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Official October 2008 NPD Results


botticus said:
Yeah, actually I have to take that back. I've bought more new release DS games than Wii games this year, but it was more front-loaded in the first half of the year (my favorite platform and it hasn't been touched in a month), and I picked up some catalog Wii titles.

And I might be a little DS biased, also. I think the DS is a near-perfect system, so I always get jumpy whenever I hear someone complain about the lack of games on it. But I do agree that it was sort of front-loaded this year. But its heating up again this fall with Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, Hatsworth, etc.


[Nintex] said:
Xbox 360 fans are to busy playing Gears 2 and Fable 2 to give a shit about sales. Sony fans and Nintendo fans are pretty much in the same boat now.

I think you missed the games that were released these last 3 weeks.


Htown said:
Hey guys.

The Wii sold 803,000 units this month, and there are people who actually like the games that are on the system.

How much RAGE does that make you feel?

Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete!

Show me your RAGE!


norinrad21 said:
you have no clue. You really think all Nintendo fans are 12 don't you? how ignorant.

I had a PS, PS3 and currently have a PS3 too but the console of choice is obvious. Nintendo is Nintendo no matter how you slice it.

Go cry somewhere if you grew up and expected Nintendo to grow up with you and they did not.

I own a Wii and enjoy Nintendo games. What's your point?

The console of choice is NOT obvious in the long-term. Were you around during the SNES days? Sony came out of the blue and with a swift uppercut (PS1) brought Nintendo to their knees. History tends to repeat itself.

No one will be the outright king for the next two decades, as you seem to be implying. That's silly talk. If Nintendo truly wants a monopoly on the gaming market they must maintain control of their blue ocean AND expand into the 'hardcore' market. That's going to be very hard with Sony and Microsoft still in the game.

And yes, 12-year olds are a large demographic for Nintendo. It's quite ignorant to think otherwise. :D


spwolf said:
nah, it looks like competitors are 50% cheaper... at least at the first glance.
And that wont work when economy is in crapper.

... Yeah, keep telling yourself that's even remotely a big reason.
lawblob said:
One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.

In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.

I don't doubt that there are a handful of people who really do have non-traditional taste in games and honestly do enjoy a Wii-exclusive experience. But the irony of those people is that they embrace these one-off, random Wii games that end up selling like shit relative to the install base and won't even get sequels. For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of random garbage that all sells poorly relative to install base. And yet the irony is lost... the same people that point to 'triumphs' like Blast Works fail to mention that it bombed at retail and will never get a sequel, etc.

Most of what your saying is true, but I don't see why sequels are so important. I'd rather play something new than something that has a 4, 5 or 6 in the title.
Mahadev said:
Bullshit. Both 360 and Sony fans are together in this and they're right. Nintendo fans lately only have sales to be happy about. It's fucking pathetic.

I've got a 360 as well, man, and I have loadsa fun with it.

I've played De Blob, and Wario, and Okami, and Disaster. All in the last three weeks. Good games. Who's being pathetic here?
Forsete said:
I think you missed the games that were released these last 3 weeks.

Wii fans are too busy looking at sales to care about games. Sales are all they have to keep them happy when their only holiday release is a disaster.


omg rite said:
... Yeah, keep telling yourself that's even remotely a big reason.

What are you disagreeing with exactly? The economy or that price is one of the reasons the PS3 isn't selling?


I got grudge sucked!
How close is the PS3 to 8 million sold US? If they can hit 10 million by March of 09, they're still on pace with the 360 during the same timeframe despite the poor showing this month. They need to have a good November and December. I think they will but not as good as last year.
Krypton Zod said:
Wii fans are too busy looking at sales to care about games. Sales are all they have to keep them happy when their only holiday release is a disaster.

I expect to get more play time out of Animal Crossing than any other game this generation. It'll sell millions of copies. I don't know that that fits the definition of a "disaster."


soldat7 said:
I own a Wii and enjoy Nintendo games. What's your point?

The console of choice is NOT obvious in the long-term. Were you around during the SNES days? Sony came out of the blue and with a swift uppercut (PS1) brought Nintendo to their knees. History tends to repeat itself.

No one will be the outright king for the next two decades, as you seem to be implying. That's silly talk. If Nintendo truly wants a monopoly on the gaming market they must maintain control of their blue ocean AND expand into the 'hardcore' market. That's going to be very hard with Sony and Microsoft still in the game.

