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Official October 2008 NPD Results


One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.

In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.

I don't doubt that there are a handful of people who really do have non-traditional taste in games and honestly do enjoy a Wii-exclusive experience. But the irony of those people is that they embrace these one-off, random Wii games that end up selling like shit relative to the install base and won't even get sequels. For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of random garbage that all sells poorly relative to install base. And yet the irony is lost... the same people that point to 'triumphs' like Blast Works fail to mention that it bombed at retail and will never get a sequel, etc.
holy shit@last three pages

Gaf a subsidiary of PS3forums, as always:lol . Bitter, saddened sony loyalists have fallen so hard, insulting Nintendo fans as they always did, but with much more venomous words this time, like a fly fighting its way out of a spiderweb. Useless, yet they keep fighting it. They never expected this titanic disgrace, and now that they're living inside of it, they don't find anything better to do than 5 grade insults disgused as articulated sentences. Sad and delightful at the same time.

Grecco said:
Why is it that each month people post on how "sony needs to drop the price" as if it were that simple?

because they're running out of "Wait until game x is out11!", so a price cut is the only thing they hope it could save their system


Anasui Kishibe said:
because they're running out of "Wait until game x is out11!", so a price cut is the only thing they hope it could save their system
if the 360 price drop is any indication

i doubt that it will save anything


lawblob said:
One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.

In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.

I don't doubt that there are a handful of people who really do have non-traditional taste in games and honestly do enjoy a Wii-exclusive experience. But the irony of those people is that they embrace these one-off, random Wii games that end up selling like shit relative to the install base and won't even get sequels. For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of shit that all sells like garbage. And yet the irony is lost...
To say that you "nailed it" would be a disservice to the fire that is your post.


MiiMarioMii said:
I don't give a shit about sales, and I don't give a shit about the fuckton of shooters on your favorite totally awesome console with its unparelled dual analog precision controls, and paid for online gaming with all the features for the coolest most hardcore and gullible gamers. Or the super awesome screentearing and oh man is that shit 30fps!? unreal dude, holy crap. Can't wait to frag other pretentious mouthbreathing ulttra-hardcore dweebs in Halo 7: Fight For Fuck's Sake.

People keep saying that 360 has more, better games than Wii but I just can't see it. It definitely caters to traditional gamers who like to keep evolving those tried, tested and true genres but those people aren't really gamers in the first place. These games are simply more sophisticated versions of games we've played already. They aren't brand new experiences.

Don't get me wrong, 360 has an awesome library. But in no way does it trounce the Wii's library. This is just a groupthink reaction to buyer's remorse. And, yea, I own both a 360 and Wii but you don't see me longing for RE4.5 or Fable type games for the system as it's a bit asinine.


lawblob said:
One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.

In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.
1) No you don't.

2) Wii owners have a warped battle mentality? Remind me again: is it Wii loyalists or PS3/360 loyalists who swoop down into sales threads and game threads to tell other posters how stupid they are for liking their console of choice?
Gimped game? Microsoft game division makes their entire living on gimped games, and their crutches need to be paid for with a fucking subscription to ungimpify. So how do you like your entire xbox360 catalogue of gimped games now?
lawblob said:
I don't doubt that there are a handful of people who really do have non-traditional taste in games and honestly do enjoy a Wii-exclusive experience. But the irony of those people is that they embrace these one-off, random Wii games that end up selling like shit relative to the install base and won't even get sequels. For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of random garbage that all sells poorly relative to install base. And yet the irony is lost... the same people that point to 'triumphs' like Blast Works fail to mention that it bombed at retail and will never get a sequel, etc.

Whoa there, time out. The top ten is not a good representative of a the software moving power of a system. Not even close. Aggregate Wii software sales have proven themselves to be high.

Next, 'relative to install base' is utterly useless as a metric. Unless you're trying to claim Final Fantasy main games don't sell well because, after all, what's 4 million compared to an install base of 120 million?
mentalfloss said:
People keep saying that 360 has more, better games than Wii but I just can't see it. It definitely caters to traditional gamers who like to keep evolving those tried, tested and true genres but those people aren't really gamers in the first place. These games are simply more sophisticated versions of games we've played already. They aren't brand new experiences.

