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Official October 2008 NPD Results


Junior Member
jay said:
The Wii detractors seem unsure of their positions. One minute sales mean nothing because games are everything, the next they need to explain that Wii games don't actually sell because the tie ratio is -4. One minute the Wiis success means nothing and has "no impact" on the market, the next it is stealing resources from REAL games and destroying our hobby.
You hit the nail on the head. This thread is like a microcosm of the last 2 years. Insecure HD fans repeating tired internet memes, until the full scope of Nintendo's success comes into focus. Then it's, "bububut the games", Or "Wii fans have no more games, hurrr".


llTll said:
excuse me ? Wii has many good games as HD fanboys do ????????

dont make me laugh man. and no. its not a matter of tastes. i have all Systems and honestly. Wii is the only system i dont play. aside from the games we had 6 months ago like mario and others, There is NOTHING on Wii. unless u count Wii Music :lol

This is a matter of taste, period. Stop trying to suggest otherwise. If you believe otherwise, you are wrong. Insulting people constantly is offensive, and you can't push a wrongheaded notion through brute force. I think we all know it is a matter of taste, so the only way you can possibly convince people is by brow beating them in to submission.

It disgusts me. I even happen to agree with you that the PS3/360 happen to have more games that I like (although PC has more than both combined), but I still recognize it's simply a matter of taste.
jorma said:
If you are trying to come across as something other than the exact equivalent of this, only as a "Nintendo loyalist", then you fail miserably with this post. Someone might even call it a "titanic disgrace" :p

Also, your conclusion that gaf is becoming a subsidiary to PS3-forums does not hold up well to this thread, at least the parts of it i read.

there's a limit to everything, and you know I stated I was referring to this thread, and more specifically, the last three pages full of asshattery, and pissed off fanboys who can't find anything better to do than stating that sales aren't that important (because they're losing this gen, had the PS3 been selling like hotcakes you'll hear em masturbating about how mighy and powerful and badass Sony is), that the PS3 is gaining momentum, that Nintendo sucks ass - at least this has been happening since the PSX. You can taste the venom in them posts. But call me a Nintendo loyalist if you will, you're only 50 percent right:lol


llTll said:
i think we are gamers here. if you use the Wii for fitness because you are batman and you dont go out during the sun for walk, that is ur problem. but here we actully buy and play games.

So we've reached the floor here. At least this thread can hardly go lower.


Segata Sanshiro said:
You're right, we can only judge you based on your history here at GAF. By that history, we can see that you not only have a Playstation logo tattood on your ass cheek, you've actually also had a speaker implanted just inside your sphincter so that it makes the PS3 bootup noise when you spread your cheeks.

Wii sucks. PS3 sucks. 360 sucks.

thats funny. i play 360 more than PS3. but sure. you can post whatever you want here. your post is worthless tho. but hey. i wont qoute you again. so you can quote me one more time with one more stupid reply like this and pretend u won an argument. this way you can sleep better tonight.

mentalfloss said:
What kind of genres of games do you like to play?

simple. here are the games i have so far


Mario galaxy
Mario Kart
Zelda GC
Naruto Shippuden.
No more Heros

Little Big planet
Resistance 2


COD4 " got it as gift"
Dead Rising
Lost Oddyessey
Blue Dragon
Halo 3
Gears 2


gregor7777 said:
I disagree, but of course have no proof to back it up.

If the PS3 was in line with the 360 price point (and had been so a significant time period), I think the sales would have been reversed this month.

No doubt it's been branded the loser console, but most of that rep IMO was derived from slow sales due to it's higher price point.

Of course, the higher price point is a consequence of Blu Ray, so it can't go both ways: you either get a lower price point with no Blu Ray, or you get a higher price point with Blu Ray, but never both positives simultaneously.

It's a bit like asking: "would a corvette sell better than a camry if a corvette were the same price as a Toyota?" Likely it would sell much better, because it has more features and more power, but the reason it costs more in the first place is that it has those additional features and power.

So it's one or the other: extra features and power at a higher price, or less features and power at a lower price.


Grecco said:
Ill risk jumping into this again but Sony did advertise the 399.99 price point a couple of months back.

Realistically Sonys problems are much larger, its no longer a "software" issue or a "marketing" issue or a "price" issue. Its a perception issue. Image is everything in gaming. The Gamecube had the image of a kiddy system that sunk its chances. The PSP still really hasnt shaken the image of having "no games" and similarly PS3 has its image issues that it wont be able to shake this time.

