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Official October 2008 NPD Results


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Wow, I really don't even know what to say. :lol

All I'll say is I'm a Wii only owner, and I have more than enough to play right now, even with the software being pretty bad lately.

And next year will be the Wii's best year by a longshot, so that makes me happy.


Fistwell said:
I haven't played it myself, but wii's version of winning eleven seemed a lot more interesting than the ps3/360 games as well.

elevated Football into strategy games terretory for me :D :D
schuelma said:
Wow, I really don't even know what to say. :lol

All I'll say is I'm a Wii only owner, and I have more than enough to play right now, even with the software being pretty bad lately.

And next year will be the Wii's best year by a longshot, so that makes me happy.
schuelma sucks. Jumped the shark when he got rid of the Schnauzer avatar.


Atreides said:
It's just me, or is this NPD thread especially packed with fanboys and their silly arguments?
I think this was the month where the mainstream price was supposed to kick in for the 360 and pummel the casual tripe Wii into the ground. PS3 should be obvious. Wii fans are just gloating.
freddy said:
I think this was the month where the mainstream price was supposed to kick in for the 360 and pummel the casual tripe Wii into the ground. PS3 should be obvious.


Find me one poster who said anything like that. Look at the prediction thread. That's just crazy and you know it.

Cygnus X-1

Tiktaalik said:
Meanwhile at Nintendo Headquarters....

Nintendo henchman: Sir! The NPD numbers are out. Wii Music has bombed in America!

Iwata: What?!?! How is this possible.... We have to re-evaluate everything... quick... tear down those plans.

Nintendo henchman: But the Wii 2 plans... they're almost complete.

Iwata: Scrap everything! Wii Music was a failure. We're going in a new direction.

Nintendo henchman: But Sir, our Wii sales were off the charts! We did over 8..

Iwata: Forget it. Call up Capcom. Tell them we're reconsidering their "Sporgenblorg" project.

Nintendo henchman: Y-yes sir... Er.. What should we do with Miyamoto?

Iwata: Don't tell him anything yet, but lock down the building. We don't want him to escape before we can deal with him. *Twirls DS stylus maniacally*

Actually, that was hilarious.


dark10x said:
Wii console sales are insane and software sales are centered around casual Nintendo made games.

That is only true because people on GAF call anything successful a casual game. Smash Bros is casual, Guitar Hero is casual, Mario is casual.. everything is a casual game on here once it sells a lot.
So if you think Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Guitar Hero and every game on the planet is casual then yes, only casual games sell on the wii.

I remmeber playing Beatmania (which reminds me of guitar hero) on PSX and Mario Kart on n64 and I don't remember anyone claiming these games were casual trash back then. They are just games.
jibblypop said:
That is only true because people on GAF call anything successful a casual game. Smash Bros is casual, Guitar Hero is casual, Mario is casual.. everything is a casual game on here once it sells a lot.

By definition any game that sells enough to become a multimillion seller must be a casual game or it'd never reach that plateau.
jibblypop said:
That is only true because people on GAF call anything successful a casual game. Smash Bros is casual, Guitar Hero is casual, Mario is casual.. everything is a casual game on here once it sells a lot.
So if you think Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Guitar Hero and every game on the planet is casual then yes, only casual games sell on the wii.

I remmeber playing Beatmania (which reminds me of guitar hero) on PSX and Mario Kart on n64 and I don't remember anyone claiming these games were casual trash back then. They are just games.

I'm quite sure hes referring to the minigame trite Nintendo are liberally pushing this generation. A few games worth playing doesn't make the console a software powerhouse, and hardly brings it to the standards of other platforms.

Pureauthor said:
By definition any game that sells enough to become a multimillion seller must be a casual game or it'd never reach that plateau.

I can't even tell if this is deliberately obtuse or not.


IronicallyTwisted said:
I'm quite sure hes referring to the minigame trite Nintendo are liberally pushing this generation. A few games worth playing doesn't make the console a software powerhouse, and hardly brings it to the standards of other platforms.

He said casual games are all the sells on wii. I was saying lots of games sell well and the only thing that makes those games casual is people saying they are. I wasn't commenting on quality of games or comparing to other platforms.
jibblypop said:
He said casual games are all the sells on wii. I was saying lots of games sell well and the only thing that makes those games casual is people saying they are.

