comedy bomb
Brashnir said:I thought sequels weren't important.
It doesn't have a number in the title so it doesn't count ;p
Brashnir said:I thought sequels weren't important.
That doesn't seem too far off.John Harker said:
Pureauthor said:If it appealed to casuals, then why did it only sell 200K?
onipex said:This reply actually sounds bitter. Wii only owners have just as many games to look forward to as HD fanboys do. You also have to know that sales do matter. When you like the games that are made for your console you hope it sells well so more games are made for it.
Anyone who thinks that Wii owners only have sales to look forward too is just a misguided bitter HD fanboy.
yoopoo said:That doesn't seem too far off.
From what I've heard recently, Killzone 2 will be THE system has exploding concrete.
So watch out, 09 will be the year.
yoopoo said:That doesn't seem too far off.
From what I've heard recently, Killzone 2 will be THE system has exploding concrete.
So watch out, 09 will be the year.
2009 is the year of the PS3.. like 2008 and 2007 and 2006yoopoo said:That doesn't seem too far off.
From what I've heard recently, Killzone 2 will be THE system has exploding concrete.
So watch out, 09 will be the year.
llTll said:excuse me ? Wii has many good games as HD fanboys do ????????
dont make me laugh man. and no. its not a matter of tastes. i have all Systems and honestly. Wii is the only system i dont play. aside from the games we had 6 months ago like mario and others, There is NOTHING on Wii. unless u count Wii Music :lol
If this thread was a GameStop, there'd be about 200 magazine racks on the floor.Psychotext said:This thread is getting vicious! :O
TheBranca18 said:What are you disagreeing with exactly? The economy or that price is one of the reasons the PS3 isn't selling?
farnham said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
no seriously why would they play superb games and suddenly change into subpar games (crackdown excluded because that one is good)
llTll said:excuse me ? Wii has many good games as HD fanboys do ????????
dont make me laugh man. and no. its not a matter of tastes. i have all Systems and honestly. Wii is the only system i dont play. aside from the games we had 6 months ago like mario and others, There is NOTHING on Wii. unless u count Wii Music :lol
farnham said:not only the shoulder view.. but many mechanics like the character movement or the context sensitive stuff is very very similar to RE4...
and no.. not many games have done that before..
the cover mechanic is ofcourse gears own achievement... (or kill switch.. but who cares about that)
because like viva pinata its on the wrong platform
Pureauthor said:If it appealed to casuals, then why did it only sell 200K?
omg rite said:If at this point, you think the price is a big reason for the PS3 not selling, you're out of your mind.
llTll said:excuse me ? Wii has many good games as HD fanboys do ????????
dont make me laugh man. and no. its not a matter of tastes. i have all Systems and honestly. Wii is the only system i dont play. aside from the games we had 6 months ago like mario and others, There is NOTHING on Wii. unless u count Wii Music :lol
How many PS3 games released in 08 had exploding concrete? Hmm?Ulairi said:I thought 2008 was the year? MGS4, LBP, R2?
But, I see, NEXT year is the year.
rhino4evr said:umm becuase the PS3 console base is ass? Casual gamers are not buying PS3s.. I never said that LBP would make them buy it. I was just responding to the jack ass that called it a "NON GAME". That is a REAL fucking insult if oyu have played it and loved it as much as I have this year.
okay then ill say inspired.. anyway gears is not a very original game and that was my whole point..TheExodu5 said:Context sensitive actions? Really? Well in that case I'd say Gears is derived from God of War. Har har!
Maybe you're looking for the word "inspiration". I'd say it's definitely inspired from RE4. Derived is just a much more heavy term, meaning the game is pretty much entirely derivative of the RE4 formula, which it is not.
Why the hell am I defending Gears anyways? I don't even like the game. :lol
Megaman 9. Q.E.D.yoopoo said:How many PS3 games released in 08 had exploding concrete? Hmm?
Killzone 2....exploding concrete....system seller. How can you deny?
farnham said:obviously it is.. because i have wii and 360 and i play a lot more with my wii.. its all a matter of taste..
farnham said:2009 is the year of the PS3.. like 2008 and 2007 and 2006
obviously it is.. because i have wii and 360 and i play a lot more with my wii.. its all a matter of taste..
sure :lol :lol :lol thats why the 360 did worse then the wii with a lower price tagsoldat7 said:People are superficial. They'll see a game with cool graphics and think it's good. I certainly did with Shadows of the Empire so many years ago (not a knock on KZ2 btw).
llTll said:care to tell me honestly what NEW games u bought for Wii the last 4 months ?
MiiMarioMii said:far too many trolls on the dark side (360, PS3).
soldat7 said:My point is many people will migrate to the so-called 'hardcore' market. They'll play Mario and Metroid for a while and eventually want to play something like Crackdown and Killzone. They put down Nintendogs and pick up Spore. It's a very natural (and healthy) process.
