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Official October 2008 NPD Results

Segata Sanshiro said:
Actually, the essential problem here is that people have different opinions, and your average human being isn't smart enough to understand other people's perspectives.

In particular, people in their teenage years haven't yet reached the stage of intellectual development where they outgrow the personal fable and start to realize that the world does not revolve around them and their life, and that there are other correct thoughts in the world besides their own, even if those thoughts contradict their own.

Most people never outgrow this stage, sadly.

Let us never forget that, with one piddling exception, the population of the entire universe is composed of other people.


Vanish said:
probably been said already but whatever

I honestly dont see how wii can be so popular. the ps3 offers a MUCH better value for your money.

if you cant afford that, then theres the 360 that comes with 5 arcade games and sega superstar tennis if you buy the arcade version. right off the bat, you have 6 games and next gen graphics for 50 dollars less than a wii and a way superior lineup of games. this is subjective of course, but i think most would agree with this, not to mention the tons of demos, trailers, movies, and tv shows you can download. multiplatform games are also better on the 360 and ps3

this is why i think the 360 and ps3 should be doing better in comparison to the wii. the wii did a great job of getting casuals, but the other two consoles are much better overall.

i agree with this post. but i also think Wii is no longer selling because of its hardcore games or much games on the system. its selling because of Wii play and Wii fitness. they are system sellers. plus everyone find something new in thr Wii controller. so they go and buy it


John Harker said:
I'll never get over this doozy.


Strap on your hooker ...
borghe said:
EVERY single last person in my department owns a Wii. Almost everyone in my family owns a Wii. Almost everyone in my wife's family owns a Wii. Almost all of our friends own a Wii (casual and gamers). We have NEVER recommended anyone buy a Wii or even talked about ours too much with any of them.

Videogames this gen are "Nintendo". You can always tell what THE system is each gen. IS it "a Sony", "a Sega", "a Nintendo"... This gen is once again "a Nintendo". but to a ridiculous degree. Mark my words, at this point I am confident in saying the Wii will be the most successful console of all time. Even more than SNES, NES, and PS2. The only thing that would prevent that from happening is Nintendo willingly shortening the generation.
It's kind of a shallow victory that something will become the standard when talking about games if most of the people that have it don't talk much about games in the first place. Wii may be wildly successful as a piece of hardware but as a platform, it seems like it's just some kind of ubiquitous object. The games are the important part, that part that will spur any good conversation. If there's very little common ground there, if the people that own it have small libraries whose titles don't have much overlap with their peers, then how much capacity for decent discourse is there?

We all enjoy talking about movies with friends, and a lot of that is because we've seen the same things or will take interest in something that someone else talked about. With Wii owners I'm not seeing a lot of this, even huge releases like Mario Galaxy you can't count on the "well if you have a Wii, you must have played that..." that largely held true for a handful of most systems' popular games. Many Wii owners I know are even strangely resistant to recommendations, they say they like Wii Sports and then trail into a skeptical "Well... maybe I'll try that sometime. I don't know if that one's for me."
(Oh God he replied he's going to kill me)

Segata Sanshiro said:
It must, the local store can't get rid of the entire bin of it at a clearance price. As we know, things that don't sell suck, so therefore NiGHTS: JoD sucks.

...uh, yeah!

Victoly for me.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Actually, the essential problem here is that people have different opinions, and your average human being isn't smart enough to understand other people's perspectives.

In particular, people in their teenage years haven't yet reached the stage of intellectual development where they outgrow the personal fable and start to realize that the world does not revolve around them and their life, and that there are other correct thoughts in the world besides their own, even if those thoughts contradict their own.

Most people never outgrow this stage, sadly.
quoting for every page

i seriously wonder how many people will read this?
llTll said:
i agree with this post. but i also think Wii is no longer selling because of its hardcore games or much games on the system. its selling because of Wii play and Wii fitness. they are system sellers. plus everyone find something new in thr Wii controller. so they go and buy it
This theory sucks.
stilgar said:
Out of curiosity, how old are you? Do you feel ashamed when cheating the Gametrailers age control?

