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Official October 2008 NPD Results

:lol @ the bitter 360 and Sony fanboys hating on the Wii and its games as usual. At least we Nintendo fans genuinley feel a certain game would benefit more from wiimote controls than graphics that are barely even better, while you provide unconstructive bile of opinions that spew from your dimwitted mind all over a game you weren't even fucking interested in the first place about.

You nerds obsess way more than any normal human being should about fucking sales. Though I must admit it feels pretty good to have the king of this industry back on top. And its not even close, Nintendo are absolutely crushing the other two into the mud.

At this point I don't see any way they will ever top Nintendo again. Neither show the foresight nor the willingness to take a risk and innovate to push the industry further. Nopet instead make it a tech race until development costs continue to climb, companies take it out on consumers (ala DLC abuse), and they collapse under their shitty franchise, while anyone that has anything to do with Nintendo (including 3rd parties that get with the damn program) remains as the industry.


Threi said:
You know Wii is still shit until the tie ratio is greater than PS3 and 360 combined.

Actually i would like to see a graph of which games that have over a budget of 20million sell on Wii. The tie ratio of those games vs on PS3 and 360. I bet you they aren't even close.

Live with it NinFans. The Wii will never have the same tie ratio of 3rd party games that have a budget of over 20 million on PS3 and 360 combined because you play nothing but Nintendo games and casual trash :lol

I don't even know which games i'd guess have had a 20 mil budget on wii.. if there are none, does that make the tie-ratio is infinite or zero, according to your specifications :p

Rolf NB

Ulairi said:
PS3 isn't going to gain marketshare no matter what they do. They are stuck in third place, the market for this generation has spoken.
Actually this was the first month since launch where the PS3 didn't gain market share in the US. Precise numbers will probably get me in trouble, but they lost just a tiny bit, effectively holding steady at roughly half of 360 LTD (or a third of the total HD console base if you prefer to look at it that way).


We had this discussion before and the issues were never addressed or just degenerated into a penis measuring contests and list wars. During the bubble years, it was ok to lose a gazillion dollars on consoles and subsidize perceived killer-apps heavily with no expectation of return.

In this economic and credit climate, which devs/publishers, outside of EA and Activision can afford to continue taking the risk? Heck, can midsized publishers even get financing for their 20+ million dollar games anymore?
Short on time so I'll just toss out the usual

System: Average weeks owned (Average purchase date)

Wii: 46.7 (December 10, 2007)
PS3: 49.4 (November 22, 2007)
X360: 75.3 (May 24, 2007)


Threi said:
You know Wii is still shit until the tie ratio is greater than PS3 and 360 combined.

Actually i would like to see a graph of which games that have over a budget of 20million sell on Wii. The tie ratio of those games vs on PS3 and 360. I bet you they aren't even close.

Live with it NinFans. The Wii will never have the same tie ratio of 3rd party games that have a budget of over 20 million on PS3 and 360 combined because you play nothing but Nintendo games and casual trash :lol

Have there even been any third party wii games with that kind of budget? ..

*steps back and waits for the football*[/QUOTE]


Neo Member
Wii: 803K



MiiMarioMii said:
:lol @ the bitter 360 and Sony fanboys hating on the Wii and its games as usual. At least we Nintendo fans genuinley feel a certain game would benefit more from wiimote controls than graphics that are barely even better, while you provide unconstructive bile of opinions that spew from your dimwitted mind all over a game you weren't even fucking interested in the first place about.

You nerds obsess way more than any normal human being should about fucking sales. Though I must admit it feels pretty good to have the king of this industry back on top. And its not even close, Nintendo are absolutely crushing the other two into the mud.

At this point I don't see any way they will ever top Nintendo again. Neither show the foresight nor the willingness to take a risk and innovate to push the industry further. Nopet instead make it a tech race until development costs continue to climb, companies take it out on consumers (ala DLC abuse), and they collapse under their shitty franchise, while anyone that has anything to do with Nintendo (including 3rd parties that get with the damn program) remains as the industry.

