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Official TEKKEN 6 "Who needs a FADC? We got RAGE!" Thread

riskVSreward said:
I refuse to keep getting wallet raped by a big Japanese company that doesn't give two shits about me.

I'm really starting to feel this way as well. I really wish an American company would get in on the fighting game party so there'd be a company who might listen to our concerns. I can understand SEGA not giving a fuck about us since the west shamefully doesn't buy their games, but Namco? The west consistently makes up the majority of their console sales and they consistently say "fuck you" to us.
arstal said:
If casuals don't care about code, why did BB sell and KOF not sell? Both games appeal to the animu crowd, gameplay-wise they were about the same quality also, though different games entirely. I think the pirates giving the early heads-up on the shitty netcode spread fast. Casuals do read the general gaming sites, which had warnings before launch.
All good points, but I still have a hard time believing early netcode inpressions influence anything other than the most hardcore. A lot of casuals wouldn't be able to tell good netcode from bad provided it wasn't KOF bad. Maybe a lot of people just became so enamored with the SF brand, and decided they don't need another fighter because "SF is the best one." That happened with Madden back when 2K was competing, my buddies who couldn't afford that many games or weren't as interested in gaming as me got Madden based off of the hype. I tried to get them to play 2K but no one was interested because "lol, everyone knows Madden is the best."

I don't have the numbers in front of me, but we are all familiar with the disparity between SF4 sales and Tekken sales. You can't attribute all of that to people saying the netcode is bad, it's not realistic.

Anyway, I think my original point was that this patch isn't going to boost sales whether it's great or not. Obviously, there are some fans sitting on the fence waiting to see if the patch actually fixes it, but they are the minority. I of course want it to be great because I'm having fun with the offline content, but I've been going back to SF4 as of late to get my competition on. Markman has led me to believe this patch will in fact be good, and include some fixes/additions outside of the netcode, so I will just wait it out and hope I'm not dissapointed.
Master Thespian said:
I'm really starting to feel this way as well. I really wish an American company would get in on the fighting game party so there'd be a company who might listen to our concerns. I can understand SEGA not giving a fuck about us since the west shamefully doesn't buy their games, but Namco? The west consistently makes up the majority of their console sales and they consistently say "fuck you" to us.
Sadly, the only American-made fighting games that come to mind are absolute shit, broken, or just a little shitty. I wonder why there's so much xenophobia running around when it comes to Japanese devs, they must realize there's money to be made here as long as they aren't trying to drown us in a bucket of douche.


I seriously doubt casual gamers care much about netcode. Besides, did you actually read impressions from so called hardcore gamers around release of Tekken 6 (and any other online fighting game for that matter)? Many people were blaiming people's connections instead of the netcode, and some people were actually reporting the netcode to be good. The sad truth is that most people are absolutely clueless when it comes to netcodes.


riskVSreward said:
The saddest part is GGPO exists and no devs seem to give a shit.

The sad thing is GGPO doesn't work for all games. SF3 lags like a mother fucker for example. Also the service is only functional if you open all your ports, at least for me.
You'd think the game sucked if you only looked at this thread.

I'll pop in just to say that it's a fantastic game with an equally wonderful fighting engine. Get some friends together and play some splitscreen or something.
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
You'd think the game sucked if you only looked at this thread.

I'll pop in just to say that it's a fantastic game with an equally wonderful fighting engine. Get some friends together and play some splitscreen or something.

Zeenbor said:
Any ETA on when Namco is patching the online mode for PS3?
next week/in a few days


Whine Whine FADC Troll
riskVSreward said:
All good points, but I still have a hard time believing early netcode inpressions influence anything other than the most hardcore. A lot of casuals wouldn't be able to tell good netcode from bad provided it wasn't KOF bad. Maybe a lot of people just became so enamored with the SF brand, and decided they don't need another fighter because "SF is the best one." That happened with Madden back when 2K was competing, my buddies who couldn't afford that many games or weren't as interested in gaming as me got Madden based off of the hype. I tried to get them to play 2K but no one was interested because "lol, everyone knows Madden is the best."

I don't have the numbers in front of me, but we are all familiar with the disparity between SF4 sales and Tekken sales. You can't attribute all of that to people saying the netcode is bad, it's not realistic.

When Kotaku and G4 slam your netcode, something's wrong, and everyone notices.

The most hardcore tend to play offline more then online in tournies. I can't see Tekken sales dropping 90% though without something being up.


KAL2006 said:
MK vs Tekken confirmed


aka II VerTigo II
i hate bees said:
Can anyone recommend a decent game pad? I picked up the 360 version and find the default d-pad more or less unuseable for my main (Paul). I don't fancy a stick as I've only used PS controllers which I'm used to now, I looked at the Hori SF4 pads but I can't get a plain one and they're all plastered with crappy artwork.
Madcatz fight pad works fine for me.




