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Official October 2008 NPD Results


Flying_Phoenix said:
Not really they're actually quite different. Playing online you usually do not know the people nor can you truly converse with them nor can you actually experience something.

In comparison its like texting with your friends instead of speaking with them face to face.

Maybe if you're only playing online with the Wii, but I actively converse with the people I am playing with all the time in various PC and 360 games. And you're totally right that often you don't "know" the people you're playing with, but you can get to know them by joining clans, playing with GAFers, or even just playing with people you know from real life online.

There's so many OPTIONS to playing online that it really doesn't make sense.


Fartsandwich said:
I'd rather own a Zeebo than throw my money away on a fucking Wii. At least it has one good game and a controller that isn't fucking worthless...

:lol :lol :lol

Keep it coming.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
WrikaWrek said:
No we were talking about design philosophies. And you drove the point home.

Don't back pedal now, you have seen the light.

Funny, it isnt even wednesday. More control options are always better. And I also think graphics are severely overrated, since I care more about art style. And I love high end PC games. I'm not trying to play console wars here, unlike you. Evolution is better than a revolution, things like AI, controls, and design are far more important to me compared to graphics.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Fartsandwich said:
Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.


Respect, bitches.


Time Traveler
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...
:lol :lol :lol :lol

I remember R&C developers claiming they invented spherical worlds, great times.
(also stopped reading there =P)
So LBP's a better platformer than SMG now because you can build your own fucking Mario levels? :lol :lol :lol

I thought the LBP hype train died after the game came out and two weeks later the servers still don't function, the best levels DON'T rise to the top and people have begun to move onto other games...

Then again, it sold 200K in 24 hours. Right?

The bitter pill you've got to swallow is that there will never be a Nintendo heyday like the SNES years. Ever.

I stopped taking your opinion seriously when you told me that Perfect Dark Zero was the second coming of Christ. Sorry.


Fio said:

Why can't I stop laughing at this :lol

OMG the guy at the end wheelbarrowing that chick :lol

DevelopmentArrested said:
So LBP's a better platformer than SMG now because you can build your own fucking Mario levels? :lol :lol :lol

I thought the LBP hype train died after the game came out and two weeks later the servers still don't function, the best levels DON'T rise to the top and people have begun to move onto other games...

Then again, it sold 200K in 24 hours. Right?

Do you have any idea what your talking about?
tino said:
That means X360's stratagy of selling the stripper console up front and nickel and dime you for accesories is working, which was exactly PS2's strategy.
I think you mean the "stripped down" console... or at least I hope you do. Or maybe there's something I'm missing about the 360 hardware, or strippers for that matter!
Steiner_Zi said:
I'm on the same side with you, I dislike the shift to online competitive games but this is not only what the HD consoles have to offer. I only own a PS3 and I've found many games that suit my taste: MGS4, LBP, Bioshock, Wipeout HD, Mirror's Edge, Uncharted and I've yet to try Fallout 3, Dead Space, Valkyria Chronicles... All of these games are must-buys and the future seems even brightier: RE5, FFXIII, Heavy Rain, Trico, GOW3 etc. The same goes for 360 as well, of course.

Don't like MGS, LBP is a nongame, FPS, Racer, Played the Demo and not convinced yet, I wanted to like this but is yet another TPS, Oblivion with guns (hated Oblivion), TPS, have that one.

As for the future games: Interested but am going to really miss pointer controls, haven't liked a mainline FF since V, not sure, while I enjoy Ueda games they're never as great as a certain faction claims, not a bit GOW fan.

You have permission to call me Miss Negativity for the rest of the thread now.

2 Minutes Turkish said:
Can't agree with youself OR Dragona here.

I don't play online much, if at all, I've always been a SP gamer and I still have MORe than enough games to satisfy my hunger.

And I'd argue my libraries on all console are quite varied.

I mean, between sports titles, shooters, racers, adventure, rpgs, niche titles (like Viva Pinata), I just can't see how the PS360 can't have more than a handful of games you guys like.

Even on the PSN/XBLA front. SURELY there's even stuff there that must grab you.

Oh Viva Piñata, I did want to get that one too. Thanks for reminding me.

Nothing really on PSN I want, though I'd also maybe want BK and Braid on XBLA. I haven't really looked at the XBLA library though.

Right now, whenever I look at lists of released games for PS360, there really isn't much I want. And I'm willing to try new stuff out like Mirror's Edge.

Amir0x said:
I always found it odd to actively HATE competitive online gaming, and then like social gaming titles on Wii like Wii Sports. They're really two cards from the same deck. If you obviously adapt to the different 'intensity' of playing with someone in person, and tally up the benefits of dropping split screen or whatever or ease of finding people to play with, it's both got benefits and downsides but they both prop up a core of social gaming.

