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Official October 2008 NPD Results


donny2112 said:
The PlayStation family has always had a 10-year plan and always will. It had nothing to do with the PS1 and PS2 selling over 100 million consoles worldwide and being the clear generational leader. It was through sheer will that we forced the industry to keep making profits by creating games for us for those 10 years, and we'll do it again with the PS3. 10 years, baby!
Yeah, fuck the haters! A 10 year plan doesn't mean that there won't be a PS4 before 2016, that's just silly (although it could very well happen!) It just means that the PS3 and its games keep selling and selling until 2016.

HK-47 said:
Sorry guys I'm gonna have to go with Dead Space on that one. I'm too big a fan of RE4, SS2, and Alien. Its nearly a perfect game for me.
A worthy contender. I guess we'll reserve that discussion for the GOTY 2008 prediction/discussion thread. :D

I hope Anihawk will do the honours again?


Metalmurphy said:
LBP Numbers :(

Shame on you PS3 owners!

seriously? did you really expect the game to do well? It's a cutesy platformer, with huge emphasis on user created content....and it's on PS3.

Oh and it DOESN'T have guns or blood
HK-47 said:
Sorry guys I'm gonna have to go with Dead Space on that one. I'm too big a fan of RE4, SS2, and Alien. Its nearly a perfect game for me.

sure DS is excelso, but F3 is just too big of a game to me. We'll discuss, or better, we'll vote in the contest :D


thanks for the laugh
Haunted said:
Fuck the haters! A 10 year plan doesn't mean that there won't be a PS4 before 2016, that's just silly (although it could very well happen!) It just means that the PS3 and its games keep selling and selling until 2016.

We'll reserve that discussion for the GOTY 2008 discussion thread. :D

I hope Anihawk does the honours this year again?

the sega master system is still being produced/sold in brazil.

22 year plan! beat that tretton.


Time Traveler
*Guaraná said:
The way I see:

Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.

The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.

On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?



manueldelalas said:
Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.

The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.

On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?



Eteric Rice

manueldelalas said:
Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.

The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.

On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?




Sony dropped the ball big time on LBP... i haven't even seen one tv ad as yet..

Infact ... none of my local game stores have even recieved the game as yet :(
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
manueldelalas said:
how do you say it? in spanish it is "estadounidenses".

En el idioma inglés la palabra "americano" se refiere a un estadounidense. Americano en el sentido de un poblador del continente de América no existe, ya que la masa terrestre está separada en Norteamérica y Sudamérica.

Es un lenguaje distinto. Deberías acostumbrarte.
I actually saw a LBP tv ad when I was in Italy two weeks ago. It's one of these 10 seconds things they use to introduce movies or shows "This show is presented by.." and that's about it

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
donny2112 said:
"Estados Unidos" is what I learned.

A citizen of the USA is called "estadounidense" (both female and male) in the Spanish-speaking world. I think only Cuba uses "americano(a)" to refer to you guys.
Sony really isn't in a good spot with PS3. Little Big Planet is the last in a long string of "system sellers" that haven't bumped sales any noticeable amount.

I don't blame people for not wanting the system. I sold mine a few weeks ago as I was disappointed in the LBP Beta and hadn't played anything new for the damn system since I bought it with MGS4. (Which wasn't as good as the SDF would have you believe)

It's nice to be back to having just the 360 and Wii, it feels at least somewhat reasonable to have two systems instead of 3.


firex said:
LBP selling 200k proves that nongames will sell even on a supposed "hardcore" machine like the PS3.

LBP is not a nongame. I swear some of you make me sick, how the hell can LBP be considered a non game? How does anyone in their right mind compare LBP to fucking Brain Age?

X26 said:
By the end of this gen Wii's tie-in ratio is going to be <1

The Wii's tie ratio is and has been going UP over time, not down, it is about 1.5 games below the 360 and above the PS3 ratio.

chespace said:
You have a pretty low standard for what a game needs to revolutionize the industry.

chespace said:
You were done before I even made that post. I just wanted to hurry you along to your logical and fan-tinted conclusions.

chespace said:
As for truly different games, let's just not go there -- especially since you use Galaxy as a differentiator from last gen. :lol

I dont know what that little red thing next to your name means, but Ill bet it has something to do with the majority of your posts being pretty terrible by anyones standards. Your posts read like your sitting at your PC cutting yourself with razorblades dieing a little inside everytime Nintendo sells another Wii. You seem to be trying to upset the Wii fans, but Im pretty sure they are still in their rooms squeezing one off to 803k, so your really only battling with yourself here. Cut the BS and just join Hoffman and the likes and say "No matter how good Nintendo does they suck so NYAH NYAH!"

Thats pretty much all your saying anyway, articulating it alot better than that, granted, but the message is still the same, and its still boring, tired and rehashed to all hell. Save us the 20 posts per page meltdown once the Wii surpasses the PS360 sales worldwide and just bawl your eyes out now please. Enough is enough already.

ecierif said:
I thought Wii Music would be in the top 10. Its reception is lackluster compared to the rest of the "Wii ____" brand.

Have you played it? This game bombed rightly so. I try to keep an open mind as possible, almost missed out on great games in the past due to judging from afar, especially with Nintendo, but this one was as bad as it looked. The game stinks hahaha. People using the "its gonna have legs" likely dont even believe that themselves. Games that have legs like WiiSports in Japan and other games do so by having great word of mouth or just being quality games....or being severely supply constrained while being in high demand. This game isnt going to have any of that. It bombed. And it deserved to.

Will Nintendo learn a lesson? Probably not, Sports resort will likely not be enjoyed (by me at least) as much as sports either. Im not sure if they can see past the stack of money they just made on 800k Wiis to notice that Wiimusic didnt register. Im not expecting anything out of them.

