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Official TEKKEN 6 "Who needs a FADC? We got RAGE!" Thread


finally unsealed the game and played some Scenario Mode. holy shit, so bad....

but the wireless joystick works fine. so good to not wrangle wires once i'm done with it.


butthurt Heat fan
Defensor said:
Jun isn't dead yet.. just missing:


And in part II of the Harada interview:
Considering what happens at the end of SC mode, I expect Jun to comeback in Tekken 7. At least storyline wise. I mean, as long as Asuka's playable, it's all good on my end gameplay wise, but storyline wise, I'd like to see this resolved.

What I can say is that as far as the development team is concerned, only two people in the story are officially, absolutely dead: the original King (killed by Ogre), and the original Armor King (killed by Marduk). In the world of Tekken, the only characters that actually seem to die real deaths so far are pro wrestlers.

Actually, make that three (the original Kuma died of old age between T2 and T3... don't ask why I know this), but yeah, as long as that's his stance, I'm keeping hope alive...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
So, regarding Tekken's uh..."deep" story, regarding King, Marduk, and Armor King:

The current King is the second person to use the name and is one of the grown-up kids from the orphanage the original King helped out, right? And the original King was killed by Marduk, or was it Armor King?

And who are the original and current Armor Kings supposed to be?


butthurt Heat fan
Lyte Edge said:
So, regarding Tekken's uh..."deep" story, regarding King, Marduk, and Armor King:

The current King is the second person to use the name and is one of the grown-up kids from the orphanage the original King helped out, right?


And the original King was killed by Marduk, or was it Armor King?
Armor King.

And who are the original and current Armor Kings supposed to be?
In the immortal words of the Neon Genesis Evangelion fandom, I don't know, fanwank something.


King 1(Tekken 1-2):Bad kid from the streets who had a history of fighting,that turned his life around and became a Priest.To help support an orphanage he starts he decides to don the Jaguar mask and become King.By T2 he hits rough times and becomes a drunk and it's his rival Armor King who helps bring him back on his feet for the next tourney

King 2(Tekken 3-6):The original King was killed.One of the kids from Kings orphanage decides to take up the mask and go out for revenge,but he is a crappy fighter.Cue Armor King 1 who helps train him until he finds out the details about King 1's death and goes after Ogre for T3.

Armor King
1(Tekken 1-2,TTT)
:Rival/friend of King 1 and mentor/trainer of King 2.He also was a friend of Jinpachi Mishima and picked up a few tricks from him(his version of the Wind God Fist).By T4 he had gotten into a bar fight with Marduck which
killed him(Now this is my assumption.Judging from his T2 ending and Kings T3 ending AK MIGHT have had a terminal illness or health condition and that fight with Marduck in combination with his health pushed his body over the edge and that is what most likely killed him)
Armor King 2(Tekken 5 DR-Tekken 6):BROTHER(no details on if he is a twin,younger,older,adopted etc) of Armor King 1.He is out to get revenge on Marduck for his brothers death.


Caj814 said:
King 1(Tekken 1-2):Bad kid from the streets who had a history of fighting,that turned his life around and became a Priest.To help support an orphanage he starts he decides to don the Jaguar mask and become King.



Lyte Edge said:
It does seem that way, doesn't it? :lol

"Hmm...so for Tekken 3, we are bringing the series into the future. All characters will age 15 years. What do you want to do about the females? Jun?"

"Let's kill her!" "OK. We'll make Jin her son and give him some of her moves."


"Let's kill her!"

"All right. We can just put in her daughter or something."

"Anna and Nina?"

"Let them age?"



"Seriously, any ideas?"

"Let's kill th--" "Now, now, we can't be doing that with everyone."

"I know! CRYO FREEZE!" "Great job!"

"That's the females. What about the males?

"Huh? Let 'em age, who gives a ****? Throw the ones we don't want into a volcano or something. Nobody cares. Now get cracking on new females. We need a Chinese schoolgirl."


Prototype. We have to play this soon.

10 matches.

3 of them 5 bar (Teal)
5 of them 4 bar (Green)
2 of them 3 bar (Yellow)

5 and 4 bar? Flawless. I put my setting to American (Region), Connection (best) and mic off. I was playing with zero lag. Blazblue quality shit I tell ya. The 3 bars was still very playable but the small lag was doable (ie: DRO best).

