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Official October 2008 NPD Results


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Sadist said:
Makes me kind of wonder about my Wii games...

Wii Sports
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Dragonball Z Bukokai Tenkaichi 2
Excite Truck
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
SSX Blur
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Super Mario Galaxy
Resident Evil the Umbrella Chronicles
Sonic & the Secret Rings
No More Heroes
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis
Zack & Wiki
Red Steel
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Boom Blox
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Bully Scholarship Edition

Only Rayman Raving Rabbids and Red Steel weren't that fun. I do agree with Amir0x though. A real blockbuster is missing. Allthough, I have to say that some (<--- look at the bolded, people. Read the bolded part) these titles were more entertaining then some blockbusters I played. Oh well...

Bolded are blockbusters. They just happen to be made by Nintendo


szaromir said:
Of course they won't do that, they'll firmly support both. Going exclusive for either console would mean abandoning 20M+ of additional potential customers - in other words enlarging the risk of already risky projects. Marketing, which takes as much money as development, costs the same whether you release the game on one or two platforms.


If anything this generation will mark the death of the third party exclusive.


And even i am moderately surprised
Makes me kind of wonder about my Wii games...

Wii Sports
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Dragonball Z Bukokai Tenkaichi 2
Excite Truck
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
SSX Blur
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Super Mario Galaxy
Resident Evil the Umbrella Chronicles
Sonic & the Secret Rings
No More Heroes
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis
Zack & Wiki
Red Steel
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Boom Blox
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Bully Scholarship Edition

Only Rayman Raving Rabbids and Red Steel weren't that fun. I do agree with Amir0x though. A real blockbuster is missing. Allthough, I have to say that some (<--- look at the bolded, people. Read the bolded part) these titles were more entertaining then some blockbusters I played. Oh well...

Bolded are blockbusters.

surely only one is blockbuster? the rest are shooters, action, rpg, etc!


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
BishopLamont said:
It'll only stop if either one of them stops, which either one won't. They're going to milk this cow dry til it just tilts and tips 'n stumbles to earth.
I think they have reached saturation, if you want a rhythm game you probably already have one. The song exclusivity isn't really that much of a driving force, I don't think. I spent $2 on no rain by blind melon the other day. Turns out although I like the song, I probably will never really feel like playing it again in the game.

Yes Boss!

gkrykewy said:
The retroactive lowering of expectations for LBP is a sad thing to see.

How about the complete erasure of Wii Music :-( Both it and LBP were my favorite games last month. I still think both will book 1-2 million worldwide by the end 2009.
travisbickle said:
Mark my words, third parties will have killed one of the 2 HD platforms by the end of next year, it costs too much money (especially in the current climate) to keep making games for both.
This is the exact opposite of the truth. Developing the same game for two platforms as similar as PS360, rather than one of them, costs less than it earns you back from the extra sales. Why else do you think Microsoft has to pay developers for even timed exclusivity, despite having a commanding unit lead and outselling PS3 most months?

And even if you were right, decisions that developers make next year wouldn't be visible in the market until 2011, by which time 360's successor will be imminent.


Mrbob said:
X360 is the new PS2.
Not even close I'm afraid.
Mrbob said:
BTW didn't wii music come out in October as well? Worldwide bomba, awesome. Go back to your garden miyamoto and attempt to come up with a good idea, since you are looking to be over the hill now and should just sit in the grandpa role from now on.
The first part of this post risks looking really dumb in a few months, the second looks really dumb already.
Rlan said:
And when they do take it seriously, they barely sell.
X26 said:
By the end of this gen Wii's tie-in ratio is going to be <1
Uhh, Wii has an above average tie-ratio and is selling software overall at a faster rate than any other system in history.
chespace said:
It's obvious that NPDs are all Nintendo fans have to look forward to anymore.
As much as you want this to be true as some sort of consolation, you're wrong.
chespace said:
They've gotten a handful of decent games but the Wii has been out for 2 full years and, let's face it, there just aren't enough games on the system that appeal to the hardly-core GAF demographic.
Boo hoo.
X26 said:
The wii is not 3rd party freindly outside the regular uber casual fare, the end.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Wii has 21 third party million sellers and is selling them at a faster rate (launches aligned) than both 360 and PS3.
chespace said:
The reality of market today is that the Wii is selling to folks who would have never bought a game console to begin with.
That too, but 71% of US Wii owners also have a PS2.
Haunted said:
It's quite clear that your and jett's taste in games are different.

