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Official PC/PS3 Unreal Tournament 3 Thread. GODLIKE

mr stroke

calder said:
How does the voice chat work? I was playing some campaign by myself when gamewrecks joined me (that was pretty cool) and it was fun, but when I went and turned on my headset it didn't seem like it was working at all. Is there no voice yet, or none in campaign?

AFAIK voice chat is still broken, and from the looks of it, it may never be fixed :(
I don't think we have even gottin word that Epic thinks there is an issue so I would asume they think its fine...
This really really pisses me off but I guess if you want good voice chat you will have to wait for the 360 version or go PC with Teamspeak
Teknopathetic said:
You can evade fire much easier by staying on the ground or dodging and you'll be a harder target to hit with hitscan (shock primary, sniper rifle, enforcers, link gun secondary, stinger primary) by keeping your movement unpredictable. Jumping makes you a significantly easier target to lead for hitscan, as well as an easier shot to lead with projectiles since they can tell where you're going to be in the next split second or so.

Alright, thanks for the words of wisdom.


mr stroke said:
everyone :(

I guess Epic expects us to use are cell phones for voice chat

This made me laugh.

A caller to All Games Interactive the other day was talking about the issues he's facing with UTIII's voice chat. He said what he and his friends did to remedy this was they all logged onto CoD4 on Xbox Live and used the lobby chat there to talk as they played UTIII on PS3.

I just found that hilarious.
I just bout UT3 on Friday (absolutely amazing game!) and have had a lot of fun with it.

Just a few minutes ago, though, I was "forcibly removed" from a round of deathmatch that I was playing. I was up by about 4 kills on the host of the server.

Do people do stuff like this often?

I think I'm going to start playing with GAF instead. My PSN name is bearcatjosh if anyone is interested.



EDIT: bearcatjosh, three of us are playing right now. Want in?


Good game, gents.

When hosting a game we should probably be making them mouse-ok in general. I went for a few games with fabcam but there was no mouse allowed and I'm pretty clumsey with a controller.

The Voice chat does work! Tips:

-In Settongs>audio there is an option to Mute Voice. I personally find this confusing. I can remember where I have it set right now but I'll be back with that info.

- On the friends list there is a checkmark under "voice". Im not sure what the mark actually means though.

- In Settings>audio turn up the voice volume and perhaps turn down the rest a bit.

- From the settings tab in the XMB (out of game) go to accessories and audio device for a mic test. Set the level and you can even set the voices to come out of your stgandard sound channel. That means non-mic users can hear stuff.

-Settings>input>press triangle for "controller". There is a function for "Toggle speaking". THIS IS NOT A "TOGGLE". This is a "PUSH TO TALK". Configure it somewhere you can reach.


Okay the option "mute voice" should be set to off. I know that probably obvious to some of you but it sure wasn't to me.

Also. Turn "auto taunt" off. Maybe thise will stop that incredibly obnoxious non-stop taunting at the end of every match.

Also something confusing: the control "show map" will actually lay down visual pathfinding for you in objective based maps. I find it very useful.


mr stroke said:
AFAIK voice chat is still broken, and from the looks of it, it may never be fixed :(
I don't think we have even gottin word that Epic thinks there is an issue so I would asume they think its fine...
This really really pisses me off but I guess if you want good voice chat you will have to wait for the 360 version or go PC with Teamspeak

Mark Rein has experienced the issue first hand playing at home.

It is getting fixed. Epic had similar problems with GeOW if I remember correctly as the chat was fubar on that when it was released.
Crap did I miss it? who playing? I want in! : )

I'm going to totally disagree with the no jumping advice. Don't jump forwards and backwards thats correct, but if no one noticed, you jump to the side at nearly double speed. this speed dodge is my mainstay, if you can still hit them while flying sideways you're made. It works on an angle too, so you can turn slightly sideways, strafe and get down a long hallway faster so you don't get shot int the back.
Questions needing answers (PS3 version):

1.) In single-player campaign mode, is the intro sequence real-time (in-engine)?
2.) Are people actually playing this online? (just got it yesterday)
Crayon said:
When hosting a game we should probably be making them mouse-ok in general. I went for a few games with fabcam but there was no mouse allowed and I'm pretty clumsey with a controller.
Yeah, we started talking about this. I've been a console gamer forever so I'm much more at home with two sticks and shoulder buttons than I would be with keyboard and mouse.

Apart from you guys, I'm not sure I want to hear people talk.
typo said:
Questions needing answers (PS3 version):

1.) In single-player campaign mode, is the intro sequence real-time (in-engine)?
2.) Are people actually playing this online? (just got it yesterday)

1) Not sure. Looks awesome though.
2) See the last two pages of this thread for a more fleshed out version of "yes".

Yeah, I know I double posted. :D
typo said:
Questions needing answers (PS3 version):

1.) In single-player campaign mode, is the intro sequence real-time (in-engine)?
2.) Are people actually playing this online? (just got it yesterday)

1) Real time. I remember Mark Reign saying in a interview that it is.

2) I'm guessing that they are :p
Well, I just had some good deathmatch rounds with BobTheFork (he won all of them and I was second ><), though he only beat me by one on Heat Ray :(

You should run a CTF/TDM room sometime. I don't know what happened after that Deck round, but it disconnected me. I might be back for more enforcer punishment later.

