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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread

Billboard said:
The typeface mirrors that used on the Pumpkins' debut single, 1990's "I Am One" b/w "Tristessa."

C'mon, Billboard, is it really that hard to do a quick fact check or even Wiki this?

Just heard the clip of Tarantula on the radio... not feeling it, even if it is only very little of the full song.
PotatoeMasher said:

It's not a bad cover, but it is no way representative of the Smashing Pumpkins I know. This looks like something that belongs on the next Zwan album.


It's not totally out of left field. They used a somewhat similar style on the EP for "Thirty-Three" in 1996.

...Actually, that is a lot better. :(

It doesn't help that in the interview with the artist, he confirms your every fear about the histrionic approach and hyper-cliche metaphors that appear here. Bleagh.


That's not a very good cover. That's actually what I would call a bad album cover. Bad because it looks atrocious.


What's so bad about the cover?

It's not the best cover (Pisces Iscariot, MCIS, and Machina have the best covers IMO), but it doesn't suck. Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age", with a Statue of Liberty in what appears to be bloody waters. Simplistic and immature as some may make it out to be, I think it fits.

"I think global warming is an issue that is currently relevant, time sensitive, and a symptom of the shortsightedness of the U.S.," Fairey says. "As a broader metaphor, the drowning Statue of Liberty, a revered icon of the U.S., symbolizes the eminent demise of many of the ideals upon which the nation was founded. Civil liberties, freedom of speech, privacy, etc. have been decreasing since 9/11. The sun in the image could either be setting or rising and this ambiguity shows that there is still hope to turn things around."
****, that's awesome. You guys are picky. Most of you will be pirating the album anyway, so why do you even care about the artwork :p

And I agree with Luna104. If you want the major lulz, look no further than the cover for TheFutureEmbrace.


Diablos said:
****, that's awesome.
No it isn't. It's trite, obvious, and entirely lacking in originality and subtlety. Luna: your comment that I would like Zeitgeist's art if it were "grainy" is even dumber than the artwork itself.


terrene said:
No it isn't. It's trite, obvious, and entirely lacking in originality and subtlety. Luna: your comment that I would like Zeitgeist's art if it were "grainy" is even dumber than the artwork itself.
So what the did you want to see instead? What, taking on a similar concept, would have been a better idea? ****ing hell, it's not that bad. I acknowledge that it's not the best, but it could have been a lot worse. At least it's not the SP flag with that lame stencil font. I was seriously thinking that was going to be the cover, and I'm so glad they picked something better.

Nothing is good enough for some fans, it seems. And this just isn't directed at you; Hatephoria is in full swing now.

White Man

Diablos said:
So what the did you want to see instead? What, taking on a similar concept, would have been a better idea? ****ing hell, it's not that bad. I acknowledge that it's not the best, but it could have been a lot worse. At least it's not the SP flag with that lame stencil font. I was seriously thinking that was going to be the cover, and I'm so glad they picked something better.

Nothing is good enough for some fans, it seems. And this just isn't directed at you; Hatephoria is in full swing now.

That would've been a good cover, but I bet it's been used for a bootleg or something.


Love your kitty avatar.

The SP flag is a terrible cover. To be used throughout the booklet would be ok, but it's just not a good cover.

But yeah, I really don't see anything wrong with the selected artwork.

And, hell, even if you think it's bad... why should that stop you from enjoying the album? The Bends by Radiohead has perhaps one of the dumbest covers I've ever seen, but it's a timeless album.


Really, it's not that bad.


I'm gonna go against the grain and say I don't mind the cover. The actual concept is corny and heavy handed, but the look of it is tossed off and even a little amateurish.

I expect SP covers to be glossy and pretentious, and this comes off like something you would pick up from the first opening band at the merch table, donations accepted. I dig the low-key approach.


I don't mind the concept of the Statue of Liberty in the middle of the ocean, but the design and typeface(s) used are pretty tasteless.

I think that's the issue most people are taking.


The Siamese Dream cover is two little girls in angel costumes, for crying out loud. You only like it because you're used to it; if you'd have never heard of the Pumpkins, or never saw the album cover, I guarantee people would dislike it just as much as they do the Zeitgiest artwork.


Diablos said:
So what the did you want to see instead?
Oh, I have to design the album art now?

