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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread

I just discovered 'Snail', fucking amazing. I had a dream that Billy had been trolling us this whole time and then was secretly making an album with BIG MUFF and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH wall of sound guitars.

Please :(


well not really...yet
I haven't listened to any pumpkins stuff in a long as time, but last week I kinda went through all their stuff again.

Man, I dont think it can ever be said enough times just what a fucking album Siamese Dream was. I think my appreciation for it has grown even more. Everyone agrees that Cherub Rock is the most amazing opening to a rock album ever right?

Also listened to Mellon Collie front to back, and its such an amazing experience, I dont think theres been anything like it since.

I just found out about the re-issues as well, and Im really excited about the Machina double album finally being put togeter (along with being remastered), though itll be interesting to see if its more a product of what it was supposed to be, or what Billy thinks it should be now.


I've been listening to their huge B-Sides and EP collection on Spotify, and it's pretty amazing too. They sure did have plenty of fantastic material in their prime.
Dead said:
I haven't listened to any pumpkins stuff in a long as time, but last week I kinda went through all their stuff again.

Man, I dont think it can ever be said enough times just what a fucking album Siamese Dream was. I think my appreciation for it has grown even more. Everyone agrees that Cherub Rock is the most amazing opening to a rock album ever right?

Also listened to Mellon Collie front to back, and its such an amazing experience, I dont think theres been anything like it since.

I just found out about the re-issues as well, and Im really excited about the Machina double album finally being put togeter (along with being remastered), though itll be interesting to see if its more a product of what it was supposed to be, or what Billy thinks it should be now.
Siamese Dream is probably one of my top ten favorite albums. <3 "Cherub Rock"



Pretty much everything they did was perfection if we are to talk about what is now commonly referred to as "SP1"; 1988-2000. Live or studio. Album tracks, b-sides, doesn't matter -- I never see a need to make a distinction between the two because nearly every song they recorded could have been on an album. Some of the pre-Gish stuff was messy, Adore was a bit of a wildcard but it has good songs and made their discography all the more diverse (as if it isn't enough to begin with), and while Machina 1 was poorly produced, most of the songs were still great, and Machina 2 is amazing. I happen to like the vinyl rip of the album, it has a different tone that is a nice break from the all-digital, all the time world of modern music production.

However, it pains me to see what Billy Corgan is doing today. As recently as 2007, he was still doing some awesome shit. He and Jimmy on stage together is clearly a vital formula for this band to stay creative. Songs such as Gossamer, Superchrist, As Rome Burns, and reworked versions of songs like Lucky 13, Heavy Metal Machine, and tons of others were just incredible to see on stage. Unfortunately after Jimmy left I think Billy has finally lost his way. Once in a while he'll put out something decent, but FINALLY, the epic Corgan song machine has started to break down. That took, what, nearly 20 years? Yes, that obviously includes you-know-what: I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that while Mary Star of the Sea is an atrocious album largely in part due to, you guessed it, awful production values (think Machina 1 but 10x worse)... there are plenty of Zwan bootlegs that confirm that he still wrote stuff that stands up to anything he did during "SP1". TheFutureEmbrace fell a little short in some places, but all in all it held its own.

I'd be more than happy to have it out with anyone who disagrees about the lull of time where he was totally not into playing SP songs. Really, a lot of Zwan's best songs should've been shelved and made into SP songs later on... to even call the band "Zwan" was dumb when you look back, considering what "SP2" looked like: Billy, Jimmy, and the rest of the band not having anything to do with the original SP line up. Just like Zwan. It's a shame, because he wrote so many great songs during that era, enough to fill two CD's (none of which ended up on the studio album, save like, two).

Corgan was a songwriting genius and one of the most driven, focused and creative frontmen a band could ever ask for. A true visionary. Jimmy Chamberlin is one of the best rock drummers of all time, I've yet to hear anyone that sounds like him. I don't care what anyone says, he's the best drummer to come out of the 90's. James did a considerable amount in the earlier days, obviously he's worth noting but often times people just give him appreciation because they hate Corgan's ego (which is understandable). Darcy... well. :|

Billy never really got credit for what he did. I think that's part of the reason why he finally burned out; he's always second-guessing himself even when he absolutely does not have to. He has a right to feel slighted. The Pumpkins enjoyed a lot of mainstream success in the 90's, but there was a whole other aspect of the band people never paid attention to, and if they did they wrote it off as too pretentious in the face of post-grunge drivel that was easier to market. He was ahead of his time. These days he's a Jesus freak and believes there are chemtrails in the sky. I'll blame that on what happens to lots of musicians when they get older thanks to a history of dropping acid and doing all kinds of other crazy shit. It's annoying as hell, though, and makes me wish he'd just take a break so we can remember Billy Corgan, the visionary who wasn't uber-religious, and not Billy Corgan the Jesus freak who sounds like Alex Jones sometimes.

