Cheebs said:Wait so Namco fucked up the online in this?
Another patch is extremely unlikely. I don't think servers have any impact on a peer to peer fighting game, nor would adjustments. More people might help, yeah, but we also have reports of people with 4 to 5 bars having laggy matches, so more people may just mean more shit to wade through. And I think many of the people complaining about the online have played other fighters without issue so I'm not likely to pin it on their connections.Lyte Edge said:I'm no network expert, but there's-
-The possibility of a patch or more servers on launch day
-The possibility that they are adjusting things right now. We have reports of the online going down then coming back up.
-The fact that once more people have purchased it, you'll get better games due to more people being closer to you.
-The possibility that people reporting on the connections have shitty connections themselves.
-The fact that the Xbox 360 version's online play isn't even up yet, so we have no idea how that version fares.
I'm just in it for the online, and I don't have the patience for anything less than SF4-quality. I've been spoiled! Current impressions are in line with early impressions for other games that didn't cut the mustard for me, so I'm wary right now. That's all. I'd love to be wrong about it all though!I'm not glossing over what people are saying, but I'm also not going to up and cancel my pre-order over it, either. It's not like everything being said is condemning the game and 100% negative. Some of you guys are overreacting.
My connection's pretty good but I have no idea about PS3 nat type. Until recently it's pretty much been a Demon's Souls machine. I wasn't big on anyway SC4 so I gave up on it pretty quickly. All that DLC deeply offended me for some reason.But see, I've had plenty of great connections on PS3 too. What kind of connection do you have? What's your PS3 nat type? That stuff matters.
BlazBlue was a little different. Online play was there out of the box, there was just a patch to improve it. Same with SF4.ShinobiFist said:People are getting it twisted, This download that we were prompted to was to enable us to access online, that's all, and the 360 obviously will get the download as well. We haven't receive a "patch" yet. Like people said earlier, the same thing happen with BB(Net-play wise)
Are you saying you can't refuse matches against opponents with bad ping?? That alone may be a dealbreaker for me. I thought this game would be a sure thing. Why does the port sound so half-assed?The thing I hate about rank matches is that your force to fight your opponent no matter what. Is not like in BB, were you get to see the players connection and decide if you want to kick him out or not. It goes like this, you pick your character, it starts synching.....And boom, you fight your opponent. I encounter two Eddie Gordos(Both 2 bars)in a row, and that was it for me on rank matches. The thing that bugs me is that the game runs smooth on a connection like that, but the input lag is INSANE. 1-2 sec delay at times!
No, but multiplatform games sometimes perform better on one console than another!Class_A_Ninja said:That's right...they DO connect to different internets.
Class_A_Ninja said:That's right...they DO connect to different internets.
I'm one of them. My playtime with SC4 online was extremely limited, but most of thew few games I did play were pretty damn smooth if I matched up with somebody in the green. If Tekken 6 can at least match that, I'll be satisfied.Skilletor said:There are people that considered SC4 'playable' online? :lol
Sai said:I'm one of them. My playtime with SC4 online was extremely limited, but most of thew few games I did play were pretty damn smooth if I matched up with somebody in the green. If Tekken 6 can at least match that, I'll be satisfied.
And I got it for the PS3. Kept hearing it was a bit better over Live, though I don't know if there's much truth to that.
The bigger problem is that most people completely misunderstand how netcodes even work. Your own connection doesn't have much of an effect as long as it has enough bandwidth (more bandwidth = no difference) and it's stable (which most connections out there should be). The biggest factor is the ping. The biggest problem is that most developers are fucking lazy and implement the laziest form of netcode (as a random example, you can look at shooters... Army of Two uses the same type of netcode you see in fighters. All other shooters do not.) They really should start putting any effort into the netcode and actually try new ideas. This current netcode is even ancient by standards 10 years ago.Lyte Edge said:Just reading that even those "laggy" matches were better than Soul Calibur IV means it will be fine. I've been re-playing SCIV a good bit the last few days, and get plenty of great connections.
