manueldelalas said:It's Totaka's project, not Miyamoto.
sonycowboy said:PS3 SOCOM: U.S. NAVY SEALS CONFRONTATION SONY (CORP) Oct-08 7 231K
Ah fuck. That is the biggest videogame injustice of this month. How the fuck did socom outsell little big planet. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Private Hoffman said:I wouldn't take too much out of that. November should have LBP doing okay and SOCOM will fall like a rock.
Karma said:That will help sell the $220 and maybe cheaper soon stand alone Blu-Ray players. I think the PS3 will sell less this November than it did last November.
Ah fuck. That is the biggest videogame injustice of this month. How the fuck did socom outsell little big planet. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
fizzelopeguss said:PS3 is a corpse.
Why is it frustrating for owners if they're still getting good games? And I'd say price and image problem.mrklaw said:frustrating for owners though. its a great little machine. game lineup is pretty competitive now. Is it just price thats holding it back, or does it now have some kind of image problem in consumers minds? Is there massive demand from old PS2 owners holding off due to the entry price point, or have they all just bought 360s?
claviertekky said:Wonder if Sony will start cutting jobs in their gaming department because of the economy...
djblackice said:Yes, I am, especially after a comment like that. It's a good thing it's my subjective opinion, which you are clearly free to disagree with.
mrklaw said:frustrating for owners though. its a great little machine. game lineup is pretty competitive now. Is it just price thats holding it back, or does it now have some kind of image problem in consumers minds? Is there massive demand from old PS2 owners holding off due to the entry price point, or have they all just bought 360s?
J-Rzez said:I meant it that it won't push out PS3's by the truck load, I meant it more that sadly enough for Sony, that is the biggest selling point for product hitting before xmas. But I wouldn't doubt that it does actually sell some PS3's due to people on the fence, perhaps the hard core gamers that will justify picking up one for Blu-Ray and for say Killzone 2. The Dark Knight was a huge box office title, and if Sony has any smarts what so ever, they'll start a mini-campaign for KZ2 in Dec as well to maybe get some people to buy it in advance for the movies and the couple AAA titles on the machine to hold them over until KZ2 (and the eventual GoW3, GT5, perhaps inFamous, etc).
SOCOM actually has a pretty hardcore following. I'm curious what it sold via Bundle and DL total. Other SOCOMs did sell over a million copies iirc. And people will buy it because it is SOCOM, despite it's handful of issues left atm.
But yeah, I wish LBP to sell more, but like others said, it only has a couple sales days under it's belt for the month, it's not a typical "hardcore genre" title, and will be a slow burn word of mouth title. And it deserves it as it maybe the most brilliant platformer out there.
mrklaw said:frustrating for owners though. its a great little machine. game lineup is pretty competitive now. Is it just price thats holding it back, or does it now have some kind of image problem in consumers minds? Is there massive demand from old PS2 owners holding off due to the entry price point, or have they all just bought Wiis?
Loudninja said:360 had a great month,like others have said the PS3 really needs a price drop.
Rand al Thor 19 said:KZ2 this, KZ2 that, KZ2 all the time..... is that all you talk about??? Everything you post about mentions KZ2 in it somewhere no matter how unreleated the topic is. I mean seriously, do you work for Sony or Guerrila??? Do you get paid for how many times you mention KZ2 a day???
Private Hoffman said:It's mostly price, be honest, they didn't have the proven killer app this holiday season.
Gears 2 is a known quantity. Fable 2 is a known quantity.
LittleBigPlanet is unknown, Resistance 2 is a sequel to a mildly popular shooter, but certainly one that did not do amazingly well. MotorStorm 2 is unfortunately a game that most people overlook because racers aren't that big anymore, and people shrug off racing sequels in a very competitive month.
It's a great month for gamers, that's for sure. PS3 has had a spectacular lineup of games this year, but it didn't have enough proven big guns for the holiday season.
I know I'm going to get a "bbbuuuuu Just wait!!!" response, but 2009 should be stronger IF they can manage to deliver some key titles for the holiday season.
God of War 3 could be a huge title for them next year if it releases, but I have serious doubts that it will. My guess is that the earliest you will see God of War 3 is Spring that basically leaves Ucharted 2, Heavy Rain, MAG (if it releases), Gran Turismo 5, and TRICO (again, probably not going to be released until 2010).
If all or most of those games releases next fall, they'll have an excellent season. But if they're left with Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain, gamers will love it, but unfortunately Nathan Drake isn't 600 pounds and doesn't wield a chainsaw so it won't be a big enough title for them.