It would be more accurate to say the platform moves "casual" (as silly a term it is) and Nintendo franchised games.


I'm sure it's been said elsewhere in these 46 or whatever pages, but historically consoles double their October sales in November, and double their November sales in December. Could Nintendo move 3 million Wiis in December, during a recession? It isn't out of the question. They have been shipping CRAZY units to the US.


gkrykewy said:
I'm sure it's been said elsewhere in these 46 or whatever pages, but historically consoles double their October sales in November, and double their November sales in December. Could Nintendo move 3 million Wiis in December, during a recession? It isn't out of the question. They have been shipping CRAZY units to the US.

This post makes sense. Get out of this thread, now.


Time Traveler
gkrykewy said:
I'm sure it's been said elsewhere in these 46 or whatever pages, but historically consoles double their October sales in November, and double their November sales in December. Could Nintendo move 3 million Wiis in December, during a recession? It isn't out of the question. They have been shipping CRAZY units to the US.

They could sell them if they could actually ship them, which the can't; We will see Wii shortages again this year, in January and probably December.

Everyone, go and buy Wii's to sell them later!


Glad Fable and Fallout sold well - both good games that deserve good sales. The poor PS3 is going to get killed this holiday simple on price point. A $399 console isn’t going to sell well in this economy.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
freddy said:
I think this was the month where the mainstream price was supposed to kick in for the 360 and pummel the casual tripe Wii into the ground. PS3 should be obvious. Wii fans are just gloating.
This was the month that the "Wii only sells on price" argument died. It joins the "fad", "only Wii sports" and "only first party" arguments. The "third party sales" argument is hanging by a thread. Once that falls it will be time for GAF to realize that other people can have different interests to them and that someone can make a perfectly informed decision that is not the same as yours because they have different requirements.


mrklaw said:
frustrating for owners though. its a great little machine. game lineup is pretty competitive now. Is it just price thats holding it back, or does it now have some kind of image problem in consumers minds? Is there massive demand from old PS2 owners holding off due to the entry price point, or have they all just bought 360s?

As a PS3 owner, there are three things that frustrate the hell out of me regarding the machine:

1. The system exclusives are overwhelmingly mediocre. It doesn't help that I couldn't stand MGS4. The last great exclusive I played was Uncharted, which was a year ago.
2. The PS3 nearly always gets the shaft in multiplatform games. I bought Battlefield for the PS3 over the summer to play with my d00ds, and we ended up using a Halo lobby on our 360s to chat because the voice was completely broken in that game. Condemned 2 had audio issues. Fallout 3 has horrendous bugs. Etc...
3. The PSN is a complete pile of shit. Some games like Resistance 1/2 make the most of it, but the lack of a high standard across all games makes me want to scream. Please, Sony, take my $50 a year so I can have a great online experience with every PS3 game I buy!

So, what you have is people like me (and everyone reading this post, I'd imagine) who everyone around them look up to for gaming opinions. And for the last two years, I've been telling people to buy XBox 360s unless they have an interest in Blu Ray.

At the end of the day, the only PS3 owners I know use them as secondary machines to their 360. Nobody wants a $400 box that gets inferior versions of games or 'meh' exclusives. The PS3 simply has no Gears of War, Fable, or Halo yet.

That box needs God of War 3 and a fat ass price drop.


poppabk said:
This was the month that the "Wii only sells on price" argument died. It joins the "fad", "only Wii sports" and "only first party" arguments. The "third party sales" argument is hanging by a thread. Once that falls it will be time for GAF to realize that other people can have different interests to them and that someone can make a perfectly informed decision that is not the same as yours because they have different requirements.
That won't happen this gen.


What put the fire back into the bellies of Wii trolls? Was it that Wii music didn't dominate? It's been awhile since they've hit the NPD thread enmasse to troll.

I think there's an awful lot of ill placed stress on this one npd. I expect Guitar hero to have legs, and do well in the Xmas period. I wouldn't surprise me to see Wii music have legs as well.
IronicallyTwisted said:
It would be more accurate to say the platform moves "casual" (as silly a term it is) and Nintendo franchised games.

