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Official October 2008 NPD Results

WrikaWrek said:
When people start understanding that it's not the ratio of Money -> Hardware, but Money -> Entertainment, people will understand why for many people the Wii could cost 400$ and the PS3 250$, and it still wouldn't make a difference.

People are refusing to understand this.


WrikaWrek said:
When people start understanding that it's not the ratio of Money -> Hardware, but Money -> Entertainment, people will understand why for many people the Wii could cost 400$ and the PS3 250$, and it still wouldn't make a difference.

For awhile the Wii did cost $400 for many people. Hell, even the PS3 cost a few $1000 for a small group that couldn't wait a month.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Ceres said:
For awhile the Wii did cost $400 for many people. Hell, even the PS3 cost a few $1000 for a small group that couldn't wait a month.
I laugh thinking about that now


donny2112 said:
Shipped vs. Sold

I guess that explains the software sales trouncing the 360 almost every month this year. It's too bad the 360 didn't have any "game of the generation" to go up against the mighty Wii Play. :(

Which is still nothing but your estimate for anything outside NPD plus Japan. About as reliable as ioi throwing together a chart . Yea, it's absolutely trouncing the 360 YTD software sales especially in the 3rd party department and this month as well, whoops.


Originally Posted by Relaxed Muscle:
This is console war, and as a war the're victims in all the factions.

stilgar said:
Out of curiosity, how old are you? Do you feel ashamed when cheating the Gametrailers age control?

To be fair, it's Friday. He may have just hit the drink a few hours early.


Jtyettis said:
Which is still nothing but your estimate for anything outside NPD plus Japan. About as reliable as ioi throwing together a chart . Yea, it's absolutely trouncing the 360 YTD software sales especially in the 3rd party department and this month as well, whoops.

Huh? You're mixing stuff. The chart is what it is. You have a problem with it. Fine. It's estimated. I never claimed anything else and even put the word "estimated" in the chart itself from the very first time I ever posted it. If you don't like it, use the U.S.+Japan chart which isn't estimated by me or put me on ignore.

The chespace comment isn't as much an estimate. It's based off of the very real NPD data that we get each month. It's not exact, because we don't get exact numbers. However when there's often a million or more difference per month with the software totals, it doesn't have to be too exact to get the idea across. ;)


Jtyettis said:
Which is still nothing but your estimate for anything outside NPD plus Japan. About as reliable as ioi throwing together a chart . Yea, it's absolutely trouncing the 360 YTD software sales especially in the 3rd party department and this month as well, whoops.
Oh, do you have total third party software sales for this month for each console?
Kaako said:
Holy Fucking Shit. :O
LBP deserves more sales btw...buy LBP you damn PS3 owners!
Not everyone likes it. If I wanted to play a Mega Man or Gradius level I would play Mega Man or Gradius. Great game for people that like to create shit but I found the gameplay the least bit satisfying in the beta.


donny2112 said:
Huh? You're mixing stuff. The chart is what it is. You have a problem with it. Fine. It's estimated. I never claimed anything else and even put the word "estimated" in the chart itself from the very first time I ever posted it. If you don't like it, use the U.S.+Japan chart which isn't estimated by me or put me on ignore.

The chespace comment isn't as much an estimate. It's based off of the very real NPD data that we get each month. It's not exact, because we don't get exact numbers. However when there's often a million or more difference per month with the software totals, it doesn't have to be too exact to get the idea across. ;)

Of course it is estimated and this is exactly what I said. It is your personal estimate for Europe, Australia, NZ, rest of Asia, Mexico, Latin America, the ME and the rest of WW. I assume you have NPD Canada as well. To date on the software front the only real difference this year has been first party. MS hasn't had any real hits until now and when it comes to third party for YTD we already know MS continues it's lead. This whole idea of trouncing is a joke.

botticus said:
Oh, do you have total third party software sales for this month for each console?

We have MS's total third party software sales for the month and there share to date yea. Unless Nintendo did $177 million in 3rd party for the month plus quite a bit more over that to make up for past months we have a pretty good idea that is the case.
I've been tracking this thread for a while and I've given my two cents quite a few times but I am just really shocked at all the people who are saying that this is the end-all-be-all month for LittleBigPlanet and even worse, people are comparing it to Fable 2 whopping numbers (which had an extra week on LBP due to the delay).

