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Official Pre-Release Halo 2 Topic


New article at TeamXBox:


Yes, we’ve played. Yes, we’ve beaten it.

There you have it, ONLY ten reasons that Halo 2 will own your life come November 9th. Trust us, we could have gone on and on, but honestly we didn’t want to write that much. Instead we’re brushing up on our skills by playing a ton of Halo multiplayer, reading the novels, and putting big black X’s on the calendar until we reach 11.9.04.

Look for more as we approach Halo 2’s release date, including our full review of the game on November 7th at noon PST.


Follow is trash. I was okay with Blow Me Away, but I can't stand Follow.

Lovin' Peril and Amber Clad. Especially Peril, seeing as how Perilous Jouney, track #5 of the HALO Soundtrack was one of my favorites.


border said:
Exactly. If stores already have their copies of Halo 2, then the English version should be on the internet just about.........now.

MS can't be this stupid after already having the PAL version leaked. Either that or they have given up on keeping the game under wraps, and shipped it anyway.

Yes the full english is on the internet. Who cares though, it's just a couple of days away now.


thorns said:
Yes the full english is on the internet. Who cares though, it's just a couple of days away now.
That was a fake release.....though if stores are actually getting their copies now then there will be a real one sooner or later.

GTA: SA is probably shipping as many copies as Halo 2, but that didn't get leaked until a few days in advance.


border said:
That was a fake release.....though if stores are actually getting their copies now then there will be a real one sooner or later.

GTA: SA is probably shipping as many copies as Halo 2, but that didn't get leaked until a few days in advance.

Hmm I saw around 2000 ppl downloading it on a swedish torrent site (it was english PAL version supposedly), but I don't care either way since my xbox isn't even modded. It will leak sooner or later.


Halo 2 will be reviewed in the upcoming Holiday Issue of EGM, which will arrive to subscribers around November 3rd :)


Lakitu said:
Halo 2 will be reviewed in the upcoming Holiday Issue of EGM, which will arrive to subscribers around November 3rd :)

What? That early? I just got the Halo 2 issue last week!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
reviews are embargoed till the 7th. So on the 7th you'll have Gamespot/IGN/TXB/everyone under the suns review


That "Art of Storytelling" article is just pole-smoking nonsense from a website that is so happy to get an exclusive interview that they don't really even think about what the hell they're doing.

I am impressed with Bungie's games and the fact that they have all this Halo mythology written up, but they tell an utterly conventional story in an utterly conventional way. To ask them about the art of storytelling is like asking a guy who paints houses about impressionism.


I must've been Halocinating about that prophet intro. Regardless the Halo effect has taken over me I can't wait for this game!!!


border said:
That "Art of Storytelling" article is just pole-smoking nonsense from a website that is so happy to get an exclusive interview that they don't really even think about what the hell they're doing.

I am impressed with Bungie's games and the fact that they have all this Halo mythology written up, but they tell an utterly conventional story in an utterly conventional way. To ask them about the art of storytelling is like asking a guy who paints houses about impressionism.

To paraphrase Roger Ebert, it's not what a game is about but how the game is about it. In the broad strokes, Halo's central conflict is conventional. But the way Bungie invests the player into this conflict with a sense of urgency and purpose is what makes the story great. They may have a story that you find conventional, but there is nothing conventional in the execution. They pull off with grace what many other games struggle to acheive.

And that is why it's fair to call their storytelling 'artistic.'

And besides, what is conventional about
A cyborg stranded on a ring world fighting a group of diverse and religiously fanatical aliens, and then discovering a floating orb housing an ancient AI who is the keeper of a weapon designed to contain a parasitic organism by destroying all life in it's range?
Please tell me, because I never heard that story before.


Any story will sound unique if you describe it in painfully intricate detail. I'm not going to argue much about whether or not you think Halo's plot arch is conventional. "Super soldier must save humans from alien invasion/ancient doomsday weapon" seems a relatively plotline to me. The most interesting thing about the story, given our current social context, is the fact that the aliens are religious fanatics. Unfortunately you wouldn't even know it in Halo 1 unless you read the instruction manual -- kind of a failing on Bungie's part. The "Your destruction is the will of the gods" line from the E3 2000 trailer ruled, but then the final game comes around and the Elites don't even speak English and nobody ever seems to make reference to their goals or religion. Just looking at the Halo 2 commercials though, you can tell they are fixing the problem.

