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Official October 2008 NPD Results

J-Rzez said:
SOCOM actually has a pretty hardcore following. I'm curious what it sold via Bundle and DL total. Other SOCOMs did sell over a million copies iirc. And people will buy it because it is SOCOM, despite it's handful of issues left atm.
I bought SOCOM in the UK for the headset... and I don't even have a PS3 yet. :lol

I'll probably drop the game off at CEX / Gamestation or something like that.


chespace said:
And yet, in my example of a new and diverse spectrum of gamers that MS and Sony will now set their eyes on, my archetype of the Wii owner who only plays that one game and none other (be it Wii Sports, Wii Play, whatever) still stands. Nintendo has broadened the definition of gamers. There is now more money to be made. That was my fucking point and has been since the beginning.

Are you such a knee-jerk reactive forumite that you can't even step back for a second without shooting off console war volleys with the reply button? If you're going to respond to my posts, at least try and comprehend what I'm trying to say.

But whatever. Like most lazy gaffers, it's easier for you to quote my tag, so go for it. :lol

I'd hate to break it to you, but there have been gamers playing just one game since the dawn of electronic gaming. Be it Pacman, Mario, Halo, or Wii Sports/Wii Fit.

And for your comment about 3rd parties seeing huge profits from the ecosystem of PS3/Xbox 360. That simply isn't true. It's factually incorrect and I'll assume you misspoke instead of purposefully spouting bullshit. For all the "huge revenue" pointed, people point to massive blockbuster games such as Fallout, which would do well on any platform due to the budget for production and marketing. If Fallout 3, with the same production value (not graphics folks) and with the same level of marketing was released exclusively on the Wii, it would have done well. One reason we haven't seen the huge 3rd party breakout hit on the Wii is that the same factors that push hits on other platforms haven't been applied to the Wii.

Also, when referencing huge gains 3rd parties have seen on 360/PS3, gross revenue doesn't mean shit. Many 3rd party game have released to no fanfare, substandard sales, and lose a lot of money. Couple the increased cost of development and the game industry has become like the movie industry, they bank on one or two major hits to carry them through the year. That is not a healthy ecosystem. You should be looking at the gross margin that publishers get from each platform. I'm willing to bet that that is strongest on the DS and Wii.

But continue being a major twit.
Drop. The price. Sony. It doesn't take a marketing genius to figure that one out. You will sell more units, make less profit, but your profit comes in the software anyway, and more PS3 units sold = more software profit.


perfectchaos007 said:
Drop. The price. Sony. It doesn't take a marketing genius to figure that one out. You will sell more units, make less profit, but your profit comes in the software anyway, and more PS3 units sold = more software profit.

PS3 isn't going to gain marketshare no matter what they do. They are stuck in third place, the market for this generation has spoken.
perfectchaos007 said:
Drop. The price. Sony. It doesn't take a marketing genius to figure that one out. You will sell more units, make less profit, but your profit comes in the software anyway, and more PS3 units sold = more software profit.

Are they making any profit now? I mean have we ever had official word on that?

EDIT: on the hardware, I mean


Ulairi said:
If Fallout 3, with the same production value (not graphics folks) and with the same level of marketing was released exclusively on the Wii, it would have done well.
Well? Maybe. As well as on PC/360/PS3? I strongly doubt it.


perfectchaos007 said:
Drop. The price. Sony. It doesn't take a marketing genius to figure that one out. You will sell more units, make less profit, but your profit comes in the software anyway, and more PS3 units sold = more software profit.
I'm not sure it's that easy of a decision for Sony. For starter's, we don't the specifics of how much they usually make on software, and ultimately, we don't know if that extra software profit would be enough to cover the losses caused by a price drop on the hardware. If it was enough, you would think that Sony would drop the price already, but they obviously haven't.
RBH said:
I'm not sure it's that easy of a decision for Sony. For starter's, we don't the specifics of how much they usually make on software. We don't know if that extra software profit would be enough to cover the losses caused by a price drop on the hardware.
We also don't know how soon PS4 with Wii capabilities is coming out.


Chiggs said:
Good Lord, Sony.

This post right here perfectly illustrates the difference between this gen and last gen. The difference is entirely in the placement of the comma.

Last gen = "Good, Lord Sony."
This gen = "Good lord, Sony."


perfectchaos007 said:
Drop. The price. Sony. It doesn't take a marketing genius to figure that one out. You will sell more units, make less profit, but your profit comes in the software anyway, and more PS3 units sold = more software profit.
Holy shit, they should hire you.

I bet they never thought of that!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I had no idea that part of the New Xbox Experience would be the 2:1 crushing of the PS3. I hear the lamentation of the women....


gregor7777 said:
Genre redefining gameplay and beautiful art. Or wait, was that the hyperbole for anther game? I forget now. Racing that's pure sex?

It may be hyperbole but the game is fucking awesome. You strike me as someone that would enjoy that based on some of your other posts, why not give it a shot?