Edit: Can't do bounds from before? You better fucking believe you can now.

Edit 2: Eat that SNK! Learn to fucking patch! Namco redeemed!

Edit 3: Oh yeah, PS3 version. I'd love to hear some 360 impressions to!


CcrooK said:
Prototype. We have to play this soon.

10 matches.

3 of them 5 bar (Teal)
5 of them 4 bar (Green)
2 of them 3 bar (Yellow)

5 and 4 bar? Flawless. I put my setting to American (Region), Connection (best) and mic off. I was playing with zero lag. Blazblue quality shit I tell ya. The 3 bars was still very playable but the small lag was doable (ie: DRO best).

Edit: Can't do bounds from before? You better fucking believe you can now.

Edit 2: Eat that SNK! Learn to fucking patch! Namco redeemed!

Edit 3: Oh yeah, PS3 version. I'd love to hear some 360 impressions to!

Sounds good.

Amazon has it for $32. So if you're on the fence, jump. Also SCIV for $10.


loves Arcade Sticks
I had good fun with 4 and 5 rated connections.

I'll be on MarkManSDT (PSN) for awhile. If anyone wants to play send inv.


MarkMan said:
I had good fun with 4 and 5 rated connections.

I'll be on MarkManSDT (PSN) for awhile. If anyone wants to play send inv.

Ah man, you gonna be on over the weekend? I'll give ya an add.


Pai Pai Master said:
Please be accurate impressions. I will completely forgive Namco if I can play at least ONE decent match.

That's the best first impression I can give ya out of the 10 matches I tried. The fact that now you can chose to fight or not to fight with Ranked is awesome. So you can just stick with the 4 - 5 bar connections and have a hella good time.


Pai Pai Master said:
Please be accurate impressions. I will completely forgive Namco if I can play at least ONE decent match.
Fucking this.

I quit ranked matches completely when I kept losing to button mashers due lag.
ZOMG!! that's pretty awesome... that means I gotta set up online at my folk's place and play with a crappy arcade stick... but thanksgiving just got a hell of a lot better! I'll be on tomorrow morning... Too tired to play
wow... glad to hear ^_^

I just got Tekken God rank in the PSP version... addicted.

Im a bit sad I can't play online this weekend since i still gotta send out my PS3 to get fixed.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Damn can't wait to go home and download this. Been playing more lately now that I got interested in ranked matches. Playing with Lars.


Lyte Edge said:
Yeah, gotta wait until everyone has the patch first. I saw some other similar "F U NAMCO" posts from people in other countries, too. I think one guy was playing from Pakistan...no wonder he's got lag. :p

EDIT: I just hope the patch makes it easier to deal with crap like this:


Enough lag, and Kazuya spammers are invincible. :/

Oh shit the embarrasment kicks. Didn't that give Kaz a guard stagger after blocking low in Dr and before? I can't remember because no self respecting player would use that tool. Why did namco change it? So scrubs could win online?

The more and more I play the more I'm amazed and sometimes pissed off on how many moves were taken out or changed.

Btw. Maybe I'm being crazy, but I think that some core animators have changed in T6. I don't mean the massive reanimation, I mean the style of animation has changed. I don't know if that's since BR or Vanila T6 as I don't know which moves were added to BR vs T6. I'm looking at it from T5DR to T6BR perspective. Some of the new moves look fundamentally different in terms of animation. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it's like I can feel a different hand was on it. It's like something in your favorite cartoon starts looking different and you know something's up. The new moves that look "wierd" to me suddenly have that deformation, body streaching effect like you would animate a 2d character in fighting game to give it more "oomph". I'm not a fan of them. It's like they're missing some key frames somewhere in the middle or at the end. I have a theory that maybe Namco got lazy because the animations looked good with blur on so they stoped giving them more attention and polish. It's not that every new move looks bad, no. It's just that some of them look unfinished to me. Take Jin and his b+2,1 or his b+2 from crounching demon stance. Or look at Raven's new kicks from b+2,4 or BT f+2,4 and new f+2,3. Don't they look a bit odd?

To sum it up, I have a feeling similiar to when SNK crashed and new animators came to KOF and it showed.


