2. If you guys are having fun with whatever, that's great. I'm sure there are happy Wii owners, too. Doesn't mean their worldview is anywhere near matching mine.
kbear said:
Maybe this hobby isn't for you.
It did me just fine generations prior to this one. Hell, what am I saying?

I've played more great games this gen only two years in then I did last gen. They've just been great games on the Wii, and so far not on the 360.


Just some additional points. These are the current selection of MyGamerCard Achievement lists for those Xbox 360 titles, and others. MyGamerCard counts for roughly 2.5 million people, and only those who are online, and on a worldwide basis.

Dead Space: 109,889 (US: 62,606)
Fable II: 329,774 (US: 187,516)
Fallout 3: 196,968 (US: 124,390)
Saints Row 2: 139,911 (US: 74,911)
NBA 2K9: 41,739 (US: 32,239)

Rock Band 2: 152,273 (US: 132,985)
Guitar Hero World Tour: 73,087 (US: 57,990)
Gears Of War 2: 464,451 (US: 273,956)


Wii is a freaking monster. It is unlike ANY console we have seen before it.
Those numbers fucking ridiculous. November and December are going to be insane.

Oh and too bad for Little Big Planet....maybe it will have legs....

who am I kidding

Eteric Rice

chespace said:
Nobody fucking knows what would happen if the Wii never existed. Why get yourselves all hard with this fantasy about it?

The reality of market today is that the Wii is selling to folks who would have never bought a game console to begin with. This opens doors of opportunity for both MS and Sony.

And to those out there who feel that this generation is lacking in quality and innovation compared to previous ones, well... there's always Virtual Console, I guess. :lol


It's not really a fantasy, it's logic, smartass. Take away the Wii, and it's bigger games (Madworld, No More Heroes, etc) either wouldn't exist, or would, but on the HD consoles.

This generation isn't any different than the last. It's just that HD fanboys seem to have convieniently forgotten all of the games released last generation. Most of what we're getting now are sequels, decent but short games, and a handfull of truely different games (LBP, Galaxy).
Fio said:
I hope Bethesda was lying about the 4.7 milion of units of Fallout 3, or they singlehandedly have the biggest bomba since E.T. :lol

On the plus side, there will be plenty hanging around stock rooms!

/rubs hands and looks forward to half-price Fallout 3 in the January sales.
Wii Will Rock U said:
WOAH, I mean WOAH!

Wii Music and Guitar Hero didn't make the top 10?

Fable 2 was the best-selling game of the month?

LittleBigPlanet actually MADE the top 10. HOLY CRAP! I could've sworn that it would'n't have due to the delay.

I think another thing working in LBPs favor this holiday season (hopefully) is that I know many people that want to get LBP, but because of the huge amount of games that came out in October/Early November, they put it on their backburner to get a bit later in the holiday season. A lot of people see it as a must have game, but not a MUST HAVE AND IMMEDIATELY PLAY AT LAUNCH sort of game like a Fallout 3 or a Fable 2.

We'll see if it pans out though.


TruthJunky said:
I think that the Wii Music sales numbers should make everyone happy.

- Nintendo haters will (stupidly) be happy for obvious reasons.

- Nintendo fanboys will be happy that Nintendo will have 'gotten the message' that even they (the fanboys) have certain limitations on the kinds of dicks they'll suck.

- The adults who actually like this game (god bless them), and the children who (perhaps reasonably) like this game will still get to play it.

Why would anyone be sad? Great news all around!
wth... why should any nintendo fanboy be happy about a nintendogame not selling.. that does not make any sense.. besides 80k is not that bad.. the holiday season is still going on and with the wii being so strong i could see it selling a lot

but the main engine for the wii is definately wii fit this holiday season

I think the bigger surprise is that Guitar Hero did not crack the Top 10...
jorma said:
Don't see why Dead Space has disappointing sales. Should be about 300k combined, is that really bad for a new IP? I'm not that much into salesage but still.

