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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread


(Spinner version)

Lyrics as figured out by Netphoria people:

I don’t wanna fight
Every single night
Everything I want is in your eyes
You and me go back
To places I don’t know to care
The spoils of all I’ve got were left to scrounge

Don’t let me say this,
but you’re no worse than me,
It’s crazy

We are real, if real ever was, just because
We all feel, feel we’ve had enough,
I’m real, ‘cause someone gave us sound

I wanna be there when you’re happy
I wanna love you when you’re sad,
Can’t stand the morning rain

Get out and take your place then
Can’t stand the blazing sun
Then close your eyes you’ll see
The angel die.

I don’t want to be
Anything for these
A million watts of sound can’t compare

Come along you’ll see the world
The pulse ripples, the crowd unfolds
The current starts to flow and they are on

Oh it’s a white hot soul they want

You’re real, if real ever was, it’s just because
You’re real, every living soul
Yes I’m real, ‘cause someone gave us sound

Don’t break the oath
I want to love you when you’re happy,
Don’t break this oath
I want to be there when you’re sad
Please bring the pouring rain.

You’re real, as real as it goes,
It’s easy now,
I’m real, in every living soul
God gave us

Can’t stand the blazing sun
Can’t stand the morning rain
Get out and take your places

I don’t want to be alone
I don’t want to be alone
I don’t want to be alone

If it’s a white hot soul they want
It’s a black heart they’ll get.


It's too bad about his voice, and how they're producing it (auto-tuned to heck) but they're trying. The album should be interesting.


terrene said:
It's too bad about his voice, and how they're producing it (auto-tuned to heck) but they're trying. The album should be interesting.

i somehow don't believe Billy would use pitch correction software. have they ever used it before?


Luna104 said:
i somehow don't believe Billy would use pitch correction software. have they ever used it before?
He is, trust me. I'm all too familiar with it. And he was also using it in Zwan and the solo album.
I heard Tarantula driving home today, it's very much rooted in the style of MCIS. Hell, it would fit perfectly as a b-side on the Zero EP. I wish there was a little more of the subdued section, I've always liked that aspect of SP. And Billy vocals are definitely drowned out by the guitars and drums. Zwan audio mixing strikes back!

The song is good, I like it, but it didn't grab me like the band once did. I guess that's just me being a old fuddy duddy fan.

Terrene, have you checked out AMSP lately? Is it still up and running? Last time I checked it out was near the end of Zwan. Also, you up for some NW show road trips? I may have to see if Jesiatha is up for reliving our fanboy glory days.


The vocals most certainly do not sound Zwan-ish in terms of being drowned out if you hear the closer to cd quality non-radio rip.

I'd agree they take a similar approach this time, and I was not aware that he was using auto-tuning on his voice. But it sounds very close to what I've heard him sing live.

Also: If this was Zwan audio mixing, then the song would totally suck. MSOTS's mixing and overall production killed most of the songs. Tarantula sounds, as distantmantra put it, like a Zero EP b-side. Which really does confirm that you're being an old fuddy duddy fan, as the Zero EP is nothing to laugh at :D
Diablos said:
Also: If this was Zwan audio mixing, then the song would totally suck. MSOTS's mixing and overall production killed most of the songs. Tarantula sounds, as distantmantra put it, like a Zero EP b-side. Which really does confirm that you're being an old fuddy duddy fan, as the Zero EP is nothing to laugh at :D

I never said it was. It's been almost seven years since I last saw the band, my musical tastes since then have changed... A LOT.

My favorite songs from MCIS are more like TAFH, Galapagos, Porcelina, and Ruby. If we're revisiting the MCIS sound, I want epic songs.


distantmantra said:
Terrene, have you checked out AMSP lately? Is it still up and running? Last time I checked it out was near the end of Zwan. Also, you up for some NW show road trips? I may have to see if Jesiatha is up for reliving our fanboy glory days.
Nah, I haven't been to AMSP in something like 7 years. Could be interestign to peek in again.

NW Road trips sound intriguing, for sure. I'm ALWAYS up for an adventure, if it's a nerdy adventure like going to another town to see Billy Corgan's washed-up ass. (Kidding, Diablos). Count me in!


