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Official October 2008 NPD Results

chespace said:
No, because you automatically assume I'm talking about folks on this forum, and I'm not.

There are plenty of Wii owners who just play Wii Play and nothing else.

And then there are the Wii owners on NeoGAF, who apparently play anything Wii they can get their hands on.

My example was to show two extreme opposites. Jesus, context.
There's people who bought a PS2 for Singstar only, some people bought an Xbox for Halo only, some people bought GCN for Nintendo games only. There's people who buy a shit ton of games for every and any console. In the end who gives a shit? Why does it bother you so much that there's people who choose to play Wii Sports only?


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Why do people get so angry about videogames?

Anways, I think the Wii will have an over 2.5 million month for December. If not, then you can ban me for a month. If so, then one of you dudes has to make out with a dog.


gofreak said:
I think people need to stop harping on content as an issue for PS3. "If some key titles arrive in 2009 etc..."

Content is and was absolutely not an issue for PS3 this year. The line up this year has been very strong already, as strong or stronger (imo) as any other platform.

That's not the issue. Look at price, look at marketing and so forth. But don't say 'when x/y/z arrives..'.... because such great content is already here. It's difficult to imagine PS3 having a much stronger year in 09 content-wise than 08, and that's only because 08's been really good.
What do you mean by strong? It obviously is very weak in the casual appeal department. Further more I wouldn't call it strong compared to xbox360s line up either, as they're virtually identical. Correct me if I'm wrong but there aren't a whole lot of games that set it apart from its closest competitor (xbox360), by that I don't necessarily mean exclusives in general but games that say "this is the PS3 experience".


AlternativeUlster said:
Why do people get so angry about videogames?

Anways, I think the Wii will have an over 2.5 million month for December. If not, then you can ban me for a month. If so, then one of you dudes has to make out with a dog.

Not gonna happen.
They wont be able to keep up with demand worldwide.
1.3-1.7 million for December is more likely.

Im guessing

November will be 1million
December will be 1.3-1.7
another note.
Wii Play should be considered an accessory, 40 dollar controller with a 10 dollar game. People dont buy Wii Play for the game, its just a good value with like 9 more mini games. I suppose Microsoft should just start adding Uno for Xbox Live with all their controllers and top the charts too.
Nocebo said:
What do you mean by strong? It obviously is very weak in the casual appeal department. Further more I wouldn't call it strong compared to xbox360s line up either, as they're virtually identical. Correct me if I'm wrong but there aren't a whole lot of games that set it apart from its closest competitor (xbox360), by that I don't necessarily mean exclusives in general but games that say "this is the PS3 experience".
This is the big problem for the PS3. The lineup is as strong as the 360 one, but the 360 has the slight edge, because of the pricing.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Jewbacca said:
Not gonna happen.
They wont be able to keep up with demand worldwide.
1.3-1.7 million for December is more likely.

Im guessing

November will be 1million
December will be 1.3-1.7

Whatever dude, it is going to happen and then you will have to make out with a dog. Your new tag will be "Too Friendly at the DAWG pound!"
Jewbacca said:
Not gonna happen.
They wont be able to keep up with demand worldwide.
1.3-1.7 million for December is more likely.

Im guessing

November will be 1million
December will be 1.3-1.7
Guess you didn't get the memo that Nintendo has raised production to 2.4/m? They've been stockpiling for ages now.


BishopLamont said:
Guess you didn't get the memo that Nintendo has raised production to 2.4/m?

So sayeth the immortal Pete Burns, "You spin me right round baby, right now, like a record baby, round, round, round, round." In an interview with Los Angeles Times, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime has hinted that, yet again, the supply for the Nintendo Wii might not meet the demand this holiday. The Regginator (a nickname noted in the article) said that production is up 33% over last year, from 1.6 million consoles per month to 2.4 million.

That is not all going to the U.S.


Nocebo said:
It's hard to reply / discuss with someone in a fast moving thread without quoting them. You're essentially saying noone should talk to this guy?