I don't like Wii Sports all that much either, and I don't count it one of my seventeen games (I went and recounted them and forgot to add Sam and Max to my list).


If you don't like shooters, that's fine. The only game I've played much of online competitively is Team Fortress 2. Most of the best shooters have some form of co-op, and that is where it's at for me. I must have finished the Halo 3 campaign a dozen times, always with a buddy or two. I've never played an online deathmatch map or whatever though.

A major part of the Wii philosophy is supposed to be social gaming and "bridge" games that hardcore and casual games enjoy alike. Where are the games though? Boom Blox, Wii Sports, Mario Kart and that's about it. Forget competition, the HD consoles have more and better co-operative gaming than the Wii.


DevelopmentArrested said:
So LBP's a better platformer than SMG now because you can build your own fucking Mario levels? :lol :lol :lol
Haven't you heard? Basic level design tools and hex editors are the future of gaming! Also this.
WrikaWrek said:
I wonder how those Socom owners will feel about the game though.

Isn't it plagued with problems?
I bought it and totally regret it.

As for LBP "selling low"... I seem to remember LBP coming out on the 28th of October.


Trolls are fucking idiots. lol
Private Hoffman said:
Resistance 2 will sell decently, probably around 500-600k.

According to NPD after a full year after it's release Resistance 1 still only sold 780k. You think in one month R2 is going to do almost match what R1 did in an entire year???
LCfiner said:


I leave the thread for an hour and all hell breaks loose... more so.

Don't compare my post with his.

Doom 3 is crap thanks to the constant switching back and forth with the flash light, and bare bones gameplay mechanics. Really, besides the flash light, what else does Doom 3 do that Doom 1/2 doesn't do?

COD4... I stumbled into victory complete confused as to why everyone died even though I was on the floor crawling to avoid gun fire, with a final battle that wasn't a battle. How could I forget the oh so wonderful stealth stage that more of a game of simon says. Reminds me of Dragon's Lair.

Oblivion has glitches galore. Barely functional camera for combat. You either hack and slash at first person not knowing whether your sword will hit. Try 3rd person with a wonky camera that I had to mod. Travel though a gigantic world of emptiness. Huge dungeons at all practically have the same layout. Hundreds of pointless fetch quests. Pointless grinding to build stats.
Amir0x said:
Maybe if you're only playing online with the Wii, but I actively converse with the people I am playing with all the time in various PC and 360 games. And you're totally right that often you don't "know" the people you're playing with, but you can get to know them by joining clans, playing with GAFers, or even just playing with people you know from real life online.

There's so many OPTIONS to playing online that it really doesn't make sense.

Well I have a high end gaming PC. So I definitely play online on more systems then the Wii. Where the barrier is set at is that you and your friends aren't actually there with each other (you aren't next to one another). Therefore you really aren't interacting in a (how should I put this?) real-life manner? I don't know the word but I think you know what I mean.

It's like a AIM voicechat/webcam chatroom with your friends versus hanging out with them in your room or garage. Yes if you slice that up into little bits you can kind of twist them to seem nearly complete identical, but in reality they really aren't.


*drowns in jizz*
So with all the fucking Wiis out there what do we have this Holiday? Wii Music and Animal Crossing? Jesus Christ. I wish there was something I wanted to buy.

Eteric Rice

Slurpy said:
So with all the fucking Wiis out there what do we have this Holiday? Wii Music and Animal Crossing? Jesus Christ. I wish there was something I wanted to buy.

Tell that to the third parties. :\
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...



chubigans said:
Cmon, you can't be serious. That's an incredibly stupid thing to say. Why do you think it's a non-game?
You're supposed to make your own level rather than play them. The emphasis more on retarded fan-made levels rather than ones from an actual experienced level designer. The emphasis more on something that's been done on PC for years.

If that's not a non-game, I dunno what is.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Slurpy said:
So with all the fucking Wiis out there what do we have this Holiday? Wii Music and Animal Crossing? Jesus Christ. I wish there was something I wanted to buy.

Don't want to start a list war, but look into Deadly Creatures and Monster Lab at the very least. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World too, if you liked the original game.
GitarooMan said:
Yeah, if you literally want to relive the SNES and N64 eras, it's perfect.
I'm really thinking the SNES era here. I'm not going to do the list war thing, and actually make a list, but all you really need to do is look at BuddyC's weekly threads to see how much support the system is getting. Incidentally a lot of it is crap, but that's much the same as it has been for the winner of most past console generations. Between the crap though, there's a plethora of absolutely great releases. It is the SNES (or the NES, or the PS1 or 2) all over again.
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