Don't get me wrong, 360 has an awesome library. But in no way does it trounce the Wii's library. This is just a groupthink reaction to buyer's remorse. And, yea, I own both a 360 and Wii but you don't see me longing for RE4.5 or Fable type games for the system as it's a bit asinine.

MiiMarioMii said:
I don't give a shit about sales, and I don't give a shit about the fuckton of shooters on your favorite totally awesome console with its unparelled dual analog precision controls, and paid for online gaming with all the features for the coolest most hardcore and gullible gamers. Or the super awesome screentearing and oh man is that shit 30fps!? unreal dude, holy crap. Can't wait to frag other pretentious mouthbreathing ulttra-hardcore dweebs in Halo 7: Fight For Fuck's Sake.

dude, your a fucking clown...

Can we get a ban stick?

This shit is unacceptable.


mentalfloss said:
People keep saying that 360 has more, better games than Wii but I just can't see it. It definitely caters to traditional gamers who like to keep evolving those tried, tested and true genres but those people aren't really gamers in the first place. These games are simply more sophisticated versions of games we've played already. They aren't brand new experiences.

Don't get me wrong, 360 has an awesome library. But in no way does it trounce the Wii's library. This is just a groupthink reaction to buyer's remorse. And, yea, I own both a 360 and Wii but you don't see me longing for RE4.5 or Fable type games for the system as it's a bit asinine.

The Wii is awesome.

But wow, you are blatantly wrong.


lawblob said:
One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.

In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.


uh no

sports games are actually the best on the wii

no sports game i ever played was as good as wii sports.. sure fight night 3 looks rad.. but the game got old pretty fast after i got over the graphics and the fighting system (which is very deep)
wii boxing is still a game i play for kicks..
same with Wii tennis or wii bowling..

if graphics are everything you want then sure the wii sports games are bad.. but i think the numbers show that most people are concerned about the feel of the game not the graphics

and music games..?? seriously.. Rockband and Guitar Hero are same with some watered down graphics.. but do they even matter.. i think not.. and wii music is another pretty high quality exclusive music game to the bunch.. take taiko no tatsujin to the bunch and you got a pretty good music game lineup

RPGs..? i mean sure there are not many released right now.. and compared to the 360 lineup its not good.. but Fire emblem is the best of the series.. and Marvelous will launch an avalanche of good looking RPGs next year.. too bad Square Enix lost the touch though.. (well at least Chocobo is decent).. to that comes Monster Hunter, Fragile, Tales of Symphonia 2 and Tales of Mothership(probably destiny 3) and Shiren 3 from Sega (hope theyll localize it though) not a bad lineup

lawblob said:
I don't doubt that there are a handful of people who really do have non-traditional taste in games and honestly do enjoy a Wii-exclusive experience. But the irony of those people is that they embrace these one-off, random Wii games that end up selling like shit relative to the install base and won't even get sequels. For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of random garbage that all sells poorly relative to install base. And yet the irony is lost... the same people that point to 'triumphs' like Blast Works fail to mention that it bombed at retail and will never get a sequel, etc.

Mario Kart was a best seller on the gamecube.. cmon you seriously think that the game will not sell... ??

and Wii fit is definately a piece of software that has a huge appeal to many people as diet pills and jizz like that usually make much money.. i mean do you really think nintendo needs to make more gory FPS games..?

i think we have more then enough of those games on the 360

Im glad there are some people trying different things and not only make generic FPS game no. 6


mentalfloss said:
People keep saying that 360 has more, better games than Wii but I just can't see it. It definitely caters to traditional gamers who like to keep evolving those tried, tested and true genres but those people aren't really gamers in the first place. These games are simply more sophisticated versions of games we've played already. They aren't brand new experiences.

That's a good point. The Wii has created so many new genres such as awkward driving, slightly broken sports and totally fucked up sword fighting that I don't think I could ever go back.
Burai said:
That's a good point. The Wii has created so many new genres such as awkward driving, slightly broken sports and totally fucked up sword fighting that I don't think I could ever go back.

Big Rigs wants a word with you. Like right now.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Grecco said:
I would assume that profits gained by 400 and 500 dollar systems are more than 300 and 400 dollar systems. But that's just my personal assumption.