That said, LBP was on sale for FOUR days in October and sold 200K. That's great for a brand new IP and whether or not it pushed PS3 hardware at this point is irrelavent since PS3 is clearly in 3rd place and marketing themselves as a "multimedia" system. What's going to be interesting is if LBP makes the top 10 again next month. Advertising is now as strong as ever for the game and now it will have a full month to sell-through.

I'm just making this prediction now and saying that Fable 2 will not be in the top 10 next month and LBP will be. It just seems that people are like OMG LBP NEEDS MOAR SALES when they don't seem to realize it was out four days and due to the delay, a BUNCH of people didn't even know it had released in October anymore.
more bad news for sony's PS3. looks like BR players will be approaching ONE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS this holiday. Frys has 2 on ad this friday that are within dollars range of $200.
Wii Will Rock U said:
I've been tracking this thread for a while and I've given my two cents quite a few times but I am just really shocked at all the people who are saying that this is the end-all-be-all month for LittleBigPlanet and even worse, people are comparing it to Fable 2 whopping numbers (which had an extra week on LBP due to the delay).

That said, LBP was on sale for FOUR days in October and sold 200K. That's great for a brand new IP and whether or not it pushed PS3 hardware at this point is irrelavent since PS3 is clearly in 3rd place and marketing themselves as a "multimedia" system. What's going to be interesting is if LBP makes the top 10 again next month. Advertising is now as strong as ever for the game and now it will have a full month to sell-through.

I'm just making this prediction now and saying that Fable 2 will not be in the top 10 next month and LBP will be. It just seems that people are like OMG LBP NEEDS MOAR SALES when they don't seem to realize it was out four days and due to the delay, a BUNCH of people didn't even know it had released in October anymore.

I think 43 pages in we are well aware that LBP only had a few days sales.
Wii Will Rock U said:
What's going to be interesting is if LBP makes the top 10 again next month. Advertising is now as strong as ever for the game and now it will have a full month to sell-through.
Sorry if I've got you mistaken for someone else... but you're the one predicting LBP will outsell Resistance 2 in November right?


Psychotext said:
Sorry if I've got you mistaken for someone else... but you're the one predicting LBP will outsell Resistance 2 in November right?

TheExodu5 said:
How did you determine that Gears is derived from RE4? The only mechanic it shares with RE4 is the over-the-shoulder view, and other games have done that before. If you're taking a camera angle as a basis for entire derivation, then you're just silly.
i know i'm dragging up a real old thing here, but Cliffy B has cited RE4 as a huge influence on Gears since before Gears came out. that's how i determine it personally and I love both games.
Psychotext said:
Sorry if I've got you mistaken for someone else... but you're the one predicting LBP will outsell Resistance 2 in November right?
Yes I am. :lol

I am also the guys singing in the Mega Man 9 song video that was in the MM9 thread a few months back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCuwgng2Bc8

Should you hit me in a month when my prediction is wrong or hit me because I recorded that video? :lol :lol :lol

itxaka said:
My first avatar quote?! I am GIDDY with excitement.


Kifimbo said:
I'm probably late, but Activision shares are down ~13-14% today, following yesterday results. For EA, it's a drop of 7%.

Good. "Annualized franchises" my ass. You can't build an entire business using the Madden model.


According to MTV, Guitar Hero World Tour sold 534K copies combined (compare to 363K for Rock Band 2 on Xbox 360 alone) in October.

Top selling version was the Wii, with 183K units.
Wii Will Rock U said:
Should you hit me in a month when my prediction is wrong or hit me because I recorded that video? :lol :lol :lol
You get a pass for the video... we'll see what happens with the other thing. ;)


Vomiaouaf said:
According to MTV, Guitar Hero World Tour sold 534K copies combined (compare to 363K for Rock Band 2 on Xbox 360 alone) in October.

Top selling version was the Wii, with 183K units.

Yea, it seemed like a pretty muted launch to say the least. With that said it should see a bump during Christmas.


Haunted said:
hells yeah!