There's literally nothing to argue here.
The problem is that jett seems either unable or unwilling to accept the notion that people can have different tastes than his own. (An issue shared by many people in this thread.)
Fartsandwich said:
Mario Galaxy is nothing more than an N64 game with GameCube graphics in an era where HD is king.

Spherical worlds are nothing new, they were done in Ratchet and Clank years ago.

Gravity gimmicks aren't new either. There are decades old NES games that had varying gravity.

Where are the community features? Where is the online interaction? Why do the developers treat us like a five year olds and constantly hold our hands?

If aping other developers' ideas and throwing them into another tired rehash is the best the Wii can produce, then it's no wonder educated gamers are ignoring it.

LBP is the culmination of platformer evolution and probably the most significant release since the original Pitfall. Another Nintardo rehash just won't cut it in the HD era. LPB is a game that looks to the future and allows the gamer too play however they want, without the developer insulting our intelligence.

People need to take off the nostalgia glasses...
There's not enough :lol in the world. :lol :lol
Jewbacca said:
Wii Play should be considered an accessory, 40 dollar controller with a 10 dollar game. People dont buy Wii Play for the game, its just a good value with like 9 more mini games.
That's precisely the reason it does count. It's good value for the price. If people want just the controller, you can buy that instead.
Mr.Potato Head said:
It amazes me how many Nintendo fans are so snobbish and uptight about Wii not being a true contender to a 360 or ps3..it simply is not, a gamer would never ever be able to survive on a wii..i own a wii and i sure the hell couldn't be satisfied with "just" a wii
You don't get to define what a gamer is.
lawblob said:
Exactly. Wii fanboys love to boast about sales, but when asked to point to examples of high quality Wii games, aside from the obvious Galaxy / Boom Blox / Smash Bros., they have to point to obscure or random games that don't actually sell well on the system relative to install base. In other words, games that bombed and will never get sequels, because the hordes of shit-eating casual owners don't buy them!
Is your ignorance comforting you? Cripes, between trying to use your own opinion as some sort of objective fact and knowing absolutely nothing about game sales, I think you might be in over your head.
mrklaw said:
Is there a breakdown of software sales somewhere that shows the growth of sales over the last few years, and the portion of that which is related to Wii? I'd like to see just how much Wii has affected software growth, not just hardware sales
Wii is selling software at a faster rate than any other system in history.
Luckyman said:
Wii sold 800k. Still got owned by both consoles in the software top 20.

There must be so many random shovelware games that people buy so is just dosen't even register.
Are you for real? :lol

I'm amazed at the amount of bitter fanboys who refuse to accept Nintendo being on top to the degree that they have to invent some way for them to tell themselves that Nintendo fans aren't happy either. ("I hate the Wii so one could possibly like it's games!!1") Get over it already, is it really impossible for you to be happy when Nintendo fans are?
Jokeropia said:
Are you for real? :lol

I'm amazed at the amount of bitter fanboys who refuse to accept Nintendo being on top to the degree that they have to invent some way for them to tell themselves that Nintendo fans aren't happy either. ("I hate the Wii so one could possibly like it's games!!1") Get over it already, is it really impossible for you to be happy when Nintendo fans are?
I'm amazed at the amount of bitter Nintendo fanboys who got the world domination they want but are still unhappy because Nintendo doesn't get the undying loyalty and respect of every gamer for changing the world.


Grecco said:
Is it really nececary that all of them benefit? A good comparison would be well the DS. Not Every game uses the touchscreen, not every game benefits from it, but maybe they benefit from the two screens, or the wifi for instance. Similarly maybe wagle doesnt benefits all these games but maybe the pointer does, ect.

Oh obviously not, I guess I'm parsing words but I mean MOST of them don't benefit, a few do... and where they do, it's only incrementally a benefit... not enough to justify the losses in other areas.

The exceptions are highly specialized genre benders, like a Trauma Center. A lot of games that purely use the pointer are pretty great too, love my shooters like Ghost Squad/HotD 1+2.


GitarooMan said:
I'm amazed at the amount of bitter Nintendo fanboys who got the world domination they want but are still unhappy because Nintendo doesn't get the undying loyalty and respect of every gamer for changing the world.