Do you know Hans/Snah? If not, look at the post history...
Sony must slash the PlayStation 3’s retail price in order to avoid losing sales,but unfortunately Sony has not been able to fend off the negative effects of a stronger yen after Lehman collapse.I guess that Game division,pressured by yen appreciation and fierce price competition is KO.First the Blu-Ray thing and now this,it´s really amazing.Only Bank Of Japan can save SCEA.


Exchange Rates






AlternativeUlster said:
They will be stockpiling them for the holidays or in your case DAWG-piling them.

Ill take pics of me making out with an animal if Wii sells 2.5 million+ in december.
You have to do the same if it doesnt.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Jewbacca said:
Ill take pics of me making out with an animal if Wii sells 2.5 million+ in december.
You have to do the same if it doesnt.

But how will I know which one is the DAWG and which one is you? I am just joking Jewbie, you are a good sport.

EDIT: Steal edit! Ah well. I will take a picture of me making out with your mom. You are a good sport Jewbie, did I tell that?
Jewbacca said:
Ill take pics of me making out with an animal if Wii sells 2.5 million+ in december.
Wow dude, brave but not very smart. :lol

Wii did 1.35M last year, this year the Wii has been selling pretty slow in Japan, those extra Wiis alone will push it past 2 million. Now add ramped up production.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Nocebo said:
What do you mean by strong? It obviously is very weak in the casual appeal department. Further more I wouldn't call it strong compared to xbox360s line up either, as they're virtually identical. Correct me if I'm wrong but there aren't a whole lot of games that set it apart from its closest competitor (xbox360), by that I don't necessarily mean exclusives in general but games that say "this is the PS3 experience".

If that's true, I think it's true vice versa as well.

My judgement of its strength is obviously an opinion, but I think when most media outlets - for example - look back on maybe the top 5 games of the year, 3 or 4 of them may be on PS3. Perhaps with more of them exclusively on PS3 than any other platform (to be specific, I think a lot of top 5s will look like some mix of: GTAIV, Fallout 3, MGS4, LBP & Gears 2)

Content wise, this year, there is no excuse. Metal Gear Solid 4, GTAIV, DMC4, GT5:p, Wipeout HD, LittleBigPlanet, R2, Siren, Fallout 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Deadspace, Far Cry 2 etc. etc. It's been a pretty stellar year IMO, I think PS3 has distinguished itself fine - from a content POV - and I don't think it's going to get much better next year on that front. Content was an excuse last year, not this year.

This is why, if I were to advocate why PS3 will do 'better' next year, I'd focus on things other than content - like marketing and pricing etc. The content's a given. It was already sorted out this year, but there's obviously a lot more at play.

All of the above is in a context relative to 360, though. Regarding content with appeal for the new 'Wii market' - sure, that's another point altogether.


pswii60 said:

Still, I wonder how much all the posters calling you 'ignorant' actually know about your country and politics.

What country does he come from, and does it secretly run the world like the US does?


Hellraizer said:
This is the big problem for the PS3. The lineup is as strong as the 360 one, but the 360 has the slight edge, because of the pricing.
I think so too. It's not like either has a bad library of games for the niche market they're approaching. But for a random consumer it's hard to differentiate between the two as they're, generally speaking, offering similar experiences. The consumer usually doesn't care about minute distinctions between games: Halo? Resistance? Kill Zone? They're all shooters.

It seems like both consoles "suffer" from this lack of distinction. With neither really outshining the other. What further supports this statement (lack of distinction) is that more and more games are becoming multiplatform, fading out even more differentials.