And yes, 12-year olds are a large demographic for Nintendo. It's quite ignorant to think otherwise. :D
The hardcore market is not a rapidly growing market.. most of the growth in the gaming market is due to the DS and the Wii which brought new ideas and new demographics into gaming..

and many people tend to forget that the gamecube.. the very definition of a hardcore system had a serious drought in the first half of 2002.. which was much worse then the wii ever had..

look at GTA IV sales for example.. Mario Kart and GTA IV were released the same month.. GTA IV is not in the charts anymore while Mario Kart is hanging in there.. that shows me that the franchise sold a lot to the hardcore in the first and the second month and is now selling to the casuals


Unconfirmed Member
Krypton Zod said:
Wii fans are too busy looking at sales to care about games. Sales are all they have to keep them happy when their only holiday release is a disaster.
Wii fans on GAF, maybe.

Wii fans in general are still having piles of fun with Wii Sports.


comedy bomb said:
Most of what your saying is true, but I don't see why sequels are so important. I'd rather play something new than something that has a 4, 5 or 6 in the title.

comedy bomb said:
I expect to get more play time out of Animal Crossing than any other game this generation. It'll sell millions of copies. I don't know that that fits the definition of a "disaster."

I thought sequels weren't important.


is now taking requests
Anasui Kishibe said:
holy shit@last three pages

Gaf a subsidiary of PS3forums, as always:lol . Bitter, saddened sony loyalists have fallen so hard, insulting Nintendo fans as they always did, but with much more venomous words this time, like a fly fighting its way out of a spiderweb. Useless, yet they keep fighting it. They never expected this titanic disgrace, and now that they're living inside of it, they don't find anything better to do than 5 grade insults disgused as articulated sentences. Sad and delightful at the same time.

If you are trying to come across as something other than the exact equivalent of this, only as a "Nintendo loyalist", then you fail miserably with this post. Someone might even call it a "titanic disgrace" :p

Also, your conclusion that gaf is becoming a subsidiary to PS3-forums does not hold up well to this thread, at least the parts of it i read.


Originally Posted by Krypton lawblob: For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of random garbage that all sells poorly relative to install base. And yet the irony is lost... the same people that point to 'triumphs' like Blast Works fail to mention that it bombed at retail and will never get a sequel, etc.

So by your logic because no DS game hits the Top 10 then everything on that system is a failure compared to its install base correct?

Funny last time I checked it had something in the region of 30-33 million sellers (a large part not made by Nintendo)

And when did hitting the Top 10 prove how good sales are? Are we yet again in another month where people just do not get that a big part of the industry takes place in numbers 11-50 which we do not get?

Games can sell 1 million or more and not appear in the Top 10, it just takes them longer because they don't blow their load and sales worth in the first 30-60 days


markatisu said:
So by your logic because no DS game hits the Top 10 then everything on that system is a failure compared to its install base correct?

Funny last time I checked it had something in the region of 30-33 million sellers (a large part not made by Nintendo)

And when did hitting the Top 10 prove how good sales are? Are we yet again in another month where people just do not get that a big part of the industry takes place in numbers 11-50 which we do not get?

Games can sell 1 million or more and not appear in the Top 10, it just takes them longer because they don't blow their load and sales worth in the first 30-60 days
the funny thing is that he claimed that he loves the DS in a earlier post

double standard really if you ask me..


farnham said:
The hardcore market is not a rapidly growing market.. most of the growth in the gaming market is due to the DS and the Wii which brought new ideas and new demographics into gaming..

and many people tend to forget that the gamecube.. the very definition of a hardcore system had a serious drought in the first half of 2002.. which was much worse then the wii ever had..

My point is many people will migrate to the so-called 'hardcore' market. They'll play Mario and Metroid for a while and eventually want to play something like Crackdown and Killzone. They put down Nintendogs and pick up Spore. It's a very natural (and healthy) process.

Of course, some will NOT migrate to the 'hardcore' market. But it's fallacy to think that Sony and MS can't survive an onslaught from this mysterious army of Nintendo warriors-in-training.

Now if Nintendo grows to corner the market ala Blizzard, then we might have a problem with my argument. ;)
Segata Sanshiro said:
Everyone with tastes different from mine is a hopeless twat with 100% objectively bad taste, and is no more worth regarding than the lump of dog feces I saw unceremoniously planted on the side of the road earlier this evening. That's a fact.

I think we need to bring out that guy who has 4 bajillion games from every system yet prefers the Wii when threads get to this point. Just to prove that people are retarded if they truly believe gamers' tastes aren't entirely subjective.


lawblob said:
And I might be a little DS biased, also. I think the DS is a near-perfect system, so I always get jumpy whenever I hear someone complain about the lack of games on it. But I do agree that it was sort of front-loaded this year. But its heating up again this fall with Castlevania, Chrono Trigger, Hatsworth, etc.
We can agree on something!


Atreides said:
It's just me, or is this NPD thread especially packed with fanboys and their silly arguments?

It's a breeding ground. Wii fans who can't stfu about their system of choice and feel the need to insult dissenters, and Wii haters that think that gamers fall into two distinct categories with no middle ground and that everyone who closely resembles them in taste falls in the "superior" group.