Private Hoffman said:It's mostly price, be honest, they didn't have the proven killer app this holiday season.
Gears 2 is a known quantity. Fable 2 is a known quantity.
LittleBigPlanet is unknown, Resistance 2 is a sequel to a mildly popular shooter, but certainly one that did not do amazingly well. MotorStorm 2 is unfortunately a game that most people overlook because racers aren't that big anymore, and people shrug off racing sequels in a very competitive month.
It's a great month for gamers, that's for sure. PS3 has had a spectacular lineup of games this year, but it didn't have enough proven big guns for the holiday season.
I know I'm going to get a "bbbuuuuu Just wait!!!" response, but 2009 should be stronger IF they can manage to deliver some key titles for the holiday season.
God of War 3 could be a huge title for them next year if it releases, but I have serious doubts that it will. My guess is that the earliest you will see God of War 3 is Spring that basically leaves Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, MAG (if it releases), Gran Turismo 5, and TRICO (again, probably not going to be released until 2010).
If all or most of those games releases next fall, they'll have an excellent season. But if they're left with Gran Turismo 5, Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain, gamers will love it, but unfortunately Nathan Drake isn't 600 pounds and doesn't wield a chainsaw so it won't be a big enough title for them.
But, of course, fanboys have to jump at every opportunity to downplay the game because it's for the PS3.Zen said:LBP wasn't even really available in October.
What does killer app mean?J-Rzez said::lol
O.K. guy. I'll see if I can squeeze more KZ2 comments in the WoW threads just for you. It's a killer app that has impressed me to no end, and I adore shooters. It IS relevant to this discussion as it will push machines if you like it or not. "Everything" is a little much. You need to relax, go fill a tube sock or something.
And, to be clear, you're accusing me of being a viral marketer?
I'll take a wild guess, KZ2!Nocebo said:What does killer app mean?
sonycowboy said:Many thanks to NPD as always for their continued support.
..........................................................PlayStation 3 190K
acm2000 said:so 2010 is year of the ps3 now? that makes 2009 another year for wii60 combo
domokunrox said:Maybe. Was it available on Steam on day 1? Or was there some sort preorder discount? That could sway quite a bit of sales I think. None the less, I'm still interested in hard copy sales. Even if they scratch maybe 70-90k sales, thats a major victory for PC gaming.
Nocebo said:Why is it frustrating for owners if they're still getting good games? And I'd say price and image problem.
SapientWolf said:Can someone explain that meme to me?
I think it will be something like:
[360 Fable 2] 575k
[360 Guitar Hero IV] 275k
[WII Wii Fit] 250k
[PS2 Guitar Hero IV] 200k
[WII Guitar Hero IV] 175k
[PS3 Little Big Planet] 150k
The people who wanted to spend $200 on plastic instruments probably already bought Rock Band, and LBP will have a small debut but long legs. Fable 2 is going to be the top seller for October.
Yes, compelling to whom?Private Hoffman said:You mean, another year for the Wii? Probably.
Because that system is selling more than both next-gen consoles combined, and more than twice 360 sales, even though the 360 is priced considerably cheaper now at 199 with a more compelling lineup (arguably).
fizzelopeguss said:Because the more those good games sell the more good games we get. If sony keeps pumping in big money and keeps getting lacklustre returns how long are they going to contunue doing it for? The PS3 is doomed to always play second fiddle in multiplatform games. PS3 owners are paying their £45 $60 just like 360 owners.
LBP has had some big money spent on it, if resistance 2 doesn't do well then sony could potentially lose one of it's biggest assets in insomniac.
Well, the fact that Fallout 3 sold well at all depresses me, so I guess it all balances out.Vyse The Legend said:Thanks for depressing me further.
Disappear my ass. It's not like stores are slashing prices to $5 in order to get rid of all those copies of Halo 3 no one wants. I think Saints Row 1 even ended back up on the NPDs a few months after GTAIV came out. No one bothers to track hardcore titles because they don't have to before they call the game a success.Coolio McAwesome said:* I have no doubt that Nintendo was hoping for higher numbers from Wii Music, but I still think it's too early to call the game a complete bomb. Casual games don't track in the same way hardcore games do, and Wii Music will most likely retain moderate sales for several months. So-called hardcore games tend to disappear a lot faster. It's highly unlikely that the game will approach the level of success seen by other Wii-branded titles, but I certainly don't think we've seen the last of Wii Music. It's also worth noting that Nintendo themselves expected the game to sell slowly out of the gate.