How about something just slightly more elusive and interperative that doesn't bypass the intellectual process completely, leaving you with "duh melting icecaps are bad, Bush is a fascist!" That would be cool.

And it sticks out like a sore thumb with the other artwork. Even talking pure aesthetics, it looks rudimentary, digital and unlayered.


terrene said:
Oh, I have to design the album art now?

How about something just slightly more elusive and interperative that doesn't bypass the intellectual process completely, leaving you with "duh melting icecaps are bad, Bush is a fascist!" That would be cool.

And it sticks out like a sore thumb with the other artwork. Even talking pure aesthetics, it looks rudimentary, digital and unlayered.
Oh hell, I'm not even going to bother.

The artwork is fine. I think you're being a bit too critical of it. I see nothing wrong with the environmental theme.

siamesedreamer said:
"Shortsightedness of the US".......gimme a break.

You act as if there has been no shortsightedness.
:lol jesus christ people chill the **** out the album cover isn't that bad. whatever, i just wants me some new pumpkins music! lets go you ****ing 'mo's! play the damn song already


What pisses me off is like, every station is "OMG WE'RE PLAYING THE NEW SP LATER," but then they just play that stupid 30 second realmedia clip.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
:lol jesus christ people chill the **** out the album cover isn't that bad. whatever, i just wants me some new pumpkins music! lets go you ****ing 'mo's! play the damn song already

Yeah, I agree......end of derailing.


Also, I think that there's not only nothing wrong with the theme of this album, but I'm glad Billy finally decided to get a bit political. That's a first for him.

I mean how many songs before this has he written that pertain to the US, current events, etc.? The final few lines of Geek USA? Mina Loy? Seriously, I think that's it.

And at least the theme of this album is easily understood. Does everyone remember the Machina Mystery? Oh man, what a disaster that was. I still don't even get the Machina Mystery beyond it saying things that people always wrongly assumed about the band just to see how they'd react. And I don't really care to.

This isn't derailing, I enjoy these discussions.


Luna104 said:
I'm not. **** political messages in music. what do I care how Billy feels about politics?
I doubt every single song is going to be political or about the environment or whatever. It's just nice that there's SOME emphasis (for him).
i like politics in music from time to time. rage is one of my favorite bands ever, system is an awesome band, nin had some politics on year zero, it's not bad fellas. lets wait until we hear the record.

i'm pretty stoked about the album but also all the b-sides!

guys, the new pumpkins record isn't going to be rage against the machine (politics wise). and i seriously doubt the lyrics will be in that style (i.e. "global warming is bad, don't say it's a fad, if you think george bush is cool then UR a fool!")

again i say we wait to hear the album before jumping to conclusions on how much politics is involved!


siamesedreamer said:
Billy's a smart guy.....but I'm not sure I want to be lectured on the politics du jour - especially when its such a complete departure from ~20 years of his song writing.
I think it IS a good idea for him to take on a new approach after ~20 years of his traditional stuff. Not to say his previous work was bad, but he has nothing to lose by shifting some (read: some, not all) of his lyrics to something less personal and more political/environmental/etc.
Billy is an older guy now. He has said what he had to regarding his terrible childhood, his teenage angst. He even attempted (and failed) at a concept album. What is left for him to sing about other than the times?

As for the album cover, its the music that will make it memorable. If the album sucks, no one will remember it. If Led Zeppelin 1 sucked, no one would remember or even acknowledge how cool that cover was.


For those of you with not so high hopes:

I'm not going to ruin this for you all by posting up a sub standard rip or describing every track from start to finish. I just wanted to let you know that I really like it. I truly expected to be disappointed by this record, and I'm not. Most of the opinions on the record posted so far have been by people associated with the band or the label. I thought I'd give you the opinion of a fan who has no specific agenda with the record.

I think some of you will still be disappointed. I'm sure of it. Come on, it's been years since the last new material...even if you think you've got low expectations, you probably haven't.

I sat for 2 hours in front of the stereo doing nothing but listening to this record. And I truly enjoyed it. I think you will really be a lot more excited once you hear Tarantula in full. It has such a distinctive Pumpkins sound...and it really makes you realise how long it's been since you last heard a new song with that sound.

I'm sorry I can't leak this. If I was on the other side, I would be annoyed at me too.
i don't know why people are already talking shit on tarantula. not only have we heard a 30 second clip of poor quality, but it actually sounds good anyways!
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