Dude, you've almost convinced me. I've got $100 my work gave me for being a 'mentor'. I might as well pick up Monster Lab. Maybe it'll keep me from going insane waiting on Chrono Trigger DS to come out.
farnham said:
yes im not a hardcore sports game guy.. and i never liked sports games that much.. but this gen on the wii.. i love me some sports game.. (gonna get MLB Power Pro soon btw)
ah i understand.. i definitely see why you say some wii sports game are a blast.. i agree, like wii tennis and bowling is quite fun honestly.. among a few other titles as well> I just misunderstood what you "really" ment i guess


Wait, people think like 200k for LBP is bad? That wouldn't even be bad if it were out for a full month! It's a new IP and people need to face facts: it's not going to be the "savior" of the PS3. It sold great for being out for such a little amount of time.

Eteric Rice

donny2112 said:
Huh? You're mixing stuff. The chart is what it is. You have a problem with it. Fine. It's estimated. I never claimed anything else and even put the word "estimated" in the chart itself from the very first time I ever posted it. If you don't like it, use the U.S.+Japan chart which isn't estimated by me or put me on ignore.

The chespace comment isn't as much an estimate. It's based off of the very real NPD data that we get each month. It's not exact, because we don't get exact numbers. However when there's often a million or more difference per month with the software totals, it doesn't have to be too exact to get the idea across. ;)

Hey, I just got home 'bout an hour ago.

What are you guys arguing about, now?

Kifimbo said:
I'm probably late, but Activision shares are down ~13-14% today, following yesterday results. For EA, it's a drop of 7%.

Ooo, what about Ubisoft? Is Ubisoft dropping too? Please say yes.


“Guitar Hero: World Tour,” across all platforms, sold 534,000 copies combined, according to NPD. The Wii version, however, sold best, accruing 183,000 copies sold. Comparatively, “Rock Band 2″ sold 363,000 copies on Xbox 360 alone in September.

If NPD’s top list extended further, the Wii version would have been 18 of 20.
So the top selling version of GHWT was... #18?! GH3 hogged up four spots in the top 10 last year.
omg rite said:
Wait, people think like 200k for LBP is bad? That wouldn't even be bad if it were out for a full month! It's a new IP and people need to face facts: it's not going to be the "savior" of the PS3. It sold great for being out for such a little amount of time.

I think even fans of the platform (yes, including the crazies) should lay off the whole "savior" thing. If you're an owner of the system, the software lineup is really starting to add up and you really don't have anything to complain about. The PS3 had a horrible 07, a much better 08, and third parties haven't abandoned it like the 3rd-place systems of the past.

If you want to be a really happy gamer, just get a 360 and enjoy the best games the generation has to offer on both platforms and never worry about what's going to save what ever again.

IMHO, of course.


Lost all credibility.
So now that PS3 is firmly planted in 3rd place, can we all agree to stop being biased and sniping at eachother's favorite games?

Eteric Rice

Duck said:
So the top selling version of GHWT was... #18?

Seems so.

Music games were getting old anyway...

That or the economy is fucking up things.

Or people are saving their cash to buy Christmas gifts.
Dash Kappei said:
I need a recap fellas, are there any available numbers yet aside from the TOP10 (software)?
Wii Music - 80k~
Guitar Hero:WT - 540k~ All SKUS
Rockband 2 - 600k~ LTD

Wii version of GT:WT did best with something like 188k~.


Duck said:
So the top selling version of GHWT was... #18?! GH3 hogged up four spots in the top 10 last year.

To be fair, it was released right at the end of October, and the main crowd for the game aren't the type that necessarily buy games day one. I bet we'll see GHWT in some form in the top 10 for November.

It did nearly catch up to RB2 (total across SKUs) within just a few days of sales.


Duck said:
So the top selling version of GHWT was... #18?! GH3 hogged up four spots in the top 10 last year.

#18 with 180K

so there is 8 games between 180K (GHWT#18) and 193K (Dead space #10)

What games it could be? 180k-193K is not bad at all for 8 games

Dead Space PS3
Far Cry PS3
Farc Cry 360
Fallout 3 PS3
Sigh...another month of bickering and Wii trolling, and delusions about PS3's future sales.

I applaud everyone who is celebrating good sales of good games, or the fact that our little pastime is proving resilient in very tough times.

I, for one, will go against the grain here and celebrate good sales of a game I don't like: LittleBigPlanet. I bought it, hated it, and got rid of it. But I can see that the team put their heart into it, and I wish them great success. Fans of the game shouldn't be defending so hard; it's doing fine.