It would seem to me however, that the execution of the story is entirely conventional. Minor radio chatter to relay changing mission objectives, 2-3 minute cutscenes between levels. They're not making any kind of important stylistic leaps, or trying to really integrate narrative and gameplay. They are pretty much in the same place where games were with Tomb Raider 8 years ago.

To be fair, the HowStuffWorks seems to be caught up in the "Oh boy, movies and videogames are about to mate and have children" sentiment that ruled the Playstation generation, so I suppose it only makes sense that they should worship the style that developed then. I get the sense however that they haven't played much else, and aren't really used to writing cogently on games.

And if the backlash-rumblings about the conclusion of Halo 2 begin to to pick up steam once the game is fully released, I think you are going to see some very major questioning of Bungie's storytelling ability in the near future....


Bah! Halo 2 will be an epic sci-fi masterpiece the likes of Aliens, Terminator, The Matrix, Starship Troopers, The Visitors, Babylon 5, etc{Except in a videogame format}.
I'm looking forward to Halo, but c'mon, the storyline in the game is about as artistic as a Jerry Bruckheimer movie without the $100 million dollar budget.

The video game industry looks up to the movie business all the time like the movie business is the cooler, older brother. But in terms of storytelling they'll never get out of that shadow.


Yeah, but once you've moved into a literary medium, the story now has to compete with the greatest science-fiction authors the world has ever produced (Ellision, Dick, etc)....ones that were quite a bit more complex with their narratives and didn't have to write their books so that some ADD-afflicted seventh grader could keep up.


border said:
Any story will sound unique if you describe it in painfully intricate detail. I'm not going to argue much about whether or not you think Halo's plot arch is conventional. "Super soldier must save humans from alien invasion/ancient doomsday weapon" seems a relatively plotline to me. The most interesting thing about the story, given our current social context, is the fact that the aliens are religious fanatics. Unfortunately you wouldn't even know it in Halo 1 unless you read the instruction manual -- kind of a failing on Bungie's part. The "Your destruction is the will of the gods" line from the E3 2000 trailer ruled, but then the final game comes around and the Elites don't even speak English and nobody ever seems to make reference to their goals or religion. Just looking at the Halo 2 commercials though, you can tell they are fixing the problem.

It would seem to me however, that the execution of the story is entirely conventional. Minor radio chatter to relay changing mission objectives, 2-3 minute cutscenes between levels. They're not making any kind of important stylistic leaps, or trying to really integrate narrative and gameplay. They are pretty much in the same place where games were with Tomb Raider 8 years ago.

To be fair, the HowStuffWorks seems to be caught up in the "Oh boy, movies and videogames are about to mate and have children" sentiment that ruled the Playstation generation, so I suppose it only makes sense that they should worship the style that developed then. I get the sense however that they haven't played much else, and aren't really used to writing cogently on games.

And if the backlash-rumblings about the conclusion of Halo 2 begin to to pick up steam once the game is fully released, I think you are going to see some very major questioning of Bungie's storytelling ability in the near future....

None of what you said disagrees with my comments, nor addresses my assertaion that the success of Halo had do with how well Bungie pulled you into their story; I granted you that the overarching story is conventional. You're talking into thin air.


Kind of hard to address total nonspecifics, and flat out assertions even harder still (other than to simply deny them). If "there's nothing conventional in the execution" then say what it is that's so groundbreaking or original, because it looks to me as though they are telling a story in exactly the same way it's been done since games first went 3D. There's nothing radically different about cutscene cinematography, or bookending levels with cutscenes.

Urgency and purpose comes from the heated, intense battles more than the mission objectives and hamfisted stock characters. Take out the strategic elements, put in a braindead run n' gun, and the game's popularity fades immediately. Continued success has about 20x more to do with replayability of multiplayer component and refined 1P/Co-op gameplay. The story was all in the background, and even Bungie seems to admit it.