Every great musician burns out someday; the remarkable thing here is that it took Billy a lot longer than usual. I often wondered if he would ever reach such a point, and he finally did. In some ways that's a good thing; he is, after all, human, and I'm forever grateful for the two decades' worth of work he poured into crafting what I think is one of the best discographies you could ever ask for out of a band. Any band, or artist for that matter. What he did transcends decades, labels, typical expectations of what it means to be in a band. I'm more of an eclectic when it comes to music, and a lot of that has to do with listening to SP. It made me realize you don't have to just sound like one thing all the time. I'm so glad to have had the privilege of listening to their music over the years. There will never be another band like the Pumpkins. Ever. It was so awesome to grow up with a band like that when you see what's happening to music today. Seeing them live, even if it was just Billy and Jimmy, is something I won't forget.

Dude is still one hell of a guitarist, that will never change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxv9c9aGbuk
Diablos said:

Pretty much everything they did was perfection if we are to talk about what is now commonly referred to as "SP1"; 1988-2000. Live or studio. Album tracks, b-sides, doesn't matter -- I never see a need to make a distinction between the two because nearly every song they recorded could have been on an album. Some of the pre-Gish stuff was messy, Adore was a bit of a wildcard but it has good songs and made their discography all the more diverse (as if it isn't enough to begin with), and while Machina 1 was poorly produced, most of the songs were still great, and Machina 2 is amazing. I happen to like the vinyl rip of the album, it has a different tone that is a nice break from the all-digital, all the time world of modern music production.

However, it pains me to see what Billy Corgan is doing today. As recently as 2007, he was still doing some awesome shit. He and Jimmy on stage together is clearly a vital formula for this band to stay creative. Songs such as Gossamer, Superchrist, As Rome Burns, and reworked versions of songs like Lucky 13, Heavy Metal Machine, and tons of others were just incredible to see on stage. Unfortunately after Jimmy left I think Billy has finally lost his way. Once in a while he'll put out something decent, but FINALLY, the epic Corgan song machine has started to break down. That took, what, nearly 20 years? Yes, that obviously includes you-know-what: I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that while Mary Star of the Sea is an atrocious album largely in part due to, you guessed it, awful production values (think Machina 1 but 10x worse)... there are plenty of Zwan bootlegs that confirm that he still wrote stuff that stands up to anything he did during "SP1". TheFutureEmbrace fell a little short in some places, but all in all it held its own.

I'd be more than happy to have it out with anyone who disagrees about the lull of time where he was totally not into playing SP songs. Really, a lot of Zwan's best songs should've been shelved and made into SP songs later on... to even call the band "Zwan" was dumb when you look back, considering what "SP2" looked like: Billy, Jimmy, and the rest of the band not having anything to do with the original SP line up. Just like Zwan. It's a shame, because he wrote so many great songs during that era, enough to fill two CD's (none of which ended up on the studio album, save like, two).

Corgan was a songwriting genius and one of the most driven, focused and creative frontmen a band could ever ask for. A true visionary. Jimmy Chamberlin is one of the best rock drummers of all time, I've yet to hear anyone that sounds like him. I don't care what anyone says, he's the best drummer to come out of the 90's. James did a considerable amount in the earlier days, obviously he's worth noting but often times people just give him appreciation because they hate Corgan's ego (which is understandable). Darcy... well. :|

Billy never really got credit for what he did. I think that's part of the reason why he finally burned out. He has a right to feel slighted. The Pumpkins enjoyed a lot of mainstream success in the 90's, but there was a whole other aspect of the band people never paid attention to, and if they did they wrote it off as too pretentious in the face of post-grunge drivel that was easier to market. He was ahead of his time. These days he's a Jesus freak and believes there are chemtrails in the sky. I'll blame that on what happens to lots of musicians when they get older thanks to a history of dropping acid and doing all kinds of other crazy shit. It's annoying as hell, though, and makes me wish he'd just take a break so we can remember Billy Corgan, the visionary who wasn't uber-religious, and not Billy Corgan the Jesus freak who sounds like Alex Jones sometimes.

