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Official TEKKEN 6 "Who needs a FADC? We got RAGE!" Thread

fucking A...

I was at target tonight before heading home and they had T6 out...

went to the register with my copy and they said they couldnt sell it to me until 27th... fuck street dates.

Mr Spliff

I came here to post that I really like the music but I see word has gotten around that it is good. Got it early from an independant shop, (sorry, no give aways, personal hook-up). Got it for 360, a couple things, I prefer the motion blur off, I think it looks better, would love to know what display type a,b or c is, plays just like the last tekken game I played which was 4. I'm not exactly blown away by the graphics but that's not why you buy fighting games imo. Played for about 30min and it plays real smooth, I like the pace of the fighting too. Going to install it to see if it does a difference with the load times for fights as it feels a tad long. Probably won't post again as i'll be playing now but this is a no regret purchase.
Mr Spliff said:
I came here to post that I really like the music but I see word has gotten around that it is good. Got it early from an independant shop, (sorry, no give aways, personal hook-up). Got it for 360, a couple things, I prefer the motion blur off, I think it looks better, would love to know what display type a,b or c is, plays just like the last tekken game I played which was 4. I'm not exactly blown away by the graphics but that's not why you buy fighting games imo. Played for about 30min and it plays real smooth, I like the pace of the fighting too. Going to install it to see if it does a difference with the load times for fights as it feels a tad long. Probably won't post again as i'll be playing now but this is a no regret purchase.
Meh. So far I'm not enjoying it as much as I did the other Tekkens.

I don't like that in order to unlock all the character endings I have to go through the Scenario Campaign mode in full. It's a cheap way of forcing us to play through the stupid mode, which is as half-assed as any of these additional modes have ever been.

The graphics aren't that impressive at all, either. The only really standout improvements from T5: DR are the lighting, clothing, and faces.

Lastly, why does Online Mode need to be patched in? :\


Revolutionary said:
I really don't get the mechanics of this boss battle.

Is it random when his attacks are uninterruptable and he automatically blocks? Because sometimes my hits can interrupt him and floor him but just as often it just automatically blocks my attack and he goes through with his attack.
I've beaten him a few times already and I still don't understand it fully.

Just jump forward and kick him. You can juggle him repeatedly with that.

Works all the time.


DR2K said:
1 profile per game, only one character can have customized outfits. From what I've been reading.


I swear this happened already once and it was terrible. Was it VF4?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
DR2K said:
1 profile per game, only one character can have customized outfits. From what I've been reading.

What the hell? You have got to be kidding me. Why would they do something like that? Do you think if enough people bitch they will patch it?


The low lifebars are annoying me. I hope Namco add an option to set the lifebars to the same position they were in the arcade version via a patch.


Step 1 when you pick up this game: TURN MOTION BLUR OFF!

Seriously, why is this on by default??? While it is cool as a novelty, having as much aliasing as Tekken 2 makes the game look like SHIT.

Unless you sit far away from your TV or have a small monitor turn to not notice the aliasing, stay far, far away from motion blur.

With motion blur OFF, you have a very competitive looking fighting game (aka what you'd expect a Tekken release to look like).


Loves Robotech S1
Zeenbor said:
Step 1 when you pick up this game: TURN MOTION BLUR OFF!

Seriously, why is this on by default??? While it is cool as a novelty, having as much aliasing as Tekken 2 makes the game look like SHIT.

Unless you sit far away from your TV or have a small monitor turn to not notice the aliasing, stay far, far away from motion blur.

With motion blur OFF, you have a very competitive looking fighting game (aka what you'd expect a Tekken release to look like).

I respectfully decline the invitation join your hallucination.


Confirmed Asshole
Well, it was a pity that the stream showed so few matches. And some of the VIPs weren't into Tekken, or at least it seemed that way.

Good work otherwise though! Must have been one hell of a night :lol
onken said:
Pretty sure you could have multiple profiles in VF4.

He's thinking about VF4 Evo, but at least it allowed simultaneous customs from the same memory card (whereas vanilla VF4 let you load profiles/win ratios/customized fighters from both memory card slots in versus play).


I'm so disappointed with the non-multiplayer part of this game, it HURTS.

- Horrible beat em up story mode. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just optional. But NOOO, you have to go through it to unlock characters endings. Playing through this mode is torture. Jesus fucking christ on a stick, just stick to a fighting game, guys.

- Shitty end boss. Worse Tekken boss thus far. Super cheap, too big, and ugly character design. Ogre was much cooler.