I'm a little dismayed at Guitar Hero's stumbling start. I hope Activision doesn't read the wrong message there. I can picture them thinking it was a mistake to make it cross-compatible, or to add vocals and drums. The message they hopefully will get is: it's too expensive (duh). I'm sure it'll be one of the top Christmas presents, though.


Wii Will Rock U said:
I've been tracking this thread for a while and I've given my two cents quite a few times but I am just really shocked at all the people who are saying that this is the end-all-be-all month for LittleBigPlanet and even worse, people are comparing it to Fable 2 whopping numbers (which had an extra week on LBP due to the delay).

That said, LBP was on sale for FOUR days in October and sold 200K. That's great for a brand new IP and whether or not it pushed PS3 hardware at this point is irrelavent since PS3 is clearly in 3rd place and marketing themselves as a "multimedia" system. What's going to be interesting is if LBP makes the top 10 again next month. Advertising is now as strong as ever for the game and now it will have a full month to sell-through.

I'm just making this prediction now and saying that Fable 2 will not be in the top 10 next month and LBP will be. It just seems that people are like OMG LBP NEEDS MOAR SALES when they don't seem to realize it was out four days and due to the delay, a BUNCH of people didn't even know it had released in October anymore.

I think the problem LBP has is timing. It's a new IP that is going to get lost in the hype of Big Fall releases (Gears 2, Resistance 2, COD 5, Rockband 2, GH:WT, etc). 200K is pretty disappointing especially given how well received this game is among hardcore gamers. High review scores, GAF loves it, and still only 200K? The Hardcore gamers already bought it and the casual gamer will pick up a know franchise. I wouldn’t expect top 10 sales next month.

just tray

I remember a time when Sony and it's hardcore Imps were saying:

this is the year of the PS3
Microsoft has no games for 2008
LBP will end the console war
PS3 will outsell 360 this year
Fable 2 will bomb

Thinks this month is bad? Just wait until next month when Gears 2 kicks the shit out of Resistance 2 in sales. So much for calling it Gears1.5. Another myth that was proven wrong.

Now about those people who said LBP will outsell Gears. It does ahave a one month head start.


Eteric Rice said:
Seems so.

Music games were getting old anyway...

That or the economy is fucking up things.

Or people are saving their cash to buy Christmas gifts.

Yeah, but there should be a ton of people with plenty of guitars that just needed to pick up the game. As I recall, everyone was saying the game + guitar pack would far outweigh the complete set numbers because it's Guitar Hero. I think GH Aerosmith did not do Activision any favors and the majority of people don't feel like buying these games 2-3x a year. There could also be quite a few people that assume they need a full band to enjoy this game and don't want to bother.
It will keep selling and could do even better numbers when the holiday season officially starts though the massively different SKUs likely won't help get it at the top spots on NPD like last year.

just tray said:
Now about those people who said LBP will outsell Gears. It does ahave a one month head start.

Gears 2 will still outsell it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm a little dismayed at Guitar Hero's stumbling start. I hope Activision doesn't read the wrong message there. I can picture them thinking it was a mistake to make it cross-compatible, or to add vocals and drums. The message they hopefully will get is: it's too expensive (duh). I'm sure it'll be one of the top Christmas presents, though.
Activision is too obsessed with yearly sequels, however. I was rather surprised to hear their reasoning behind abandoning a lot of those Vivendi IPs. I mean, we all knew they were pushing yearly sequels, but to hear them directly state that they are ONLY interested in IPs that can be released yearly was just, yeah... :\

At least they gave Tony Hawk a break this year (for the first time since the inception of the series).

Thinks this month is bad? Just wait until next month when Gears 2 kicks the shit out of Resistance 2 in sales. So much for calling it Gears1.5. Another myth that was proven wrong.

Now about those people who said LBP will outsell Gears. It does ahave a one month head start.
I'd love to know who made such a foolish prediction. I mean, did ANYONE expect Little Big Planet to outsell Gears 2?! I mean, really??? Both "sides" give the other shit, but I don't think anyone was that crazy.

Gears 2 is an amazing game, however, and deserves its sales. Resistance 2, on the other hand, was pretty disappointing.

360 and PS3 fans should be uniting anyways...
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