I haven't picked up Rock Band 2 yet and likely won't be getting it until January. While I can afford it I have absolutely no time to play and I'd rather wait till I won't have $3000 on my CC to pay each month if I don't have time for it yet.

Didn't buy LBP despite loving these types of games and I have no plans to pick it up. Again, no time. I simply do not play console games anymore. I love MKWii and yet have only gotten to play about 3 hrs of it and I've owned the game for about 2 months now.

Our PS3 is basically a blu-ray player and occasional Rock Band system. Wii mainly collects dust unless friends are over for Wii Sports. I did finally get DQIV for DS though for my trip to Costa Rica. It was nice to see it on sale for $20 earlier this week. I certainly was not going to pay the $50 it's priced at Walmart.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Krypton Zod said:
Wii fans are too busy looking at sales to care about games. Sales are all they have to keep them happy when their only holiday release is a disaster.

I know that's all I fucking do, let me tell you... or you can read about in my memoirs. Why you gotsta be goin' 'round demonizing my Wii posse like that. dat shit is weaksauce made from your own bullshit that you and others are somehow able swallow with a bitter smile thinking it will make you feel better, but then I don't know, do you feel better now believing everyone that buys a Wii or its games do so for that +1 sale? Its okay if you want to let it all out.
Anasui Kishibe said:
holy shit@last three pages

Gaf a subsidiary of PS3forums, as always:lol . Bitter, saddened sony loyalists have fallen so hard, insulting Nintendo fans as they always did, but with much more venomous words this time, like a fly fighting its way out of a spiderweb. Useless, yet they keep fighting it. They never expected this titanic disgrace, and now that they're living inside of it, they don't find anything better to do than 5 grade insults disgused as articulated sentences. Sad and delightful at the same time.

Quality is still on the side of MS and Sony.

Last Gen: Sony, MS, Nintendo
This Gen: MS, Sony, Nintendo

Enjoy the sales, though :lol


soldat7 said:
They'll play Mario and Metroid for a while and eventually want to play something like Crackdown and Killzone.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

no seriously why would they play superb games and suddenly change into subpar games (crackdown excluded because that one is good)
Krypton Zod said:
Quality is still on the side of MS and Sony.

Last Gen: Sony, MS, Nintendo
This Gen: MS, Sony, Nintendo

Enjoy the sales, though :lol

Last gen.. MS had Halo... that was pretty much it.. (maybe KOTOR... although that one was Multiplat)

the GC had a lot of great games.. underrated but very high quality.. like Pikmin or Fire Emblem
MiiMarioMii said:
:lol @ the bitter 360 and Sony fanboys hating on the Wii and its games as usual. At least we Nintendo fans genuinley feel a certain game would benefit more from wiimote controls than graphics that are barely even better, while you provide unconstructive bile of opinions that spew from your dimwitted mind all over a game you weren't even fucking interested in the first place about.

You nerds obsess way more than any normal human being should about fucking sales. Though I must admit it feels pretty good to have the king of this industry back on top. And its not even close, Nintendo are absolutely crushing the other two into the mud.

At this point I don't see any way they will ever top Nintendo again. Neither show the foresight nor the willingness to take a risk and innovate to push the industry further. Nopet instead make it a tech race until development costs continue to climb, companies take it out on consumers (ala DLC abuse), and they collapse under their shitty franchise, while anyone that has anything to do with Nintendo (including 3rd parties that get with the damn program) remains as the industry.

.....while you swing on nintendo's sales figures for the rest of your life in message boards..the rest of us "real" gamers will be enjoying the AAA games that come out on the wii AND xbox 360/ps3...wow, i give you props bro.. .you are doing the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for nintendo.. you my friend are Nintendo's Poster Child!!!! ..and to think, Nintendo doesn't even have to pay you a single penny from their massive profits they are making off the wii right now.... :lol

Your sure passing up ALOT of games that are definitely AAA titles that are on the 360 and ps3...

PS" And that comment of yours about the 360/ps3 graphics "barely" being better just TOTALLY RUINS YOUR OPINION CREDIBILITY .. do you honestly believe 360 or ps3 games are just "barely" better looking?


X26 said:
Bitter? Fact is, unless you work for them, sales make no difference. Good games benefits you, sales don't. PS3/360 owners have a metric ton of great games at their disposal, while Wii-only owners have no games, but damn look at those sales you don't receive a cut from (but sure act like you do)!

Nitnendo fanboys, taste the sad

This reply actually sounds bitter. Wii only owners have just as many games to look forward to as HD fanboys do. You also have to know that sales do matter. When you like the games that are made for your console you hope it sells well so more games are made for it.

Anyone who thinks that Wii owners only have sales to look forward too is just a misguided bitter HD fanboy.