It would be more accurate to just admit he was wrong with his comment instead of adding more types of games to make it close to being true...the fact of the matter is casual, Nintendo and 3rd party games have all sold on the system. Sure you may not see them selling millions like the big 360 and PS3 big budget, heavily marketed, 3rd party core titles but it's too be expected. I mean, we have titles like NMH, a Suda 51 games selling 300k+, more than all of his other games put together and a niche title like Z&W selling comparably when it would have otherwise done poorly


provides useful feedback
You know how there are people who find this kind of response funny and amusing? I don't understand them. This is giving me a tremendous headache.

*Goes off to buy Monster Lab*


SovanJedi said:
You know how there are people who find this kind of response funny and amusing? I don't understand them. This is giving me a tremendous headache.

*Goes off to buy Monster Lab*
hells yeah!



Vanish said:
probably been said already but whatever

I honestly dont see how wii can be so popular. the ps3 offers a MUCH better value for your money.

if you cant afford that, then theres the 360 that comes with 5 arcade games and sega superstar tennis if you buy the arcade version. right off the bat, you have 6 games and next gen graphics for 50 dollars less than a wii and a way superior lineup of games. this is subjective of course, but i think most would agree with this, not to mention the tons of demos, trailers, movies, and tv shows you can download. multiplatform games are also better on the 360 and ps3

this is why i think the 360 and ps3 should be doing better in comparison to the wii. the wii did a great job of getting casuals, but the other two consoles are much better overall.
i really dont see how the PS3 is even selling at all

see what i mean

OPINION TASTES.. they are subjective...

seems like Nintendo just attracted more people with their concept thats all

and obviously as sales suggest no not most agree with you


MobiusPigeon said:
how is this chart correct if it was just recently said that MS has reached or is about to reach 25 million units?

Shipped vs. Sold

MobiusPigeon said:
it was installed base.

It's completely normal for companies to refer to their shipped numbers as an "install base." Doesn't change the fact that they're shipped numbers, though.

J-Rzez said:
Sadly, the thing that I think will actually help push out PS3's this holiday will actually be "The Dark Knight".

PS3 is the best value for a Blu-Ray player, but there are cheaper options. PS3 is the best value (hardware-wise) for a video game player, and we've already seen how that's working out.

GenericPseudonym said:
they rely on being more creative and innovative now because they don't have the resources to make anything like the HD consoles.

So you're saying they need another $10 billion in cash to be able to make something like the HD consoles. D:

IronicallyTwisted said:
the most objective framework we have for measuring games greatly favours the two other consoles and the PC.

So you're saying that review sites created to satisfy the traditional core gamer say that traditional core games on the PS360/PC are best? Wow. Surprising.

chespace said:
There are plenty of Wii owners who just play Wii Play and nothing else.

I guess that explains the software sales trouncing the 360 almost every month this year. It's too bad the 360 didn't have any "game of the generation" to go up against the mighty Wii Play. :(

DMeisterJ said:
Wow. I need to go and check out this November 2006 NPD thread, by the looks of the video, it's epic.

Epicly bad. And horrible. And terrible. And a plague on both your houses!

Parl said:
Well, it'd be zero if they only plated Wii Sport, unless you try to spin the figures to include Wii Sports in the tie ratio. But some of them play bought Wii Play, so it'd 0.5.

But, let's be fair, two other "games" have sold, Wii Fit and Mario Kart. Judging the top 10, Wii sells about 1 game per console on top of Wii Play (about half each buy Mario Kart or Wii Fit), so Wii's tie ratio is probably somewhere around the 1.5 mark. With the November/December hardware sales, that can only drop.

Brilliant. :)

farnham said:
but Fire emblem is the best of the series..


Yes. Yes, it is.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Everyone with tastes different from mine is a hopeless twat with 100% objectively bad taste, and is no more worth regarding than the lump of dog feces I saw unceremoniously planted on the side of the road earlier this evening. That's a fact.


_dementia said:
What a great NPD thread.

It has been fun. The spin-off "Secret PS3 Game" thread was great, too. :)


When people start understanding that it's not the ratio of Money -> Hardware, but Money -> Entertainment, people will understand why for many people the Wii could cost 400$ and the PS3 250$, and it still wouldn't make a difference.
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