Right now, as you said, the main or at least most important difference in the consumer's mind is the pricing. The xbox360 is significantly lower priced, if I want to have something to play (HD?) games on then I'm going with the cheapest sollution.

gofreak said:
If that's true, I think it's true vice versa as well.
It most definitely is true vice versa, that's why xbox and ps3 are doing similar numbers in my opinion.

gofreak said:
Content wise, this year, there is no excuse. Metal Gear Solid 4, GTAIV, DMC4, GT5:p, Wipeout HD, LittleBigPlanet, R2, Siren, Fallout 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Deadspace, Far Cry 2 etc. etc. It's been a pretty stellar year IMO, I think PS3 has distinguished itself fine - from a content POV - and I don't think it's going to get much better next year on that front. Content was an excuse last year, not this year.
I'm sorry but Metal Gear Solid 4 and LittleBigPlanet (and maybe wipeout) are the only distinguishing games in that list you mentioned. The others are multiplat or very niche or similar offerings are on Xbox.
Hellraizer said:
This is the big problem for the PS3. The lineup is as strong as the 360 one, but the 360 has the slight edge, because of the pricing.

I think it has the slight edge because its advantages are quantifiable when applied to games. PS3's main selling point, it's power and Blu-Ray storage, have yet to blow the doors off any game and come out as an unparalleled experience that a 360 could never even come close to replicating graphically and/or power-wise. On the flipside, 360's main advantage, a seamless online component, is on display in virtually every major game they release; in-game co-op, an Auction House for cars, massive web integration with online component, etc. There are obviously PS3 games that have a strong online component, but it's lacking that consistency of experience that allows the more unique applications, like Banjo for example, where you can use photo mode to take a picture of your friend's vehicle and automatically upload their schematics to your garage.

And it's now been two years of direct online competition. That predicted usurping of Xbox Live because it costs $50 has not arrived and, at this point, probably never will.
SapientWolf said:
Disappear my ass. It's not like stores are slashing prices to $5 in order to get rid of all those copies of Halo 3 no one wants. I think Saints Row 1 even ended back up on the NPDs a few months after GTAIV came out. No one bothers to track hardcore titles because they don't have to before they call the game a success.

Games like Mario Kart and Wii Fit are still going strong after several months. How many "hardcore" games from last spring are still kicking around the top 10? This isn't to say that every hardcore game is going to fall of the face of the earth after a few months, but casual games, in general, tend to have longer legs than hardcore games. Games like Metal Gear Solid 4 will do the bulk of its sales within a couple of months, while a game like Nintendogs will stay around for a lot longer. So, again, while Wii Music has essentially no chance of approaching the success of previous Wii-branded games, I think the game is going to have longer legs than your average game does.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
BishopLamont said:
fixed. :lol

With that many Wiis you can duct tape them together and it can be twice as powerful as a XBOX.

Drumkit hit.

I feel slightly sick for doing a duct tape joke like I was wrongly touched. Oh well. No looking back now.


And even i am moderately surprised
I think people need to stop harping on content as an issue for PS3. "If some key titles arrive in 2009 etc..."

Content is and was absolutely not an issue for PS3 this year. The line up this year has been very strong already, as strong or stronger (imo) as any other platform.

That's not the issue. Look at price, look at marketing and so forth. But don't say 'when x/y/z arrives..'.... because such great content is already here. It's difficult to imagine PS3 having a much stronger year in 09 content-wise than 08, and that's only because 08's been really good.

agreed with everything here. As a PS3 owner i'm happy with the line up this year, way happier than last year and the PS3 is getting a hell of a lot more game time and there's games coming next year i'm genuinely interested in.

I think the issue now is for sony to get into a position next year to avoid a "dog product" tag. I think there is now a real danger that people are just going to stop caring and i think the end of this year is going to be very telling for sony. The economic down turn and the rise of the yen really couldn't have come at a worse time for them too :(

It's not about the games as Gofreak says, there's something else and i think , personally, the damage was done when they launched at -that- price.


AlternativeUlster said:
But how will I know which one is the DAWG and which one is you? I am just joking Jewbie, you are a good sport.

EDIT: Steal edit! Ah well. I will take a picture of me making out with your mom. You are a good sport Jewbie, did I tell that?

Alright close enough deal.

Rolf NB

Curious. I thought the Xbox 360 would have to be on the downward slope of its price-drop spike, but instead it actually increased its sales over September.
It actually looks like the Xbox 360 ate away some of the PS2's share as well, no doubt due to the approaching price points. The PS2 was on its way down anyway, but what we're seeing here is quite a steep drop month-to-month.

