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Official October 2008 NPD Results

Well... good luck with that no price drop thing Sony. :lol

Sad for PSP too, none of their software is moving. Yay for LBP doing well though!


Psychotext said:
Sony also has a history of being in an unassailable first place.

If you think sony are going to pull 'a microsoft xbox 1 trick' by dropping it quicker than a (insert random phrase that implies something is very hot) then you are sadly mistaken.
Haunted said:
It's quite clear that your and jett's taste in games are different.

There's literally nothing to argue here.
That was pretty much my fault anyway.

I'm a little monkey... you have to realize that human interaction is pretty foreign to me... being raised by an alien and all.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Haunted said:
If I had to pinpoint one exact moment? Second day of E3 2006, when news from the show floor started rolling in.

That was the start. Well, I'd say their E3 conference was the start. Second day when lines were still like 3 hours long and Sony's/MS's were empty took it even further.

The killing blow though was definitely day one sales. I believe it was something like 600k sold. At this point, Sony was still delaying their Europe launch, while Nintendo completed their worldwide launch a month later.

That they've maintained their momentum thus far is definitely an incredible feat.
doicare said:
If you think sony are going to pull 'a microsoft xbox 1 trick' by dropping quicker than a (insert random phrase that implies something is very hot) then you are sadly mistaken.
There is a middle ground you know.
Dragona Akehi said:
Oh of course, because there cannot possibly be 16 Wii games worth buying. I'm not about to start listing games here, but shit, I own two ps3 games. I'm starting to think I have wasted money but it isn't with buying the Wii or the games I have for it.

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you honestly can't find more than 6 total games across PS360 worth playing, then gaming isn't your hobby.

16 Wii games ain't shit.

My Wii is a dust gatherer (I literally dusted it last night because I turned it on for the first time in months to play Boom Blox) and even I own 13 retail games on it. All of them I consider good games.

Ironnically, I only have 11 PS3 games, but that's more a product of all the multiplats being on my 360 more than anything else. I love my PS3.

But 6 games Dragona? really? come now.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Teriyaki said:
I expected Fallout to do better: Did any one else choose between Fable 2 and Fallout 3 and grab Fable 2 this month?

I'm sure I'll get Fallout eventually, but there was a choice to be made.

I did and I will probably buy Fallout 3 tomorrow.


camineet said:
I seriously doubt PS3 will ever overtake 360. Microsoft isn't going to chuck their current system like they did original Xbox. The 360 will continue to be sold after its successor comes out.

Worldwide on a monthly basis the ps3 is outselling the 360 and this has been happening for a very long time. Unless the ps3 never gets a price drop it's not a matter of if the ps3 will over take the 360 it's a matter of when.


Dragona Akehi said:
It's jett, Mr. Negativity.
Well, yeah.

There probably aren't 16 games that jett considers worth owning, period. He's a strange one.

Thunder Monkey said:
That was pretty much my fault anyway.

I'm a little monkey... you have to realize that human interaction is pretty foreign to me... being raised by an alien and all.
And you're strange, too.
Private Hoffman said:
I think another thing working in LBPs favor this holiday season (hopefully) is that I know many people that want to get LBP, but because of the huge amount of games that came out in October/Early November, they put it on their backburner to get a bit later in the holiday season. A lot of people see it as a must have game, but not a MUST HAVE AND IMMEDIATELY PLAY AT LAUNCH sort of game like a Fallout 3 or a Fable 2.

We'll see if it pans out though.
I completely agree.

My November prediction based on these #s?

Gears 2 will be the top game.

Fable 2 will have been knocked from the Top 10 along with Fallout 3.

Resistance 2 will come in 10th or 9th place, LBP will come in around 5th sinc eit will have a full month to sell-through and not a week and a half.

Mirror's Edge BOTH VERSIONS will make the top 10 with 360's at around 3rd place and PS3s in whatever place Resistance doesn't take.

Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart Wii will all, once again, push huge numbers. As will a version (probably 360) of Call of Duty: World at War and (shot in the dark here) Endwar.

Making my guess for next month:

1. Gears of War 2
2. Wii Fit
3. Mirror's Edge- 360
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. LittleBigPlanet
6. Wii Play
7. Call of Duty: World at War- 360
8. Endwar - 360
9. Mirror's Edge- PS3
10. Resistance 2
So ok, overall, in terms of all rounder for a games console:
360 is the best.
Best Multimedia machine:
Best Gaming handheld
Best PMP

The Wii just goes over there.

I mean, most would agree with that right?

When did Wii Music come out in the states and what period does this monbths npd cover?
No one has Castlevania: OoE sales on hand, do they?

The nice thing about Wii Music being a bomba worldwide is that I'll be able to pick it up from a bargain bin at a price I'm willing to pay. I like the concept, but I'm worried that I wouldn't be terribly good at getting nice-sounding music out of it. Now, all I have to do is wait for it to hit that bargain bin and I'll swoop in.