Nintendo fanboys should have ascended to a higher plane by now and left the rest of the lower beings to fight it out.
GitarooMan said:
I'm amazed at the amount of bitter Nintendo fanboys who got the world domination they want but are still unhappy because Nintendo doesn't get the undying loyalty and respect of every gamer for changing the world.
Moar tears.

Threi said:
wow 47 pages in a day.

thats the quickest i can remember :O
omg noobie! User CP > Edit options > Show 100 posts per page.


listen to the mad man
mrklaw said:
The problem I have, is that almost nothing on that list *needs* waggle.

Trauma Center, Trauma Center 2 and Boom Blox each need "waggle" far more than any HD game needs HD. Their core games are built entirely around motion control to the point that they'd be substantially different games if you tried to "fake" them using analog control. Ghost Squad and HOTD are both light gun games. They don't use "waggle", but they do use IR. If they were done on another system, they could require an IR peripheral.

Of the remaining ones, I'd argue that Endless Ocean, Mercury Meltdown, and Zack and Wiki could have technically been done without "waggle" but still benefit more from motion controls than they would have from HD firepower. MP3 and RE4 are both games that could have just as easily been released with no motion control at all, true. They're both FPS games. Obviously they could be done on another platform. But pretty universally people have praised what motion control ends to both.

Of the 16 titles Amir0x listed, 5 essentially require IR or motion control, 3 don't REALLY require it but were designed ground up to take advantage of it, 2 of them are conventional game types that motion control has benefited.

Galaxy does not really use motion controls or IR as a main gameplay function, but the subtle uses of both benefit the game, in my opinion. I could do without the shake wiimote to spin move.

Super Paper Mario, Wario, Fire Emblem, and Chocobo really gain no advantage from motion control. The latter two barely use it and in the former two it could be entirely replaced with a button press. I'd also say that while Geo Wars Galaxies was done differently to take advantage of IR, it really doesn't add anything to the game.

I don't see that as a bad ratio for motion control. I think it's like the DS. With the DS some titles use the second screen for info, some use the second screen for double height or double width, some use the stylus, very few use the microphone, some use the "book" layout. Very few titles use all. Some use none and easily could be done on the PSP, but were done on the DS anyway and do not suffer as a result of it. With the Wii, some titles use motion gestures, some use IR, some take advantage of one-handed controls, very few user the speaker. Very few titles use all. Some use none and could easily be done on the HD systems, but were done on the Wii anyway and do not suffer as a result (Chocobo, for instance).
BishopLamont said:
Wow, just wow dude. You just keep hoping.

Yes and many 360/PS3 games can be played with a NES controller. It's called progression.

I honestly never got this "OMG this game needs to be on a more powerful system because that way it will factually be better" way of thinking. Power doesn't = better and some times certain games look better on less powered tech due to their artstyle. I'd far prefer Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Madworld, Arc Rise Fantasia, Sin & Punishment 2, and Monster Hunter 3 in their current forms then having PS3/360 or even Crysis graphics. Better graphics doesn't always = more immersive. I'm not saying high powered tech isn't needed their is a reason why I've invested so much in my PC. I'm just saying some games are better looking a certain way and playing with a certain formula. And I think that's where the Wii comes in for games that don't really click with 1080p HD 16AA Massive Texture Memory nor games that need 100 miles of openworld adventure or cutting edge A.I. I'd much rather have something that is fun to me, entertains me, and is consistent then just merely crams in bells and whistles to try and impress me (especially since they don't even do so as more so then likely I've played a game that already has gone past it). There are other ways of immersing the player that don't evolve Pixar quality CG cutscenes or photorealistic graphics, and honestly I prefer them at times.


Jokeropia said:
Uhh, Wii has an above average tie-ratio and is selling software overall at a faster rate than any other system in history.
And with launches alligned it sells almost as much as the games for both consoles combined, if i'm not reading it wrong (the second chart on the gamedaily article)


Uhh guys I entirely agree with the notion that initially at launch the graphical benefit was not worth the cost of the consoles, for the PS3 I still fully believe that, but having enhanced graphics does not detract from the experience.