You granddaddy SP fans are elitist pricks ;)

Anyway, can we at least agree this is probably the best thing Corgan has done since 1998 (or 1995 if you are terrene :D)? I mean, the song is really good. I've listened to it like 10 times already.

Also, there's a song on there that's like 9:50. I'm sure that's nice and epic.
terrene said:
Nah, I haven't been to AMSP in something like 7 years. Could be interestign to peek in again.

NW Road trips sound intriguing, for sure. I'm ALWAYS up for an adventure, if it's a nerdy adventure like going to another town to see Billy Corgan's washed-up ass. (Kidding, Diablos). Count me in!

Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, here we come!

And Diablos, calm down dude. Did you completely forget that I said that I like Tarantula? Or you unsatisfied until I've reverted into a slobbering fanboy that does nothing but gush over it? I like the damn song! It's good!


SP and Garabge was my first concert ever on the Melon Collie tour. Rock music certainly needs some thing different than the current crop of shit.
michaeld said:
SP and Garabge was my first concert ever on the Melon Collie tour. Rock music certainly needs some thing different than the current crop of shit.

There is a lot of good rock music, though. It's just not getting mainstream attention.


There's a lot of good MAINSTREAM rock music that's not even on mainstream channels. I love Oceansize, and they certainly aren't anywhere remotely close to being indie, but they still don't fit on most bullshit "mainstream" stations. The word indie is used so loosely these days, it's ridiculous.

Anyway, Matt Walker has a band called The Most Dangerous Race. SP let them cover an unreleased Zeitgeist outtake, called "Signal to Noise". This is also very SP. But I'd love to hear the original. It almost sounds like they're sampling the guitars a little bit and blending them with their own synth sound.


Good song. Makes me wonder why it wasn't put on the album.
i always wanted the ending of Thru the eyes of ruby to be turned into an entire song... the little acoustic part after the rocking is done... its awesome :(


Diablos said:
You granddaddy SP fans are elitist pricks ;)

Anyway, can we at least agree this is probably the best thing Corgan has done since 1998 (or 1995 if you are terrene :D)? I mean, the song is really good. I've listened to it like 10 times already.

Also, there's a song on there that's like 9:50. I'm sure that's nice and epic.
I'm 28 and there's a lot of truth the the '95 thing. More like '96. '91-'96, I can defend the Pumpkins on pretty much any level. Then, that ****ing Batman song came out, and Jimmy left, and by the time he came back, Billy had completed his transformation into an emo Uncle Fester, so I've been pretty much done for awhile. That said, hey -- I haven't seen them in nearly 10 years. It'd be great to hear the classics live. And aesthetically, the new album does sound like a return to form, even if his voice is really different and it all seems just a little forced.

I'm a joyless indie snob these days, what can I say.


Pitchfork seems to like it:

The Smashing Pumpkins, on this decent quality, non-radio-rip first single from forthcoming reunion album Zeitgeist, are not the sensitive Smashing Pumpkins. From the start, Billy Corgan, drummer Jimmy Chamberlin, and whoever they have filling in for D'arcy Wretzky and James Iha kick straight into overdrive.

Except for a brief tender section about 3/4 of the way through, the whole song chugs forward relentlessly, with a few semi-arbitrarily placed (but also semi-awesome sounding) guitar solos included for good measure. Corgan's voice hasn't changed, and Chamberlin's still a killer drummer. But what's perhaps most interesting? That the whole thing goes by so quickly it cuts right through the pomp and circumstance of hearing the first new Smashing Pumpkins track in years.


Mike Works said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Hey guys, I don't praise every single thing Billy Corgan has done.

Machina I and Mary Star of the Sea are studio disasters that killed really good songs. Looking back, I wish Zwan just did a lot of touring and allowed bootlegs all the time with no studio record in sight. Also, I wish Paz never joined. I haven't listened to Mary Star of the Sea in full since like 2004.