Is this a joke post?
Grecco said:
I would assume that profits gained by 400 and 500 dollar systems are more than 300 and 400 dollar systems. But that's just my personal assumption.

Yeah, one that I don't share.

I can build a car and sell it for $5,000, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm making more profit on it than than a $299 game system.

Metaphoreus said:
Is this a joke post?



Burai said:
That's a good point. The Wii has created so many new genres such as awkward driving, slightly broken sports and totally fucked up sword fighting that I don't think I could ever go back.
Fortunately, there's stuff like Excite Truck, that's the opposite of broken. Excite Truck is the the #1 racer this gen so far, IMO.


Cheech said:
I've read this several times in this thread and others, and it's frustrating because nobody ever mentions what it is they're playing.

The only Wii title I've bought in the last 6 months was the new Diego game for my 4 year old. I haven't seen anything on it I'm personally interested in since this time last year!
What would be the point, exactly? From what we're told, everyone who has a 360 or PS3 is a huge gaming enthusiast who knows every game out on every system, which means they aren't interested in any recent Wii games, and they'll just dismiss any listed.

For me, I have only a Wii (and a DS which has disappointed me more than the Wii this year) and just experienced my first [retail] "drought" at the end of October, but that will be ending tonight.


Chinner said:
Looks like the PS3 peaked its sales too early within the year.

nah, it looks like competitors are 50% cheaper... at least at the first glance.
And that wont work when economy is in crapper.
Everyone with tastes different from mine is a hopeless twat with 100% objectively bad taste, and is no more worth regarding than the lump of dog feces I saw unceremoniously planted on the side of the road earlier this evening. That's a fact.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Neither was Fallout, to be fair. And you could still get a stand alone game. Maybe it got its votes split.

Well that's part of the issue.

Don't forget everyone, GH had multiple SKUs:

Wii Software
Wii Guitar Bundle
Wii Band Bundle
PS2 Software
PS2 Guitar Bundle
PS2 Band Bundle
360 Software
360 Guitar Bundle
360 Band Bundle
PS3 Software
PS3 Guitar Bundle
PS3 Band Bundle

Although it'll still sell more than enough to be profitable, it's a relative bomb compared to last year. Last year, all the stores were selling out of their massive initial shipments. This year, shipments have been noticeably smaller, and the game's not selling out. Rock Band is taking over baby! Though, I don't want GH to die, because I want them to keep improving the guitar...it went from great on the PS2, to shoddy on the 360, to horrible-as-fuck for GH3, to shit-awesome for GHWT.


Anasui Kishibe said:
holy shit@last three pages

Gaf a subsidiary of PS3forums, as always:lol . Bitter, saddened sony loyalists have fallen so hard, insulting Nintendo fans as they always did, but with much more venomous words this time, like a fly fighting its way out of a spiderweb. Useless, yet they keep fighting it. They never expected this titanic disgrace, and now that they're living inside of it, they don't find anything better to do than 5 grade insults disgused as articulated sentences. Sad and delightful at the same time.

Bullshit. Both 360 and Sony fans are together in this and they're right. Nintendo fans lately only have sales to be happy about. It's fucking pathetic.


mentalfloss said:
Don't get me wrong, 360 has an awesome library. But in no way does it trounce the Wii's library.

This may be very subjective: But yes, it does.

The X360 game library is so much better than Wii's. It's not even funny anymore. The Wii has a few good games, but nowhere near X360's catalogue.

Sorry if I didn't detect the sarcasm in your post.


Burai said:
That's a good point. The Wii has created so many new genres such as awkward driving, slightly broken sports and totally fucked up sword fighting that I don't think I could ever go back.
yeah and the 360 lineup consists of the same old shit over and over...and the PS3 is the 360 lineup only with fewer titles..

whats your point..


botticus said:
For me, I have a Wii and a DS, which has disappointed me more than the Wii this year, and just experienced my first [retail] "drought" at the end of October, but that will be ending tonight.

The DS has had a ton of awesome games this year. What do you expect out of the DS?
lawblob said:
If this doesn't deserve a tag, I don't know what does.