GAF meltdown.

seriously this bickering is such Bullshit, just play the games you enjoy, guys, no need to argue/attack/defend.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you honestly can't find more than 6 total games across PS360 worth playing, then gaming isn't your hobby.

16 Wii games ain't shit.

My Wii is a dust gatherer (I literally dusted it last night because I turned it on for the first time in months to play Boom Blox) and even I own 13 retail games on it. All of them I consider good games.

Ironnically, I only have 11 PS3 games, but that's more a product of all the multiplats being on my 360 more than anything else. I love my PS3.

But 6 games Dragona? really? come now.

Did you miss the fifty-seven DS and twenty-seven PSP games? I'm pretty sure gaming is still my hobby. In fact, I play more (in hours) now than I've ever done before.

kpop100 said:
Does that make you Miss Negativity? :D

Only when the Prime games are mentioned. :p
Dimmuxx said:
I did and I will probably buy Fallout 3 tomorrow.

I think Bethesda is hoping more people say the same thing you just did, or those 4.7 million copies they sent to retailers aren't gonna make $300 million.


Andrex said:
That was the start. Well, I'd say their E3 conference was the start. Second day when lines were still like 3 hours long and Sony's/MS's were empty took it even further.

The killing blow though was definitely day one sales. I believe it was something like 600k sold. At this point, Sony was still delaying their Europe launch, while Nintendo completed their worldwide launch a month later.

That they've maintained their momentum thus far is definitely an incredible feat.
I think you guys might have it backwards. That's not when the excitement built up around the Wii. That's when you realized that there was excitement built up around it. It was already there before those events. It was just unmeasured.


Haunted said:
Well, yeah.

There probably aren't 16 games that jett considers worth owning, period. He's a strange one.

And you're strange, too.

I own 80 games on PS2, around the same number on PS1. I only own about 10 games for PS3 though. :p


doicare said:
And on a seperate note guitar hero didn't chart this month because there are now 3 different sku's for each platform instead of 2 and they are all counted seperatly.

NPD tracks them separately, but they still have this note on their Top 10 to the press.

"*Note: data includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware"

If GHIV would've sold enough combining the SKUs per platform, then it still should've been in the press's Top 10.


dabookerman said:
So ok, overall, in terms of all rounder for a games console:
360 is the best.
Best Multimedia machine:
Best Gaming handheld
Best PMP

The Wii just goes over there.

I mean, most would agree with that right?

When did Wii Music come out in the states and what period does this monbths npd cover?
it came out like the 20th
doicare said:
If you think sony are going to pull 'a microsoft xbox 1 trick' by dropping quicker than a (insert random phrase that implies something is very hot) then you are sadly mistaken.
If Sony could, they would. However, I'm not sure if it's the best for them financially.

It could still get better for PS3 I'm sure, in Europe it does fairly well, and it has some years still ahead. BUT if Microsoft comes with its next-gen console, and Wii HD starts rivaling the PS3 in every department + has a different controle scheme, be sure that Sony will be urged, if not obliged to follow suit.
Andrex said:
No. Revolution was a has-run until the controller was unveiled, at which point its status changed to "joke". It was E3 2006 to post-launch that Wii super-accelerated in terms of interest.

I'd say once it launched, it was all over for the others.
It was a "joke" to the hardcore community (basically anyone that considers themselves a "gamer"). To the public it's the second coming.

2 Minutes Turkish said:
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you honestly can't find more than 6 total games across PS360 worth playing, then gaming isn't your hobby.

16 Wii games ain't shit.

My Wii is a dust gatherer (I literally dusted it last night because I turned it on for the first time in months to play Boom Blox) and even I own 13 retail games on it. All of them I consider good games.

Ironnically, I only have 11 PS3 games, but that's more a product of all the multiplats being on my 360 more than anything else. I love my PS3.

But 6 games Dragona? really? come now.
Or maybe she just has different taste?


Gaborn said:
Let's be honest though, if the N64 was able to launch at the same time as PS, Sony probably wouldn't have been SO dominant right out of the gate. Sony still would've won most likely I think, but it would've had competition, the Nintendo brand was just too strong for a timely released N64 to NOT have done well. PS won because of it 's head start and quality, but it helped that it's competitors totally came out late.

Fixed because it fits :D .


Dragona Akehi said:
I'm not sure what the problem is: all I said was that they're both non-games and I'm interested in neither, which are both facts.
When I was playing Little Big Planet today, it certainly FELT like a platforming game.


Forget home,secretps3game

Im gonna do what i should have done along time ago,Buy 360 and enjoy both worlds :D. I quit being sony's warrior D : <!!. Fable 2 i will have wild sex with you till this generation is over. And God of war 3 i am still thinking of you every night.
YES!! it feels good

How you like me now sony?!! > : D


Thunder Monkey said:
If Wii Music really did flatline right out of the gate, we can say it's a more niche, therefore hardcore title between the two.