Of course, some will NOT migrate to the 'hardcore' market. But it's fallacy to think that Sony and MS can't survive an onslaught from this mysterious army of Nintendo warriors-in-training.
Now if Nintendo grows to corner the market ala Blizzard, then we might have a problem with my argument.![]()
gregor7777 said:I don't know how to read think price isn't the reason the PS3 isn't selling better than it currently is?
There are other reasons of course, but price is a major issue.
One of it's competitors is marketing the hell out of the $199 price point, and the other one is a cultural phenomenon.
If the PS3 was price competitive, at least it would have something to advertise.
See... the disconnect here is when he uses the word "play" you respond with the word "buy". I've lent my Wii out to a friend who is currently deep in the worst case of Smash addiction I've ever witnessed. Am I buying games for Wii? No. Is my Wii seeing use? Oh yes.llTll said:care to tell me honestly what NEW games u bought for Wii the last 4 months ?
Pureauthor said:How is it really more of an insult than calling 'insert title here' a lousy game or a nongame or a kiddy game or whatever.
People like to be snarky. Move on.
Scrubking said:Ah there's nothing like the "I have all the systems so I'm right" argument. Only the "I have a Wii so I can bash it" argument can come close.
Nobody's trolling the PS3 in that thread.Krypton Zod said:Don't worry, you have a dedicated, ban-immune PS3 troll thread for you right here.
:lol it's funny cuz it's true.lawblob said:One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.
In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.
farnham said:sure :lol :lol :lol thats why the 360 did worse then the wii with a lower price tag
sure :lol :lol
you are treating anyone that bought a wii like a moron
Evlar said:See... the disconnect here is when he uses the word "play" you respond with the word "buy". I've lent my Wii out to a friend who is currently deep in the worst case of Smash addiction I've ever witnessed. Am I buying games for Wii? No. Is my Wii seeing use? Oh yes.
EmCeeGramr said:Nobody's trolling the PS3 in that thread.
that is why nintendo loses HUAHUAHUA HD FOREVA BITCHEStabsina said:I don't even know which games i'd guess have had a 20 mil budget on wii.. if there are none, does that make the tie-ratio is infinite or zero, according to your specifications![]()
Pureauthor said:Price was the issue when it was first released.
Right now, the problem is of perception. The PS3 is branded a 'loser' console. Price drops for the PS3 will provide temporary boosts, like price drops for all other loser systems in history, but it won't affect the sales overmuch.
Krypton Zod said::lol :lol :lol :lol
gregor7777 said:I don't know how to read think price isn't the reason the PS3 isn't selling better than it currently is?
There are other reasons of course, but price is a major issue.
One of it's competitors is marketing the hell out of the $199 price point, and the other one is a cultural phenomenon.
If the PS3 was price competitive, at least it would have something to advertise.
gregor7777 said:I disagree, but of course have no proof to back it up.
If the PS3 was in line with the 360 price point (and had been so a significant time period), I think the sales would have been reversed this month.
No doubt it's been branded the loser console, but most of that rep IMO was derived from slow sales due to it's higher price point.
gregor7777 said:at least it would have something to advertise.
Don't worry, you have a dedicated, ban-immune PS3 troll thread for you right here.
llTll said:dude you dont kow me. so dont assume shit.
i only bought wii like few months ago because i was able to get it used and for almost 130$ only.
if you dont believe me, check the msg history. you might find something about me owning a Wii.
and the fact remain. i have the system. i dont like it much. no games to play. last thing i played was mario galaxy and mario kart.
You're right, we can only judge you based on your history here at GAF. By that history, we can see that you not only have a Playstation logo tattood on your ass cheek, you've actually also had a speaker implanted just inside your sphincter so that it makes the PS3 bootup noise when you spread your cheeks.llTll said:dude you dont kow me. so dont assume shit.
i only bought wii like few months ago because i was able to get it used and for almost 130$ only.
if you dont believe me, check the msg history. you might find something about me owning a Wii.
and the fact remain. i have the system. i dont like it much. no games to play. last thing i played was mario galaxy and mario kart.
puebla said::lol it's funny cuz it's true.
TheExodu5 said:Price is pretty much the main factor now. Every consumer electronics poll seems to show that the PS3 is more sought after than the 360. Why? The Playstation brand still has a lot of power. I talk to people around my work, and everyone's under the impression that PS3 produces better graphics than the 360 (obviously, it depends on the game, but multiplatform titles have shown the two consoles to be largely equivalent, in favor of the 360). The casuals (sports and licenses game players) are waiting for a drop in price. However, I think many are realizing the 360 is a viable alternative, and moving to that console. The longer Sony goes without a price cut, the more the brand will be losing it's power in favor of the Xbox brand.
This guy sucks, too.Mkliner said:So what did I learn from this thread? Well apparently wii has no games, sucks, and you have to be a fucking idiot to buy it. Your opinion doesn't count because you are a fucking idiot and of course it's the wii fans who have a battle mentality