How about we just tag the people in this thread trying to prove that their taste in games in superior to everyone else with 'Complete Dumbass'? That'd work, wouldn't it?


lawblob said:
If this doesn't deserve a tag, I don't know what does.
why..? I dont think i ever played more sports games then i did on the wii

last gen i played a lot of Virtua Tennis and some mario sports games as well as PES on GC (Winning Eleven 6 FE)

that was everything i had sports wise and i probably had like 10 hours put in everyone of those games (which is not very much)

(if you count No Mercy as a sports game ,... played the hell out of that game and DoR too.. but i dont consider it as a sports game but as a fighting game)

this year I played over 50 hours wii sports easily and over 100 hours of PES on Wii (especially when the Eurocup was on).. i actually even considered buying Madden..

I understand that some people like sports games with sharp graphics and all.. but i just dont..


MobiusPigeon said:
how is this chart correct if it was just recently said that MS has reached or is about to reach 25 million units?

It's not necessarily. Note the estimated. Anything that is not Japan plus US is estimated, aka the rest of the world. Of course that is through the end of October as well. We'll have a better idea of everything once we have the Q4 shipping estimates. If we take Microsoft's for the end of November (25 million) and Sony's through the end of September(17 million) you're looking at 42 million alone. The rest of MS's quarter plus Sony's full quarter should take it somewhere in the 45-50 million WW range by the end of Q4.
farnham said:
yeah and the 360 lineup consists of the same old shit over and over...and the PS3 is the 360 lineup only with fewer titles..

whats your point..

Really good gameplay is "old shit" now. Wii fans :lol


Hey guys.

The Wii sold 803,000 units this month, and there are people who actually like the games that are on the system.

How much RAGE does that make you feel?

Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete!


lawblob said:
There is simply no reasoning with this type of logic. WOW.
Yeah, actually I have to take that back. I've bought more new release DS games than Wii games this year, but it was more front-loaded in the first half of the year (my favorite platform and it hasn't been touched in a month), and I picked up some catalog Wii titles.
lawblob said:
If this doesn't deserve a tag, I don't know what does.

I agree. Truth should celebrated more here on Gaf. I say this because Madden 09 for Wii is perhaps the best football game I've played since NFL2k5. So that and everything EA will do with motion+ and the most important game in a decade, Wii Sports, yeah I think he has a point.


Grecco said:
I would assume that profits gained by 400 and 500 dollar systems are more than 300 and 400 dollar systems. But that's just my personal assumption.

hahaha this post can't be for real! So if it costs you 10 thousand dollars to build something and you sell it for 500, is the profit higher than a 300 dollar item that cost $10 to make?


Mahadev said:
Bullshit. Both 360 and Sony fans are together in this and they're right. Nintendo fans lately only have sales to be happy about. It's fucking pathetic.
Xbox 360 fans are to busy playing Gears 2 and Fable 2 to give a shit about sales. Sony fans and Nintendo fans are pretty much in the same boat now.
Guys, seriously, simmer down. It's all just opinions anyw-

botticus said:
For me, I have only a Wii (and a DS which has disappointed me more than the Wii this year) and just experienced my first [retail] "drought" at the end of October, but that will be ending tonight.



Krypton Zod said:
Really good gameplay is "old shit" now. Wii fans :lol
i was talking about the themes of the game and the game mechanics.. there is no fundamental difference between gears 1 and 2.. gears 1 is derived from RE4.. there is no fundamental difference between many FPS games.. and most of them share similar themes too (gory, war, futuristic you name it)

i have a lot of 360 games that are not in the norm like viva pinata ... but those games are in the minority
Segata Sanshiro said:
Everyone with tastes different from mine is a hopeless twat with 100% objectively bad taste, and is no more worth regarding than the lump of dog feces I saw unceremoniously planted on the side of the road earlier this evening. That's a fact.

You are the voice of reason...

botticus said:
For me, I have a Wii and a DS, which has disappointed me more than the Wii this year, and just experienced my first [retail] "drought" at the end of October, but that will be ending tonight.

...what the fucking fuck?... holy hell!! You have 0 taste on gaming. That's a fact.
Vdragoon said:
so, now it's wii only has hardware sales to be happy about? don't give up people, there's still hope :lol :lol

Well, technically they've got the software sales to cheer about too. That's something.
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