And I have been completely sleep on Fable and Fallout, insane how 360 seems to just pull #1 games out of fucking nowhere. Now I have to look into getting them. Between consoles and PC's theres not enough to get all the gaming in that I want to lately. To many damn games.


I think we can all agree that this was one of the most entertaining NPD threads in recent memory. And November is poised to 1-up this one. *Cue November NPD GAF trailer on Youtube*

flintstryker said:
screw you guys :(

In other news holy fucking hell at the wii sales.
:lol no tag is a tag, too! Just ask Threi.


Time Traveler
Regulus Tera said:
En el idioma inglés la palabra "americano" se refiere a un estadounidense. Americano en el sentido de un poblador del continente de América no existe, ya que la masa terrestre está separada en Norteamérica y Sudamérica.

Es un lenguaje distinto. Deberías acostumbrarte.

I know my english well and this forum is in english, thank you.

When someone calls himself "american" I imagine someone from America the continent, the same way I imagine someone who calls himself asian or european to be from Asia or Europe.
I'm american and I live in Chile.

But that is not the point; what really bothers me are the US political references in an international forum. I really dislike it, because I feel left out of the conversation...

donny2112 said:
"Estados Unidos" is what I learned.

That's the name of the country; see, if you are from Canada you are canadian, if you are from the United States you are _________.


Jezuz, who is buying all these Wii's? I live in NYC, and I am yet to meet anyone that owns a Nintendo Wii, let alone wants one. Everyone I know either has a PS3, 360, and or a PSP. Who are these people that are buying the Wii, and what exactly are they buying it for?
If you have a problem with people's avatars and discussion take it to the mods or something. This is an NPD thread and not about politics.

That said don't be surprised when the majority of users are from the US and someone uses a US-centric analogy. When i think of Americans I think of people from the US. Maybe not accurate, but that's how it is.

Eteric Rice

zeloe326 said:
Jezuz, who is buying all these Wii's? I live in NYC, and I am yet to meet anyone that owns a Nintendo Wii, let alone wants one. Everyone I know either has a PS3, 360, and or a PSP. Who are these people that are buying the Wii, and what exactly are they buying it for?

1. People you don't know?

2. To play it?

Whats up with all these weird ass juniors lately?


Banstick Emeritus
manueldelalas said:
Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.

The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.

On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?

Speaking as one of those internationals, let me say this about that:

shut up


Master of the Google Search
manueldelalas said:
Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.

The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.

On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?


Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Late to the party as usual. Amazing Wii numbers. Has Sony commented on these numbers yet? I want to see what they say when they can't use "Playstation family" to bolster their numbers into first place.

Oh and were there any good meltdowns? I'm going back to read through the entire thread but if anybody can help shorten my search for funny I'd be thankful!


manueldelalas said:
But that is not the point; what really bothers me are the US political references in an international forum. I really dislike it, because I feel left out of the conversation...
cry me a river?


Jive Turkey said:
Late to the party as usual. Amazing Wii numbers. Has Sony commented on these numbers yet? I want to see what they say when they can't use "Playstation family" to bolster their numbers into first place.

Oh and were there any good meltdowns? I'm going back to read through the entire thread but if anybody can help shorten my search for funny I'd be thankful!

You can start with the quote in #1363. Oh yea, and Secret PS3 game, classic.
Jive Turkey said:
Late to the party as usual. Amazing Wii numbers. Has Sony commented on these numbers yet? I want to see what they say when they can't use "Playstation family" to bolster their numbers into first place.

Oh and were there any good meltdowns? I'm going back to read through the entire thread but if anybody can help shorten my search for funny I'd be thankful!
Search for "Secret PS3 Game". It led to this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=342029


Regulus Tera said:
A citizen of the USA is called "estadounidense" (both female and male) in the Spanish-speaking world. I think only Cuba uses "americano(a)" to refer to you guys.

I've heard Americanos tossed around plenty of times in Costa-Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico and Colombia.

manueldelalas said:
But that is not the point; what really bothers me are the US political references in an international forum. I really dislike it, because I feel left out of the conversation...

Really the same can be said for many movie and television references.

but this conversation is getting a little oddball BOOSH


But that is not the point; what really bothers me are the US political references in an international forum. I really dislike it, because I feel left out of the conversation...

If you don't like it, GIIIIIIIT OUTT
manueldelalas said:
Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.

The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.

On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?



so butthurt


Regulus Tera said:
A citizen of the USA is called "estadounidense" (both female and male) in the Spanish-speaking world. I think only Cuba uses "americano(a)" to refer to you guys.

Ah. In that case, what you posted before. I hadn't seen a citizen of the U.S. referred to as part of the term "United States" before. :lol


Eteric Rice said:
1. People you don't know?

2. To play it?

Whats up with all these weird ass juniors lately?

Weird ass juniors? Someone feels mighty proud of themselves for being on an internet gaming forum longer than those that just joined. What great accomplishments you have there sir. Your contribution to society is greatly appreciated.:lol

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
lowrider007 said:
Seriously now, why are people not buying into the PS3 ?, what is it ?, price ?, marketing ? considering how popular the PS2 was I really thought that the Playstation brand would of had alot more sway than it seems to be having thus far, I hope it picks up becuase at this rate there'll be no PS4 the way things are going and I don't think anyone wants to see that happen, and :-( @ LBP sales.


Lower Price
More Games
Better Online Game Network
Usually has the best Third Party version of games
More Timed Exclusives
Hardcore Following

Really, if you have a 360 there arent many incentives to go get a PS3.

And if people want something different they are gonna go to the Wii.
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