I know it was a pretty bad anology, but the fact remains the same, in those kinds of threads, all consoles receive their amount of trolling.


The sad thing about Sony is that this year they have the games that can sell LBP, R2, Motorstorm, etc.. but they never do heavy advertising. LBP could do Gears like numbers if they would advertise it like MS did with Gears. I think that LBP and R2 can push consoles if Sony would actually advertise them.


llTll said:
i agree with this post. but i also think Wii is no longer selling because of its hardcore games or much games on the system. its selling because of Wii play and Wii fitness. they are system sellers. plus everyone find something new in thr Wii controller. so they go and buy it

It's always sold on the Wii remote and Wii Sports. Then, you have some kind of snowball effect with kids.

1) Kid's friend gets a Wii
2) Kid wants a Wii like his friend
3) Parent buy kid a Wii for Christmas

And it just multiplies from there. Go talk to the majorite of pre-16 year old kids. If they have a game system, it's likely a Wii. A huge portion is selling to them. And for once, parents aren't completely opposed to them owning a game system, because they like that it involves physical activity.
What worries me is when I go to ignore someone and their occupation is something that might actually require some semblance of rational thought and coherence.

I feel like I'm in the wrong. It's like "oh wait this guy is an executive manager of processing system works I should probably listen to what he has to say even if it makes no sense."
PepsimanVsJoe said:
What worries me is when I go to ignore someone and their occupation is something that might actually require some semblance of rational thought and coherence.

My desk job in two years of enforced National Service seems to consist largely of me answering the phone and saying 'No, my department doesn't deal with that. You want ____.'

Thanks goodness for handhelds.


No one wants a PS3 because it's too expensive. Clearly the 360 the more logical choice especially if you take it's price in consideration, so it's obvious the PS3 is doing terrible compared with the 360.


Next gen wll be fun. It will be interesting to see what absurdity all the Nintendo haters might bring up, after Sony, MS going "Wii-mote"-style and thanks to more and more western companies strengthening their multiplattform strategy by supporting Nintendos next platform from the get-go it will look more like this gens HD-twins (X360/PS3) lineup between X720+PS4+Wii2. I´m looking forward what their excuses will be.


TheExodu5 said:
Yes and, excluding the Wii, that has largely to do with the price point. What I'm saying is the Playstation brand still has a lot of power, but that power cannot be exercised because of the price of the console. During a recession, a $400 console is not going to outsell a $200 console. We saw what happened when the 360 was $280/$300, the PS3 was outselling it by a margin. That should say something. Now, Microsoft has really went all out, and they're going to take over because they've reached the magic $200 mark.

Well you have a couple of points here. So online reputation has no effect on the Wii but the others? Brand name is power but not as powerful as price? The Ressesion really is affection Ressesion proof gaming? Price is important but that didnt stop a 400 dolalr console beating a 300 dollar one? Are new Xbox owners all Arcade users now?

I dont know if i agree with many of these points. And the notion that Brand vs Price. The people who hold the sony brand to such high esteem already own Ps3s or will own them soon, those people dilly dallying on price really arent that loyal and will shift X360 if Core and Wii if casual.

And regards to how Sony was leading slightly this year, i suspect that was partially due to a strong apex of software mid year with Metal Gear. Similarly the stronger apex of exclusive 360 titles are leading in the upcomings months. Maybe had Sony cut the price near Metal Gears launch it might have had some effect. But it seems a price cut is just not on the table this year for whatever reason.
TheExodu5 said:
Yes and, excluding the Wii, that has largely to do with the price point. What I'm saying is the Playstation brand still has a lot of power, but that power cannot be exercised because of the price of the console. During a recession, a $400 console is not going to outsell a $200 console. We saw what happened when the 360 was $280/$300, the PS3 was outselling it by a margin. That should say something. Now, Microsoft has really went all out, and they're going to take over because they've reached the magic $200 mark.

But isn't the Playstation brand already dead?

Are devs going to assume that all the consumers are going to be buying PS4s?