TheFutureEmbrace is solid, but it wasn't AOTY material.


terrene said:
I'm a joyless indie snob these days, what can I say.
You and distantmantra both! I bet distantmantra is on the phone right now getting brainwashed by his "friend" at Barsuk, explaining the evils of a new Pumpkins disc! ;)


Diablos said:
You and distantmantra both! I bet distantmantra is on the phone right now getting brainwashed by his "friend" at Barsuk, explaining the evils of a new Pumpkins disc! ;)
To show how much of a snob I am: I hate Barsuk and think they generate overproduced IINO (indie in name only) garbage. lulz

..Er, except for my friends who are on that label. :/
there are 5 awesome and 4 good songs on machina. The rest is shitty.

1. everlasting gaze - good
2. raindrops + sunshowers - shitty
3. SIYL - awesome
4. i of the mourning - awesome
5. sacred + profane - good
6. try try try - good
7. heavy metal machine - good
8. this time - shitty
9. imploding voice - good
10. glass + ghost children - good
11. with every light - good
12. crying tree of mercury - shitty
13. blue skies bring tears - shitty (this version anyways!)
14. age of innocence - good

i count 2 awesome songs, 8 good songs, and 4 shitty songs! wait, wasn't it 15 tracks? what track am i missing?
Diablos said:
You and distantmantra both! I bet distantmantra is on the phone right now getting brainwashed by his "friend" at Barsuk, explaining the evils of a new Pumpkins disc! ;)

I know you're joking, but c'mon. This is a little too much. I like the ****ing song.

Plus, screw Barsuk, it's all about Arts + Crafts Records.


If Smashing Pumpkins want to return to good again, Billy Corgan has to grow his hair back. After he shaved his head, he went off the deep end into self indulgence and oblivion. Somehow the radiation that sunlight gives off has affected his brain. Scholars have concluded that hair can redefine one's true nature and give stability to that which was not stable.


Can't say I see why people are flipping out over it.

It's nothing special really. Not a bad song, but they've done so much better.

And I don't like how it almost sounds like a demo, in terms of quality. Something about the way his voice sounds bugs me.
It's nothing special really. Not a bad song, but they've done so much better.

most of the time when an established band releases a new album/song it's not their best stuff.

i am mostly excited because we haven't heard new pumpkins material in 7 years, and even aside from that the song is great and a step up from their last new material.

can't fight opinions though! if people think it's weak or sucks what can you do?


Luna104 said:
there are 5 awesome and 4 good songs on machina. The rest is shitty.

I think there are 7 awesome songs and 8 good songs. It's one of the only SP albums I can listen to from beginning to end without skipping a single song. The over-production sucks but at their core, each song is pretty catchy and pretty enjoyable.


Just listened to the full version. Jimmy's drumming is top notch, as usual. Lackluster chorus. Of course, we're listening to it out of context. As a track on an album, it might fit in perfectly.

Since everyone's weighing in on Machina I, I think that it has exactly one bad song - The Crying Tree of Mercury. I agree that a lot of the tracks were over-produced (or poorly arranged), but the actual songs were quite good (see the alternate and live versions).
man i am really trying to like this song.

But i am sorry it sucks. It feel really generic and even disjointed in parts and the Vocals do truly suck.

If someone told me this was simple plan or Billy Talent i would have almost believed you. :(

Nothing Is Polished and it does not have Melody. I liked A-100 better even.

Sounds like retarded version of Geek USA.


Kabuki Waq said:
man i am really trying to like this song.

But i am sorry it sucks. It feel really generic and even disjointed in parts and the Vocals do truly suck.

If someone told me this was simple plan or Billy Talent i would have almost believed you. :(

Nothing Is Polished and it does not have Melody. I liked A-100 better even.

Sounds like retarded version of Geek USA.
SonSon2 said:
If Smashing Pumpkins want to return to good again, Billy Corgan has to grow his hair back. After he shaved his head, he went off the deep end into self indulgence and oblivion. Somehow the radiation that sunlight gives off has affected his brain. Scholars have concluded that hair can redefine one's true nature and give stability to that which was not stable.

Did he shave it off after Melloncollie and the infinite sadness? He was bald in the 1979 videoclip. But I remember him having hair in one the pictures that went with the album art.

As far as this new song goes, I think I like it. Is this the only song available at the moment?
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