Bitter? Fact is, unless you work for them, sales make no difference. Good games benefits you, sales don't. PS3/360 owners have a metric ton of great games at their disposal, while Wii-only owners have no games, but damn look at those sales you don't receive a cut from (but sure act like you do)!

Nitnendo fanboys, taste the sad
bcn-ron said:
Actually this was the first month since launch where the PS3 didn't gain market share in the US. Precise numbers will probably get me in trouble, but they lost just a tiny bit, effectively holding steady at roughly half of 360 LTD (or a third of the total HD console base if you prefer to look at it that way).

I may have this wrong, but didn't this one month erase all of the gains PS3 had made?

I thought they were within a few hundred thousand units.


F#A#Oo said:
You say that like there is something wrong? :D

I like my Wii as much as my 360 but the likes of Fable 2 and Gears have made me stop playing it. Before they were released I was playing Samba, Boomblox and Mega Man 9.

I'm just amazed by the Wii numbers. I guess that's thanks to the good marketing...

And Boomblox is kinda fun, yeah. But it was released a few months ago.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
borghe said:
EVERY single last person in my department owns a Wii. Almost everyone in my family owns a Wii. Almost everyone in my wife's family owns a Wii. Almost all of our friends own a Wii (casual and gamers). We have NEVER recommended anyone buy a Wii or even talked about ours too much with any of them.

Videogames this gen are "Nintendo". You can always tell what THE system is each gen. IS it "a Sony", "a Sega", "a Nintendo"... This gen is once again "a Nintendo". but to a ridiculous degree. Mark my words, at this point I am confident in saying the Wii will be the most successful console of all time. Even more than SNES, NES, and PS2. The only thing that would prevent that from happening is Nintendo willingly shortening the generation.
Same report here, France might actually be the country where Nintendo is the most successful. Everyone owns a wii here.

I predicted this paramount success months before wii's release. At that time I was mocked for not seeing the wii as a new Virtual Boy. Well...
X26 said:
Bitter? Fact is, unless you work for them, sales make no difference. Good games benefits you, sales don't. PS3/360 owners have a metric ton of great games at their disposal, while Wii-only owners have no games, but damn look at those sales you don't receive a cut from (but sure act like you do)!

Nitnendo fanboys, taste the sad

Spot on. They get their one day a month to be happy and freely troll other systems, that's it.


MiiMarioMii said:
:lol @ the bitter 360 and Sony fanboys hating on the Wii and its games as usual. At least we Nintendo fans genuinley feel a certain game would benefit more from wiimote controls than graphics that are barely even better, while you provide unconstructive bile of opinions that spew from your dimwitted mind all over a game you weren't even fucking interested in the first place about.

You nerds obsess way more than any normal human being should about fucking sales. Though I must admit it feels pretty good to have the king of this industry back on top. And its not even close, Nintendo are absolutely crushing the other two into the mud.

At this point I don't see any way they will ever top Nintendo again. Neither show the foresight nor the willingness to take a risk and innovate to push the industry further. Nopet instead make it a tech race until development costs continue to climb, companies take it out on consumers (ala DLC abuse), and they collapse under their shitty franchise, while anyone that has anything to do with Nintendo (including 3rd parties that get with the damn program) remains as the industry.

You take this way too seriously. Most PS3/360 fans stopped caring about a year ago. You see mostly Wii owners in this thread because frankly, there is nothing else to get excited about other than sales with that piece of shit. Just to be clear, I haven't turned on my Wii since April, about the time I realized Smash Brothers and Mario Kart were the same exact game I got sick of 4 years ago on the Gamecube. On the other hand, PC/PS3/360 gaming has never been better (not that I would know, fuck you Blizzard and your fucking addictive MMORPG).


X26 said:
Bitter? Fact is, unless you work for them, sales make no difference. Good games benefits you, sales don't. PS3/360 owners have a metric ton of great games at their disposal, while Wii-only owners have no games, but damn look at those sales you don't receive a cut from (but sure act like you do)!