Australian OXM review: 10/10. Some excerpts:

""Bungie Delivers The Best Game Ever"

From the first epic level, Halo 2 is a hearty soup of unstoppable action. As Spinal Tap would say, this game goes up to 11

2) Halo 2's levels are packed with more vehicular action than the first Halo, and you'll get to try out a new covenant vehicle too.

3)The ambitious level design makes replaying levels a lot more fun than the first Halo, and you'll want to replay Halo 2 many times.

4) The nicely edited cut-scenes, rousing score, and excellent voice acting, make Halo 2 the most cinematic game on the Xbox.

5) Addictive multiplayer action that's packed with more modes, more maps and more options than you can point a brute shot at


Yeah, but once you've moved into a literary medium, the story now has to compete with the greatest science-fiction authors the world has ever produced (Ellision, Dick, etc)....ones that were quite a bit more complex with their narratives and didn't have to write their books so that some ADD-afflicted seventh grader could keep up.

I don't read much,so I don't care about possibly better books,for a videogame,Halo's story is ace once you tie the books in with the game.

Honestly whats better?FF's 12 stories of one hero saving the world or Link saving Zelda 8 times? :p
ATTENTION....................for all those that care

teamxbox.com will be posting a new 5 min video

it will be posted today at 3pm EST



PhatSaqs said:
Thanks but no thanks. No more downloads of Halo anything for me.

November 9th midnight is just around the corner!!!!

I'm a little torn, but I'm taking comfort in the fact that Bungie won't release any real spoilers. I stumbled onto a mega-spoiler in a not-so-moderated forum the other day and I'm pretty bummed. It was one of what I suspect is many, but still....


Ramirez said:
Just me or is their website down?

Yeah, I was just about to post that. I have their Halo forum bookmarked, where they posted the advance notice, and in a few minutes it hit 4 pages. The forum went down first, then the rest of the site.

That's what they get for posting advance warning. Brings in people from out of the woodwork....lol

Message at site:

We're sorry. This service is temporarily unavailable as a result of scheduled maintenance.

'scheduled maintainance' indeed.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
3- 10/29/04 / Microsoft reveals Halo 2 goodies; confirms Forza demo

Microsoft has confirmed that demos of the upcoming racer Forza Motorspot, online mech combat game Mech Assault 2, platformer Conker: Live & Uncut and strategy game Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders will all be playable from the the "demos" menu in the highly anticipated game from MGS, Halo 2. Also shown in the demos menu will be brand new trailers for upcoming games from Microsoft Game Studios. Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, Kameo and Unreal Championship 2 will all be included. There will also be a goodies section on the disc with two downloadable Halo 2 tracks. Halo 2 will hit stores nationwide on November 9t

woo! conker, mech assault and forza demos :eek:

credit to romdoctor


DopeyFish said:
3- 10/29/04 / Microsoft reveals Halo 2 goodies; confirms Forza demo

Microsoft has confirmed that demos of the upcoming racer Forza Motorspot, online mech combat game Mech Assault 2, platformer Conker: Live & Uncut and strategy game Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders will all be playable from the the "demos" menu in the highly anticipated game from MGS, Halo 2. Also shown in the demos menu will be brand new trailers for upcoming games from Microsoft Game Studios. Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, Kameo and Unreal Championship 2 will all be included. There will also be a goodies section on the disc with two downloadable Halo 2 tracks. Halo 2 will hit stores nationwide on November 9t

woo! conker, mech assault and forza demos :eek:

That's awesome - I'm getting Live for Halo 2 and have Mechassault 2 in my sights. Great bundle of demos.


Chili Con Carnage!
DopeyFish said:
3- 10/29/04 / Microsoft reveals Halo 2 goodies; confirms Forza demo

Microsoft has confirmed that demos of the upcoming racer Forza Motorspot, online mech combat game Mech Assault 2, platformer Conker: Live & Uncut and strategy game Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders will all be playable from the the "demos" menu in the highly anticipated game from MGS, Halo 2. Also shown in the demos menu will be brand new trailers for upcoming games from Microsoft Game Studios. Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, Kameo and Unreal Championship 2 will all be included. There will also be a goodies section on the disc with two downloadable Halo 2 tracks. Halo 2 will hit stores nationwide on November 9t

woo! conker, mech assault and forza demos :eek:

credit to romdoctor

COOOOOOOL conker demo
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