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Official October 2008 NPD Results


farnham said:
the amazing thing about fable II sales is that

- molineux did not hype the hell out of it like fable I
- fable I was a general dissapointment in terms of user reception..
- fable Is first month sales were like 500kish

IIRC the first month was around 600k so definitely a nice improvement over the first. The game had legs though if I remember it charted again nicely in December as well.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
doicare said:
Worldwide on a monthly basis the ps3 is outselling the 360 and this has been happening for a very long time. Unless the ps3 never gets a price drop it's not a matter of if the ps3 will over take the 360 it's a matter of when.

I don't know why you think this is still true?


Eteric Rice said:
Are you saying that a game has to be on new hardware to be different?

Are you saying that Galaxy isn't any different than older Mario games?

I'm saying that whatever Galaxy is, it still isn't a disruptive departure from ventures past.

It's an amazingly well designed platformer, but it doesn't bring nothing new to the genre, even though it might be the best 3d platformer ever made, but in essence it's still very much Mario 64.

And comparing Galaxy to LBP is just ridiculous. LBP brings a new horizon to platformers.
Wii Will Rock U said:
I completely agree.

My November prediction based on these #s?

Gears 2 will be the top game.

Fable 2 will have been knocked from the Top 10 along with Fallout 3.

Resistance 2 will come in 10th or 9th place, LBP will come in around 5th sinc eit will have a full month to sell-through and not a week and a half.

Mirror's Edge BOTH VERSIONS will make the top 10 with 360's at around 3rd place and PS3s in whatever place Resistance doesn't take.

Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart Wii will all, once again, push huge numbers. As will a version (probably 360) of Call of Duty: World at War and (shot in the dark here) Endwar.

Making my guess for next month:

1. Gears of War 2
2. Wii Fit
3. Mirror's Edge- 360
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. LittleBigPlanet
6. Wii Play
7. Call of Duty: World at War- 360
8. Endwar - 360
9. Mirror's Edge- PS3
10. Resistance 2

There's no way LBP is going to outsell Resistance 2 and Call of Duty: WoW in November.

Resistance 2 will sell decently, probably around 500-600k.

If LBP manages around 200k again for November, then that will be very good for the title.

Mirror's Edge is also not going to do well. Won't even make the top 10.

Will probably bomb.
1-D_FTW said:
PS3 is as dead as my Blu-ray drive. Those numbers suck.
Believe me... it could be worse.

But for the most part I do think the PS3 will top out at 13-15 million units in America. But I do know a small group of people that are waiting. Most seem to be waiting for a $250-$300 system though. And a good chunk seemed to be motivated by MS drop to $200. So if Sony doesn't act quick that chunk might be lost.
RBH said:
No way in hell will Call of Duty sell less than LBP in November.

Honestly, I don't think LBP will even chart in November. There's just too many games coming out that could potentially nudge it out of the Top 10.

No way in hell Call of Duty will sell less than anything but Gears 2 next month. I'm not gonna bet on it, but im 99% sure that it will be the case.


godhandiscen said:
Chill man, I defend your position. There are many crappy games not worth owning, but I sadly just keep buying due to my fucking OCD.

Yeah to be honest this generation has been kinda sucky compared to the last two. For me, at least.


Haunted said:
You went to Wikipedia to check up on a game? For shame, Fredescu. At least watch the latest trailer.
It's the easiest way to check it out at work and still look like I'm doing work. It looks more like work than say posting on GAF. I'll check out the video when I get home.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Weisheit said:
WOW, says the guy who throws out turds like,

:lol I still don't see what your point is. I have said that the success of Wii does open doors of opportunity for MS and Sony since Nintendo has now educated those who would not otherwise have purchased consoles to play games.

The context of the statement you quoted is that the sucess of Wii does not hurt or change the fact that HD gaming is enjoying both great profitability and high quality/quantity releases.

Why are you so butt hurt?


jett said:
Yeah to be honest this generation has been kinda sucky compared to the last two. For me, at least.