VC that is, I couldn't care less about Motorstorm for some reason.


GarthVaderUK said:
Ahh, November NPDs. Hard to believe that this was 2 years ago:
I actually remember seeing that for the first time. Good times. I hope someone makes another one because I'm half tempted to do one myself.

edit: lol at the comments:
hi im a Japanese doctor, specialist in urology. im here to talk to you about evilore. evilore has an unusually small penis.Micropenis. he also suffers from depression and a very rare and complex erosive anal disease. so please be kind. thanks
*sigh* I wish I wasn't banned
TheBranca18 said:
It may be hyperbole but the game is fucking awesome. You strike me as someone that would enjoy that based on some of your other posts, why not give it a shot?

VC that is, I couldn't care less about Motorstorm for some reason.

I'm just being snarky. :)

It definitely looks up my alley, I just need to buy a PS3 again at some point.


listen to the mad man
Jewbacca said:
another note.
Wii Play should be considered an accessory, 40 dollar controller with a 10 dollar game. People dont buy Wii Play for the game, its just a good value with like 9 more mini games. I suppose Microsoft should just start adding Uno for Xbox Live with all their controllers and top the charts too.


Microsoft could do a controller-game package. They haven't.
Sony could do a controller-game package. They haven't.
Both could make waggle wands. They haven't.
Sony could lower the PS3's price to $99. They haven't.

Wii Play is clearly making Nintendo an enormous amount of profit. The only point you make by saying "Wii play shouldn't count! Anyone can bundle a controller and a cheap game and make millions!" is that Microsoft and Sony are clinically stupid for throwing away all that cash.
Durante said:
Well? Maybe. As well as on PC/360/PS3? I strongly doubt it.
Do you have anything to substantiate your argument?

There hasn't been one big-budget third party game released on Wii. If niche shit like No More Heroes can sell over 400,000 copies with limited advertising then I'd say there's a fair amount of Wii owners willing to buy core games.

I hope that next gen, while Sony and Microsoft scramble to focus their efforts on the casual market, Nintendo pulls a fast one and makes a bunch of core games for their newly converted user base, via the Wii Sports -> Mario Galaxy sequence.


Amazing, I just can't believe a console with one of the worst yearly line up in history of gaming, is spanking the competition silly.


gimmmick said:
Amazing, I just can't believe a console with one of the worst yearly line up in history of gaming, is spanking the competition silly.

are there tie ratio figures available? I'd be particularly interested in tie ratio both including and excluding first party games.

Surely if wii is so shit, and nobody does anything except play wii sports, then the tie ratio would be really bad?
gimmmick said:
Amazing, I just can't believe a console with one of the worst yearly line up in history of gaming, is spanking the competition silly.

Just the same way Eurotrash spanks any quality bands around here...,wait a minute, you just....OH MY GOD!!


gimmmick said:
Amazing, I just can't believe a console with one of the worst yearly line up in history of gaming, is spanking the competition silly.

Wii games tend of have long tails. People pick up a wii and pick up games in the catalog as well.


gimmmick said:
Amazing, I just can't believe a console with one of the worst yearly line up in history of gaming, is spanking the competition silly.
All those poor idiots who don't have the sense to like the same games you do.

Tsk tsk tsk.

I weep for their souls. Hopefully they will wake up from the brainwashing and care enough about videogames to purchase a console actually worth buying.

Why won't they realize that nobody wants their money? The industry can sustain itself just fine without them. All they have to do is keep bringing the product we love, spend more and more money to make them so that we can have our 2-week fix, and the industry will be fine.


gimmmick said:
Amazing, I can't believe a console with one of the worst yearly line up in history of gaming, is spanking the competition silly.

I suppose it largely comes down to price & marketing. Sony is fucked until they lower the price, and Microsoft is doing about as good as you can with the traditional market / demographics.

Despite Nintendo's mediocre library of games, the system sells.

What drives me crazy is the Nintendo fanboys who claim the system's success is in part due to these random niche games they cite as successful, despite the fact that the software numbers for anything not Mario Kart or Wii Fit are actually quite bad relative to how many consoles are in the market.


Stumpokapow said:

Microsoft could do a controller-game package. They haven't.
Sony could do a controller-game package. They haven't.
Both could make waggle wands. They haven't.
Sony could lower the PS3's price to $99. They haven't.

Wii Play is clearly making Nintendo an enormous amount of profit. The only point you make by saying "Wii play shouldn't count! Anyone can bundle a controller and a cheap game and make millions!" is that Microsoft and Sony are clinically stupid for throwing away all that cash.

Wii is pretty uniquely positioned to take advantage of a wii play-like bundle. It's seen as a system for the whole family, which means that just about everyone who buys a Wii is looking for a second controller. Plenty of 360 and PS3 owners only have the controller that comes with the system.

