Full speech text in this post, BTW: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1206150/posts
Boogie said:I don't think I can agree with that.
Catchpenny said:Apparently CNN and C-SPAN plan to cover Kerry's speech tonight, not sure about the other channels. Any word on MSNBC and Fox?
Chesapeake Silt said:Uh... what was that? A heckler?
I'm so sick of hearing conservatives talk about how they are pro-life. Talk is cheap. If they really are pro-life then why don't they actually do something?
Mooreberg said:Wretches like Ginsburg need to keel over first. Ever heard of the supreme court?
aparisi2274 said:Protestor. You know, I really could never see myself so into something that I would risk getting arrested for.
Mooreberg said:Wretches like Ginsburg need to keel over first. Ever heard of the supreme court?
Hitokage said:Those who are watching this...
Bush has just lied in your face.
Nevermind that Bush himself threatened to veto that 87 billion because of specific provisions that might have gone in it.
Hitokage said:Those who are watching this...
Bush has just lied in your face.
Nevermind that Bush himself threatened to veto that 87 billion because of specific provisions that might have gone in it.
Minotauro said:Does anyone know if they're pumping nitrous in through the air ducts? In closeups of audience members, their eyes all look glazed over. Maybe being in the presence of Bush has them in a state of perpetual orgasm.
They just need 4 votes
JC10001 said:Conservatives still make up the majority of the SC though. She doesn't matter. They don't need a unanimous vote to make abortion illegal do they? They just need 4 votes. They've got that many.
Outlaw Pro Mod said:Yaawwwn.
I feel for you people, I really do.
PotatoeMasher said:The perfect speech...
He covered all of his bases. Domestic policy, foreign policy, personality, and just a smidgen of counters to John F. Kerry...
IAWTP.aparisi2274 said:Thats one thing about Bush. Whoever his speech writer is, he should get a raise, because when bush reads a speech, he sounds like a god damn genius. When he is speaking out, like on the great lawn, and he is walking to his helicopter, he sounds like someone who should be working the drive thru window at White Castle
HalfPastNoon said:this was a great speech?
The feeling is mutual. I honestly hope you kind of get out, and see some of the world. Its obvious you havent. Just a hunch.
aparisi2274 said:OMG!!!!!!
HE lied???? A Politican lied to us? Oh no, and I thought all politicans were truthful and honest.
IAmtheFMan said:Well, for what it's worth, this convention has finally solidifed my Ohio-swing, previously undecided vote.
Kerry for me.