Every great musician burns out someday; the remarkable thing here is that it took Billy a lot longer than usual. I often wondered if he would ever reach such a point, and he finally did. In some ways that's a good thing; he is, after all, human, and I'm forever grateful for the two decades' worth of work he poured into crafting what I think is one of the best discographies you could ever ask for out of a band. Any band, or artist for that matter. What he did transcends decades, labels, typical expectations of what it means to be in a band. I'm more of an eclectic when it comes to music, and a lot of that has to do with listening to SP. It made me realize you don't have to just sound like one thing all the time.

Dude is still one hell of a guitarist, that will never change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxv9c9aGbuk

Preach on brother!


P.S. - I'm really nervous about how Gish and Siamese will sound after the remastering process. It's unbelievable to me how pristine they are given their age. They've gone beyond just standing the test of time, they've defied it. Siamese Dream in particular still sounds just as good (actually better) than any rock album produced today (and is also one of the best rock albums of all time of course, not like I really need to say that in this thread). I really wish they would've just left them alone.

Mellon Collie, on the other hand, could definitely be remastered. It's kind of spotty in some areas. And, certainly, Machina 1 and 2.


Billy really fucked up. He should hope he doesn't get sued.


Compassionately speaking, we've lost hope with this one.
Back in the 90s, Billy Corgan stormed out of a concert 30 minutes into it after smashing his guitar on the stage.

And of course the whole rumor of infatuation with Courtney Love thing never made sense, but what we're about to tell you is what REALLY disappoints us with Billy.
After transgendered Devi Ever complained about Billy failing to pay her for the custom bass peddle she crafted, Billy took to Facebook with a marathon of hate:

you ugly piece of sh*t…if i ever run into you, anywhere, at anytime, for as long as i live, i will knock your fucking lights out. don’t ever come near me, and if i hear even one more peep out of you in public about me, or the band, or the members of the band, i am gonna sue you for so much you’ll never be able to afford so much as to even make a f*cking guitar cable.

He also tweeted about the incident (calling her a he/she, which is considered transbashing), but then deleted them later.

Ever then responded to his rant with some heavy words of her own:

you f*cked up, you know it, so eat sh*t, shut the f*ck up and accept you’ve attacked someone who tried to HELP YOU. but addicts and self-destructive people like you who HATE THEMSELVES must turn their hate out. if this is what you have to do to not kill your unhappy self, well then i’d say it was a wise decision. beyond that, you are f*cking lame, dumb, and so so ugly.


Ever later lamented her mirroring retaliation by YouTubing:
instead of being a whiny bitch on [the Smashing Pumpkins message boards] I should have gone for a hike, cooled off, then spoken with Billy privately about my disappointments with his reactions / non-reaction to my pedals over the years, but I still don’t think that excuses Billy for going as far as he did in retaliation, and I’d still greatly appreciate if Billy apologized via Twitter, and perhaps donate to a trans-rights organization

Way to be the bigger person, girl!

But back to Billy, dayum son! Why are you so pissed?

Hmm, maybe it has to do with his 2005 incident. He wrote a LiveJournal entry about almost screwing a transgendered until he found out what was under the panties! When word got around, he said he physically threatened to break both her arms and legs if she said another word of it.
I continue to lose respect for Billy. Someone who has a history of going on stage in drag and such ought to be able to get mad at transgendered people without bringing discrimination into it.

This Devi Ever person actually made some really cool guitar pedals, one of them almost perfectly emulating the Siamese Dream guitar tone. I don't know if anything else has come that close. Devi has also made a lot of other pedals; if you play guitar, you might want to check them out. They sound awesome.