In addition, the Wii is seen by a lot of people as being Wii Sports, so a minigame compilation like Wii Play is going to get a lot more attention from Wii owners than it would elsewere. I guess MS or Sony could have bundled a high-budget blockbuster with a controller to hit their demographics, but that would be a dangerous move since the game would have to be a Wii Play-level success to turn a profit.

Nintendo were in a position where they could sell a ton of copies of a no-budget game like Wii Play, and they did.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Private Hoffman said:
And a great co-op game too boot. I don't see why a fan of SMG wouldn't enjoy LBP.

no wall jump! Grab is a great feature though.


lawblob said:
I suppose it largely comes down to price & marketing. Sony is fucked until they lower the price, and Microsoft is doing about as good as you can with the traditional market / demographics.

Xbox is the lowest cost platform now. It is not because of price. It's because Nintendo released a console that the mass market actually want to buy.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
what is MKWii's LTD? What place does it have in the top 10 selling titles of this generation?

Just insane...


Neo C. said:
This industry isn't known for technological stagnation, and I'm pretty sure there won't be a general stagnation. Though the hardware companies might change their focus, there are a lot of things they can improve besides the raw power.

the industry has never seen things pan out like this. Massively expensive machine = fail, cheapass waggle machine = win (massively) That can change things a lot.

As for the 'so what if people only play one game' thing - well it does matter, as it changes the landscape (as does wii succeeding).

If more people buy fewer games, then the market grows, but they buy less games per machine. That means as a console manufacturer, you have to look at making profit in the hardware rather than relying on large volumes of software paying the bills.

That puts pressure on R&D and cost of goods for your new console.

None of this bodes well for expensive, well equipped machines next gen.

Maybe by default we'll get a reasonable upgrade over 360/PS3 due to GPUs/CPU capabilties increasing, even if we don't get a bleeding edge one


mrklaw said:
are there tie ratio figures available? I'd be particularly interested in tie ratio both including and excluding first party games.

Surely if wii is so shit, and nobody does anything except play wii sports, then the tie ratio would be really bad?

surely this was posted already in this thread, so i'm not going to look for a link
(this is america only, third party only and first 23 mths of each console only)
wii is a little bit higher than ps3 (by not more that 0.5 to 1 game per console), and 360 is a fair amount higher than both (about a game or two per console)

So apparently wii owners buy more games than PS3 owners, at least for third party titles they do


Ulairi said:
Xbox is the lowest cost platform now. It is not because of price. It's because Nintendo released a console that the mass market actually want to buy.

Yeah, thats where the marketing comes into play. As questionably useful as waggle might be, it was a brilliant marketing strategy.

I just found out my 85 year old Grandpa bought a Wii last month to play Wii Sports.... I mean, good hell, you just can't compete with that kind of brand awareness.


mrklaw said:
are there tie ratio figures available? I'd be particularly interested in tie ratio both including and excluding first party games.

Surely if wii is so shit, and nobody does anything except play wii sports, then the tie ratio would be really bad?
Well, it'd be zero if they only plated Wii Sport, unless you try to spin the figures to include Wii Sports in the tie ratio. But some of them play bought Wii Play, so it'd 0.5.

But, let's be fair, two other "games" have sold, Wii Fit and Mario Kart. Judging the top 10, Wii sells about 1 game per console on top of Wii Play (about half each buy Mario Kart or Wii Fit), so Wii's tie ratio is probably somewhere around the 1.5 mark. With the November/December hardware sales, that can only drop.


You know Wii is still shit until the tie ratio is greater than PS3 and 360 combined.

Actually i would like to see a graph of which games that have over a budget of 20million sell on Wii. The tie ratio of those games vs on PS3 and 360. I bet you they aren't even close.

Live with it NinFans. The Wii will never have the same tie ratio of 3rd party games that have a budget of over 20 million on PS3 and 360 combined because you play nothing but Nintendo games and casual trash :lol

*steps back and waits for the football*


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
lawblob said:
I just found out my 85 year old Grandpa bought a Wii last month to play Wii Sports.... I mean, good hell, you just can't compete with that kind of brand awareness.
EVERY single last person in my department owns a Wii. Almost everyone in my family owns a Wii. Almost everyone in my wife's family owns a Wii. Almost all of our friends own a Wii (casual and gamers). We have NEVER recommended anyone buy a Wii or even talked about ours too much with any of them.

Videogames this gen are "Nintendo". You can always tell what THE system is each gen. IS it "a Sony", "a Sega", "a Nintendo"... This gen is once again "a Nintendo". but to a ridiculous degree. Mark my words, at this point I am confident in saying the Wii will be the most successful console of all time. Even more than SNES, NES, and PS2. The only thing that would prevent that from happening is Nintendo willingly shortening the generation.


Second said:

You say that like there is something wrong? :D

I like my Wii as much as my 360 but the likes of Fable 2 and Gears have made me stop playing it. Before they were released I was playing Samba, Boomblox and Mega Man 9.
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