You're putting way too much importance into the online reputation. The vast majority of gamers don't spend their time browsing videogame message boards or GameFAQs. The PS3 has a great reputation among the more casual players. The price prevent them picking it up though. The 360 will slowly take over that major branch of the market if the PS3 doesn't get a major cut.
Mkliner said:
So what did I learn from this thread? Well apparently wii has no games, sucks, and you have to be a fucking idiot to buy it. Your opinion doesn't count because you are a fucking idiot and of course it's the wii fans who have a battle mentality

Whoa slow down Einstein mah brians only stuct to itseelf wit duck tape i aint not able to comprehhend. who you sayin' sucks?


llTll said:
dude you dont kow me. so dont assume shit.

i only bought wii like few months ago because i was able to get it used and for almost 130$ only.

if you dont believe me, check the msg history. you might find something about me owning a Wii.

and the fact remain. i have the system. i dont like it much. no games to play. last thing i played was mario galaxy and mario kart.

You've had it for a few months and can't find a single game to play from the 3 years the system has been out? I can find tons of games to play from any console including the one I don't own. It's like you bought the Wii used for a cheap price JUST so you could say you own it and hate it.


borghe said:
no, you're not bitter at all! :lol

I'm talking baout wii-only owners who post on GAF. I mean I know the average wii owner couldn't be happier with all the shovelware, but the kind of perosn that posts on GAF expects a bit more, even if they won't admit it and pretend to be content with the wii's recent releases
Ceres said:
You've had it for a few months and can't find a single game to play from the 3 years the system has been out? I can find tons of games to play from any console including the one I don't own. It's like you bought the Wii used for a cheap price JUST so you could say you own it and hate it.

At least it was better than drohne boasting that he lost money in offloading his Wii.

I'm talking baout wii-only owners who post on GAF. I mean I know the average wii owner couldn't be happier with all the shovelware, but the kind of perosn that posts on GAF expects a bit more, even if they won't admit it and pretend to be content with the wii's recent releases

So a person needs to like a particular type/amount/brand of games to be considered valid for membership to 'the pre-eminent video game industry discussion community'?

Get off your high horse. And don't walk behind it lest it kick you through a window.
llTll said:
thats funny. i play 360 more than PS3. but sure. you can post whatever you want here. your post is worthless tho. but hey. i wont qoute you again. so you can quote me one more time with one more stupid reply like this and pretend u won an argument. this way you can sleep better tonight.
Thanks. I appreciate you looking out for my beauty sleep. You are a good servant, and when the revolution comes, you can have a position as my personal hand-jobber.
So what did I learn from this thread? Well apparently wii has no games, sucks, and you have to be a fucking idiot to buy it. Your opinion doesn't count because you are a fucking idiot and of course it's the wii fans who have a battle mentality

Oh, don't play the victim here, because a bunch of people said that it applies to all the fucking thread? What about "The PS3 is dead! lol @ 2008 year of the playstation, LBP failure" comments? and other dedicated to X360?

This is console war, and as a war the're victims in all the factions.


Super Member
X26 said:
I'm talking baout wii-only owners who post on GAF. I mean I know the average wii owner couldn't be happier with all the shovelware, but the kind of perosn that posts on GAF expects a bit more, even if they won't admit it and pretend to be content with the wii's recent releases
Nintendo fans still have the DS.

It isn't so hard, really. ;)
Threi said:

Yeah? Well, you. You suck. You suck ass through a straw. You suck so much that once they perfect cloning technology they plan on marketing your organic bodies a new line of vacuum cleaners.

Suck on that.



Pureauthor said:
Yeah? Well, you. You suck. You suck ass through a straw. You suck so much that once they perfect cloning technology they plan on marketing your organic bodies a new line of vacuum cleaners.

Suck on that.

no u


The Autumn Wind
I couldn't be happier with how this thread turned out. Now all we need is for Amir0x to show up and it'll really be a party.
Pureauthor said:
Yeah? Well, you. You suck. You suck ass through a straw. You suck so much that once they perfect cloning technology they plan on marketing your organic bodies a new line of vacuum cleaners.

Suck on that.

Dang. Sucks to be you, Threi.


TheExodu5 said:
You're putting way too much importance into the online reputation. The vast majority of gamers don't spend their time browsing videogame message boards or GameFAQs. The PS3 has a great reputation among the more casual players. The price prevent them picking it up though. The 360 will slowly take over that major branch of the market if the PS3 doesn't get a major cut.