People usually over-exaggerate on this stuff or just have crappy connections. I never have much of an issue with the likes of SF4, HD Remix, BlazBlue, Soul Calibur IV, MvC2, etc. The only fighter that's been released this generation with truely SHIT netcode is KOF XII.
All the early impressions seem to be for the ps3.MMaRsu said:Wait the online isn't good? What's going on? Only reason I'm getting it is online :lol
kage said:Sorry, I just gave it a try.
I played with 2 people from the same ISP as mine, one of them lives 20 minutes away. I can honestly say the netcode is worse than DR Online. On the best of matches its like a 0.5 second lag, none of the juggles work; you have to input everything slightly sooner.
I played hundreds of matches with these 2 people on SF4 and BB, never had a problem once.
Overall we're pretty disappointed, and we're huge tekken fans.
MrPliskin said:I know it's kind of crazy to ask your fanbase to 'find a scene' but I honestly do believe Tekken is considerably better offline in person, by a long shot.
Granted, not eveyrone has the same opportunities to play with other folks in their area, but if you can, it's definitely worth it. No netcode is going to be perfect, even if T6 is the worst of the bunch, you'll still get an experience that can't be matched offline.
Unless of course you just want to play casually.
Teknoman said:I'd think thats what the majority of people who buy Tekken, SF, Soul Caliber and other console versions of popular fighting games do.
Im still hoping all this is just because of the game being played before the official release date... If Capcom can do it with SFIV and Arc with Blazblue, Namco should've been able to with Tekken 6 by now. Even Virtual On XBLA version works great online.
MarkMan said:Before anyone starts trying to rip heads off, let me chime in with my experience and what people have been telling me.
MarkMan said:It was never my intention to steer people the wrong way, I was just relaying the message that Namco Bandai and people who have played/worked on the netcode have been mentioning.
Teknoman said:Cant you play the beat em up mode online as well?
Skilletor said:There are people that considered SC4i 'playable' online? :lol
Mattlikewhoa said:I'd like to know as well. I'd rather play with a friend then a dumb bot if I have to grind it out for $$$...
tapedeck said:Everyone should chill, FFS lets at least wait till the game is officially out before saying the online sucks. In all likelyhood the online is fine and they are waiting till tomorrow to activate all the servers.
haunts said:My Steve is going to own up everyone!! yeah!!!!
B+1 bitches!!!!
haunts you suck at accepting PSN friend requests.haunts said:MarkMan you suck at writing netcode.
Baron Aloha said:What is the story with Nina? When the game first came out everyone was like "oh she is still one of top 3 in the game" but now I see folks ranking her more towards the middle. Nina & Julia have been my mains since Tekken 3. I <3 Julia's wonder juggle in TTT and Nina's wonder juggle in T3.
LOL. I thought for sure they would hit him with the nerf stick this time around but from everything I've read he is even more of a beast in T6. When Tekken 7 rolls around they will probably give him even more new stances/ways of messing folks a southpaw stance or something. It took them how many games to knock the Mishimas down a few notches? They probably won't get to addressing Steve until Tekken 10 so you're safe for a few more installments. I should probably start using him myself actually.
Fersis said:haunts you suck at accepting PSN friend requests.
Input lag is the number one issue, and that wouldn't be noticable in the video unless you show your controller while playing or have really loud clicky buttons.LeMaximilian said:As soon as 360 version goes live tonight, I'll try to get a video showing some netcode examples.
YEah so you can FADC the hell out of your opponent but you cant accept a PSN requesthaunts said:I dont get on PSN much so dont take offense. Also, PSN friend accepts, messaging etc confuse the hell out of me so it wasnt intentional if you arent on my list.![]()
Fersis said:YEah so you can FADC the hell out of your opponent but you cant accept a PSN request
So complicated
No prob man.
Also it looks like im going to skip this game![]()
Rummy Bunnz said:360 patch is supposed to be up. Someone test it please!
haunts said:MarkMan you suck at writing netcode.
ThatCrazyGuy said:Anybody reading this thread?
Anybody experiencing the same things? USMCOgre says online straight up sucks![]()