I always manage to get her down to, like, about 3% health and the time runs out or she does some move I'm not entirely used to and manages to land it.



Nemesis556 said:


I always manage to get her down to, like, about 3% health and the time runs out or she does some move I'm not entirely used to and manages to land it.


Use King. You can hit her with this f+1+2 over and over again w/out any damage, and you just have to move when she tries to take the floor out. Very easy.


FindMyFarms said:
Disclaimer : I suck at tekken

With that said, here's 2 vids of my scrubby Baek in casuals



You get to see my bigass head in teh 2nd video too.

Not bad at all. You got good rythym and keep yourself safe. You just use too few tools.

Remember in flamingo you can sidestep like a crazy mofo. Ride around the oponnent. Hidden sidestep in flamingo while holding 3 input b,f+4, to that sidestep you can add normal sidestep and repeat. You can go like a gokart! :D

Let me list some moves that may help you:

4,3,3~f_b cancels to flamingo. On CH it juggles. Then b+3 for bound. Also usable in juggles.

df+1,3 or ws+1,3~b_f safe mid high string that ends in flamingo. Use it after bound to pick up oponnent.

ws+2,1 great new combo that bounds for free. You can use it after db+4 sweep for instant bound.

d+1,4 not usable in juggles but it's natural combo and got sick damage.

db+3,3~b_f you use it in the videos but you don't cancel the second 3 to flamingo. You can use it to pick up grounded oponents for more jugling like 1,2 FLA, 1,2 FLA etc.

f+2,1,2 and f+2,1,4 good strings for mixups especialy the second one that hits low.

uf+2 this move looks slow, but it's a good tool to surprise the oponnent. You can do it from flamingo. No one expects that.

uf+4 Hopkick. Basic launcher. Use it. Enemy can't duck under it.

FLA uf+3 Similar hopkick like above but done with other leg from flamingo stance.

f,d,df+3 skyrocket kick. I love it. After it you can get uf+3,4,3 that ends in bound.

b+1 wierd looking move but surprisingly effective. Bounds in juggles.

db+2 good mid.

df+3+4 air throw. For show, but note that it connects when oponnents hits the wall. So it's good.

Trick kicks jump uf,n,3 and so on. Look like normal kicks, but are not. First hit crumple stuns.

b+1+2 punch parry. Hold back for flamingo or hit 3 for special guaranteed kick.

There's more most likely, but I'm tired like a dog now and can't think too straight, lol.

Train those flamingo cancels. Experiment. Enjoy!


i hate bees said:
Can anyone recommend a decent game pad? I picked up the 360 version and find the default d-pad more or less unuseable for my main (Paul). I don't fancy a stick as I've only used PS controllers which I'm used to now, I looked at the Hori SF4 pads but I can't get a plain one and they're all plastered with crappy artwork.

The MadCatz SF Tournament Edition Round 2 Stick is a little less artwork heavy.


GrayFoxPL said:
Not bad at all. You got good rythym and keep yourself safe. You just use too few tools.

Remember in flamingo you can sidestep like a crazy mofo. Ride around the oponnent. Hidden sidestep in flamingo while holding 3 input b,f+4, to that sidestep you can add normal sidestep and repeat. You can go like a gokart! :D

Let me list some moves that may help you:

4,3,3~f_b cancels to flamingo. On CH it juggles. Then b+3 for bound. Also usable in juggles.

df+1,3 or ws+1,3~b_f safe mid high string that ends in flamingo. Use it after bound to pick up oponnent.

ws+2,1 great new combo that bounds for free. You can use it after db+4 sweep for instant bound.

d+1,4 not usable in juggles but it's natural combo and got sick damage.

db+3,3~b_f you use it in the videos but you don't cancel the second 3 to flamingo. You can use it to pick up grounded oponents for more jugling like 1,2 FLA, 1,2 FLA etc.

f+2,1,2 and f+2,1,4 good strings for mixups especialy the second one that hits low.

uf+2 this move looks slow, but it's a good tool to surprise the oponnent. You can do it from flamingo. No one expects that.

uf+4 Hopkick. Basic launcher. Use it. Enemy can't duck under it.

FLA uf+3 Similar hopkick like above but done with other leg from flamingo stance.

f,d,df+3 skyrocket kick. I love it. After it you can get uf+3,4,3 that ends in bound.

b+1 wierd looking move but surprisingly effective. Bounds in juggles.

db+2 good mid.

df+3+4 air throw. For show, but note that it connects when oponnents hits the wall. So it's good.