I was gonna post about a new Drown demo that came out (go to the official website if you really want it) but I just find it harder and harder to appreciate Billy as a musician. He's becoming more of a shell of his former self.


well not really...yet
Nov 29:


Disc One

I Am One
Bury Me
Window Paine

Disc Two

Starla (2011 mix)
Siva (Peel session) *
Honeyspider (Reel Time demos / 2011 mix)
Hippy Trippy (Crush Music Box demo)
Snail (live radio performance)
Plume (2011 mix)
Bury Me (Reel Time demos / 2011 mix)
Daydream (Old House demo)
Tristessa (Sub Pop single / 2011 mix)
Girl Named Sandoz (Peel session) *
Jesus Is The Sun (Apartment demo)
Blue (Gish sessions demo)
Smiley (Gish sessions demo)
I Am One (Reel Time demos / 2011 mix)
Seam (Suffer / Apartment demo)
La Dolly Vita (2011 mix)
Pulseczar (Gish sessions demo) *
Drown (alternate guitar solo)

All songs previously unreleased except where indicated: *

Live at The Metro, Chicago, IL 8/25/90


I am one
Bury Me
Window Paine
Sookie Sookie
Crush - Acoustic


Disc One

Cherub Rock
Geek U.S.A.
Sweet Sweet

Disc Two

Pissant (siamese sessions rough mix)
Siamese Dream (broadway rehearsal demo)
STP (rehearsal demo)
Frail and Bedazzled (soundworks demo)
Luna (apartment demo)
Quiet (bbc session/bc mix)
Moleasskiss (soundworks demo)
Hello Kitty Kat (soundworks demo)
Today (broadway rehearsal demo)
Never Let Me Down Again (bbc session) *
Apathy's Last Kiss (siamese sessions rough mix)
Ache (silverfuck rehearsal demo)
U.S.A. (soundworks demo)
U.S.S.R (soundworks demo)
Spaceboy (acoustic mix)
Rocket (rehearsal demo)
Disarm (acoustic mix)
Soma (instrumental mix)

All songs previously unreleased except where indicated: *

Live At The Metro, Chicago, 8/14/93


Geek U.S.A.
I am one
Cherub Rock
Bury Me


Dead said:
Nov 29:


Disc One

I Am One
Bury Me
Window Paine

Disc Two

Starla (2011 mix)
Siva (Peel session) *
Honeyspider (Reel Time demos / 2011 mix)
Hippy Trippy (Crush Music Box demo)
Snail (live radio performance)
Plume (2011 mix)
Bury Me (Reel Time demos / 2011 mix)
Daydream (Old House demo)
Tristessa (Sub Pop single / 2011 mix)
Girl Named Sandoz (Peel session) *
Jesus Is The Sun (Apartment demo)
Blue (Gish sessions demo)
Smiley (Gish sessions demo)
I Am One (Reel Time demos / 2011 mix)
Seam (Suffer / Apartment demo)
La Dolly Vita (2011 mix)
Pulseczar (Gish sessions demo) *
Drown (alternate guitar solo)

All songs previously unreleased except where indicated: *

Live at The Metro, Chicago, IL 8/25/90


I am one
Bury Me
Window Paine
Sookie Sookie
Crush - Acoustic


Disc One

Cherub Rock
Geek U.S.A.
Sweet Sweet

Disc Two

Pissant (siamese sessions rough mix)
Siamese Dream (broadway rehearsal demo)
STP (rehearsal demo)
Frail and Bedazzled (soundworks demo)
Luna (apartment demo)
Quiet (bbc session/bc mix)
Moleasskiss (soundworks demo)
Hello Kitty Kat (soundworks demo)
Today (broadway rehearsal demo)
Never Let Me Down Again (bbc session) *
Apathy's Last Kiss (siamese sessions rough mix)
Ache (silverfuck rehearsal demo)
U.S.A. (soundworks demo)
U.S.S.R (soundworks demo)
Spaceboy (acoustic mix)
Rocket (rehearsal demo)
Disarm (acoustic mix)
Soma (instrumental mix)

All songs previously unreleased except where indicated: *

Live At The Metro, Chicago, 8/14/93


Geek U.S.A.
I am one
Cherub Rock
Bury Me
Fucking goldmine. Finally, something from the band I'm excited for. Preordering both Gish and SD boxsets. Look at all that unreleased stuff...

8/14/1993 is an awesome performance btw, I actually have the audio as it's been in circulation for years, but it's not all the songs and is sourced from FM. The DVD should be phenomenal, it really captures the energy of the band at that time.