Nitnendo fanboys, taste the sad
I actually had 2 holiday seasons this year, first Nintendo with Smash Bros. and Mario Kart early this year, followed by Wario months later and in between some DS/360 stuff and then Microsoft late this year with Gears of War 2 and now Banjo N&B and a shitload of third party games to choose from. Would anyone complain if Nintendo released Wii Music, Wario Land and Animal Crossing early 2008 and Smash Bros. and Mario Kart late 2008? I'm glad I don't have to take out a loan to buy all the awesome games that are released. There's never been a better generation to be a multiplatform owner I think.
chespace said:
And yet, in my example of a new and diverse spectrum of gamers that MS and Sony will now set their eyes on, my archetype of the Wii owner who only plays that one game and none other (be it Wii Sports, Wii Play, whatever) still stands. Nintendo has broadened the definition of gamers. There is now more money to be made. That was my fucking point and has been since the beginning.

Are you such a knee-jerk reactive forumite that you can't even step back for a second without shooting off console war volleys with the reply button? If you're going to respond to my posts, at least try and comprehend what I'm trying to say.

But whatever. Like most lazy gaffers, it's easier for you to quote my tag, so go for it. :lol

I got to say this.. Che is absolutely right. Let me tell you guys TWO PRIME EXAMPLES of what he's getting at and i have even said the same damn thing in here many times and i was just litterly gang rapped by a handful of snobby ass gamers in here..put down and laughed at like i was a fucking idiot and to this day..i stand firm with that i said in gaf some months ago that the wii is a baby boomer kind of game machine for most wii buyers....

Im 34 years old gamer, me and my click of "adult friends" are big time gamers..one of my friend's mom bought a wii about a year after it came out. Im ALWAYS visiting his mother's house with my bro for dinner all the time..she likes to cook for her son and her son's friends..which is my best friend and my best friend invites me over for some good old fashion cooking all the time after playing some Bball or Racquetball at the Y or what ever...his mom is ALWAYS playing the bowling game on wii.. ALWAYS..non stop since she first got the wii, she just plays the SHIT out of wii sports... forward to present day, she has like 3 games for wii and one of them was a pack-in game that she plays ALL THE TIME as i said. Now i was just over there some weeks ago...guess what i noticed sitting next to her wii? A freaking xbox 360 ... .yup thats right and guess how many games she has for it? ..about 6 xbox 360 games... ...she's in her early 60's and even though yes she still plays the living day lights out of the wii, she told us that she really loves alot of the games on the 360 that she usually rents first then if she likes it enough..she goes and buys it...simply put, the wii led a 60 year old lady onto buying an xbox 360, someone that was never a gamer in her life too! She's a prime example of what you would call " a baby boomer "....

Now lets move on to my own mother that i bought a wii for 6 months ago...My mom...while was somewhat of a gamer back when i was a youngster..i remember her and my dad playing Atari 2600 all nite long with my dad's half brother..which is my uncle.. i remember them staying up late nite playing while i was in bed as i was only around maybe 8 years old? ...so that was pretty much the only time my mom was any kind of a gamer..since then gaming has been dormant in her life. My mom is a house wife still.. while my dad works his tail off ..since my mom is always home and stuff and i tend to notice all she has is a few friends, myself and her internet surfing because she's home alone alot..i decided to buy her a Wii console 6 months ago... my mom is ALWAYS playing the wii...just like my best friend's mother with her always playing the bowling game on wii.. my mom does the same, she really dig's that bowling game but she also plays a few other wii titles she went out on her own to buy... low and behold, i go over to my parents house a month ago, right when the 360 dropped down to 200 bucks *around that time* and there was her and my dad in the living room playing their brand spanking new xbox 360 they had just bought while shopping... to this day, they are once again gaming on the weekends as husband and wife in their late 50's with around 5 xbox 360 games sitting next to their xbox 360 and a few wii games sitting next to my mother's wii... both my mother and father are indeed from the "baby boomer" era...

The moral of the story is this... these two prime examples are PROOF of whats happening with this wii phenomenon thats going on right now around the world, yes it is a FAD but its a very very GOOD FAD because just like Che suggested, it brings the non-gamer into the gaming hobby and im seeing more non-gamers become gamers overnight..all thanks to the wii...