Trick kicks jump uf,n,3 and so on. Look like normal kicks, but are not. First hit crumple stuns.

b+1+2 punch parry. Hold back for flamingo or hit 3 for special guaranteed kick.

There's more most likely, but I'm tired like a dog now and can't think too straight, lol.

Train those flamingo cancels. Experiment. Enjoy!
awesome! thanks!

I spent like about an hour earlier today trying to figure out and transcribe all of Baek's practice mode combos. I figured them all out but reading all that helps much more!

he's my secondary!!
Hey thanks for the advice GrayFoxPL, really helpful shit.

I was so hesitant to flamingo cancel cuz the other player was always pressing buttons. Is there a way to punish that aside form ending the d 3, 4, 4 string with 3? Also what is Baek's best wall combo or should I just stick to that air throw?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The PSP version is now confirmed as out early and selling in NYC China Town.


Anyone else get it early? I'm curious about how it'll be on ad hoc party.


Customize, Main menu, Practice and story mode character selection and arcade music ending(first part) are all unique to the PSP version.

I installed the game and it runs much better, without install it's slightly slower than DR.

During the win and intro pose, no music plays, just the intro.

What they did with the customization was only allow 1 upper body and 1 lower body, no arms. So upper body parts and arm parts and extra upper body parts are usually ina set (an example would be Jin's school jacket, which is forced with a arm band and dress shirt)

Overall it's fine, Just I have 2 major gripes with it:

You can't choose which side you start on, you're always on 1p, they took it out for some reason...

The sound is like Soul Calibur Broken Destiny, everything sounds so mono and low quality. Especially when you hear the announcer and the sound effects

Also, Lars and Alisa have endings, they have thier own prologues with exclusive illustrations but...
Lets say you'll be dissapointed lol.

Also, to dexplain more of the customization options, It's:

Head - Only 3 of the 6 generics are present, cowboy hat, bandanna and sports cap
Face - Only 3 of the 6 generic glasses are present: Aviator, Thick and Sharp
upper body - It's a fusion of upper body,inner upper body, arms and shoulders and whatnot put together. Again like Jin's School jacket is a fusion of his school jacket,dress shirt and arm band.
lower body - leg items and lower body items are fused, An example with asuka is her skirts and her pants are fused with kneel socks or loafers
other - You can only equip one sword, all the generics are there, just no left side, right side, it's only left side. Back items are there also
effect - comic efects
rage - rages
aura - aurea
hair - all the hair is here I believe
custom colour - here is where you change the colours of the item you got. So if you bought upper body stuff lets say, you can change the colour of it here (so no buying the same item in different colours)

Also no gameplay changes, so the core gameplay is still intact


The load times in this game (PS3) are nearly unbearable. I've only played a bit of offline arcade mode so far, but it's taking like 45 seconds between every match.
First and foremost I hate how every new American character is blond and FAT,
I think it’s a cheep shot on American culture as a whole.:D
The game was great but the online was horrible, I thought Namco would be flawless at this after the near perfection of Soul Caliber IV but alas it was WEEK, The lag was so bad and constant,
Almost every fight I fought on line was a lag fest and those are horrible because it’s a fighting game! Instant quickness and knowing your characters moves and the opponent moves is crucial to the win, Blah all in all, it looked great and when playing locally its very fun, The line up though is assume, and how they tell the back story is perfect.


I haven't had too much lag recently but I seem to be getting nothing but bad/flowcharty players in general.Your typical Christie,Baek,Hwo mashers,people who use 2-4 of the same moves over and over again,those who don't know how to wake up AT ALL(lays on the ground and eats the same move),etc.It also doesn't help that most of my Tekken buds just don't bother with online at all since we all have crappy connections against each other.:lol (SAME FUCKIN CITY TOO)I feel like I'm getting worse instead of improving by playing nothing but these type of players.Ghost doesn't help either since they all seem to have the fatal flaw of eating deathfist type moves most of the time.Alas I won't be able to go to any real gatherings until I'm done with school(end of Dec)


Costanza said:
The load times in this game (PS3) are nearly unbearable. I've only played a bit of offline arcade mode so far, but it's taking like 45 seconds between every match.

Holy shit man, install that bad boy. Options options!
Caj814 said:
I haven't had too much lag recently but I seem to be getting nothing but bad/flowcharty players in general.Your typical Christie,Baek,Hwo mashers,people who use 2-4 of the same moves over and over again,those who don't know how to wake up AT ALL(lays on the ground and eats the same move),etc.It also doesn't help that most of my Tekken buds just don't bother with online at all since we all have crappy connections against each other.:lol (SAME FUCKIN CITY TOO)I feel like I'm getting worse instead of improving by playing nothing but these type of players.Ghost doesn't help either since they all seem to have the fatal flaw of eating deathfist type moves most of the time.Alas I won't be able to go to any real gatherings until I'm done with school(end of Dec)

hey, at least ur playing... my PS3 disc motor died so I have to wait till the PSP version hits to start playing again.