Edit: My PSN tag is Beren
lol that was you? oh, I was wondering. Great game. Yeah heat ray was extremely close. The enforcer is my favorite weapon by far, and watch out if I ever grab a second : ) I stopped the server after that last round, I after to get ready for work. I'll add you when I get back on.
Bob and Hearse, I've added you both. I'm groovydoogles.

By next weekend we are going to have some nice games going.

Btw, Fabcam, probably won't be able to play in the morning. What timezone are you in?


OMG, I'm finally home and able to play after the holidays. I go to hook my system up for some Unreal loving and I left both my controllers at my sisters house :(. I can navigate the xmb menu with the blu ray remote but can't play any games with it :(.


Ok guys a friend of mine and myself are trying to go through Campaign mode, I set it up and send him an invite and no matter what it either says "Error Your connection to the server was lost" or it says unable to join match. WTF are we doing wrong??? This is irritating the hell out of us!!!
Aeon712 said:
OMG, I'm finally home and able to play after the holidays. I go to hook my system up for some Unreal loving and I left both my controllers at my sisters house :(. I can navigate the xmb menu with the blu ray remote but can't play any games with it :(.
that sucks. i'm back from holiday too and i'm going to be playing tonight. up for anything. kb/m or controller, any game type... whatever. got a headset finally too.

just need to download that mod pack.


doogles said:
Btw, Fabcam, probably won't be able to play in the morning. What timezone are you in?

GMT. It's almost 2PM here, but at time of writing you're probably still snuggled up in bed :lol
Im up for a few rounds if anyone wants to go

I'm in mountain time (EST - 2hr) BUT I work the graveyard shift so the whole thing goes out the window. Its 730 am here and I just got home. I'm going to sleep before too long and I'm usually up around 3 pm MST


While playing Resistance, I can appreciate the extremly high quality of the game. But I don't really like it or play it all that much because I just don't like FPS.

I really havn't played many FPS at all besides since back in the day with the origional UT. Besides Halo, I've avoided every major console shooter.

What I'm saying here is that I don't really know my shooters. I don't know how UT3 REALLY stacks up to something like TF2 or COD4.

All I know is that I'm obsessed with UT3 deathmatch. >:D
And I know that I'm going to play a bit right now.
Synless said:
I'll take it no one else is having the problem I mentioned above??? I find this odd.
Yes, I have had that problem when trying to join certain games, in fact it was happening alot yesterday. Unfortunately I have no idea why it happens to some games and not others. The game had a low ping too.
FabCam said:
GMT. It's almost 2PM here, but at time of writing you're probably still snuggled up in bed :lol
(Today, 08:49 AM)

Yeah, I was. :lol

Crayon said:
What I'm saying here is that I don't really know my shooters. I don't know how UT3 REALLY stacks up to something like TF2 or COD4.
TF2 and UT3 are different animals. Whereas in UT3, you can just hop around and shoot everything that moves with no headset, TF2 requires coordination and strategy. Lag notwithstanding (TF2 really lags), both are good games, I just prefer the twitch-speed of UT3.

EDIT: I'm getting dating service ads at the bottom of this thread, "Secrets of How to Attract Women" and Big & Beautiful dating service. Is Google insulting us?


Trucker Sexologist
doogles said:
EDIT: I'm getting dating service ads at the bottom of this thread, "Secrets of How to Attract Women" and Big & Beautiful dating service. Is Google insulting us?
We have to take what we can get doogles.

So what is the consensus on m/kb support in the PS3 version? I am getting the impression that the controls are so good that it is mostly unnecessary.


Setting up a small room 6players, No mutators.
I'm looking for a good challenge.



SapientWolf said:
We have to take what we can get doogles.

So what is the consensus on m/kb support in the PS3 version? I am getting the impression that the controls are so good that it is mostly unnecessary.

Both are outstanding.


doogles said:
(Today, 08:49 AM)

Yeah, I was. :lol

TF2 and UT3 are different animals. Whereas in UT3, you can just hop around and shoot everything that moves with no headset, TF2 requires coordination and strategy. Lag notwithstanding (TF2 really lags), both are good games, I just prefer the twitch-speed of UT3.

EDIT: I'm getting dating service ads at the bottom of this thread, "Secrets of How to Attract Women" and Big & Beautiful dating service. Is Google insulting us?

Do you have the PS3 version of TF2? Does the PS3 versiion have major lag problems? My 360 version is unplayable thanks to unbelievable amounts of lag. I was considering renting the PS3 version to play TF2 if the lag isn't bad.
AKS said:
Do you have the PS3 version of TF2? Does the PS3 versiion have major lag problems? My 360 version is unplayable thanks to unbelievable amounts of lag. I was considering renting the PS3 version to play TF2 if the lag isn't bad.
I have it on 360. My buddy's borrowing my copy of Orange Box since my 360 red ringed when we tried to play COD4 on Saturday.

Sounds to me like the PS3's problem is framerate. It doesn't sound so bad that it would keep me from double-dipping so that I can finish the HL2 series on my preferred system, though. (That's the one that doesn't break.)


Had some wicked games last night. A real treat as I decided to stay home, I wasn't feeling all that well to participate in the New Years fun.

Apologies to Crayon!

I didn't notice the game invite you sent till I was about to log off! Hopefully we can get some games in soon.
I took my mouse to a friend's house and tried it on his PS3 with the game. It worked. It also now works again on my PS3. Weird.

But more to the point... anyone having trouble connecting to Vehicle CTF matches? My PS3 has frozen about five straight times now trying to connect to a variety of midway servers (about the only ones allowing k/b + mouse).
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