Stumpokapow said:
- On a lifetime basis, do the current Wii third-party sales exceed current 360 third-party sales?
- On a monthly basis, do the current Wii overall sales exceed the 360 overall sales by a substantial enough basis that the Wii third-party sales exceed the 360 third-party sales
Here's some quotes and graphs from Iwata from the financial results briefing at the end of October.


Iwata said:
Initially, few people in this industry anticipate‚„ how Wii would generate such a market like today, and software developers in general were betting on other platforms. As a result, when we look at Wii's first year on the market, Wii hardware as well as Nintendo's first party Wii titles were selling well, but it was not the case for the third party software in general. However, around the time a year passed since the launch of Wii, successful third party software titles started to emerge, and sales has smoothly transitioned, which can be observed from this graph.

In the past, many used to have a preconceived notion that multi-platform titles cannot expect great sales on Nintendo platforms and that third party software titles would have a hard time increasing sales figures on Nintendo platforms. However, with the emergence of many software that defied these bias appearing on the market, it has become increasingly clear that they were nothing but ungrounded assumptions. When we look only at first party software...


Iwata said:
It looks like this. The very unique nature of Wii can be observed. As you all know, in the video game business, the chicken or the egg argument always take place for new platform penetration. Namely, third party software makers cannot see the lucrative market unless the hardware has shown significant penetrations into the market but the hardware cannot sell unless there are enough attractive software available. The platforms that struggle on the market are the ones which could not cope with this chicken or egg issue.

Nintendo too had a hard time with GameCube, not being able to overcome this issue. Nintendo believes that the biggest role the first party titles have to play during the first two years since the launch of a new hardware must be to drive hardware sales and immediately create an attractive market for software makers.

In case of Wii, we were blessed with the great luck of being able to launch several long-selling success titles, and were able to create good momentum. If success titles failed to become long-time sellers, it could have had some momentum in the market place for a while, but we would have needed additional hit titles immediately. As Nintendo and partner corporations have limited human resources, it is not possible to produce so many software one after another. When Nintendo needed to depend upon its first party titles in order to establish the market, we had to take advantages of Nintendo's strengths in various aspects, and I think that we were fortunate enough to maximize our efforts.


Iwata said:
As for Wii software titles whose global cumulative shipment reached one million, there were 14 Nintendo first party titles including Pokémon and 12 third party titles as of the end of March 2008. As of the end of September 2008, one million-seller title was added to the first party tally to bring the total to 15 first party software, and nine titles were added to the third party million-seller list to make the total number 21. The number of third party million-seller titles for Wii also has exceeded that of the first party when we look at the global shipment numbers.

From these global numbers, it can be said that such notion that only Nintendo's first party titles sell on Nintendo platforms and third party software do not sell well are not true at all.

You can check out the rest of the translated financial meeting slides and Iwata talk. [nintendo.co.jp]


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Threi said:
Uhh guys I entirely agree with the notion that initially at launch the graphical benefit was not worth the cost of the consoles, for the PS3 I still fully believe that, but having enhanced graphics does not detract from the experience.

Yeah thats stupid. Graphics dont make a game, but they almost never hurt a game, unless the dev concentrates so much on the graphics that they forget the gameplay and controls
HK-47 said:
Yeah thats stupid. Graphics dont make a game, but they almost never hurt a game, unless the dev concentrates so much on the graphics that they forget the gameplay and controls

...Which some do, but not in enough matter to make it an idea worth entertaining.
Threi said:
Uhh guys I entirely agree with the notion that initially at launch the graphical benefit was not worth the cost of the consoles, for the PS3 I still fully believe that, but having enhanced graphics does not detract from the experience.

For me sometimes it does. I'd be pretty pist if the DS Chrono Trigger game took away the originals "pixelation sprites".


DeaconKnowledge said:
Also, has anyone asked Private Hoffman when the PS3 will overtake the 360 worldwide now?
Why would anyone be interested what this Snah/MikeB combo from hell sees in his crystal ball?
Will the major 3rd party devs seriously step up efforts for Wii or mostly stay HD consoles after the big investment and the more limited competition in that market due to those costs. With Wii passing 360+PS3 it is going to have the most games and is it just too hard to fight for your piece of the pie?

I'm glad Wii is Wii. Nintendo should of done some things better but I'll take it. I want the effect of the Wii to be a hamstringing of the industry not a kneecapping.
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