Are consumers going to assume that developers are going to be making PS4 exclusives?

The fact that the 360 and PS3 are seen as equivalent and compete on price is already a victory for Microsoft.
Dragona Akehi said:
You know what the really funny thing is?

The majority of my Wii library are third party games.

Aha! More proof that you are of a ruinous and unnatural origin! What foul manner of beast buys Nintendo consoles for 3rd party games?


what happened to llTll? did he really get banned for quoting Segato? no way:lol funny that it looks like it though

anyway, regarding my last post, while i kinda want the 360 and ps3 to do better, i also hope they learned their lesson for next gen and not overcharge everything, especially MS
farnham said:
uh no

sports games are actually the best on the wii

no sports game i ever played was as good as wii sports.. sure fight night 3 looks rad.. but the game got old pretty fast after i got over the graphics and the fighting system (which is very deep)
wii boxing is still a game i play for kicks..
same with Wii tennis or wii bowling..

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

No way in HELL are sports games on the wii better then on a traditional console. (360/ps3). you are totally off here fella, no offense neither but your not much into sports gaming are ya?
llTll said:
thats funny. i play 360 more than PS3. but sure. you can post whatever you want here. your post is worthless tho. but hey. i wont qoute you again. so you can quote me one more time with one more stupid reply like this and pretend u won an argument. this way you can sleep better tonight.

simple. here are the games i have so far


Mario galaxy
Mario Kart
Zelda GC
Naruto Shippuden.
No more Heros

Little Big planet
Resistance 2


COD4 " got it as gift"
Dead Rising
Lost Oddyessey
Blue Dragon
Halo 3
Gears 2

Yea, so you basically feed into what the media mogul tells you. That's great and all but you should do more research and probably broaden your appeal a bit. Your library is equally devoted though, so I don't see why you complain so much about Wii.

Edit: He banned.. well that was a waste of 30 secs


lawblob said:
One final thought; what really cracks me up about Wii loyalists is their warped 'battle' mentality.

In order to be a Wii fanboy you have to concede entire genres of games. You accept that you will only get shitty, watered down and gimped versions of: sports games, FPS games, music games, RPGs, etc.. and yet, despite the fact that the Wii fails miserably in those genres relative to competitors, Wii owners still make these arguments about being completely satisfied with what they have.

I don't doubt that there are a handful of people who really do have non-traditional taste in games and honestly do enjoy a Wii-exclusive experience. But the irony of those people is that they embrace these one-off, random Wii games that end up selling like shit relative to the install base and won't even get sequels. For a console like Wii to have such a mammoth install base, yet the only games on it in the top ten monthly sales are freaking Mario Kart and Wii Fit, that isn't a triumph of the library, that just shows the Wii library is a disparate collection of random garbage that all sells poorly relative to install base. And yet the irony is lost... the same people that point to 'triumphs' like Blast Works fail to mention that it bombed at retail and will never get a sequel, etc.
They're like Bush supporters.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Actually, the essential problem here is that people have different opinions, and your average human being isn't smart enough to understand other people's perspectives.

In particular, people in their teenage years haven't yet reached the stage of intellectual development where they outgrow the personal fable and start to realize that the world does not revolve around them and their life, and that there are other correct thoughts in the world besides their own, even if those thoughts contradict their own.

Most people never outgrow this stage, sadly.
This is so true.

TheFatOne said:
The sad thing about Sony is that this year they have the games that can sell LBP, R2, Motorstorm, etc.. but they never do heavy advertising. LBP could do Gears like numbers if they would advertise it like MS did with Gears. I think that LBP and R2 can push consoles if Sony would actually advertise them.
LBP could do gears like numbers? How so? Who's interested in a platform game editor? A small portion of hardcore, that's who. Seriously are platform games even that popular? compared to say, shooters?
Pureauthor said:
Aha! More proof that you are of a ruinous and unnatural origin! What foul manner of beast buys Nintendo consoles for 3rd party games?

You know what is even funnier? I want about another three Wii games that are currently out right now, and they too are third party.

