If that's true, I think it's true vice versa as well.
My judgement of its strength is obviously an opinion, but I think when most media outlets - for example - look back on maybe the top 5 games of the year, 3 or 4 of them may be on PS3. Perhaps with more of them exclusively on PS3 than any other platform (to be specific, I think a lot of top 5s will look like some mix of: GTAIV, Fallout 3, MGS4, LBP & Gears 2)
Content wise, this year, there is no excuse. Metal Gear Solid 4, GTAIV, DMC4, GT5

, Wipeout HD, LittleBigPlanet, R2, Siren, Fallout 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Deadspace, Far Cry 2 etc. etc. It's been a pretty stellar year IMO, I think PS3 has distinguished itself fine - from a content POV - and I don't think it's going to get much better next year on that front. Content was an excuse last year, not this year.
This is why, if I were to advocate why PS3 will do 'better' next year, I'd focus on things other than content - like marketing and pricing etc. The content's a given. It was already sorted out this year, but there's obviously a lot more at play.
All of the above is in a context relative to 360, though. Regarding content with appeal for the new 'Wii market' - sure, that's another point altogether.