Wii Music is more hardcore than most of the trash people put up on pedestals nowadays.

That being said, the video of the adding and subtracting machine in LBP proves that it is a step above Wii Music.

Also: Fuck anyone pirating World of Goo. You are a disgrace to gaming.


the amazing thing about fable II sales is that

- molineux did not hype the hell out of it like fable I
- fable I was a general dissapointment in terms of user reception..
- fable Is first month sales were like 500kish

Cheez-It said:
Wii Music is more hardcore than most of the trash people put up on pedestals nowadays.

That being said, the video of the adding and subtracting machine in LBP proves that it is a step above Wii Music.

people dont appreciate hardcore games..

all they want is to quote : "shoo me sum n**** (by chad warden)"


MikeE21286 said:
I think Bethesda is hoping more people say the same thing you just did, or those 4.7 million copies they sent to retailers aren't gonna make $300 million.

To retailers...worldwide.

Not that hard of a concept to grasp.


Wii Will Rock U said:
Making my guess for next month:

1. Gears of War 2
2. Wii Fit
3. Mirror's Edge- 360
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. LittleBigPlanet
6. Wii Play
7. Call of Duty: World at War- 360
8. Endwar - 360
9. Mirror's Edge- PS3
10. Resistance 2
I think you're severely overestimating Mirror's Edge and Endwar. ME's reviews killed a lot of the buzz and Endwar was so under the radar even I didn't know it was out until I saw it on the shelf.
camineet said:
GAF meltdown.

seriously this bickering is such Bullshit, just play the games you enjoy, guys, no need to argue/attack/defend.

Wait till next month. That will make this month seem like high tea.


Wii Will Rock U said:
I completely agree.

My November prediction based on these #s?

Gears 2 will be the top game.

Fable 2 will have been knocked from the Top 10 along with Fallout 3.

Resistance 2 will come in 10th or 9th place, LBP will come in around 5th sinc eit will have a full month to sell-through and not a week and a half.

Mirror's Edge BOTH VERSIONS will make the top 10 with 360's at around 3rd place and PS3s in whatever place Resistance doesn't take.

Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart Wii will all, once again, push huge numbers. As will a version (probably 360) of Call of Duty: World at War and (shot in the dark here) Endwar.

Making my guess for next month:

1. Gears of War 2
2. Wii Fit
3. Mirror's Edge- 360
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. LittleBigPlanet
6. Wii Play
7. Call of Duty: World at War- 360
8. Endwar - 360
9. Mirror's Edge- PS3
10. Resistance 2
No way in hell will Call of Duty sell less than LBP in November.

Honestly, I don't think LBP will even chart in November. There's just too many games coming out that could potentially nudge it out of the Top 10.


jett said:
I own 80 games on PS2, around the same number on PS1. I only own about 10 games for PS3 though. :p
That so? Just the better! Because hey, if you've got 10 PS3 games, surely you'd find double-digit Wii games worth owning. Honest, now.

Here, like he said:
2 Minutes Turkish said:
16 Wii games ain't shit.

My Wii is a dust gatherer (I literally dusted it last night because I turned it on for the first time in months to play Boom Blox) and even I own 13 retail games on it. All of them I consider good games.

Ironnically, I only have 11 PS3 games, but that's more a product of all the multiplats being on my 360 more than anything else. I love my PS3.

Fredescu said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_Lab :"This article about a computer or console role-playing game is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it."

Get to it! I don't even know if it's out in my region or not.
You went to Wikipedia to check up on a game? For shame, Fredescu. At least watch the latest trailer.

That said, I'm considering making an official thead (which will top out at ~35 posts and be forgotten by next week) but I'm an extremely lazy bastard.

edit: not lazy enough not to change my post title though!
Dragona Akehi said:
Did you miss the fifty-seven DS and twenty-seven PSP games? I'm pretty sure gaming is still my hobby. In fact, I play more (in hours) now than I've ever done before.

Only when the Prime games are mentioned. :p

Yeah, but you mentioned not really giving a shit about consoles. I got the portables part, don't worry.

But I just don't get people who can honestly be gamers (be they core or casual) that can't find more than a handful of games they would like to play.

Like I said, I'd consider myself one of the Wii cynics, and quite a staunch one at that, yet even I have 13 games on the console. Does that make sense now?

Like, most 'core' gamers might scoff at a game like Boom Blox, but the game rocks. You actually have to TRY some games rather than assume they aren't for you.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
jett said:
I own 80 games on PS2, around the same number on PS1. I only own about 10 games for PS3 though. :p
Polvos Azules

Chill man, I defend your position. There are many crappy games not worth owning, but I sadly just keep buying due to my fucking OCD.
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