Personally I find this to be the best generation, AAA games this gen are leaps and bounds over the last gen AAA in my opinion.


farnham said:
the amazing thing about fable II sales is that

- molineux did not hype the hell out of it like fable I
- fable I was a general dissapointment in terms of user reception..
- fable Is first month sales were like 500kish
I have no idea about the first Fable, but Fable 2 has definite casual appeal. I always figured it would outsell the stuff like Dead Space.


Hmmmm... Considering the fact that in the US there are more than double 360s over the PS3, and the fact that LBP got delayed ( I went and checked stores 4 days and finally got it on the fifth at the end of the month), LBP actually sold pretty well.

The PS3 numbers are a bit low, but no surprises with the 360 having Fable 2 released and a console selling for half the price of the PS3. I expect more of the same next month but with Sony closing the gap a bit in December. A price cut in the new year will go a LONG way for the PS3 though when it happens. Remember that MS need 2 big pricecuts in Europe in a span of 6 months just to break what the PS3 was doing with no pc, and the PS3 before the PCs was selling more in the US despite so much going for the 360.

Great for MS to turn it around with such big PCs, but don't expect the sales differences to last when the PS3 gets a PC and BR movies drop in price in the new year. The Dark Knight will probably start to help PS3 sales slightly if Sony would be smart and include it in a bundle of some sort. Imagine a PS3 modded Batman style... 'drools'....


mysticstylez said:
No way in hell Call of Duty will sell less than anything but Gears 2 next month. I'm not gonna bet on it, but im 99% sure that it will be the case.


schuelma said:
I don't know why you think this is still true?

One would have to be little delusional to accept that at this point unless you are talking into the next gen and beyond. It would take Europe by a pretty good degree just to do what he saying in the last couple of months and according to Bach that probably isn't anywhere near the case right now, and subsequently since the price drop.


I'm still having trouble understanding people who are disappointed in a game selling over 200,000 in three days.

WrikaWrek said:
I'm saying that whatever Galaxy is, it still isn't a disruptive departure from ventures past.

It's an amazingly well designed platformer, but it doesn't bring nothing new to the genre, even though it might be the best 3d platformer ever made, but in essence it's still very much Mario 64.

And comparing Galaxy to LBP is just ridiculous. LBP brings a new horizon to platformers.

Gravity mechanic? IR?

Eteric Rice

WrikaWrek said:
I'm saying that whatever Galaxy is, it still isn't a disruptive departure from ventures past.

It's an amazingly well designed platformer, but it doesn't bring nothing new to the genre, even though it might be the best 3d platformer ever made, but in essence it's still very much Mario 64.

And comparing Galaxy to LBP is just ridiculous. LBP brings a new horizon to platformers.

I don't ever recall a platformer (or game) using gravity like Galaxy did.


Fredescu said:
It's the easiest way to check it out at work and still look like I'm doing work. It looks more like work than say posting on GAF. I'll check out the video when I get home.
No problem, I use wiki all the time, just wanted to deflect me doing any sort of work on that page. :lol

And here's the funny thing: I don't even know whether it's out in other territories, either! I preordered my US copy(just arrived yesterday!), which, curiously and unexpectedly, is multilanguage anyway (playing the game in fully translated and voiced German right now).

edit: checking up on IGN, it appears to be out in Europe and Australia since earlier this week! (I certainly haven't seen it anywhere)


Mrbob said:
To retailers...worldwide.

Not that hard of a concept to grasp.

Let's say it sold a total of 500k in October. That's giving the PS3 version 125k. Then let's say it sold the same amount in Europe in October. That's 1 million for October. Now, let's say, that it sells the same amount in November as it did in October. That would be a good effort, since it's a pretty hardcore game and will probably be front loaded. But then again, it did come out at the end of the month.

NOW let's say it's sold 700k on PC since launch.

That means there are still 2 million unaccounted for copies of Fallout 3 out there. I'm telling you, the game will be in the bargain bin soon. Strange how they shipped such a massive amount.
Basileus777 said:
SOCOM, really? 231k bought what was basically a beta?
You haven't played the game at all obviously :lol.

It's a great game. And extremely great value when you take into consideration you get a free headset included. It deserves to do well.

