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Official Smashing Pumpkins thread



And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Really starting to wish he wouldn't release albums under the SP name without Jimmy involved. 2 out of the original 4 is good enough for me, but the new music doesn't even remind me of SP. He should just label it as solo.


Tommy Lee. Hahahaha.

I'm sure he will sound better than Byrne but... I just... wat. I hope it works.
Why can't Jimmy just come back? They must really hate each other now.

He's been tainting the legacy for 15 years now.
15 years ago Billy was still writing back-to-back amazing songs, even if he made dumb band/career choices and said a lot of stupid shit. But yes, you can certainly argue he was tainting it to some extent. What I'm saying is he's crossed the threshold. He can still write good songs but the cons outweigh the pros.


Hi, Macam!

We're all "done" but as soon as the new album drops we'll all be eager to hear it as soon as possible. Sigh.

Tommy Lee is a neanderthal but he has to sound better than Mike. I don't get the decision to use him for an album though. Perhaps Billy is trying to bridge the gap between alternative rock and 80's ass rock (aka hair metal), which is pretty hilarious
i heard some of it. it's just fucking random sounds. still better than new SP which is sad

The hate is strong here. Oceania wasn't that bad, the first four tracks are worth listening to. Granted, I would have preferred harder hitting drums for all those tracks, but they're not bad. I feel like John Goodman in Big Lebowski describing this experimental shit though as "the whathaveyou"
The hate is strong here. Oceania wasn't that bad, the first four tracks are worth listening to. Granted, I would have preferred harder hitting drums for all those tracks, but they're not bad. I feel like John Goodman in Big Lebowski describing this experimental shit though as "the whathaveyou"

yes i am being overly critical. there were 4 good songs on oceania. but its kind of like when someone is on top of their game you'll give them the benefit of the doubt and it works the same in reverse: when a band is releasing mostly trash (and "the smashing pumpkins" are certainly fitting that bill) then it is hard to enjoy anything they do


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I just listen to Quasar and Panopticon, then stop the album. Its great!
yes i am being overly critical. there were 4 good songs on oceania. but its kind of like when someone is on top of their game you'll give them the benefit of the doubt and it works the same in reverse: when a band is releasing mostly trash (and "the smashing pumpkins" are certainly fitting that bill) then it is hard to enjoy anything they do

There are also good songs on Machina, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the production and "perfected" vocal stylings of 2000's on William Patrick Corgan.
There are also good songs on Machina, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the production and "perfected" vocal stylings of 2000's on William Patrick Corgan.

I just wish he would try a simple album with minimal production. Plug in the guitars, turn up the distortion and get to work. Really bums me out seeing him rape the corpse of a once legendary band


I'm just gonna leave this here:


bolly said:
I’m also happy to report that not only did we have a blast, but the 9 ‘MONUMENTS’ songs sound epic in a way that is indescribable. I guess I could toss off hyperbole after pronoun, but it would sell short what I like to call ‘Supersonic Pumpkins’; which is a descriptor in itself. Tommy hits the drums in a crushing manner, but as many fans know this is not without nuance or reaction; as he has a fantastic ear for music and plays with the songs in a means that only enhances excitement. The only other place I’ve heard this phenomena is with John Bonham of Led Zeppelin: where heavy drums can sound soft and expressive. Good company indeed!
As for the connection, I first met Tommy way back in 1991 when he came to one of our shows, and through the years we’ve run into each other many times at various places. So the coupling is not as odd as some might assume, as he, like I, has pushed into embracing new technologies, electronics, etc where it pertains to making new sounds. He is a wonderful, warm person to be around, and I wouldn’t have come to him with this proposition if I didn’t trust that this was something we’d both be proud of. So we expect to finish up the drums in a few weeks, seeing as we’re in a rush to get this stuff out and oh yeah, Tommy’s got this mega-Crue tour to do.
Uh huh.

I do think the next album will sound better than Oceania.

Honestly though, I know we're all pissed at Billy but Oceania had a lot of good songs. I harped on it a lot at first because I was so pissed off that Jimmy was out of the band, but there are some great songs on the album. The drumming really held everything back more than anything else. The guitars were in the vein of something on Siamese Dream (albeit not as compelling, but I'm sure even Billy knows he will never be able to top that album, and why would he want to anyway)

lol @ comparing Tommy Lee to Bonham. Jimmy is closer to Bonham if we're going to play that game; he really helped put emphasis on the band's loud/soft dynamic (and subsequently shot it off like a rocket) that helped put SP on the fucking map. Typical Corgan being a prick.
I'm just gonna leave this here:


Uh huh.

I do think the next album will sound better than Oceania.

Honestly though, I know we're all pissed at Billy but Oceania had a lot of good songs. I harped on it a lot at first because I was so pissed off that Jimmy was out of the band, but there are some great songs on the album. The drumming really held everything back more than anything else. The guitars were in the vein of something on Siamese Dream (albeit not as compelling, but I'm sure even Billy knows he will never be able to top that album, and why would he want to anyway)

lol @ comparing Tommy Lee to Bonham. Jimmy is closer to Bonham if we're going to play that game; he really helped put emphasis on the band's loud/soft dynamic (and subsequently shot it off like a rocket) that helped put SP on the fucking map. Typical Corgan being a prick.

The music wasn't bad itself but the lyrics and vocals were god awful. By far the worst billy has done in that regard since the marked
I'm just gonna leave this here:


Uh huh.

