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Official October 2008 NPD Results

Private Hoffman said:
I know many people that want to get LBP, but because of the huge amount of games that came out in October/Early November, they put it on their backburner to get a bit later in the holiday season. A lot of people see it as a must have game, but not a MUST HAVE AND IMMEDIATELY PLAY AT LAUNCH sort of game like a Fallout 3 or a Fable 2.
I am sure that's what happened......................................
Opus Angelorum said:
It will be interesting to see if Resistance 2 follows a similar trend to Motorstorm 2 (sequel to a launch title). It's unlikely considering the genre.

I seriously, seriously doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Resistance 2 sell 500/600k for November.

MotorStorm 2 is like the PGR4 scenario. It's a shame, too, because MS2 is a great game. But racers, particularly arcade racers not called Burnout, don't sell too hot.

Kestastrophe said:
I am sure that's what happened......................................

What did happen? LBP sold well and placed in the top 10? All I'm saying is that, out of any other title, this one could have decent legs. I'm not saying it could go on to sell 800k in November, but I could see it selling about as well as it did for October. If LBP manages to sell 600k in the US YTD for 2008 in the US, I think that's definitely great numbers for the title and the context of such a game releasing on the PS3.

Who knows, Uncharted didn't even chart in November, but it ended up doubling its initial sales in December I believe...likely through word of mouth because a lot of people didn't even know about the game.


Kills Photobucket
Dax01 said:
I like the 360 being the Enterprise E, but why is DS Defiant and Wii TNG, etc?

I like DS9 more but I did TNG because it's the most popular (Ps2 got TOS because it's old) DS got defiant because it's small.


Mama Robotnik said:

That was cold bloooooooodeeeeed
Dragona Akehi said:
There are four games I want on 360: Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey and maybe Fable 2.

Meanwhile, I have sixteen Wii games, fifty-seven DS games and twenty-seven PSP games.

Fuck consoles (including Wii).
We all know girls have bad taste in games!

I kid, I kid!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Eteric Rice said:

It's not really a fantasy, it's logic, smartass. Take away the Wii, and it's bigger games (Madworld, No More Heroes, etc) either wouldn't exist, or would, but on the HD consoles.

This generation isn't any different than the last. It's just that HD fanboys seem to have convieniently forgotten all of the games released last generation. Most of what we're getting now are sequels, decent but short games, and a handfull of truely different games (LBP, Galaxy).

The Wii exists. And it's catering to an audience you wouldn't touch with a 10-ft pole and raking in huge amounts of profits doing so. Cry. Moar.

As for truly different games, let's just not go there -- especially since you use Galaxy as a differentiator from last gen. :lol


Jebus, what a fun and bitter thread this turned out to be. Well anyway just my 2 cents on the numbers:

Wii - sells a butt load again, it's going to break the ps2's christmas sales record for november+december. The wii is in a world of it's own selling to the casuals and the lack of quality games being released for it doesn't make the slightest difference because simply put the casual crowd don't care.

The ususal wii software suspects are in the top 10 again, don't expect them to be going anywhere any time soon. Animal crossing is going to sell HUGE numbers so expect that to join the list of games that chart constantly for the next few months.

360 - the price drop has saved the 360 this christmas, it's pushed the 360 to some very high numbers and it has also taken away sales from the ps3. A similar thing has happened in europe but to a much lesser extent.

The 360 dominates the top 10 chart as per usual. Fable worldwide has done over 1.5 million and saints row 2 and fallout 3 are close to a million. Next month expect gears of war 2 to be the number 1 selling game and it should be the second highest selling 360 game behind halo 3. Gears should sell over 3 million in NA next month.

Ps3 - it costs too much and needs a price cut, simple as that. It will get one next year but i've got a horrible feeling it won't happen till later in the year when it needs one a.s.a.p. Euro and japanese sales will help things but not by much thanks to the 360's unanwsered price cut. In the long term the ps3 still looks good to overtake the 360 worldwide because the price gap between the 360 and ps3 will become much closer as time goes on and sony has a history of supporting there consoles for longer.

Socom does okay but will have a massive drop off and LBP was decent for the few days it was on sales for that this months sales cover but expect LBP sales to be higher in novembers npd.

And on a seperate note guitar hero didn't chart this month because there are now 3 different sku's for each platform instead of 2 and they are all counted seperatly.


Dragona Akehi said:
There are four games I want on 360: Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey and maybe Fable 2.

Meanwhile, I have sixteen Wii games, fifty-seven DS games and twenty-seven PSP games.

Fuck consoles (including Wii).

Well, i guess in your case you really went through some re-styling of your tastes maybe. You really like the kind of portable experience, that's fair. Still 16 Wii games, goddamn.

But i don't think the offerings are bad, at least in my case. They haven't been amazing, hence why i bitch more than ever about games, but hey.....



Grecco said:
How did Boom Blox start?

