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Official October 2008 NPD Results


Junior Member
TM basically took the words out of my mouth, w/o Nintendo industry profits get decimated.

chespace said:
True, without the Wii, Nintendo would not have those massive profits.

But are you saying that third parties like EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc. are sharing in Nintendo's phenomenal success? I hope not.
Even with the tripe they've put out their selling their wares at a record pace, so yeah, they are.
chespace said:
Or that Sony or MS are enjoying some sort of side benefit from the awesome sales of the Wii?
As if this is Nintendo's job...
chespace said:
It's useless to bring this fantasy scenario up as ammunition to a console war.
It's not "ammunition", I just wanted to point out how silly your statement was.


chespace said:
Also, you guys should paste the entire review. There are better parts. Moar laughz for bitter boys, etc.

Ill admit that review is the first thing i thought about it when you called others "fan tinted" opinions or something to that respect.


Wii Will Rock U said:
My reactions to yours?

Resistance 2 will sell decently but not anywhere near as well as people think. No doubt it'll be in the top 10 but it will not, NOT be higher than LBP. Considering LBP sold 200K in the 4 days it was out in November, I am expecting a huge sales bump. Fable 2 was out more than half of the month and sold 800. I am CONFIDENT that LBP will sell way more than Resistance 2 next month.

Mirror's Edge I really have a strong feeling about. Why? Because when I picked up Mirror's Edge at my local Best Buy yesterday (I had it preordered), the game was sold out and at the gamestop next door, it was also sold out. Not to mention, I have heard various people around my college asking me, knowing that I am a hardcore gamer, how the "Edge Running" game is. I seriously expect BIG numbers.

You are right about CoD though. LBP may not have the oomph to outsell CoD.

CoD5 360 is going to be at 2nd place in November. Count on it. It will destroy LBP, Mirrors Edge etc. I actually doubt Mirrors Edge will even be in the top 10. And EndWar in top 10? :lol
schuelma said:
In Japan 3rd party development is absolutely improving and is going to be a lot better than GC.
I'd say it already is.

It's got a good long while before it's even at PSOne levels tho. Bigger developers need to start jumping on with bigger content since the HD consoles are pretty much nonexistent.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
WrikaWrek said:
Exactly, that's why the 360/Ps3 > Wii.


We werent talking about the Wii, we were talking games. Stay on topic. And yes it applies to many next gen games, though quite a few are just dumbed down PC games, so its like a regression in that sense.

Yes Boss!

schuelma said:
I realize its difficult to get hard European numbers, but in my own little "estimates", PS360 is now less than 1 million ahead of Wii worldwide. :lol :lol :lol

Looks like Wii>PS360 might happen next month.

lawblob said:
Isn't this where you should rattle off a list of Wii games that nobody cares about, but Wii owners claim are all awesome?

The good part about being a multi-console owner like me is that I don't have to pretend that the Wii is anything other than what it is.

2008 has been an orgy of fantastic games for the PS3 / 360. Wii, on the other hand, has had like 3 AAA games the entire year.

So a game is only great if lawblob on NeoGaf says so? Sorry, I wasn't aware of that rule.
HK-47 said:
Just jumping in, but revolutions are overrated. Solid design and variety are the real important thing.
This. Not everyone can revolutionize a genre, rather they should focus on making fun, solid games that don't hiccup every frame.
Eteric Rice said:
I dunno, Mario Galaxy allows you to platform upside down, sideways, lets you actually orbit a planet.

I mean, I see what you're saying. But I just feel that LBP at it's core isn't really that new either, but I concede that at it's core Galaxy isn't either.

But if we're to talk about completely innovative games, you'd pretty much have to create a new genre. Everything in every current genre has been done to some extent, somewhere.

Here's the problem, I don't see why every new game that comes out has to innovate.

Why can;t a game be like Mario Galaxy or Halo or Uncharted and stick to the formula, but do it PERFECTLY.

I see nothing wrong with doing what someone else has done, but do it better.
Dragona Akehi said:
Oh I totally agree about a good game being good regardless of platform. Which is why I'm looking at the PS360 and wondering why it is so barren for me, despite the amount of "well regarded" games. There has just been this HUGE shift to online competitive games, especially being focused on FPS and TPS style games.
Yeah, pretty much. This generation sucks for those of us who don't actually like competing online or the kind of gameplay that FPS and TPS have to offer. If you remove those kinds of games from the PS360 library, you're left with a pretty lackluster library. I blame this on the fact that a lot of devs are also hardcore gamers and that hardcore gamers are out of touch with people like me.

I had a choice earlier this year as to whether I would get a Wii or a 360. The Wii won simply on the virtue of having more games available on it that appeal to me. Had I bought a 360, I'd probably be on my fourth or fifth playthrough of Bioshock right now or maybe trying out Dead Rising.

Yes Boss!

chespace said:
Tell that to Bungie, Rockstar, Infinity Ward, et al. :lol

This isn't about Mario Kart selling more than the bible.

It's about HD games publishers making shitloads of cash this generation.

Aren't you even a little worried about next generation though? It is certainly not going to be business as usual.


lawblob said:
Isn't this where you should rattle off a list of Wii games that nobody cares about, but Wii owners claim are all awesome?