The Wii detractors seem unsure of their positions. One minute sales mean nothing because games are everything, the next they need to explain that Wii games don't actually sell because the tie ratio is -4. One minute the Wiis success means nothing and has "no impact" on the market, the next it is stealing resources from REAL games and destroying our hobby.


Anasui Kishibe said:
I've got a 360 as well, man, and I have loadsa fun with it.

I've played De Blob, and Wario, and Okami, and Disaster. All in the last three weeks. Good games. Who's being pathetic here?

Stop enjoying those wii games! People say that you can't possibly do that!

I have a wii and a 360 and I'm loving the arguments in here. As if yelling gears 2 and fallout 3 is supposed to prove the worth of the 360 lineup. I don't like RPGs and I don't like shooters. Didn't anyone think that their might be people out there like that? There are tons of us that don't like those genres so those games mean absolutely zero to us.

On the 360 I play games like Castle Crashers, Pac Man CE and Civilization Revolution. These are the games that prove the worth of the 360 lineup to me! So to just keep repeating names like Gears 2 and Fable 2 doesn't make any sense because a lot of us just don't like those types of games. If I was a wii only owner (I'm not) I wouldn't care about missing those games and I'm sure there are a lot of people that feel the same way.

so my points are

A) ps3 and 360 fans should just accept that some people like the wii lineup of games. it's not that hard to believe because there are some really great games on it and it would be enough for a lot of people

B) wii-only owners that like shooters and western RPGs that are holding out from buying a 360 are just kidding themselves if they are hoping those genres are going to start flooding the wii

both sides look like idiots to me.


farnham said:
i was talking about the themes of the game and the game mechanics.. there is no fundamental difference between gears 1 and 2.. gears 1 is derived from RE4.. there is no fundamental difference between many FPS games.. and most of them share similar themes too (gory, war, futuristic you name it)

i have a lot of 360 games that are not in the norm like viva pinata ... but those games are in the minority

How did you determine that Gears is derived from RE4? The only mechanic it shares with RE4 is the over-the-shoulder view, and other games have done that before. If you're taking a camera angle as a basis for entire derivation, then you're just silly.
onipex said:
This reply actually sounds bitter. Wii only owners have just as many games to look forward to as HD fanboys do. You also have to know that sales do matter. When you like the games that are made for your console you hope it sells well so more games are made for it.

Anyone who thinks that Wii owners only have sales to look forward too is just a misguided bitter HD fanboy.

Again we hit the thick wall of subjectivity.
soldat7 said:
My point is many people will migrate to the so-called 'hardcore' market. They'll play Mario and Metroid for a while and eventually want to play something like Crackdown and Killzone. They put down Nintendogs and pick up Spore. It's a very natural (and healthy) process.

Of course, some will NOT migrate to the 'hardcore' market. But it's fallacy to think that Sony and MS can't survive an onslaught from this mysterious army of Nintendo warriors-in-training.

Now if Nintendo grows to corner the market ala Blizzard, then we might have a problem with my argument. ;)

How do you propose to connect the chain? Mario and Crackdown share very little similarities besides platforming element (and even then the specific types of platforming differs greatly). People don't treat videogames as a school were one must play the 'soft' games before graduating up to 'hard' games. They play what they like. And if these people liked stuff like Crackdown before, they would've bought it or an similar game anyway.

That's not to say that newcomers won't necessarily branch out into the more traditional gameplay. But it's far more likely they'll stick to games that have thematic or aesthetic similarity to the software that got them into the hobby in the first place.


firex said:
LBP selling 200k proves that nongames will sell even on a supposed "hardcore" machine like the PS3.

LOL What?
Someone hasn't played LBP..the game is extremely hardcore, but can appeal to casuals as well.


[Nintex] said:
Xbox 360 fans are to busy playing Gears 2 and Fable 2 to give a shit about sales. Sony fans and Nintendo fans are pretty much in the same boat now.

Eh? I guess you're right, PS3's been getting no games lately.

Why the hell have I been playing this shit? LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, SOCOM, Valkyria Chronicles, Motorstorm 2, Rock Band 2, GHWT, Dead Space, Fallout 3....yeah the past month has had shit released for the PS3. Horrible. Just horrible.


TheExodu5 said:
How did you determine that Gears is derived from RE4? The only mechanic it shares with RE4 is the over-the-shoulder view, and other games have done that before. If you're taking a camera angle as a basis for entire derivation, then you're just silly.
not only the shoulder view.. but many mechanics like the character movement or the context sensitive stuff is very very similar to RE4...

and no.. not many games have done that before..

the cover mechanic is ofcourse gears own achievement... (or kill switch.. but who cares about that)
Pureauthor said:
If it appealed to casuals, then why did it only sell 200K?

because like viva pinata its on the wrong platform
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