Something like ~60K? It's too early to tell on that one, though, as, to my knowledge, we only have EA's shipped number of 450K (?) from a few months later. If that doubles or so within a year, it would be another example of Wii game legs. :)
jett said:

The funny thing is that I never even thought I'd have that many games for Wii. But all the games I have are good quality (there's only two I'm not huge on, but other people play them).

WrikaWrek said:
Well, i guess in your case you really went through some re-styling of your tastes maybe. You really like the kind of portable experience, that's fair. Still 16 Wii games, goddamn.

But i don't think the offerings are bad, at least in my case. They haven't been amazing, hence why i bitch more than ever about games, but hey.....


My taste in games haven't changed all that much, but the gaming industry (at least in terms of console games) has. I'm not saying that the games on 360 aren't quality games: they just aren't for me.

As for my Wii games they're all good, and only four of them are Nintendo/Nintendo published games.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
BishopLamont said:
This gen was decided the moment the Wii was unveiled.

No. Revolution was a has-run until the controller was unveiled, at which point its status changed to "joke". It was E3 2006 to post-launch that Wii super-accelerated in terms of interest.

I'd say once it launched, it was all over for the others.


WrikaWrek said:
Well, i guess in your case you really went through some re-styling of your tastes maybe. You really like the kind of portable experience, that's fair. Still 16 Wii games, goddamn.

But i don't think the offerings are bad, at least in my case. They haven't been amazing, hence why i bitch more than ever about games, but hey.....


When you've wasted your money on 16 goddamn wii games, the problem lies elsewhere.


spwolf said:
ehm, I am talking about drop of sales not actual number of sales... Wii Music can have legs, but starting point of 80k means it is not going to sell billions. I mean 80k.. thats just bad. Worse than bad. You had 800k people buy Wii and only 80k went for the new "blockbuster" for it..

And so many people disliking the game, game getting poor reviews, will definetly not help.

Wii Music is doing what Nintendo expected.Miyamoto already stated that. Can the same be said for LBP? I happen to like both btw.

Eteric Rice

chespace said:
The Wii exists. And it's catering to an audience you wouldn't touch with a 10-ft pole and raking in huge amounts of profits doing so. Cry. Moar.

As for truly different games, let's just not go there -- especially since you use Galaxy as a differentiator from last gen. :lol

And with this, you prove that you are an idiot.

I'm done.


Andrex said:
No. Revolution was a has-run until the controller was unveiled, at which point its status changed to "joke". It was E3 2006 to post-launch that Wii super-accelerated in terms of interest.

I'd say once it launched, it was all over for the others.
If I had to pinpoint one exact moment? Second day of E3 2006, when news from the show floor started rolling in.


OldJadedGamer said:
I believe there was an article on GameIndustry.biz that reported that MS2 came in at #29.
Damn it bombed hard...I saw a good amount of commercials for that game too and I maybe watch an hour of TV per day. Seems they put some money behind it yet it still bombed...that sucks.
Eteric Rice said:
and a handfull of truely different games (LBP, Galaxy).

Bullshit, being a great game aside, Nintendo could have released Galaxy on Gamecube and it would look the same and play the same. Nothing about the Wii makes Galaxy unique.


doicare said:
In the long term the ps3 still looks good to overtake the 360 worldwide because the price gap between the 360 and ps3 will become much closer as time goes on and sony has a history of supporting there consoles for longer.

I seriously doubt PS3 will ever overtake 360. Microsoft isn't going to chuck their current system like they did original Xbox. The 360 will continue to be sold after its successor comes out.


I feel Sony has given up on the ps3, They are not willing to help ps3 reach first place in the console war. I think their main focus is,they're going to spend ps3's life time to make new first party titles. And ps4 wont rely on 3rd party titles like ps1, ps2 did which worked but the same cannot be said for the ps3 :(

I'm really pissed at sony right now, They are sluggish at answering our prayers and I'm still waiting for a good rpg title, However making new franchises and strengthening their first party is good but they take too damn long and if their is anything its almost always under wraps, We just get tantalized by the media's impressions. And have to wait real long for some actual info.(secretps3game)
jett said:
When you've wasted your money on 16 goddamn wii games, the problem lies elsewhere.

Oh of course, because there cannot possibly be 16 Wii games worth buying. I'm not about to start listing games here, but shit, I own two ps3 games. I'm starting to think I have wasted money but it isn't with buying the Wii or the games I have for it.


donny2112 said:
Something like ~60K? It's too early to tell on that one, though, as, to my knowledge, we only have EA's shipped number of 450K (?) from a few months later. If that doubles or so within a year, it would be another example of Wii game legs. :)

Well i seem to recall it doing disastrously at its first month (And alot of similar trolling in that npd thread).

My point is that its unequivocally silly to call games of this nature bombs. Games that skew casual tend to have different curves than the hardcore flavors of the month.

Not that i care much about Wii Music anyways.