The good part about being a multi-console owner like me is that I don't have to pretend that the Wii is anything other than what it is.

2008 has been an orgy of fantastic games for the PS3 / 360. Wii, on the other hand, has had like 3 AAA games the entire year.


Sorry guys, I was a Wii supporter, and I still think up till Christmas 07 it had a lineup commensurable with any other console, but this year sans brawl has been really disappointing.


So how do the economics of the recent 360 price drop play out as far as MS making money on each console? DOES MS make money on each console yet, or are they still operating at a loss?

Anyone else ever get the impression that someone at MS has some sort of vendetta against Sony and is determined to beat them at whatever cost? This 'race' might come down to whoever is willing to make the biggest loss and piss of the most shareholders :lol
Dragona Akehi said:
Oh I totally agree about a good game being good regardless of platform. Which is why I'm looking at the PS360 and wondering why it is so barren for me, despite the amount of "well regarded" games. There has just been this HUGE shift to online competitive games, especially being focused on FPS and TPS style games.
I'm on the same side with you, I dislike the shift to online competitive games but this is not only what the HD consoles have to offer. I only own a PS3 and I've found many games that suit my taste: MGS4, LBP, Bioshock, Wipeout HD, Mirror's Edge, Uncharted and I've yet to try Fallout 3, Dead Space, Valkyria Chronicles... All of these games are must-buys and the future seems even brightier: RE5, FFXIII, Heavy Rain, Trico, GOW3 etc. The same goes for 360 as well, of course.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Yeah, pretty much. This generation sucks for those of us who don't actually like competing online or the kind of gameplay that FPS and TPS have to offer. If you remove those kinds of games from the PS360 library, you're left with a pretty lackluster library. I blame this on the fact that a lot of devs are also hardcore gamers and that hardcore gamers are out of touch with people like me.

I had a choice earlier this year as to whether I would get a Wii or a 360. The Wii won simply on the virtue of having more games available on it that appeal to me. Had I bought a 360, I'd probably be on my fourth or fifth playthrough of Bioshock right now or maybe trying out Dead Rising.
You sound like me.

So I'd tell you with a 360 to try Mirrors Edge.

And then I'd look at you blankly trying to come up with something else to play. I can say that Mirrors Edge is awesome. I've only played the demo, but I could play it over and over again. Best thing about that demo (and the game, or so I've heard) you don't have to play it as a shooter!
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Yeah, pretty much. This generation sucks for those of us who don't actually like competing online or the kind of gameplay that FPS and TPS have to offer. If you remove those kinds of games from the PS360 library, you're left with a pretty lackluster library. I blame this on the fact that a lot of devs are also hardcore gamers and that hardcore gamers are out of touch with people like me.

I had a choice earlier this year as to whether I would get a Wii or a 360. The Wii won simply on the virtue of having more games available on it that appeal to me. Had I bought a 360, I'd probably be on my fourth or fifth playthrough of Bioshock right now or maybe trying out Dead Rising.

Can't agree with youself OR Dragona here.

I don't play online much, if at all, I've always been a SP gamer and I still have MORe than enough games to satisfy my hunger.

And I'd argue my libraries on all console are quite varied.

I mean, between sports titles, shooters, racers, adventure, rpgs, niche titles (like Viva Pinata), I just can't see how the PS360 can't have more than a handful of games you guys like.

Even on the PSN/XBLA front. SURELY there's even stuff there that must grab you.


Galaxy is a fantastic game. LBP is an important game for console gaming. It will serve as a template for build-your-own-game-and-share-it titles in the FPS, RPG, and other genres. You'll be able to control not only the rules of the game, but how it feels to play.
voltron said:
So how do the economics of the recent 360 price drop play out as far as MS making money on each console? DOES MS make money on each console yet, or are they still operating at a loss?
In the last interview (this week I think, it was done in Germany) they stated that they break even on hardware.


I always found it odd to actively HATE competitive online gaming, and then like social gaming titles on Wii like Wii Sports. They're really two cards from the same deck. If you obviously adapt to the different 'intensity' of playing with someone in person, and tally up the benefits of dropping split screen or whatever or ease of finding people to play with, it's both got benefits and downsides but they both prop up a core of social gaming.
Oh I totally agree about a good game being good regardless of platform. Which is why I'm looking at the PS360 and wondering why it is so barren for me, despite the amount of "well regarded" games. There has just been this HUGE shift to online competitive games, especially being focused on FPS and TPS style games.

I think it's more like a poor choice of words. I don't see them as well regarded but rather over hyped. Once you strip away the hype, you're left with an above average or worse game. Take a look at Doom 3, COD4, and Oblivion. These games are down right poor, but hyped to high heaven. Doom 3 was utter crap, and COD4 is badly designed, and Oblivion is just mind numbingly boring sloppy mess. Strip away the graphics and none of these games can stand on their own.

And I agree the true winner is the DS. I can really find some real gems in multiple genres and has lots to offer. I want genre diversity, and none of the consoles can offer me that. I've never played a tower defense game until Lock's Quest and Ninjatown.
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...


voltron said:
So how do the economics of the recent 360 price drop play out as far as MS making money on each console? DOES MS make money on each console yet, or are they still operating at a loss?