Competitive pressure at work.

The PS3 needed a price drop in August.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Giganticus said:
Huh, no third party Wii games up there this month? Again?

What big name third party Wii game was released in October?


AniHawk said:
I talked with EviLore a while back and he gave me the go-ahead. It'll probably happen in late December like the last two years.

I'm ready. I've got a list and everything!


gofreak said:
If that's true, I think it's true vice versa as well.

My judgement of its strength is obviously an opinion, but I think when most media outlets - for example - look back on maybe the top 5 games of the year, 3 or 4 of them may be on PS3. Perhaps with more of them exclusively on PS3 than any other platform (to be specific, I think a lot of top 5s will look like some mix of: GTAIV, Fallout 3, MGS4, LBP & Gears 2)

Content wise, this year, there is no excuse. Metal Gear Solid 4, GTAIV, DMC4, GT5:p, Wipeout HD, LittleBigPlanet, R2, Siren, Fallout 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Deadspace, Far Cry 2 etc. etc. It's been a pretty stellar year IMO, I think PS3 has distinguished itself fine - from a content POV - and I don't think it's going to get much better next year on that front. Content was an excuse last year, not this year.

This is why, if I were to advocate why PS3 will do 'better' next year, I'd focus on things other than content - like marketing and pricing etc. The content's a given. It was already sorted out this year, but there's obviously a lot more at play.

All of the above is in a context relative to 360, though. Regarding content with appeal for the new 'Wii market' - sure, that's another point altogether.

agree. content isn't an excuse anymore. it can only be price. either the PS3 being perceived as overpriced, or the 360 just being too damn cheap to ignore, or a combo of both.

I don't think cost for Sony is anywhere near as big an issue as it was - by now their chips will be much cheaper to manufacture, and the Bluray drive won't be so expensive. Maybe they just want to recoup some of the losses from the early price cut?

I still think there are millions of people out there that would want a PS3 given the right pricing, a strong pent up demand that just isn't there on 360 (as its already at a very low price). I don't see how Sony can be so blind as to go through a holiday season and wait until next year to cut prices. True, they are between a rock and a hard place right now, but they need movement in their unit sales and that means taking a hit and cutting the price now by a significant amount.

They don't need price parity with the 360, in some ways Sony has always gone with a slight premium and it has worked for them. but the gulf in pricing is just too large now.

Sadly, I can't see them doing it. They'll rely on the natural increase in units for the holidays to at least make some money, then cut in spring.


Junior Member
You simply can't deny the fact that both 360 and PS3 ecosystems are very healthy for third-parties profits. Nintendo Wii? Not so much comparatively. Good for sending Yamauchi to the heavens, yes, but not much else. :p
mrklaw said:
agree. content isn't an excuse anymore. it can only be price. either the PS3 being perceived as overpriced

Has this ever really been in doubt though?

When part of your image is that you proudly boast you've got an expensive video game console, you've fundamentally misjudged the market.

Rolf NB

mrklaw said:
agree. content isn't an excuse anymore. it can only be price. either the PS3 being perceived as overpriced, or the 360 just being too damn cheap to ignore, or a combo of both.

I don't think cost for Sony is anywhere near as big an issue as it was - by now their chips will be much cheaper to manufacture, and the Bluray drive won't be so expensive. Maybe they just want to recoup some of the losses from the early price cut?

I still think there are millions of people out there that would want a PS3 given the right pricing, a strong pent up demand that just isn't there on 360 (as its already at a very low price). I don't see how Sony can be so blind as to go through a holiday season and wait until next year to cut prices. True, they are between a rock and a hard place right now, but they need movement in their unit sales and that means taking a hit and cutting the price now by a significant amount.

They don't need price parity with the 360, in some ways Sony has always gone with a slight premium and it has worked for them. but the gulf in pricing is just too large now.