It's also image... people see hundreds of Xbox360 games in stores and much less PS3 games.mrklaw said:frustrating for owners though. its a great little machine. game lineup is pretty competitive now. Is it just price thats holding it back, or does it now have some kind of image problem in consumers minds? Is there massive demand from old PS2 owners holding off due to the entry price point, or have they all just bought 360s?
chespace said:I'm subsidized by MS. :lol Can't complain about the bi-weekly stipend, oh yes.
Please, get out of the fucking basement, kids.
Also, what good is winning a console war when your most ardent fanbase is starved for games?
You simply can't deny the fact that both 360 and PS3 ecosystems are very healthy for third-parties profits. Nintendo Wii? Not so much comparatively. Good for sending Yamauchi to the heavens, yes, but not much else.![]()
Billen said:I am one of the evil individuals that purchased Socom instead of the fantastic life changing experience that is LBP. Maybe it's because I was in the LBP beta, and I found the both the idea of creating bad levels as well as playing others bad levels immensely dull. So here I sit with my somewhat defunct Socom, and I still enjoy it way more than I enjoyed LBP. And I got a headset. Rejoice. Speaking of PS3 titles; how come the world doesn't understand the greatness of Valkyria Chronicles?
When it comes to the 360, I find the NXE faster and easier to use than the old worthless Dash, Fable II is fun and the console still sounds like a fucking jet engine.
Microsoft, why don't you ready up a new and improved (silent) version of the console as well as a controller with a decent D-Pad and release it as a counter to Sonys much needed price drop for the PS3? Because they refuse to lower the price? Daft buggers, aren't they? Good for you though.
Why do you say he's missing out? He said he has played it and didn't like it. What's to miss (for him)?Private Hoffman said:Too bad. You're missing out on a great single player mode in LBP, tons of great user created levels, and an actual GOOD reason to use that headset. But whatever floats your boat.
Billen said:I am one of the evil individuals that purchased Socom instead of the fantastic life changing experience that is LBP. Maybe it's because I was in the LBP beta, and I found the both the idea of creating bad levels as well as playing others bad levels immensely dull. So here I sit with my somewhat defunct Socom, and I still enjoy it way more than I enjoyed LBP. And I got a headset. Rejoice. Speaking of PS3 titles; how come the world doesn't understand the greatness of Valkyria Chronicles?
When it comes to the 360, I find the NXE faster and easier to use than the old worthless Dash, Fable II is fun and the console still sounds like a fucking jet engine.
Microsoft, why don't you ready up a new and improved (silent) version of the console as well as a controller with a decent D-Pad and release it as a counter to Sonys much needed price drop for the PS3? Because they refuse to lower the price? Daft buggers, aren't they? Good for you though.
acm2000 said:you do realise new 360s are ALOT quieter thanks to the liteon drive, the console itself isnt very noisy either, my june 06 model isnt very loud with no disc in, and even with a disc in it is quieter than my 40GB ps3 when its fans kick up with a game thats pushing it more (uncharted)
It's hard to reply / discuss with someone in a fast moving thread without quoting them. You're essentially saying noone should talk to this guy?Hammer24 said:PS: People, stop reacting to Hans (aka Snah, aka Hoffmann or whatever). Its just not worth it.
PPS: At least stop quoting him (/her, /it), otherwise ignore lists make no sense.
Average in what context? For a 3rd / 2nd place console? Yeah, I guess. But compared to what the ps2 used to do it probably isn't so good.In all fairness, 200k is considered average or decent, the number is just polarized by the effects of 360s price cut and wii's pwnage. PS3 has seen much worse months. While certainly not good, this month was alright.
Oh god you are so ignorant. :lol :lolmanueldelalas said:Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.
The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.
On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?
fernoca said:To me Dead Space sales are actually higher than expected...
It wans't advertised, not even that many people even here got the was rleeased in a really comptetitive month and still managed to make it to the Top 10 with just under 200k, ...and it's a new name/game...Silent Hill is more known and didn't made it...neither did FarCry 2.
:lolmanueldelalas said:Please stop the political crap, nobody cares if you United Stadians, or how the fuck are you called, worship your presidents; not a single soul in the rest of the world cares.
The only thing I know about your presidents is that Clinton likes sex, Bush likes beer, McCain likes war and Obama will be the first black president. Every president acts exactly the same and nothing will change.
On another note, can we get rid of the Obama avatars and political stuff in an international gaming forum?