Don't like MGS, LBP is a nongame, FPS, Racer, Played the Demo and not convinced yet, I wanted to like this but is yet another TPS, Oblivion with guns (hated Oblivion), TPS, have that one.
As for the future games: Interested but am going to really miss pointer controls, haven't liked a mainline FF since V, not sure, while I enjoy Ueda games they're never as great as a certain faction claims, not a bit GOW fan.
You have permission to call me Miss Negativity for the rest of the thread now.
Oh Viva Piñata, I did want to get that one too. Thanks for reminding me.
Nothing really on PSN I want, though I'd also maybe want BK and Braid on XBLA. I haven't really looked at the XBLA library though.
Right now, whenever I look at lists of released games for PS360, there really isn't much I want. And I'm willing to try new stuff out like Mirror's Edge.
I don't like Wii Sports all that much either, and I don't count it one of my seventeen games (I went and recounted them and forgot to add Sam and Max to my list).