If it were up to online reputation the Wii would have bombed months ago. You are absolutely right theres gamers who spend their times not on message boards. Those gamers have or are choosing Xbox and Wii.


llTll said:
excuse me ? Wii has many good games as HD fanboys do ????????

dont make me laugh man. and no. its not a matter of tastes. i have all Systems and honestly. Wii is the only system i dont play. aside from the games we had 6 months ago like mario and others, There is NOTHING on Wii. unless u count Wii Music :lol

Actually, tat IS a matter of taste. And that isn't something you can argue. It's a fact. I think PS3's lineup is a joke, Wii's is very good, and 360 kicks everyone in the ass. But that's a matter of taste.

llTll said:
care to tell me honestly what NEW games u bought for Wii the last 4 months ?

I'm buying Animal Crossing and Tales of Symphonia in like 2 days. I haven't bought a game on any system for the last 4 months.
MiiMarioMii said:
Whoa slow down Einstein mah brians only stuct to itseelf wit duck tape i aint not able to comprehhend. who you sayin' sucks?
(neutral) MiiMarioMii
(Today, 11:24 AM)
Reply | Quote

uh-oh the culling is beginning

quick everyone, back to left 4 dead, the goty

:bow L4D :bow2
It boils down to this. Wii has plenty of games to keep the average gamer happy. GAF is not the average gamer. GAF is a collective of hardcore man babies who bitch if their favorite console gets outsold by a "lesser" console.

The Wii is a lesser console in GAF's eyes because there isn't a new online sci -fi FPS with realistic breast and gore physics announced for it every other week.

Is this about right or am I missing something? (besides the inclusion of the overly weird Nintendo hardcore)

Rolf NB

gregor7777 said:
I may have this wrong, but didn't this one month erase all of the gains PS3 had made?

I thought they were within a few hundred thousand units.
Yes, that is correct. In LTD absolutes, Xbox 360 is in the lead again with the Oct NPDs.
The year so far has improved PS3's standing regardless. About a year ago the PS3's US share of the grand HD battle for second place passed 1:3, in Feb it passed 1:2.5, and has crawled upwards slowly all year. Now it's ever so slightly better than 1:2.

It works that way due to the one year between launches. When PS3 launched, it obviously started at zero percent. The share of the lower system can grow even in months where it doesn't outsell anything. LTD shares always move in the direction of monthly shares. Parity sales mean the LTD shares approach parity as well, from wherever they start, and for a system that is behind that means gaining share. That's the PS3 in 2008, basically. You can see the effects on sales of multiplat games as well (not so much this month).

The Xbox 360 price-cut has stopped this gaining of share though. If the two systems continue to sell 1:2, LTD shares will stay what they are now (almost exactly 1:2 as well).


Relaxed Muscle said:
Oh, don't play the victim here, because a bunch of people said that it applies to all the fucking thread? What about "The PS3 is dead! lol @ 2008 year of the playstation, LBP failure" comments? and other dedicated to X360?

This is console war, and as a war the're victims in all the factions.
Those comments are about sales, hard numbers, facts while everything about the wii is basically opinion based. You can't just say your opinion is a fact thats not how the world works


Pureauthor said:
Nah, we haven't insulted the PSP and the PC yet. And the DS snark was too mild for my liking too.

Ok, let's make it the Segata way: PSP sucks no games/PC is dead. See ya next month!


Anyone talking about a dearth of Wii games and not participating in the Monster Lab thread right now is a giant poopoohead.

That is all.
comedy bomb said:
It boils down to this. Wii has plenty of games to keep the average gamer happy. GAF is not the average gamer. GAF is a collective of hardcore man babies who bitch if their favorite console gets outsold by a "lesser" console.

The Wii is a lesser console in GAF's eyes because there isn't a new online sci -fi FPS with realistic breast and gore physics announced for it every other week.

Is this about right or am I missing something?

Yes, you are missing the face-melting awesomeness that is handheld gaming. Next to that console gaming seems utterly puny in comparison. Naturally home console diehards know this but refuse to admit it, thus resulting in a deep-rooted resentment. However, they can't argue with the handheld faction because they would ultimately lose in a very stunning manner, so they snipe each other over the internet.

Sad, really.