- Disgusting character select screen. First of all, it takes a few seconds to load your selected character. Secondly, who's fucking bright idea was it to render two viewports and reduce resolution? I feel like I'm playing an EARLY PS2 game with all of the aliasing.

- I hate to say this, because as a graphics programmer, I LOVE character motion blur and think it should be used more... but it should of not been default in this game. The reduced resolution makes this game look ancient on a big screen. Turn it off and you have a pretty sharp game, which makes all the difference with the type of materials and high contrast lighting the game has.

- Mediocre music for the most part. Only one or two tracks that I like. Hopefully that'll change with more playthroughs.

- Pretty blah intro CG. What happened, Namco? You guys used to have the most magical intros for Tekken. T2, T3, TTT all had GREAT CG intros that had incredible music.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVFnXKpiH5M (Tekken 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qmU4wQqKQI (Tekken 3)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZwTYM1fHhA (Tekken Tag Tournament)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0P8O0hkqkA (Tekken 5 DR PS3)

Not so great:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koHPHDYm-Hg (Tekken 6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNEg0sNvCAU (Tekken 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAkPJQtP6ck (Tekken 5)

It's not a complete hate fest. There are some nice things the game does.

- Again if you turn off motion blur, you have a nice looking game. Much sharper as the resolution isn't reduced.

- The core game is still fun and that's why I'll play it. New moves are awesome and even old combos look new (Law in particular).

- ... Hopefully online will be good stuff when it launches on Tuesday?

As far as I'm concerned, Tekken 5 was the perfect Tekken game, even if Jinpachi was a bitch. Simple front end, perfect story mode execution, fantastic music, great backgrounds, worthy unlockables, and OPTIONAL shitty beat em up.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Well it looks like I will be getting the Ps3 special edition of the game so fuck yeah!
PSN Id: Alfred-abomb
Played some of the PS3 version the other night. Gameplay wise, it's awesome, let me get that out of the way.

But the graphics didn't blow me away or anything, like just a little step up from DR. We didn't turn the motion blur off though. I think SC4 is significantly better than this.

The menus borderline suck. Not being able to load multiple profiles, dumb. And a little thing, I hate the text "vs battle" that is at the bottom of the screen during vs mode. I know we are versus battle namco!! lol

But like I said, it plays great!


loves Arcade Sticks
I love u guys.

Thank you ccrook for making the thread!

Hope you guys enjoyed the stream! <3 much love...

driving home now x.x


I been out of the Tekken loop since Tekken 3, which i regard as the best of the series, from what ive seen and read about 4 & 5 and all in between? Whats happened since tekken 3, as listening to the IGN reveiw states that the stories got a bit out of control now. Is there a catch up video i can watch or site, that lists the story arch??


Zeenbor said:
I'm so disappointed with the non-multiplayer part of this game, it HURTS.

- Horrible beat em up story mode. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just optional. But NOOO, you have to go through it to unlock characters endings. Playing through this mode is torture. Jesus fucking christ on a stick, just stick to a fighting game, guys.

- Shitty end boss. Worse Tekken boss thus far. Super cheap, too big, and ugly character design. Ogre was much cooler.

- Disgusting character select screen. First of all, it takes a few seconds to load your selected character. Secondly, who's fucking bright idea was it to render two viewports and reduce resolution? I feel like I'm playing an EARLY PS2 game with all of the aliasing.

- I hate to say this, because as a graphics programmer, I LOVE character motion blur and think it should be used more... but it should of not been default in this game. The reduced resolution makes this game look ancient on a big screen. Turn it off and you have a pretty sharp game, which makes all the difference with the type of materials and high contrast lighting the game has.

- Mediocre music for the most part. Only one or two tracks that I like. Hopefully that'll change with more playthroughs.

- Pretty blah intro CG. What happened, Namco? You guys used to have the most magical intros for Tekken. T2, T3, TTT all had GREAT CG intros that had incredible music.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVFnXKpiH5M (Tekken 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qmU4wQqKQI (Tekken 3)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZwTYM1fHhA (Tekken Tag Tournament)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0P8O0hkqkA (Tekken 5 DR PS3)

Not so great:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koHPHDYm-Hg (Tekken 6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNEg0sNvCAU (Tekken 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAkPJQtP6ck (Tekken 5)

It's not a complete hate fest. There are some nice things the game does.

- Again if you turn off motion blur, you have a nice looking game. Much sharper as the resolution isn't reduced.

- The core game is still fun and that's why I'll play it. New moves are awesome and even old combos look new (Law in particular).

- ... Hopefully online will be good stuff when it launches on Tuesday?