LittleBigPlanet, I hope (and kind of expect it) to have leeeeeegs. Word of mouth will give this game more and more sales over time, I think.


donny2112 said:
NPD tracks them separately, but they still have this note on their Top 10 to the press.

"*Note: data includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware"

If GHIV would've sold enough combining the SKUs per platform, then it still should've been in the press's Top 10.

As far as i can see that just supports what i said. Guitar hero 4 software only is counted as one thing, guitar hero 4 with guitar is a second seperate number and guitar hero 4 the band bundle is a third seperate total.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Yeah, but you mentioned not really giving a shit about consoles. I got the portables part, don't worry.

But I just don't get people who can honestly be gamers (be they core or casual) that can't find more than a handful of games they would like to play.

Like I said, I'd consider myself one of the Wii cynics, and quite a staunch one at that, yet even I have 13 games on the console. Does that make sense now?

Like, most 'core' gamers might scoff at a game like Boom Blox, but the game rocks. You actually have to TRY some games rather than assume they aren't for you.

Games have really changed this generation, I think. There's still no real RPGs for either system I want (the ones released I have NOT enjoyed), and I've never liked FPS/TPS. The only racing game I've ever liked was F-Zero X on N64. There goes a huge chunk out of the PS360 library.

I'm not saying that the 360 or PS3 "sucks" but there aren't many games I want for either system. For god's sake the only game I want in the future right now is Prince of Persia and BG&E2. That's it.

To add to the conundrum, there are so many amazing DS and PSP games that have come out/will be coming out that I'm gaming much more than before.

The fact is, there is no one "console" must have like in the PS2 era, unless you count the DS (which most console-only gamers won't, because they don't play portables).

Fuck consoles seriously. :p


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
BishopLamont said:
It was a "joke" to the hardcore community (basically anyone that considers themselves a "gamer"). To the public it's the second coming.

Now it is. My point was that it was not even a blip on the radar for anyone other than non-Nintendo fans until E3 2006; you can't really say this gen was over right when it was announced.
skulpt said:
...and BR movies drop in price in the new year. The Dark Knight will probably start to help PS3 sales slightly if Sony would be smart and include it in a bundle of some sort.
I think the time of BR being a major PS3 advantage is passing. In the UK this week I could pick up a blu-ray player with 6 films for £199. That's £100 less than the 80gb PS3 with a game. You also now get blu-ray players regularly thrown in for free with new TVs.

Sure, the PS3 is a much better BR player, but since when did quality make a difference to your average buyer?
chespace said:
:lol I still don't see what your point is. I have said that the success of Wii does open doors of opportunity for MS and Sony since Nintendo has now educated those who would not otherwise have purchased consoles to play games.

Why are you so butt hurt?
I can answer that for me pretty easily.

*points at tag*

chespace said:
The context of the statement you quoted is that the sucess of Wii does not hurt or change the fact that HD gaming is enjoy both great profitability and high quality/quantity releases.
But this.

Man, you're a part of the industry! Without the Wii where would the massive profits be? This industry is expanding at a huge rate predominantly because of the Wii and DS. Without those two booms this industry would be languishing right now.

One or the other might have picked up in sales, but without those two platforms the industry would be looking a lot smaller right now then it is.


Thunder Monkey said:
Believe me... it could be worse.

But for the most part I do think the PS3 will top out at 13-15 million units in America. But I do know a small group of people that are waiting. Most seem to be waiting for a $250-$300 system though. And a good chunk seemed to be motivated by MS drop to $200. So if Sony doesn't act quick that chunk might be lost.

Wow that's a very low number for the PS3 to top out at. I think they will at least hit 20 million without a price drop.


onipex said:
Wow that's a very low number for the PS3 to top out at. I think they will at least hit 20 million without a price drop.
He's talking about in the US, which is about 6 million right now. Worldwide it's around 17 mil.


Eteric Rice said:
And with this, you prove that you are an idiot.

I'm done.

Mario Galaxy is an obvious evolution from Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine.

At it's core, Mario Galaxy has a great deal of similarities to the freeform challenge stages of Mario Sunshine.

Che is right.