I am surprised Pale Scales did not make it to the Gish boxset. If you're wondering what that is, play the SP Greatest Hits DVD and listen to the background audio of the Gish music videos submenu.

Back to the present -- Oceania will be ruined by Mike Bryne's amateur drum skills. I've already heard some official bootlegs. Unfortunate because the songs themselves are really Siamese Dream-esque, probably more than anything else I can think of.
FYI, all this remastered stuff is on Spotify.

I've been listening. It definitely has a fuller and just plain louder sound. Not sure it's better. It's been a long time since I spent time listening to the original versions of these songs. The only comment I can make is that they just sound louder. When I listened to Siamese Dream and compared it to a rock album put out today, it just needs to be turned up louder to achieve the same volume. And I understand that's not really a bad thing. Just ask Bob Rock and Metallica about their clipped-to-shit recent albums.

I'm as big a fan of old-school Pumpkins as they come, and I'm not sure I'll pay money for these (other than my Spotify subscription, which is well worth it).

Anyway, the the extra tracks included with these are really great.
Ahhh fuck it, just ordered them. I know Billy's only in it for the money now but these look nice, hopefully Machina 2 will be properly mastered this time.
FYI, all this remastered stuff is on Spotify.

I've been listening. It definitely has a fuller and just plain louder sound. Not sure it's better. It's been a long time since I spent time listening to the original versions of these songs. The only comment I can make is that they just sound louder. When I listened to Siamese Dream and compared it to a rock album put out today, it just needs to be turned up louder to achieve the same volume. And I understand that's not really a bad thing. Just ask Bob Rock and Metallica about their clipped-to-shit recent albums.

I'm as big a fan of old-school Pumpkins as they come, and I'm not sure I'll pay money for these (other than my Spotify subscription, which is well worth it).

Anyway, the the extra tracks included with these are really great.

I bought 'em. $13 for that much content plus the classic Billy liner notes ("We have lift-off to the planet Now-or-Never.") was beyond worth it.

And yeah, they're probably just "louder," but yeah, they were so fucking thin sounding when they'd come up on my iPod.

My god, I've been waiting so fucking long for good sounding versions of these.
had to bite on the siamese dream release. checked it out on spotify... wow it sounds great and some of these b-sides i only have shitty records of. as much as i am disappointed with what the pumpkins are now it will never change how classic these albums are.

i hope he does MCIS. i feel like that album needs to be remastered badly. i listen to it on CD and it really sounds so low and muffled compared to some of the new release stuff.

i'll probably just get the normal amazon remastered download for gish. but for SD i wanted the full set with the extra concert dvd


Gish remaster on Spotify is soooo good. Easily my fave SP work, but then I do usually have a soft-spot for the first album to get me into a band.

Yes I know it's technically an EP, but it's so epic.


well not really...yet
Remastered Gish is amazing. Definitely an improvement, like, wow.

Siamese Dream sounds fantastic too, but that album never really had any issues, so its not as much of a revelation. The only thing that really stands out IMO is that Geek USA is a total monster now. Like, really awesome.

Otherwise, the bonus stuff is all really cool. Hearing Rocket with such totally different lyrics threw me for a loop. Amazing how a song with, imo, some of Corgan's most memorable lyrics, started out with music first and then just just went from there.

The only things that kinda sucks is that the little preacher intermission between Soma and Geek is gone. Wonder why. May have been a rights issue of some kind?

Otherwise, awesome stuff. Can't wait for the Mellon Collie and Adore sets, and especially the Machina set for the supposed original double album sequencing + proper mastering and mix
Remastered Gish is amazing. Definitely an improvement, like, wow.

Siamese Dream sounds fantastic too, but that album never really had any issues, so its not as much of a revelation. The only thing that really stands out IMO is that Geek USA is a total monster now. Like, really awesome.

Otherwise, the bonus stuff is all really cool. Hearing Rocket with such totally different lyrics threw me for a loop. Amazing how a song with, imo, some of Corgan's most memorable lyrics, started out with music first and then just just went from there.

The only things that kinda sucks is that the little preacher intermission between Soma and Geek is gone. Wonder why. May have been a rights issue of some kind?