Dragona Akehi said:
Oh of course, because there cannot possibly be 16 Wii games worth buying. I'm not about to start listing games here, but shit, I own two ps3 games.

Me and my brother probably own close to that many Wii games (save money due to both of us not getting all the same games), and they all provide enjoyment.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Ehhhh this is where I have to part ways with you on this issue. I think the Wii had an acceptable first year, but it's been really, really barren since then, even taking the quirky games selling for twice the price they should have into account.

The 360's been the best of the current lot.
Yeah, it is.

Sometimes I don't even know why I say the things I do. Half the time I don't believe it. But I start typing with the little fanboy in me, and it's all hyperbole. The 360 has the better hardcore leaning library.

But to me, it really isn't close. There are infinitely more Wii/DS games I have interest in then 360, the only problem pretty much none of them are coming out this year. And the massive wave of 360 titles I have little interest in aside from the few I pointed out.

Maybe I'm just crazy.


shooting blanks
Private Hoffman said:
I think another thing working in LBPs favor this holiday season (hopefully) is that I know many people that want to get LBP, but because of the huge amount of games that came out in October/Early November, they put it on their backburner to get a bit later in the holiday season. A lot of people see it as a must have game, but not a MUST HAVE AND IMMEDIATELY PLAY AT LAUNCH sort of game like a Fallout 3 or a Fable 2.

We'll see if it pans out though.

Problem for LBP is people will buy it used and that will hurt it's sales


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Eteric Rice said:
And with this, you prove that you are an idiot.

I'm done.

You were done before I even made that post. I just wanted to hurry you along to your logical and fan-tinted conclusions.


Wii music bombing shows that Nintendo can't petz their way to profit. Even casual gamers have limits on what they will tolerate.


Dragona Akehi said:
Oh of course, because there cannot possibly be 16 Wii games worth buying. I'm not about to start listing games here, but shit, I own two ps3 games. I'm starting to think I have wasted money but it isn't with buying the Wii or the games I have for it.
It's quite clear that your and jett's taste in games are different.

There's literally nothing to argue here.


Andrex said:
No. Revolution was a has-run until the controller was unveiled, at which point its status changed to "joke". It was E3 2006 to post-launch that Wii super-accelerated in terms of interest.

I'd say once it launched, it was all over for the others.

Let's be honest though, if the PS3 was able to launch at $300, or even $350 Nintendo probably wouldn't have been SO dominant right out of the gate. Nintendo still would've won most likely I think, but it would've had competition, the PlayStation brand was just too strong for a decently priced PS3 to NOT have done well. Wii won because of it's uniqueness and quality, but it helped that it's competitors totally priced themselves out of the generation, particularly Sony.


listen to the mad man
lawblob said:
Isn't this where you should rattle off a list of Wii games that nobody cares about, but Wii owners claim are all awesome?

The good part about being a multi-console owner like me is that I don't have to pretend that the Wii is anything other than what it is.

I don't know, when I look through the year's release calendar here are the big PS360 games, here's what I see:
January - Burnout Paradise
February - DMC4, Turok, Lost Odyssey
March - Army of Two, Condemned 2, R6: Vegas 2, Dark Sector, Viking
April - GTA4, GT5P
May - Haze, GRID
June - Bourne Conspiracy, MGS4, CivRev, Alone in the Dark, Battlefield BC
July - Siren, Soul Calibur
August - Vesperia, Too Human, R&C Future Quest for Booty, Mercs 2
September - IU, Viva Pinata 2, Pure, Silent Hill Homecoming
October - Fracture, Dead Space, Socom, Golden Axe, Far Cry 2, Fable II, Fallout, LBP, MotorStorm 2
November - Legendary, EndWar, Resistance 2, Gears 2, Banjo 3, MK vs DC, Valkyria
December - PoP, Rise of the Argonauts

(I didn't include anything the Wii had a version of, or the 360 port of UT or the PS3 ports of Eternal Sonata / BioShock. I also did not include anything on digital services except Siren/R&C/GT5p since they're kinda half-way between retail and digital in terms of size/scope)

I bolded games that either a) were major critical disappointments or b) did okay critically but ended up being totally forgotten a few weeks after release. I know it might seem silly to see someone list de Blob and Wario Land as major titles, since "lol who gives a shit", but I reckon that if you really look at the bulk of what was released on all consoles, who gives a shit about most of it?
Thunder Monkey said:
Yeah, it is.

Sometimes I don't even know why I say the things I do. Half the time I don't believe it. But I start typing with the little fanboy in me, and it's all hyperbole. The 360 has the better hardcore leaning library.

But to me, it really isn't close. There are infinitely more Wii/DS games I have interest in then 360, the only problem pretty much none of them are coming out this year. And the massive wave of 360 titles I have little interest in aside from the few I pointed out.

Maybe I'm just crazy.

Saying the 360 doesn't have games that you seem interesting is understandable. However you simply cannot deny that the system has some great games. Maybe not by you, but by the gaming community overall.
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