Anyone else ever get the impression that someone at MS has some sort of vendetta against Sony and is determined to beat them at whatever cost? This 'race' might come down to whoever is willing to make the biggest loss and piss of the most shareholders :lol


According to this, yes.


HK-47 said:
We werent talking about the Wii, we were talking games. Stay on topic. And yes it applies to ...

No we were talking about design philosophies. And you drove the point home.

Don't back pedal now, you have seen the light.


Cow Mengde said:
Take a look at Doom 3, COD4, and Oblivion. These games are down right poor, but hyped to high heaven. Doom 3 was utter crap, and COD4 is badly designed, and Oblivion is just mind numbingly boring sloppy mess.

:lol :lol :lol


voltron said:
So how do the economics of the recent 360 price drop play out as far as MS making money on each console? DOES MS make money on each console yet, or are they still operating at a loss?

Anyone else ever get the impression that someone at MS has some sort of vendetta against Sony and is determined to beat them at whatever cost? This 'race' might come down to whoever is willing to make the biggest loss and piss of the most shareholders :lol

Bach stated this week they are neutral in costs on the console with the recent drop. He did say however he sees the platform profitable for the rest of this generation.

Eteric Rice

Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

Alright guys, set the timer, lets see how long this one can last.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

lol comparing R&C spherical worlds to Galaxy. After that I stopped reading
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

If this is a joke why am I not laughing?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

Oh God I love these threads. Love Em
Amir0x said:
I always found it odd to actively HATE competitive online gaming, and then like social gaming titles on Wii like Wii Sports. They're really two cards from the same deck. If you obviously adapt to the different 'intensity' of playing with someone in person, and tally up the benefits of dropping split screen or whatever or ease of finding people to play with, it's both got benefits and downsides but they both prop up a core of social gaming.
It's more the online community that I despise.

If I wanted to be called a fag playing a videogame I'd play said game with my gay brother. Not with a bunch of kids.

Though I will say I'm liking the no microphone solution to XBL.


Amir0x said:
Wii Music's terribleness is really enough of a victory: I need no sales to hate shit. But the concept itself was something I personally never wanted to see spread. It was one of the most insipid and cynical pieces of software I've ever played, and enjoying it virtually demanded an endless amount of personal compromises of taste.

It is the truest test of the fanboy: If you can formulate a defense, and then wrap it up by the pretense of your supposed "musical career" and all the years you've been to "music school", you can possibly legitimize this sorry, backward ass piece of non-functional noise making.

You can reduce it to a simple fact: music is about making things which sound good. I understand why they might have had to gone with the midi, but that does not excuse the inevitable result: that everything sounds like it was grinded through the massive ass cheeks of Cameron Manheim.

Music making that always sounds terrible is all the justification anyone needs to crap from up high on the product, everything else that was awful about it was gravy.

So, anyway, even if Wii Music revives itself and finds its apologists and ends up with legs, it puts a small smile on my face.
If you wrote a book I would read it. I love you Amir0x...a little too much.
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...
This thread keeps getting better. :lol


Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

:lol :lol :lol

Wait.. He's serious...
Amir0x said:
I always found it odd to actively HATE competitive online gaming, and then like social gaming titles on Wii like Wii Sports. They're really two cards from the same deck.

Not really they're actually quite different. Playing online you usually do not know the people nor can you truly converse with them nor can you actually experience something.

In comparison its like texting with your friends instead of speaking with them face to face.


Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

Holy cow, what a load of shit.
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...

Your post lives up to your name.
I play probably about 95% of the time in single-player and have found tons of PS360 games I love, but I like genres like racing, FPS, and general action/adventure.

I think a lot of people who are disappointed by this gen are those who primarily enjoyed japanese-developed core games, of which there has been a huge dropoff in quantity this gen.


jon_irenicus said:
A lot of people here seem to forget that Fable 2 came out a week before Fallout 3 (Oct 21 vs. Oct 28) hence the reason why it garnered larger sales figures. Frankly, I'd wait until the November NPDs to see which RPG does better on the shelves though the 3 day sales figures for Fallout are impressive. Congrats Bethesda for such a great game!
Also the Fallout sales are only one of three platforms, and I don't know if they count collector's editions too. So I'm happy with that :)


Cow Mengde said:
I think it's more like a poor choice of words. I don't see them as well regarded but rather over hyped. Once you strip away the hype, you're left with an above average or worse game. Take a look at Doom 3, COD4, and Oblivion. These games are down right poor, but hyped to high heaven. Doom 3 was utter crap, and COD4 is badly designed, and Oblivion is just mind numbingly boring sloppy mess. Strip away the graphics and none of these games can stand on their own.


Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...


I leave the thread for an hour and all hell breaks loose... more so.


The hardware ration is 1:2:4, this is one of the worst month for PS3 IMO.

That means X360's stratagy of selling the stripper console up front and nickel and dime you for accesories is working, which was exactly PS2's strategy. So I don't know if I can feel sorry for Sony. They will have to tough it out.
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