As far as I'm concerned, Tekken 5 was the perfect Tekken game, even if Jinpachi was a bitch. Simple front end, perfect story mode execution, fantastic music, great backgrounds, worthy unlockables, and OPTIONAL shitty beat em up.

Somehow, I don't feel so hyped now. I have to agree on the CGI btw, I've watched some endings and the Intro, it looks like crap. Even the CGI itself. Why there's such a range of quality between Tekken games is what I don't know.


For the customization thing, the way I'm reading it is that its like VF5. ON your personal profile you can customize all the characters however in offline versus the second player will be using default costumes. There's also the problem that you can't transfer custom data ala DR.

It's not as big of a setback as the lack of a player record feature, but it sure puts a hamper on things.

Markman, any word that the all of this will be rectified? I know MYK asked an official to fix the record problem but is this custom BS going to be fixed too?
Ok Ive got some questions.

1 Are there any costume or customization items only available during the campaign mode

2 Are all items available from the start, so you only need to save up the money to buy them.

3 Is campaign where you earn the most money. Can I get by just playing Ghost battles.

4 Is there any sort of command attack for learning characters.

5 Do you think Campaign will be more fun with an online friend playing.


robut said:
You have to beat the brawler mode to get character endings? Jesus fucking christ.

What the hell were they thinking? I don't want to go through it once let alone 42 bloody times.


IcebergSlim3000 said:
Ok Ive got some questions.

1 Are there any costume or customization items only available during the campaign mode
Doesn't seem to be. But the items that you pick up in the campaign have attributes to them. Things like 26 fire damage, 50% item drop increase, etc. Items you purchase from from the main menu don't get these attributes it seems.

2 Are all items available from the start, so you only need to save up the money to buy them.
There are a couple of items that unlock after you complete the campaign mode. There may be other items that unlock from other modes but I haven't found any yet.

3 Is campaign where you earn the most money. Can I get by just playing Ghost battles.
Campaign is where you earn the most of your money. Items in this game are ungodly expensive (some items are 2 million, auras for characters go as much as 10 million). Levels in campaign will earn you over $150,000. Ghost battles get you about $5,000 to $6,000 depending on the ranking of the opponent.

4 Is there any sort of command attack for learning characters.
No. Plus to add to the disappointment, the sample combos they have in the command list don't show you the notation (unless I am missing something).

5 Do you think Campaign will be more fun with an online friend playing.
I think it would be because your AI partner can be pretty stupid at times. Like the AI won't pick up health on their own and you have to walk them over health. Plus it would be nice to have a partner to coordinate your attacks on the bosses since they cannot block attacks from the front and the back at the same time.

Got any more questions, I'll try to get you some answers.
OniLee said:
I think it would be because your AI partner can be pretty stupid at times. Like the AI won't pick up health on their own and you have to walk them over health. Plus it would be nice to have a partner to coordinate your attacks on the bosses since they cannot block attacks from the front and the back at the same time.

Got any more questions, I'll try to get you some answers.
What about this?:
Kuraudo said:
What the hell were they thinking? I don't want to go through it once let alone 42 bloody times.

Refering to going through campaign mode to unlock endings. Just once or with everyone?
How short is the brawler mode? Please say no more than 5 minutes.

I mean, if it's short and actually pretty fun then I'll totally swallow my words. But right now I was totally looking forward to getting Tekken 6 on Tuesday, blowing through the arcade mode to get the endings and as a way of light training. The brawler mode looks like shit, I've played all the Tekken games and all the different modes and this campaign mode I am not looking forward to. While it's cool for Namco to have all the characters unlocked from the get-go it really sucks that one of the things the series is best known for to be buried under something the series is reviled for.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
What about this?:
When you are not fighting, your partner follows you and doesn't really move off your path/line. So you have to kind of walk near a health pickup, then move yourself so your partner walks into it. Sorry if this doesn't make much since, but once you play the mode you will understand.

Refering to going through campaign mode to unlock endings. Just once or with everyone?

After you complete the first tutorial level, you select a character that you want to use in the mode. Each level of the campaign has a boss that is a character from the game. After you beat that level, you can use that character in a stage called the arena. The arena is where you get the prologue and endings for each character.

The fights that happen at the arena are just like a normal fight, not like the campaign mode. There are 4 stages in the arena fights. The first two are against characters that relate to the characters' story (i.e. Bryan vs. Yoshimitsu, Asuka vs. Feng, etc.) Stage 3 is against Jin and the final fight is against Azazel.


robut said:
How short is the brawler mode? Please say no more than 5 minutes. [/QUOTE=robut]

Levels in the mode take less than 5 minutes usually. There really is no exploration, but some stages have different paths.
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