Probably had a pretty high budget and will most likely fall off in sales next month with all the competition but who knows I suppose.


Angelus said:
Dude..didn't mean to single your post out,sorry. It was really directed at the board in general more than anything. While I did expect the 360 to have better sales than what it did,the fact is there are 3 brands and all carry great game experiences. The whole U.S. market having a massive recession still doesn't have everyone including their grandmother running out to buy these machines. Ofcourse the Wii is a different story,but thats more of a fresh approach to the way people think of what a gaming experience is for them,its a new type of way to play I suppose.

As for Sony...I know its a radical statement but I'd personally rip out the BluRay,or atleast make a cheaper version that is non BluRay. Sorta go with a new plan,were only midway through this gen. so why not? Start turning more heads with the machine,start selling better,making money,start getting the consumer's confidence back,do that before this gen. ends and they can maybe have people forget the mess they are in at the moment.

Now it doesn't mean they should abandon BluRay,no I can respect the videophiles who love their HD format for films. But its just that well why not offer a version of the pS3 without it? Would that be so bad? They skipped out on b/c and that more gaming related than BluRay is,so I don't think it would be any type of crushing blow to the gaming community,it'd just make the machine cheaper to buy for some who don' really care for BluRay.

No worries. I don't think they can divorce Blu at this stage. Their strategy is basically to weather a bad holiday season and get to the point where they might make some money. I think they've resigned themselves to third at this point, no matter what the PR people say.


TruthJunky said:
I think that the Wii Music sales numbers should make everyone happy.

- Nintendo haters can (stupidly) be happy for obvious (and stupid) reasons.

- Nintendo fanboys can be happy that Nintendo has have 'gotten the message' that even they (the fanboys) have certain limitations ...

- The adults who actually like this game (god bless them), and the children who (perhaps reasonably) like this game will, can be happy because they'll still get to play it.

Why would anyone be sad? Great news all around!

I haven't notice you around before, but why is your username so appropriate to this post?


Thunder Monkey said:
I've played more great games this gen only two years in then I did last gen.

Ok, i guess, maybe, hard to believe but ok whatever.

Thunder Monkey said:
They've just been great games on the Wii, and so far not on the 360.


Did you own a NCage last gen? Or a gamecube?
Thunder Monkey said:
It did me just fine generations prior to this one. Hell, what am I saying?

I've played more great games this gen only two years in then I did last gen. They've just been great games on the Wii, and so far not on the 360.

LMAO!!!! Please tell me you are drunk or high on some shit. To say that there has been no great games on 360 so far is the same thing as saying that masturbation sucks. Either one you say, you are a fucking liar.


BishopLamont said:
You do realise US/EU is a much bigger market then Japan now right? Nothing's set in stone but is it that hard to believe Wii Music can have legs?

This gen was decided the moment the Wii was unveiled.

ehm, I am talking about drop of sales not actual number of sales... Wii Music can have legs, but starting point of 80k means it is not going to sell billions. I mean 80k.. thats just bad. Worse than bad. You had 800k people buy Wii and only 80k went for the new "blockbuster" for it..

And so many people disliking the game, game getting poor reviews, will definetly not help.
PantherLotus said:
Can I have the blue slice of the pie please!

spwolf said:
ehm, I am talking about drop of sales not actual number of sales... Wii Music can have legs, but starting point of 80k means it is not going to sell billions. I mean 80k.. thats just bad. Worse than bad. You had 800k people buy Wii and only 80k went for the new "blockbuster" for it..

And so many people disliking the game, game getting poor reviews, will definetly not help.
BBA:Wii didn't start off too good and it's at about a million in America. Reviews will do nothing to the legs of this game.
Glix said:
I know its anecdotal (which is frowned upon here @ sales-age), but I have already demo'd LBP for 4 different PS3 owners, all who had heard about it, and thought it looked somewhat cool, but had no idea what the game was about.

They all now either own the game, or are looking forward to purchasing it.

This is clearly the type of game that will see sales from word of mouth, and from seeing it at freinds houses, its just too tough to get the whole point of it across in ads.