It amazes me how many Nintendo fans are so snobbish and uptight about Wii not being a true contender to a 360 or ps3..it simply is not, a gamer would never ever be able to survive on a wii..i own a wii and i sure the hell couldn't be satisfied with "just" a wii..hell the only time i play the wii is when Nintendo releases their own 1st party titles..other then that..the machine sits collecting MAJOR DUST....if that bothers you, good, you deserved to be bothered by that because honestly you shouldn't...but in the long run, everyone benefits regardless, again, thx to nintendo's wii.

......i remember like it was yesterday when i brought up the notion that the Nintendo Wii was gaming machine ideal for the baby boomer and that the non-gamer were the people buying the majority of wii's... i see dentist offices have them, i see doctor offices have them..i see old folks have them, i see youngsters have them..i see hardcore gamers have them but there's no denying the fact that the majority of people BUYING THE WII are the people that were never even a gamer from the get go.....

..i was shot down left and right for saying such a thing in here some months ago, when indeed i knew inside without a doubt that i was DEAD RIGHT about it....its funny how you can be in a forum such as Gaf with such so called "knowledgeable snobby ass gamers" that act or pretend to know everything and if you dare suggest an idea or something in why a game machine may be this or that... these people will attack you with everything their beady little black dotted eye's can throw out at you, especially the hardcore nintendo fans... which is quite hilarious seeing people get so riled up over this gaming hobby that was always ment to be fun and not so serious...


Time Traveler
Threi said:
You know Wii is still shit until the tie ratio is greater than PS3 and 360 combined.

Actually i would like to see a graph of which games that have over a budget of 20million sell on Wii. The tie ratio of those games vs on PS3 and 360. I bet you they aren't even close.

Live with it NinFans. The Wii will never have the same tie ratio of 3rd party games that have a budget of over 20 million on PS3 and 360 combined because you play nothing but Nintendo games and casual trash :lol


So Wii Tie Ratio > PS3 + X360 tie ratios = 5.3 + 8.1 = 13.4 to win the generation?????

Are you mad???

Or are you speaking about conbined tie ratios in this form? Wii TR > (5.3*#PS3 + 8.1*#X360)/(#PS3+#X360) = aprox 7 maybe?


manueldelalas said:

So Wii Tie Ratio > PS3 + X360 tie ratios = 5.3 + 8.1 = 13.4 to win the generation?????

Are you mad???

Or are you speaking about conbined tie ratios in this form? Wii TR > (5.3*#PS3 + 8.1*#X360)/(#PS3+#X360) = aprox 7 maybe?

Grecco said:
Why is it that each month people post on how "sony needs to drop the price" as if it were that simple?

While I understand what you're saying, and agree with you, I feel like the one thing Sony needs to do is drop the price. I'm assuming that's an simple thing to do.


Crisco said:
You take this way too seriously. Most PS3/360 fans stopped caring about a year ago. You see mostly Wii owners in this thread because frankly, there is nothing else to get excited about other than sales with that piece of shit. Just to be clear, I haven't turned on my Wii since April, about the time I realized Smash Brothers and Mario Kart were the same exact game I got sick of 4 years ago on the Gamecube. On the other hand, PC/PS3/360 gaming has never been better (not that I would know, fuck you Blizzard and your fucking addictive MMORPG).

Exactly. Wii fanboys love to boast about sales, but when asked to point to examples of high quality Wii games, aside from the obvious Galaxy / Boom Blox / Smash Bros., they have to point to obscure or random games that don't actually sell well on the system relative to install base. In other words, games that bombed and will never get sequels, because the hordes of shit-eating casual owners don't buy them!

Obviously Wii Fit, Mario Kart & Galaxy will sell.... thats a given. But aside from that tiny handful of good games, what is there to get excited about? Wii fanboys point to a handful of other innovative games, but those all sell like complete shit relative to the install base.

Once again, I fail to see the gloating in owning a system with a handful of good games that sell, a handful of good games that sell like shit relative to install base and will never get sequels, and an enormous pile of offensive shovelware.


Junior Member
X26 said:
Bitter? Fact is, unless you work for them, sales make no difference. Good games benefits you, sales don't. PS3/360 owners have a metric ton of great games at their disposal, while Wii-only owners have no games, but damn look at those sales you don't receive a cut from (but sure act like you do)!