EmCeeGramr said:

At this point I should probably change my avatar permanently to Dr. Naomi Weaver, huh?

Anasui Kishibe said:
weird enough, same here. Last one is Order Up! and it's surprisingly solid

Sam and Max Season One, here. If you don't have it for PC or Wii already, I'd recommend it even though there are a few technical issues.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Wow, you know Nintendo is successful when Nintendo fans manage to jack off to their numbers more than MS and Sony fans combine.
Discounting Wii Music fans, cause that shit bombed


The Autumn Wind
TheExodu5 said:
It's always sold on the Wii remote and Wii Sports. Then, you have some kind of snowball effect with kids.

1) Kid's friend gets a Wii
2) Kid wants a Wii like his friend
3) Parent buy kid a Wii for Christmas

And it just multiplies from there. Go talk to the majorite of pre-16 year old kids. If they have a game system, it's likely a Wii. A huge portion is selling to them. And for once, parents aren't completely opposed to them owning a game system, because they like that it involves physical activity.
This theory is so flawed. You can pretend that people over the age of 16 aren't interested in the Wii all you want, but that's the demographic that's causing sales to explode the way they are.


Grecco said:
Well you have a couple of points here. So online reputation has no effect on the Wii but the others? Brand name is power but not as powerful as price? The Ressesion really is affection Ressesion proof gaming? Price is important but that didnt stop a 400 dolalr console beating a 300 dollar one? Are new Xbox owners all Arcade users now?

I dont know if i agree with many of these points. And the notion that Brand vs Price. The people who hold the sony brand to such high esteem already own Ps3s or will own them soon, those people dilly dallying on price really arent that loyal and will shift X360 if Core and Wii if casual.

And regards to how Sony was leading slightly this year, i suspect that was partially due to a strong apex of software mid year with Metal Gear. Similarly the stronger apex of exclusive 360 titles are leading in the upcomings months. Maybe had Sony cut the price near Metal Gears launch it might have had some effect. But it seems a price cut is just not on the table this year for whatever reason.

I think you're ignoring the 40+ million PS2 owners out there. To many them, the Playstation brand is where they play there games. It was the same with GC and Xbox owners, but obviously, their userbases were far smaller, so the power is not near as large.

Also, I said price is an important factor. Don't think that they're mutually exclusive though. The $400 PS3 vs. the $300/$400 360 outsold it with help of it's brandpower. Check consumer electronics polls, and ask uninformed gamers who owned a PS2, and they think the PS3 is the greatest console out there. I'm not saying it's all gamers, but there's a segment of the population that doesn't follow the console popularity contest, so sales up until now have not had much of an issue. These are also the users that buy mainly multiplatform content: sports games, licensed titles, etc...

But now, the thing is, this brand loyalty will lose some power over time. Why? Well people are getting a 360 for the multiplatform in favor of the better price. Then, they're telling their friends who haven't bought a console yet to pick up a 360 so they can play with them. Since the 360 userbase has expanded faster than the PS3, this word-of-mouth will have a larger effect. Many of these people persuaded by word of mouth might have been PS2 owners, and have been persuaded thanks to the size of the userbase, and the low price point.

The only brand out there with any remaining power to the uninformed is the Playstation brand. Why? Because that's where the bulk of the uninformed gamers were. The original Xbox had mostly gamers that were interested in Xbox specific franchises. Sure, there were people who bought an Xbox for sports games, but most bought it for Halo. The bulk of these people have already moved on to the 360. The Sony systems have far less weight on their exclusives. Yes, their exclusives sell decently well, but not to the extent that Halo did on the 360. Because of that, these users are simply tied to the Playstation brand, and not the games themselves. This means that, while these users would prefer to keep with the Playstation brand, they're not attached to any Playstation franchises that will tie them to that system exclusively. This makes it dangerous for Sony, because these are users that can easily be persuaded to move on to the 360. And with the current userbase and price point for the 360, they're much more likely to do so.

P.S. I haven't really thought this post through, and was mostly brainstorming as I was writing, so there may be some conflicting statements...I don't know. :lol
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