Wow the netcode is massively improved. Even had some decent 2-3 bar games without anything terribly laggy at all. Color me impressed. This is on Live by the way but I'm hearing PSN is good too so that's awesome.


CcrooK said:
Prototype. We have to play this soon.

10 matches.

3 of them 5 bar (Teal)
5 of them 4 bar (Green)
2 of them 3 bar (Yellow)

5 and 4 bar? Flawless. I put my setting to American (Region), Connection (best) and mic off. I was playing with zero lag. Blazblue quality shit I tell ya. The 3 bars was still very playable but the small lag was doable (ie: DRO best).

Edit: Can't do bounds from before? You better fucking believe you can now.

Edit 2: Eat that SNK! Learn to fucking patch! Namco redeemed!

Edit 3: Oh yeah, PS3 version. I'd love to hear some 360 impressions to!


Anyone with Pal version please, pretty please, let me know if the patch is up so I can play people from Europe.


I will say this, with the patch I am able punish King's uf4 and d3+4 series that all the lovely little scrubs do. I even got hatemail from a king player that thought both moves were safe and omnipotent.


I was even able to pull of Lee's b2 juggles on a 4 bar connection. XDXDXD

That said the only bad thing is that when I set the filter to best connection I ran into a bunch of dans and kyus. But thats not a bad thing really because all that means is that the filter function actually works compared to say SF4.

Verdict for now: Much better than Soul, around the same level as SF4.


This patch is legit. I find it a ton more playable on 3 bars than it was before. Had a few matches now. But 4-5 is hot. Can we finally get tekkengaf online going? :O I'm total scrub just to warn :lol


Loves Robotech S1
PRAISE THE LAWD. Just played for a good hour and EVERYTHING IS RIGHT IN THE WORLD. Goddamn this is great. Even 2 bars have been pretty good with very little visible delay. 3 seems golden, which is good because I haven't seen higher than that yet. Once I spread the word my few ps3-owning friends will probably pick this up too.

Bravo Namco.



I have a feeling that this was supposed to be the netcode that was to ship with the game, but they couldn't finish it in time.


kiryogi said:
Can we finally get tekkengaf online going? :O I'm total scrub just to warn :lol

I can sign up for that!

There's a thread in online portion of the forum but it's deserted and grown full of weed and grass.

PSN: GrayFoxPL


Don't worry about scrubbiness. If all else fails my scrubby Bob outscrubbs anyone. :lol


What?... what? What? What what? Am I dreaming? I have to be dreaming, there's absolutely no other explanation. The online play is actually... good!?

There's little to no input lag in the games I've played so far (mostly 4 bar matches). I can actually react to stuff (I freaking BROKE throws online!), and I've had no difficulty whatsoever performing combos (the little I know of them). Even the matchmaking is drastically improved thanks to the option to decline a match after seeing the connection bar, and it smoothly continues matchmaking after that.

I'm absolutely baffled. After 3 years I never believed Namco would be able to create a netcode which is actually *good*. Even more baffling is that this is only some weeks after the game was released. Where the netcode in the original release was just disastrously awful.

I'm still in a state of utter shock. Whatever magic they've done, they *need* to release it as a patch for SC4 too.


Loves Robotech S1
I wish the rematch function worked online, at least in player matches. FIX THIS SHIT SCAMCO.

But yeah, I haven't been a Tekken aficionado very long but I consider myself pretty good for someone who's only human competition has been scrubby button-mashing non-fighter-playing friends. However I'm getting worked over pretty bad by some of these guys online, particularly the ones like eddy who I still don't have a good strategy for dealing with. Most of my fights have been awesome though and whenever I lose it's usually by a small margin. I've learned the ins and outs of lili's game pretty good by now...I should start taking a look at other characters.

I dropped my name in the matchup thread already: luka3x if anyone wants to add an almost-not-a-complete-scrub player to their list. :D


Just got this game. Haven't played since a Tekken since Tekken 5 DR. The game is significantly different for me, partly because I am playing it on a 360 controller for the first time. Having great difficulty pulling off my b&b Raven combos, he is some what different now. Great effects in the game also, animation is solid. Some areas look better than others.

That scenario campaign is a joke... :lol I will not be spending any time on that. Thank god the characters are already unlocked for me, time to invite some friends over!
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