Hopefully this comes to pass, and the game has serious legs. It certainly deserves it.

I've done the same for Wii Music. Let's see what happens next.


Second-rate Anihawk
farnham said:

I think the bigger surprise is that Guitar Hero did not crack the Top 10...
All the combined Guitar Hero SKU's would have made it the no. 2 game for the month.
It will be interesting to see if Resistance 2 follows a similar trend to Motorstorm 2 (sequel to a launch title). It's unlikely considering the genre.


Fio said:
I hope Bethesda was lying about the 4.7 milion of units of Fallout 3, or they singlehandedly have the biggest bomba since E.T. :lol
Maybe they sold them all on the PC!





Sony, it's time to make the PS3 affordable.

You're not getting away with it any longer now that the Wii and 360 are dirt cheap.


kbear said:
Maybe you can enlighten him and the rest of us ;)

Brain Age just passed 2 million. It started off slightly higher than Wii Music. No, it's not the only example, but I'm not going to try to prove something that should be this obvious. ;)
Thunder Monkey said:
It did me just fine generations prior to this one. Hell, what am I saying?

I've played more great games this gen only two years in then I did last gen. They've just been great games on the Wii, and so far not on the 360.
Ehhhh this is where I have to part ways with you on this issue. I think the Wii had an acceptable first year, but it's been really, really barren since then, even taking the quirky games selling for twice the price they should have into account.

The 360's been the best of the current lot.


Thunder Monkey said:
I don't see the quality difference. I didn't before I owned a 360, I definitely don't after. But then again I don't tend to like FPS, or TPS. And that seems to be just about everything the 360 has to offer. Fable2, Banjo, and Mirrors Edge are probably my 360 haul for the remainder of the year. My Wii haul will likely be de Blob, Deadly Creatures, Mushroom Men, and Animal Crossing.
Whether you like them or not, all you have to do to see the quality difference between the Wii and HD consoles is compare the shooters. There is a chasm. Even RPG wise, nothing on the Wii comes close to doing what Oblivion did, let alone what Fable 2 and Fallout 3 are doing now. Nothing has outdone Galaxy, no, but nothing in the Wii library has come close either.


I expected Fallout to do better: Did any one else choose between Fable 2 and Fallout 3 and grab Fable 2 this month?

I'm sure I'll get Fallout eventually, but there was a choice to be made.


spwolf said:
ehm, I am talking about drop of sales not actual number of sales... Wii Music can have legs, but starting point of 80k means it is not going to sell billions. I mean 80k.. thats just bad. Worse than bad. You had 800k people buy Wii and only 80k went for the new "blockbuster" for it..

And so many people disliking the game, game getting poor reviews, will definetly not help.
in the thread here at gaf many people actually liked the game..
WrikaWrek said:
Ok, i guess, maybe, hard to believe but ok whatever.


Did you own a NCage last gen? Or a gamecube?

mysticstylez said:
LMAO!!!! Please tell me you are drunk or high on some shit. To say that there has been no great games on 360 so far is the same thing as saying that masturbation sucks. Either one you say, you are a fucking liar.

There are four games I want on 360: Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey and maybe Fable 2.

Meanwhile, I have sixteen Wii games, fifty-seven DS games and twenty-seven PSP games.

Fuck consoles (including Wii).
mysticstylez said:
LMAO!!!! Please tell me you are drunk or high on some shit. To say that there has been no great games on 360 so far is the same thing as saying that masturbation sucks. Either one you say, you are a fucking liar.
Calm down a little mystic. I don't want to see you get in any trouble just because I got on one of my high horse moments.

I don't hate my purchase of a 360, I just wanted Mass Effect to be KotOR, and it wasn't even close. It made me question the entire purchase.


donny2112 said:
Brain Age just passed 2 million. It started off slightly higher than Wii Music. No, it's not the only example, but I'm not going to try to prove something that should be this obvious. ;)

How did Boom Blox start?
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