Cygnus X-1

Captain Smoker said:
Hardware LTD:
PS2: 42.743.000
NDS: 22.893.000
WII: 13.351.000
PSP: 12.806.000
360: 11.613.000
PS3: 5.684.000

Hardware YTD:
WII: 5.981.000
NDS: 5.341.000
360: 2.459.000
PS3: 2.441.000
PSP: 2.308.000
PS2: 1.887.000

Software LTD's:
[Wii] Wii Play - 7.134.000
[Wii] Mario Kart Wii - 3.376.000
[Wii] Wii Fit - 2.833.000

Well, this speaks by itself. No words.


Grecco said:
If it were up to online reputation the Wii would have bombed months ago. You are absolutely right theres gamers who spend their times not on message boards. Those gamers have or are choosing Xbox and Wii.

Yes and, excluding the Wii, that has largely to do with the price point. What I'm saying is the Playstation brand still has a lot of power, but that power cannot be exercised because of the price of the console. During a recession, a $400 console is not going to outsell a $200 console. We saw what happened when the 360 was $280/$300, the PS3 was outselling it by a margin. That should say something. Now, Microsoft has really went all out, and they're going to take over because they've reached the magic $200 mark.
Pureauthor said:
Yes, you are missing the face-melting awesomeness that is handheld gaming. Next to that console gaming seems utterly puny in comparison.

You'd think that it would be common knowledge on here that the DS is the system to beat out of all the current offerings on the market.


omg rite said:
Actually, tat IS a matter of taste. And that isn't something you can argue. It's a fact. I think PS3's lineup is a joke, Wii's is very good, and 360 kicks everyone in the ass. But that's a matter of taste.

I'm buying Animal Crossing and Tales of Symphonia in like 2 days. I haven't bought a game on any system for the last 4 months.

so you are telling me you have a taste when you didnt buy any of the good games that was released since 4 months till today on the HD systems.. and yet you buy animal crossing ?

no. really ?


Mkliner said:
Those comments are about sales, hard numbers, facts while everything about the wii is basically opinion based. You can't just say your opinion is a fact thats not how the world works

Many of the LBP comments went well beyond simple informationals: it's clear that a host of people delighted in the fact that LBP was not a Holy Savior, and a few have explicitly admitted to the joy they take in causing "bitter tears."


probably been said already but whatever

I honestly dont see how wii can be so popular. the ps3 offers a MUCH better value for your money.

if you cant afford that, then theres the 360 that comes with 5 arcade games and sega superstar tennis if you buy the arcade version. right off the bat, you have 6 games and next gen graphics for 50 dollars less than a wii and a way superior lineup of games. this is subjective of course, but i think most would agree with this, not to mention the tons of demos, trailers, movies, and tv shows you can download. multiplatform games are also better on the 360 and ps3

this is why i think the 360 and ps3 should be doing better in comparison to the wii. the wii did a great job of getting casuals, but the other two consoles are much better overall.


Time Traveler
John Harker said:

Was going to post this =P

This year prediction is almost right though...:lol
Mkliner said:
Those comments are about sales, hard numbers, facts while everything about the wii is basically opinion based. You can't just say your opinion is a fact thats not how the world works

Yeah, because 200k for 3 days it's a failure, right? numbers can be manipulated too, and believe or not, there are people who dosn't find the actual Wii lineup very appealing, but of course those are biased opinions.
comedy bomb said:
It boils down to this. Wii has plenty of games to keep the average gamer happy. GAF is not the average gamer. GAF is a collective of hardcore man babies who bitch if their favorite console gets outsold by a "lesser" console.

The Wii is a lesser console in GAF's eyes because there isn't a new online sci -fi FPS with realistic breast and gore physics announced for it every other week.

Is this about right or am I missing something? (besides the inclusion of the overly weird Nintendo hardcore)
Actually, the essential problem here is that people have different opinions, and your average human being isn't smart enough to understand other people's perspectives.

In particular, people in their teenage years haven't yet reached the stage of intellectual development where they outgrow the personal fable and start to realize that the world does not revolve around them and their life, and that there are other correct thoughts in the world besides their own, even if those thoughts contradict their own.

Most people never outgrow this stage, sadly.


Next gen wll be fun. It will be interesting to see what absurdity all the Nintendo haters might bring up, after Sony, MS going "Wii-mote"-style and thanks to more and more western companies strengthening their multiplattform strategy by supporting Nintendos next platform from the get-go it will look more like this gens HD-twins (X360/PS3) lineup between X720+PS4+Wii2. I´m looking forward what their excuses will be.
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