Nitnendo fanboys, taste the sad

This is so true :( It seems Nintendo fanboys loose even when their console wins. It's very sad though. I'm loosing all the respect for Nintendo and even worse, I'm loosing respect for Myamoto.

I still remember the awesomeness that was to be present at Phil Harrison AND Myamoto's keynotes during GDC 06. Fucking amazing moments but since then Myamoto totally lost it and Sony lost Phil.


Mr.Potato Head said:
It amazes me how many Nintendo fans are so snobbish and uptight about Wii not being a true contender to a 360 or wii..it simply is not, a gamer would never ever be able to survive on a wii..i own a wii and i sure the hell couldn't be satisfied with a wii..hell the only time i play the wii is when Nintendo releases their own 1st party titles..other then that..the machine sits collecting MAJOR DUST....if that bothers you, good, you deserved to be bothered by that because honestly you shouldn't...

It's blanket judgments like this that people get annoyed with. Gamers can't be categorized so easily.


lawblob said:
Once again, I fail to see the gloating in owning a system with a handful of good games that sell, a handful of good games that sell like shit relative to install base and will never get sequels, and an enormous pile of offensive shovelware.

Even though you agreed with me, I'm going to fair here and say that you basically just described the PS2:lol


Krypton Zod said:
Spot on. They get their one day a month to be happy and freely troll other systems, that's it.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, chief. I'm quite happy with my choice of system.

And no, I'm not getting into list wars. Do your own research.


MiiMarioMii said:
Nintendo are absolutely crushing the other two into the mud.

And yet its success means nothing as its being ignored by the industry. Zero impact. All the major games continue to be announced for PS3/360

jmonteiro said:
It seems Nintendo fanboys loose even when their console wins.

:lol Perfect


pgtl_10 said:
I'm not starving for games and I'm a Wii only owner.

I've read this several times in this thread and others, and it's frustrating because nobody ever mentions what it is they're playing.

The only Wii title I've bought in the last 6 months was the new Diego game for my 4 year old. I haven't seen anything on it I'm personally interested in since this time last year!
I don't give a shit about sales, and I don't give a shit about the fuckton of shooters on your favorite totally awesome console with its unparelled dual analog precision controls, and paid for online gaming with all the features for the coolest most hardcore and gullible gamers. Or the super awesome screentearing and oh man is that shit 30fps!? unreal dude, holy crap. Can't wait to frag other pretentious mouthbreathing ulttra-hardcore dweebs in Halo 7: Fight For Fuck's Sake.


Crisco said:
Even though you agreed with me, I'm going to fair here and say that you basically just described the PS2:lol

Not even close. When I say handful, I LITERALLY meant it. Wii has 4 great games. PS2 had a metric shit-ton of great games, just like the 360/PS3 are shaping up to have.

Comparing the software library of Wii & PS2 doesn't make sense.


gregor7777 said:
While I understand what you're saying, and agree with you, I feel like the one thing Sony needs to do is drop the price. I'm assuming that's an simple thing to do.

Except i believe that dropping the price wont increase their sales significantly. Sony prefers to simply garner higher profits. Dropping the price now is pointless. If it were "that" easy it would have happened months ago.
MiiMarioMii said:
I don't give a shit about sales, and I don't give a shit about the fuckton of shooters on your favorite totally awesome console with its unparelled dual analog precision controls, and paid for online gaming with all the features for the coolest most hardcore and gullible gamers. Or the super awesome screentearing and oh man is that shit 30fps!? unreal dude, holy crap. Can't wait to frag other pretentious mouthbreathing ulttra-hardcore dweebs in Halo 7: Fight For Fuck's Sake.

Then why are you having a meltdown? :lol


Cheech said:
I've read this several times in this thread and others, and it's frustrating because nobody ever mentions what it is they're playing.

The only Wii title I've bought in the last 6 months was the new Diego game for my 4 year old. I haven't seen anything on it I'm personally interested in since this time last year!