Otherwise, awesome stuff. Can't wait for the Mellon Collie and Adore sets, and especially the Machina set for the supposed original double album sequencing + proper mastering and mix

step 1 should be replacing the imploding voice with virex :(

saw this on facebook/youtube. just sad. look at billy, grasping at what once was, popping 20 bills in about 2 minutes. talking about a lot of other bands from "his generation" touring with their old songs and having no future.

fuck off billy. 90% of your new shit sucks dick. create all the new garbage music you want, but if you're going to charge people $50 a pop to see you live at least have the decency to play things people want to hear. ridiculous


well not really...yet
step 1 should be replacing the imploding voice with virex :(
Virex is better lyrically, but I never though it was better musically.

Maybe I just haven't heard the best live versions of it.

Im sure itll be there on a demo.

Im just happy we'll finally get a proper release of all the Machina 2 stuff, and a hopefully superior mix of the M1 stuff.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Gish Remaster so far is AWESOME. Not sure about SD as I haven't listened to that yet, and I never thought it really needed it. Spotify FTW!
I bought 'em. $13 for that much content plus the classic Billy liner notes ("We have lift-off to the planet Now-or-Never.") was beyond worth it.

And yeah, they're probably just "louder," but yeah, they were so fucking thin sounding when they'd come up on my iPod.

My god, I've been waiting so fucking long for good sounding versions of these.

13 dollars?

Goddamn, I see they're 17 pounds on amazon.co.uk :(


the siamese dream 2nd disc is pure gold though!

I only got it today in the mail from Amazon and the only song I listened to was the bbc version of Quiet, but it was incredible. And I currently have the DVD concert playing and it's great. Well worth the $22 I paid for it on Black Friday, although it's now gone up a few bucks.


I don't know if I have ears/speakers good enough to appreciate the remastered version of SD, but it's a nice bonus.


"Rhinoceros" would randomly play in my head and I dunno why because I haven't listened to the song in many years. I finally bought the song yesterday. I need to find my old CDs and rip them.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
On a side note the remasters got me back into a SP mode again. Holy Shit the Pumpkins live performance @ PinkPop in 94 is still godlike.

They absolutely KILLED it and I mean KILLED IT with Silverfuck on stage.
Surprised to find a lot of songs I've never seen/heard before with the remasters, Billy signing Daydream, for example. I've got a huge collection of SP rarities, b-sides, etc. and never saw that one. This is going on my x-mas list.
I got the Gish Deluxe set for Christmas, but I really can't wait to see what they do with MCIS.

so did i! good stuff!

and i will be there day zero for mellon collie stuff. can you imagine if he had full versions of some of the stuff from Pistachio Medley? It could make a box set in itself!

but even aside from the b-sides, MCIS (much moreso than SD) needs a remaster. just doesn't sound good on CD to me :/


I just bought the Siamese Dream remastered version. Pure gold. It sounds as fresh as it did when I bought it in '94 *tear*. And the second disc is really an ear-opener, even for this ex-SP fan.
I just bought the Siamese Dream remastered version. Pure gold. It sounds as fresh as it did when I bought it in '94 *tear*. And the second disc is really an ear-opener, even for this ex-SP fan.

yeah the SD disc is hard to hear any improvement because it was already really good. gish is a different story, sounds incredibly fresh and like a new album. remastered plume on the 2nd disc is worth the price alone! sounds so good!


Why "ex"?

For obvious reasons...
I stuck around for a *very* long time. Admittedly I like some songs off of Billy Corgan's solo album (Mina Loy and The CameraEye are excellent). Heck, I even went to The Future Embrace concert :p But when Uncle Fester reclaimed the SP name it all went downhill from there.

yeah the SD disc is hard to hear any improvement because it was already really good. gish is a different story, sounds incredibly fresh and like a new album. remastered plume on the 2nd disc is worth the price alone! sounds so good!

You managed to brilliantly convince me to buy the Gish Remaster too >_<

Gosh what a flood of memories! Can't wait for the rest - Pisces, Mellon Collie, Aeroplane and especially the criminally underrated Adore.
For obvious reasons...
I stuck around for a *very* long time. Admittedly I like some songs off of Billy Corgan's solo album (Mina Loy and The CameraEye are excellent). Heck, I even went to The Future Embrace concert :p But when Uncle Fester reclaimed the SP name it all went downhill from there

Same here. Hell, I even saw them once during the Zeitgeist tour. As a fellow AMS-Per from back in the day, it's nothing but Corgan making a pathetic attempt to relive his glory days.
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