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Official October 2008 NPD Results

Speevy said:
Fable was the best selling non-Halo game on the Xbox I think, or at least the second best selling franchise from Microsoft Games Studio.

So since HD gaming has found its primary home on Microsoft's platform, Fable is now the biggest RPG in the industry, or something like that.

Thanks for depressing me further.
mysticstylez said:
Bullshit, being a great game aside, Nintendo could have released Galaxy on Gamecube and it would look the same and play the same. Nothing about the Wii makes Galaxy unique.

Galaxy's pointing functionality would be impossible without IR. And without that it wouldn't even be the same game.
Son.Ralph.Funk said:
Galaxy's pointing functionality would be impossible without IR. And without that it wouldn't even be the same game.

It wouldn't be the same game in a literal sense, but a few mechanics changed and it would have been of the same quality.


Son.Ralph.Funk said:
Galaxy's pointing functionality would be impossible without IR. And without that it wouldn't even be the same game.

You do know Nintendo could of created the Wii controller for the gamecube, so his point stands.
Speevy said:
Fable was the best selling non-Halo game on the Xbox I think, or at least the second best selling franchise from Microsoft Games Studio.

So since HD gaming has found its primary home on Microsoft's platform, Fable is now the biggest RPG in the industry, or something like that.

I would think KOTOR outsold it.
soldat7 said:
Because once a Nintendo fan, always a Nintendo fan?

I personally didn't skip a beat snatching up a PS1 for Metal Gear when I saw it for the first time despite my 'loyalties'. This so-called 'new army of fans' may very well seek out more mature experiences on other platforms unless Nintendo is interested in maturing with their audience. To be perfectly honest, Nintendo doesn't really have to or probably want to...they control a very nice segment of the blue ocean...

you have no clue. You really think all Nintendo fans are 12 don't you? how ignorant.

I had a PS, PS3 and currently have a PS3 too but the console of choice is obvious. Nintendo is Nintendo no matter how you slice it.

Go cry somewhere if you grew up and expected Nintendo to grow up with you and they did not.


Time Traveler
chespace said:
No, because you automatically assume I'm talking about folks on this forum, and I'm not.

There are plenty of Wii owners who just play Wii Play and nothing else.

And then there are the Wii owners on NeoGAF, who apparently play anything Wii they can get their hands on.

My example was to show two extreme opposites. Jesus, context.

Oh right, that must be why Wii Fit and Mario Kart have outsold Wii Play. Also every Wii owner have Wii Sports and games such as Mario, smash, mario & sonic, mario party and Zelda are some of the best selling games of the generation.

Add to that that the average Wii owner has 5.5 games without counting Wii Sports.

Accusation for trolling sustained.
The notion that Wii is in a "different category" and "not competing against Microsoft or SONY" is so ridiculous. But what happened with the DS will happen with Wii. Is that so bad? Isn't the DS rivaling the SNES these days? Just chill out.


Basileus777 said:
I would think KOTOR outsold it.

Worldwide, I don't think so. KOTOR sold just over a million worldwide very quickly, Fable sold in every Western region for a longer period of time.

I could be wrong, anyone have numbers?


GenericPseudonym said:
If anything this generation has proven that the fans are fickle and will disown a brand at the first sign of trouble, the once invincible Playstation brand is proof of this.

Nintendo is still a small fish in a pond with two massive competitors, they rely on being more creative and innovative now because they don't have the resources to make anything like the HD consoles. I ask myself what rabbit will Nintendo possibly pull out of its hat to fend off MS or Sony next generation? They'll all have waggle, they'll all be under $300 (if they're smart) and they'll all aim for the casual market. This generation is an aberration as one competitor offers a totally different product than the other two, and that's probably not going to happen next gen.

You sound very paranoid. Nintendo is not debt like Sony so they don't need credit to pay their bills. They have enough resources to build a HD console.

Second what makes you think that Nintendo won't have a new more wackier device in secret just to surprise Sony and MS?

TheGrayGhost said:
The notion that Wii is in a "different category" and "not competing against Microsoft or SONY" is so ridiculous. But what happened with the DS will happen with Wii. Is that so bad? Isn't the DS rivaling the SNES these days? Just chill out.

Didn't you use to say the opposite a while back?
OuterWorldVoice said:
Who's we?

The royal we.

beermonkey@tehbias said:
Would you be as depressed if one of tons of unoriginal JRPG installments du jour was the best-selling RPG and Fallout was not?

Point taken. I guess I should embrace this situation then, because the doomsday scenario you described would cause me to quit gaming altogether.
pgtl_10 said:
Didn't you use to say the opposite a while back?

About the DS? I think I railed on a bunch of third-party games, but I was more referring to the general consensus. But I've always been lukewarm toward third-party games. Something about them that doesn't click with me. When it comes to third-parties, for any system, you can just ignore my opinion.
norinrad21 said:
you have no clue. You really think all Nintendo fans are 12 don't you? how ignorant.

I had a PS, PS3 and currently have a PS3 too but the console of choice is obvious. Nintendo is Nintendo no matter how you slice it.