You can't project yourself as a group and use that in an argument, it doesn't work that way. These demographics designations are hilarious and not nearly as easy as a lot of argument-prone forum posters think it is, on both sides.

Some people (many people) like the Wii on its own merits. What's so hard to understand about that?


MiiMarioMii said:
I don't give a shit about sales, and I don't give a shit about the fuckton of shooters on your favorite totally awesome console with its unparelled dual analog precision controls, and paid for online gaming with all the features for the coolest most hardcore and gullible gamers. Or the super awesome screentearing and oh man is that shit 30fps!? unreal dude, holy crap. Can't wait to frag other pretentious mouthbreathing ulttra-hardcore dweebs in Halo 7: Fight For Fuck's Sake.

Grecco said:
Except i believe that dropping the price wont increase their sales significantly. Sony prefers to simply garner higher profits. Dropping the price now is pointless. If it were "that" easy it would have happened months ago.

Is that a fact? Can you link to where they've officially said every PS3 sold is profitable? Not that I don't believe you, but I was under the assumption that was just a conclusion someone had drawn up, and not official word.

and my earlier reply was a joke, which failed :(
MiiMarioMii said:
:lol @ the bitter 360 and Sony fanboys hating on the Wii and its games as usual. At least we Nintendo fans genuinley feel a certain game would benefit more from wiimote controls than graphics that are barely even better, while you provide unconstructive bile of opinions that spew from your dimwitted mind all over a game you weren't even fucking interested in the first place about.

You nerds obsess way more than any normal human being should about fucking sales. Though I must admit it feels pretty good to have the king of this industry back on top. And its not even close, Nintendo are absolutely crushing the other two into the mud.

At this point I don't see any way they will ever top Nintendo again. Neither show the foresight nor the willingness to take a risk and innovate to push the industry further. Nopet instead make it a tech race until development costs continue to climb, companies take it out on consumers (ala DLC abuse), and they collapse under their shitty franchise, while anyone that has anything to do with Nintendo (including 3rd parties that get with the damn program) remains as the industry.



lawblob said:
Not even close. When I say handful, I LITERALLY meant it. Wii has 4 great games. PS2 had a metric shit-ton of great games, just like the 360/PS3 are shaping up to have.

Comparing the software library of Wii & PS2 doesn't make sense.

Perhaps, but I was mostly a PC gamer back in the PS2 days. The only games that interested me were the Metal Gear Solids and the occasional JRPGs. This gen is a little different since most PC games are also on the consoles. I will say that the Team ICO games were incredible, having played them now on my PS3. The PS2 did have a pretty offensive pile of shovelware, you can't deny that.


Time Traveler
MiiMarioMii said:
I don't give a shit about sales, and I don't give a shit about the fuckton of shooters on your favorite totally awesome console with its unparelled dual analog precision controls, and paid for online gaming with all the features for the coolest most hardcore and gullible gamers. Or the super awesome screentearing and oh man is that shit 30fps!? unreal dude, holy crap. Can't wait to frag other pretentious mouthbreathing ulttra-hardcore dweebs in Halo 7: Fight For Fuck's Sake.


Lots of Wii haters on the last page, the most fun I had is from Mr. Potato Head PROOF about some shit =P, anecdotal evidence is gaining force here.


lawblob said:
Obviously Wii Fit, Mario Kart & Galaxy will sell.... thats a given. But aside from that tiny handful of good games, what is there to get excited about? Wii fanboys point to a handful of other innovative games, but those all sell like complete shit relative to the install base.

Once again, I fail to see the gloating in owning a system with a handful of good games that sell, a handful of good games that sell like shit relative to install base and will never get sequels, and an enormous pile of offensive shovelware.

Could you please specify how many units in your opinion a game must sell to "sell not like complete shit relative to the install base ? The Wii is now at 13.3 Mil.


gregor7777 said:
Is that a fact? Can you link to where they've officially said every PS3 sold is profitable? Not that I don't believe you, but I was under the assumption that was just a conclusion someone had drawn up, and not official word.

and my earlier reply was a joke, which failed :(

I would assume that profits gained by 400 and 500 dollar systems are more than 300 and 400 dollar systems. But that's just my personal assumption.
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