I do think the next album will sound better than Oceania.

Honestly though, I know we're all pissed at Billy but Oceania had a lot of good songs. I harped on it a lot at first because I was so pissed off that Jimmy was out of the band, but there are some great songs on the album. The drumming really held everything back more than anything else. The guitars were in the vein of something on Siamese Dream (albeit not as compelling, but I'm sure even Billy knows he will never be able to top that album, and why would he want to anyway)

lol @ comparing Tommy Lee to Bonham. Jimmy is closer to Bonham if we're going to play that game; he really helped put emphasis on the band's loud/soft dynamic (and subsequently shot it off like a rocket) that helped put SP on the fucking map. Typical Corgan being a prick.

I would like the record to state that I am not pissed at Billy.

I'm not necessarily proud of where things have gone (imo, it all started to go down hill with Machina and has been peaks and valleys since). But I'm hyped. If its going to be a rock record like its rumored to be, then fuck yea.

Note: its NEVER always a rock record, Billy likes his slow songs.
Post-Adore, the only thing he's done beyond individual songs that I've totally loved was Zwan. I'm wondering if Billy's just in the George Lucas zone where he's gotten rid of anyone who is willing to challenge him. I can't think of any full collaborators of his who didn't get messy breakups with all bridges seemingly burned (Jimmy, James, Courtney Love though she's unstable enough that it seems to work for them, Matt Sweeney/Paz/Pajo).
What’s that I see? Why it’s a Lyric bird, flying it seems towards a distant spot on the horizon.

Joyously I finished what we’ll constitute as a ‘final’ set of lyrics today, with efforts in the past weeks to bring all rhymes and misnomers into accord.

“Squawk, squawk,” goes the Lyric bird. “Sounds like more scenes of dystopia to me!”

And you know, Lyric bird, you’d be right; as me and the rock and roll seem to go better when I’m talking to the disaffected child in all of us.

“Squawk!” goes the Lyric bird. “Speak for yourself!” When he flies near he asks how many songs can be drawn up from the same well?

“Quite a lot it seems,” I say. “Quite a lot.” I put out my arm so the Lyric bird might rest.

“Don’t you get tired Billy?” he asks. “You know, of the same rhymes?”

“Of course,” I admit. “But I do have limits.”

“You? Limits? Squawk!”

“No, seriously I do. For example I limit my use of these words: heart, black, never, and dream.”

“And how do you do that?”

“It’s a formula: 9 songs, divide in half, that makes 4.5, right? Ok, so that means half the album can’t have those words at all, and the others can’t have more than 2 per song; with one exception.”

The Lyric bird adjusted himself, plucking at his feathers. “Alright, what’s the exception?”

“If the songs a hit.”

“Do people have hits anymore?”

“Of course they do. It’s just different now. More people listen and less people buy. So a hit generally speaking is the least offensive song that gets bought the most, or the most offensive song that gets talked about a lot. Either way it’ll get you somewhere.”

“Will it get me south for the winter?” Lyric bird asked.

“Actually, no. And with you get paid you can’t even afford to climb up the Stairway To Heaven.”


“Yeah, no joke.”

I waved to the Lyric bird as he flew off, but curiously he cycled back. “I have a question!”

“And what’s that?” I pondered.

“Squawk: what rhymes with orange?”

I scratched my head before yelling up. “I don’t know!”

“Well, when you figure it out you’ll know to quit!” I could barely hear his voice against the wind. “Good luck, William. I’m off!”

“Where Lyric bird, where?”

“To the Aegeas. Sort of where Tommy Lee’s family is from.”

I called out, but he couldn’t hear me. “Wait, Tommy was born there, right?”

But Lyric bird didn’t answer; my query lost to the wind.




Great new interview where he very briefly mentions Mike's departure. Has a lot of other good info on the timetable for release and his relationship with Jeff and Tommy. Looks like we may hear the first single in October with a February release of the first album.


Billy: “Mmm… Let’s just say that Mike, like Elvis, has left the building.”

Poor Mikey. My friend Shawn was actually Mike's percussion instructor when Mike was in High School. I should send him a text to see if he's heard from his former student.
I'm sure he wouldn't have much to say. Byrne is in his early twenties, he'd be a fool to try to dish dirt on Corgan. Billy's been burying people for decades now, Mike wouldn't stand a chance.

You aren't someone until you've had an ugly falling out with Billy Corgan. Fortunately, he's never had a personal or professional relationship that didn't go sour eventually.


It's a MCIS era song, a clip of it is in Pastichio Medley.

Thanks for the link DiscoJon.

I've got a link to the MP3 the video was sourced from. I'm not sure if I can post it on here (not clear on the GAF rules) so PM me and I can send y'all the link.


So this got leaked yesterday.
In The Arms of Sheep (full)
Holy shit, it's the 'come back, baby' song that gets cut off way too soon during Pistachio Medley. Thanks!

Makes you wonder why this didn't make it on the MCIS reissue, which had a few songs that were total filler...

btw: Jimmy Chamberlin turned 50 on the 10th. Happy belated birthday to one of the best drummers of the past 30+ years.



I realize this is only a rehearsal take, but it's amazing how much better things sounded before Billy got all nuts with the prodution post-Adore.

Agreed. Billy behind the boards has generally been a complete mess. He needs to stay more hands off and just worry about songwriting. Leave the production to a professional.
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