Go cry somewhere if you grew up and expected Nintendo to grow up with you and they did not.

... what the hell are you talking about?


Professional Schmuck

I think you all know how much I love this chart, but we sure have interesting data this time. Last year, September was a sign that the HD-combo would combine to gain against the Wii during the holiday. Sure enough, as December and January rolled past, the gains against the non-HD system were substantial.

Now, as the Wii has reduced that lead to its previous lowest-ever, the signs that this year might be a repeat of last are quickly fading. No cautious uptick, no static months in late summer, just slow, steady growth of the Wii against the HD set.*

*This may be relevant to publishers looking at how to distribute multi-platform titles but should be noted that it does not take into account obvious audience differences. This chart is more a symptom of the current market and the struggle of niche-hardcore audiences (males 14-32) against a larger, less homogeneous one.
* It looks like the Wii is destined to become the "must have" item for the third Christmas in a row. That's incredible.

* I have no doubt that Nintendo was hoping for higher numbers from Wii Music, but I still think it's too early to call the game a complete bomb. Casual games don't track in the same way hardcore games do, and Wii Music will most likely retain moderate sales for several months. So-called hardcore games tend to disappear a lot faster. It's highly unlikely that the game will approach the level of success seen by other Wii-branded titles, but I certainly don't think we've seen the last of Wii Music. It's also worth noting that Nintendo themselves expected the game to sell slowly out of the gate.

* It's nice to see Mario Kart continue to do so well. That game didn't seem to get the respect it deserved from the gaming press, but it's great that actual people are enjoying the game. However, as much as I loved Mario Kart for the Wii, I don't think it was as awesome as Double Dash. Nintendo should seriously port Double Dash to the Wii with added support for the wheel and online play. It's easy money.


GenericPseudonym said:
If anything this generation has proven that the fans are fickle and will disown a brand at the first sign of trouble, the once invincible Playstation brand is proof of this.

Nintendo is still a small fish in a pond with two massive competitors
, they rely on being more creative and innovative now because they don't have the resources to make anything like the HD consoles. I ask myself what rabbit will Nintendo possibly pull out of its hat to fend off MS or Sony next generation? They'll all have waggle, they'll all be under $300 (if they're smart) and they'll all aim for the casual market. This generation is an aberration as one competitor offers a totally different product than the other two, and that's probably not going to happen next gen.


Really the whole post was funny, but the bolded part was probably my favorite part.
You are totally clueless.
GenericPseudonym said:
If anything this generation has proven that the fans are fickle and will disown a brand at the first sign of trouble, the once invincible Playstation brand is proof of this.

Nintendo is still a small fish in a pond with two massive competitors, they rely on being more creative and innovative now because they don't have the resources to make anything like the HD consoles. I ask myself what rabbit will Nintendo possibly pull out of its hat to fend off MS or Sony next generation? They'll all have waggle, they'll all be under $300 (if they're smart) and they'll all aim for the casual market. This generation is an aberration as one competitor offers a totally different product than the other two, and that's probably not going to happen next gen.

You mad?
Karma said:
That will help sell the $220 and maybe cheaper soon stand alone Blu-Ray players. I think the PS3 will sell less this November than it did last November.

If you actually think that...

PS3 sold like 120k last October.


And even i am moderately surprised
LBP wasn't even really available in October.

yeah, other than that 200k or so copies, it was pretty much nowhere to be seen (except of course in those pesky games stores , grumble)

"GAH ! That ski lodge would have been mine if it wasn't for those meddling Gamestops."


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
manueldelalas said:
Oh right, that must be why Wii Fit and Mario Kart have outsold Wii Play. Also every Wii owner have Wii Sports and games such as Mario, smash, mario & sonic, mario party and Zelda are some of the best selling games of the generation.

Add to that that the average Wii owner has 5.5 games without counting Wii Sports.

Accusation for trolling sustained.

And yet, in my example of a new and diverse spectrum of gamers that MS and Sony will now set their eyes on, my archetype of the Wii owner who only plays that one game and none other (be it Wii Sports, Wii Play, whatever) still stands. Nintendo has broadened the definition of gamers. There is now more money to be made. That was my fucking point and has been since the beginning.

Are you such a knee-jerk reactive forumite that you can't even step back for a second without shooting off console war volleys with the reply button? If you're going to respond to my posts, at least try and comprehend what I'm trying to say.

But whatever. Like most lazy gaffers, it's easier for you to quote my tag, so go for it. :lol


Basileus777 said:
Because of an incoming price cut....

A popular motif in the Media Create threads that seemed to carry some weight. The validity and color of the discussion it ports over to the NPD venue will be interesting.

domokunrox said:
I'm curious as to what Fallout 3 PC sales numbers are. Anyone have that data they would like to share or dig up?

Are DD sales still too nebulous to come up with anything concrete though? Pretty much every service that offered FO3 had it in their top 5.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Speevy said:
Worldwide, I don't think so. KOTOR sold just over a million worldwide very quickly, Fable sold in every Western region for a longer period of time.

