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Official Pre-Release Halo 2 Topic


I have no idea why they showed the volume lighting demo (the one with the nice super sharp shadows). I can't imagine they thought they'd make a game with rooms bigger than a closet with that style engine. The Xbox just isn't fast enough to do that (look what type of graphics card is needed to run Doom 3 decently at 640x480).

Not having Live co-op is a much bigger disappointment to me...


i dont understand why the australian xbox site still has that flash question on its site suggesting that xbox live co-op is in the game. im sorry but thats just fishy.


So are you guys saying is that the really cool level from the e3 video with the fight, then the crazy chase on the jeep with building exploding and then the cool chase in a hijacked Ghost (well those floating alien bike) with the escape thru the closing door
isnt in the final game?!

Thats fucking lame.


shuri said:
So are you guys saying is that the really cool level from the e3 video with the fight, then the crazy chase on the jeep with building exploding and then the cool chase in a hijacked Ghost (well those floating alien bike) with the escape thru the closing door
isnt in the final game?!

Thats fucking lame.

The level was redesigned. Instead of one giant city there are two, Old Mombasa and New Mombasa connected by this giant, bigger-than-Golden-Gate bridge. The types of encounters are the same, and the gameplay is the same, but Bungie decided that the level design could be improved and started from scratch on that level.


Joe said:
i dont understand why the australian xbox site still has that flash question on its site suggesting that xbox live co-op is in the game. im sorry but thats just fishy.

Probably because marketing is very often disconnected from product groups. I'm sure they saw "join big battles with your friends on Live" under the game's list of features and went from there.


Around 35 seconds in you see MC loading a battle rifle:


Looks pretty damn close to the old videos (unless this actually is from the old video?).


Redbeard said:
Around 35 seconds in you see MC loading a battle rifle:


Looks pretty damn close to the old videos (unless this actually is from the old video?).

It's the scene from the launch trailer, but in the new engine; look at his visor.

Two new interviews up at http://www.gamespy.com

One on weapon design, the other on vehicles. Best new detail: Blow up a scorpion right, and the turret will fly straight up in the air, killing anyone it lands on. That's gonna be fun. :D


Visor doesn't look all that different. The differences are pretty dramatic in the other comparison shots, but in this scene I can barely tell them apart.

Frank O'Connor on removals :-
You know, we tried everything. You'd be amazed at the number of things that we had working and finished in the game that were removed because they weren't balanced or they weren't fun. There's a list of things like that. Basically, if something came out of the game, it came out of there because it sucked. There were some things that just worked better than others. We talked about sprinting and leaning, and those were in the game. What happened was that they changed how Halo felt, so out they came.



I strongly suspect sprinting was removed because it gave people less incentive to drive the vehicules.

As for leaning, that feature was already there indirectly in Halo 1 thanks to the Convenant's limited field of vision. You could always take a peak without being noticed.


Will start substantiating his hate
Look at the part where Master Chief jump out of the ship and compare it to the old trailer. If you still think it looks the same after that then you need glasses.

Also, cut scenes are one thing. The actual in-game graphics look significantly worse (still good mind you).


Saturnman said:
As for leaning, that feature was already there indirectly in Halo 1 thanks to the Convenant's limited field of vision. You could always take a peak without being noticed.

My theory is that it probably encouraged more camping.


The lighting/shadowing is still there, but toned down significantly from the old teaser.

Another thing you notice by looking at current Halo 2 media, especially cutscenes, is that when the camera switches quickly, there's like half of a second where the engine doesn't seem able to render things with maximum detail right away. It can be quite apparent sometimes, watching different layers of details appearing in succession.

This was something also visible in the E3 trailer from 2003. In fact, the final game seems to be pretty faithful technically to what was shown in that trailer.


Will start substantiating his hate
Saturnman said:
The lighting/shadowing is still there, but toned down significantly from the old teaser.
I'm not sure what you mean by "toned down." They changed shadow algorithms. The X02 trailer employed global shadowing via stencil shadows. The E3 2003 build also used stencil shadows but didn't have global shadowing. Somewhere after E3 Bungie switched to shadow buffers. In the media released both characters and environments self-shadowed. In the final game characters don't self-shadow during actual gameplay and environment shadows are done with static shadow maps (as far as I can tell from the available media).

Lighting has also changed. Shaders have been downgraded and most surfaces are lit per-vertex.

Now it would seem that cut scenes in general look slightly better than gameplay but they still don't look anywhere near as good as the X02 trailer.


dark10x said:
How exactly do I load a custom Halo map?
Place the map into the maps dir, then simply start up a multiplayer game and choose that map (might have to scroll down the list a bit).

You need Halo Custom Edition btw (free download).


I just started checking out the whole Halo modding thing yesterday myself, so I'm afraid I'm of not much use to you there.

Although this map is amusing :p


Yea I got my primary classes on Tuesdays so I got to wait on the FedEx man later that day :p No big deal to me personally though,I'm not sure how much fun I would have playing it at 1AM+ :p


One more week. Can you believe it? One week. I got Halo 2 fucking stuck in my head. I've been devising online strategy and I haven't even played the game yet. All 3 of my computers have Halo 2 wallpapers. I got an appointment in with Qwest to look at my DSL. It drops 3 or 4 times a day for about 2 minutes each time. I want to make sure it's solid once Halo 2 hits my Xbox.

Worse yet, I'm pissed because I have to go to Hawaii on Monday and won't get back until Wednesday. Pissed about going to Hawaii? I'm insane. But I made sure to take Thursday and Friday off. :D

I keep telling myself top get a grip on reality. Important shit happening today and I'm thinking about playing a game.

...and to top it all off, I was never that impressed with Halo. Sure it was a good game, but nothing revolutionary.

Hats off to MS... the Masters of Hype.


I hope it comes through for you. I'm that way about World of Warcraft, but thankfully, I'm getting to play it right now in beta before it releases.

May the hype prove worthy!


Tag of Excellence
Justin Bailey said:
What's Halo 2?
It's some anti-itch cream that's supposed to releive pain in under two minutes. The commercials revolve around a halo being gently lowered over a reddened scrotum, pretty effective ad.


even though we knew it all along, it's safe to say halo2 is better than halo1 and that's all i could ever ask for. :D


I got in on the free overnight shipping deal at Gamestop too, ordered the LE. Can't wait, I'm not sleeping the night of the 9th into the morning of the 10th.

Deku Tree

Ramirez said:
Free?!Damn you I had to pay 10 bucks for an already overpriced LE :p :(

Gamespot had a one weekend only deal back in September. I got Echoes and Halo 2 both with free overnight shipping. :)


yoshifumi said:
i just found out i have 2 exams november 10th...looks like i'll be failing those

roofles, yeah.. jeesh man, tough break. There should be a HALO2 exemption on tests though, honestly.


On Friday, we've got the Making the Game show on MTV but did we really think only 1 show would be enough for Halo 2? Thursday night on Spike 11PM Eastern/10PM Central something called Ultimate Gamer:Halo 2.
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