JEKKI said:
awesome! thanks!

I spent like about an hour earlier today trying to figure out and transcribe all of Baek's practice mode combos. I figured them all out but reading all that helps much more!

he's my secondary!!

FindMyFarms said:
Hey thanks for the advice GrayFoxPL, really helpful shit.

I was so hesitant to flamingo cancel cuz the other player was always pressing buttons. Is there a way to punish that aside form ending the d 3, 4, 4 string with 3? Also what is Baek's best wall combo or should I just stick to that air throw?

Glad to be of any help guys!

FMF, I think you mean d+4,3,3,3 string. You can do d+3 for on the last kick, doesn't do much damage, but most block the last mid 3. But maybe you meant something else. There's also new d+4,4,4 string I forgot. Best wall combo...Hmm...dunno. My mind is off Beak right now and I don't want to post some bullshit by mistake. lol Anyway, wall combos differ in what you can get in depending on how high oponnent "splats" on wall or if you get a wall stun. Like from flamingo f+3 kick will wallstun the guy then you can get high damaging f+4 from flamingo or other combos. Best way is to experiment. For online matches it's good to stick to easy combos that don't need good timing. Maybe they won't do huge damage but at least they get in.

Btw. Little advice on how to train in practice mode:

Set Dummy 1 to "Stand to guard". This will make the cpu attempt to block after the first hit. This is great way to see which strings are blockable. Ofcourse human oponents won't block every blockable string, but good ones will at least try. Without this option on combos give false impression that every string is unblockable. Test strings with both counter hit on and off. Some become combos on ch others never.

Set Dummy 2 to "Quick roll up or down". This is also called techroll or just "tech" ("Tech that shit dude!"). There are other options but most of the time you and your oponnent will tech left or right by instinct. Without this option on testing juggles misses the point.

To be honest half of my playtime in tekken is siting in practice mode and experimenting. It's like crack. :D

Oh yeah, I said my mind is off Beak Doo San, because I'm testing up Jin lately. Oh brother. For a boss he surly needs to break a sweat or two to win. Compared to T5 and DR it's like one step forward and one step back. Some could even say "two steps back".
Maybe I'll do little write up rant later. I like him anyway. You got to work to win and focus on mind games, mind games and more mind games. Sweet and sour character - my kind of shit. And it's karate - can't say no to karate! :lol

Btw the most hilarious thing in Tekken 6:
Beating Azazel with Beak and hearing him say: "You should take up Taekwondo!".

Yeah you huge ancient chicken god, take up taekwondo! Come to my dojo, classes are monday to friday! :lol

I'm sorry, but it's just too funny. Gets me every time!
arstal said:
Apparently new copies of T6 are getting pricedropped at Gamestop already.

Apparently the official sales are THAT BAD. (hearing that as of Nov.1 it was sub 200k- combined). This will be the bomb of 2009 at this rate.

The question is- did Tekken 6 bomb because of the pre-launch reports, or because of being a victim of MW2? I think it's the former.

I'm worried about the patch now, with them taking this much of a batch, will lthey gave a shit about it?

If Tekken 6 only sold 200k to 300k across both platforms, I think it was more due to timing rather than bad netcode. Most casual gamers do not even check on things like good netcode from what I've seen. All they care about is if online play is there. The game IMO should of came out much sooner than it did or at least came out during Summer of 2009 to avoid the onslaught of the crowded Fall/Winter line-up with high profile games such as MW2, Assassins Creed 2 and Uncharted 2. I think the game is amazing and it is my favorite fighter of this generation. Then again, I am a hardcore Tekken fan, so this isn't much of a surprise to me. Online runs pretty decent for me most of the times, but juggling is very difficult online due to lag. Not to mention, I see the same players online use their "too-easy to play" characters over and over again resorting to their button mashing tactics. I can normally beat them, but due to delayed input time, it can be challenging at times. I think the game can easily hit half a million by Christmas in the US. I hope it gets great sales worldwide because I want to see a Tekken 7 even though it might not come out until another 5 to 6 years.
So has anyone who purchased the game from Amazon received their Cardboard Tube Samurai code yet? They sent an apology letter saying they are working on it, but I still haven't received it.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
RelentlessRolento said:
just put my pre-order for PSP version today and I'll pick it up tomorrow. I need it badly since my PS3 copy wont play due to the PS3 BD motor being dead :(

It's out tomorrow? Everything I'm seeing says it ships tomorrow...
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