I could be wrong, anyone have numbers?

KotOR was right around 2 million with no PC numbers. Fable probably outsold the Xbox version
Mindlog said:
Are DD sales still too nebulous to come up with anything concrete though? Pretty much every service that offered FO3 had it in their top 5.

Maybe. Was it available on Steam on day 1? Or was there some sort preorder discount? That could sway quite a bit of sales I think. None the less, I'm still interested in hard copy sales. Even if they scratch maybe 70-90k sales, thats a major victory for PC gaming.
J-Rzez said:
I wonder if the quality and graphics of KILLZONE 2 is going to get scaled back by these NPD numbers?

Killzone 2 is already bought and paid for when Sony thought they would have money. Now if they aren't pulling in profits, that kind of kills (no pun intended) them from plugging the same unlimited budget into Killzone 3 that Killzone 2 is enjoying right now. Profits = More game development.

Sean said:
No it didn't, Motorstorm debuted at 199k in the US which was the highest-selling PS3 game at the time. And it sold 1 million before it was bundled according to Sony.

Those 1 million numbers are pulled from worldwide... not NPD and I believe it was bundled in Europe just like Resistance was before it was bundled here in the states. According to NPD, even a year after release Resistance only sold 780k and the first game to pass 1 million on the PS3 was COD4. Don't confuse WW numbers with NPD numbers.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Yes, it is, for the audacity of releasing such a half-baked game. Once I saw the premise of the game, that is exactly how I viewed it. it was as if they could just trot Miyamoto and Reggie out and make a tic-tac-toe game and people would eat it up because it was on the Wii. The arrogance in showing this at E3 as the big hurruh was appalling.

Sorry to single you out, but comments like this are very uninformed. Wii Music is the result of idea's Miyaoto's been kicking around for years. He and Nintendo put a lot of thought and a lot of work into this product. It's not something they just threw together, or some sort of shovelware. Miyamoto presented it because it was his project, not because Nintendo thinks putting his name on it will make it sell.

Now, we can debate whether it is good or not, whether they succeeded in what they were trying to do or not, but to say that Nintendo just shat Wii Music out like it was, I don't know, Brain Training or Pac-Man Vs. belies everything they've ever said about it.


NPD said:
The greater supply of Wii hardware at retail is evident in the sales figures for the month with the Wii enjoying its best sales month outside of last November and December
Isn't it the best result for any console in a non-Holiday month? Or did PS2 or NDS best that achievement once? What a spectacular sales figure.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
chespace said:
And yet, in my example of a new and diverse spectrum of gamers that MS and Sony will now set their eyes on, my archetype of the Wii owner who only plays that one game and none other (be it Wii Sports, Wii Play, whatever) still stands. Nintendo has broadened the definition of gamers. There is now more money to be made. That was my fucking point and has been since the beginning.

Are you such a knee-jerk reactive forumite that you can't even step back for a second without shooting off console war volleys with the reply button? If you're going to respond to my posts, at least try and comprehend what I'm trying to say.

But whatever. Like most lazy gaffers, it's easier for you to quote my tag, so go for it. :lol

It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it

Crisp. Twenties.

Neo C.

it's a bit bizarre to see such a big NPD-thread after the last few months when I can easily go through the threads in no time. Though I guess it isn't the numbers which make the thread so big.


Time Traveler
justchris said:
Sorry to single you out, but comments like this are very uninformed. Wii Music is the result of idea's Miyaoto's been kicking around for years. He and Nintendo put a lot of thought and a lot of work into this product. It's not something they just threw together, or some sort of shovelware. Miyamoto presented it because it was his project, not because Nintendo thinks putting his name on it will make it sell.

Now, we can debate whether it is good or not, whether they succeeded in what they were trying to do or not, but to say that Nintendo just shat Wii Music out like it was, I don't know, Brain Training or Pac-Man Vs. belies everything they've ever said about it.

It's Totaka's project, not Miyamoto.


I asked at E3 when the final concept was shown exactly what audience Nintendo were hoping to sell Wii Music to in the face of such stellar Rock Band and Guitar Hero sales which seemed proof enough that music games were already casual-friendly and didn't need dumbing down any further.

The answer is this: Nobody.


szaromir said:
Isn't it the best result for any console in a non-Holiday month? Or did PS2 or NDS best that achievement once? What a spectacular sales figure.

Here's the previous best: 783k DS units sold in June (5 weeks)


Professional Schmuck
Burai said:
I asked at E3 when the final concept was shown exactly what audience Nintendo were hoping to sell Wii Music to in the face of such stellar Rock Band and Guitar Hero sales which seemed proof enough that music games were already casual-friendly and didn't need dumbing down any further.

The answer is this: Nobody.

Did you really ask that? And do you mean nobody in the literal, figurative, or relative sense?
Sysgen said:
You do know Nintendo could of created the Wii controller for the gamecube, so his point stands.

No, not really. As is, Galaxy couldn't be done on GCN. And I doubt it could even be done graphically. Was GCN even capable of widescreen 480p?
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