Sadly, I can't see them doing it. They'll rely on the natural increase in units for the holidays to at least make some money, then cut in spring.
The recent financial numbers (379M$ loss in calendar Q3) seem to suggest that SCE is still losing money on hardware, and as absolutely puzzling as that is to me, that explains why they don't drop the price even though they'd need to to be competitive.

Hardware production and frequent iterations to shave down unit costs are what I expected Sony's advantage to be this generation, but somehow that's just not working out.
If things were humming along smoothly within SCE, a first (physical) revision would already be out. That large case, the materials, the associated logistics costs, that has to be a problem.


Junior Member
I haven't read many of the comments yet, but did wii music get released in America? If it did, shouldn't it be in the top 10?

And kind of disappointed sales for the ps3. It could have done better. The xbox 360 did really well. And the wii...Monster!


Sharp said:
At the very least, you missed the new Rock Band 2 LTD information and GH:WT sales information, which means there might be more sales you missed as well.

Didn't miss them. I only included sales on individual platforms.


bcn-ron said:
Hardware production and frequent iterations to shave down unit costs are what I expected Sony's advantage to be this generation, but somehow that's just not working out.
If things were humming along smoothly within SCE, a first (physical) revision would already be out. That large case, the materials, the associated logistics costs, that has to be a problem.

major revisions don't happen that quickly - took a while for the PS2 slim to come out.

I would have expected Sony to take along view though. Losses this gen will help them keep marketshare into the next gen. However, maybe they *are* taking the long view, but have written this gen off already so are just playing along as best they can without killing themselves, and plan to pick up again next time?

I have no idea and its quite confusing, if interesting to watch.

I just hope to hell someone comes out with a beefy machine next gen. Wii2 with 360 graphics won't be enough in 3 years time, and 360/PS3s reheated with waggle won't be either. I don't want a stagnation generation, which is what wii might result in next time around.
Shadow780 said:
I'm looking forward to cry @ Valkyria Chronicles sales next month :((((

It's safe to say it won't even crack the top 10. It doesn't have to be in the top 10 to be success of course, but it sucks knowing that we have no idea how well it's doing.

Neo C.

mrklaw said:
I just hope to hell someone comes out with a beefy machine next gen. Wii2 with 360 graphics won't be enough in 3 years time, and 360/PS3s reheated with waggle won't be either. I don't want a stagnation generation, which is what wii might result in next time around.
This industry isn't known for technological stagnation, and I'm pretty sure there won't be a general stagnation. Though the hardware companies might change their focus, there are a lot of things they can improve besides the raw power.


get some go again
wow sony is going to get crushed during the holidays. can't say i'm sad since they brought it upon themselves.


Time Traveler
Dax01 said:
Oh god you are so ignorant. :lol :lol

You know the meaning of the world sarcasm, right?

And look at my avatar, I joined political fare =P.

AniHawk said:
What country does he come from, and does it secretly run the world like the US does?

Chile it is, the long thing next to Argentina, which is the large thing bellow Brazil, which is the big thing you see when you look south of the United States on a map (hint: it's south of Mexico).

Kuroyume said:
Who cares? His country doesn't matter.

no it doesn't.
mrklaw said:
I don't think cost for Sony is anywhere near as big an issue as it was - by now their chips will be much cheaper to manufacture, and the Bluray drive won't be so expensive. Maybe they just want to recoup some of the losses from the early price cut?

I don't think it's as simple as chip dieshrinks. Each iteration of the console (it's not just bigger/smaller HDD's) has given it a smaller mainboard but i imagine there's only so far you can go.The build quality of these things is still very very high. a PS3 slim might allow them to make further cuts, maybe even let people stomach removed features.
I believe someone in this very thread said MS has only just recently started to break even on the 360 hardware? If that's true then there's no hope for sony with it's current PS3.
Nocebo said:
Why do you say he's missing out? He said he has played it and didn't like it. What's to miss (for him)?

Genre redefining gameplay and beautiful art. Or wait, was that the hyperbole for anther game? I forget now. Racing that's pure sex?
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