Eteric Rice said:
I don't ever recall a platformer (or game) using gravity like Galaxy did.


So Prey is now some sort of "new experience" because it did the whole gravity thing unlike other FPS's? Or Timeshift with it's time control stuff?

No, it's still the same game but with a new gimmick, that isn't "new", that doesn't "reset" the genre. Cmon.


schuelma said:
I don't know why you think this is still true?

Because it is....the only difference is for the past month and a half thanks to the 360 price drop the 360 and ps3 are incredibly close but this will only last till the next ps3 price drop.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Eteric Rice said:
I don't ever recall a platformer (or game) using gravity like Galaxy did.

You have a pretty low standard for what a game needs to revolutionize the industry.


Haunted said:
And here's the funny thing: I don't even know whether it's out in other territories, either! I preordered my US copy(just arrived yesterday!), which, curiously and unexpectedly, is multilanguage anyway (playing the game in fully translated and voiced German right now).
Looks like it's out in about a month in Australia. 11/12.


Bizzyb said:
Wii is a freaking monster. It is unlike ANY console we have seen before it.

Well except the PS2.

that system was pretty great, none of this confusing every man for himself shit.
Tiktaalik said:
Mario Galaxy is an obvious evolution from Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine.

At it's core, Mario Galaxy has a great deal of similarities to the freeform challenge stages of Mario Sunshine.

Che is right.
That I very much agree with. Wasn't talking to me, for sure, but I agree with him.

SMG is an entire platformer built on the idea of constant variety. Changing landscapes and rules.

It's quite the charmer.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I realize its difficult to get hard European numbers, but in my own little "estimates", PS360 is now less than 1 million ahead of Wii worldwide. :lol :lol :lol

Looks like Wii>PS360 might happen next month.
Private Hoffman said:
There's no way LBP is going to outsell Resistance 2 and Call of Duty: WoW in November.

Resistance 2 will sell decently, probably around 500-600k.

If LBP manages around 200k again for November, then that will be very good for the title.

Mirror's Edge is also not going to do well. Won't even make the top 10.

Will probably bomb.

My reactions to yours?

Resistance 2 will sell decently but not anywhere near as well as people think. No doubt it'll be in the top 10 but it will not, NOT be higher than LBP. Considering LBP sold 200K in the 4 days it was out in November, I am expecting a huge sales bump. Fable 2 was out more than half of the month and sold 800. I am CONFIDENT that LBP will sell way more than Resistance 2 next month.

Mirror's Edge I really have a strong feeling about. Why? Because when I picked up Mirror's Edge at my local Best Buy yesterday (I had it preordered), the game was sold out and at the gamestop next door, it was also sold out. Not to mention, I have heard various people around my college asking me, knowing that I am a hardcore gamer, how the "Edge Running" game is. I seriously expect BIG numbers.

You are right about CoD though. LBP may not have the oomph to outsell CoD.
A lot of people here seem to forget that Fable 2 came out a week before Fallout 3 (Oct 21 vs. Oct 28) hence the reason why it garnered larger sales figures. Frankly, I'd wait until the November NPDs to see which RPG does better on the shelves though the 3 day sales figures for Fallout are impressive. Congrats Bethesda for such a great game!


Fredescu said:
Looks like it's out in about a month in Australia. 11/12.
You are correct, I misread IGN's release schedule, sorry.

Man, Australia getting a game a month after Europe - your Nintendo branch really does suck.

edit: and what the hell, the game is out of stock on amazon and blahdvd? Fucking weird.


chespace said:
You have a pretty low standard for what a game needs to revolutionize the industry.

So low he doesn't even need to play the game, just seeing Nintendo on the box is enough.
Big-E said:
Decent sales for Dead Space considering its multiplatform but I wanted more.
same here...i wish it would of sold more, such a great game but still decent none the less.

PS3, man oh man....with LBP to boot, just aint doing good

360... rock'n pretty well, Next month will be even better

Wii... just down right impressive, they just keep selling and selling and selling lol

....what impresses me the most though is the xbox 360 software sales, my goodness, its a MONSTER for software sales and rightfully so, its GOT the games!!!
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