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Official TEKKEN 6 "Who needs a FADC? We got RAGE!" Thread


Most of the hate it gets are from people who barely play the game. Also, I think 3d gets a bad rep. I know SC turned me off from 3d games for a while, and I doubt DOA did anything for the genre.


it does matter when you have a voice that can persuade those 90% of ppl,

it should be used responsibly to acknowledge that at least there is substance in the series.

instead it just reinforces ignorance and collective taste.


Loves Robotech S1
Yeah it's really out of hand. Every single tourny stream I've ever watched the chat turns into a shitstorm once tekken comes up. I mean ffs you KNEW they would be playing tekken and they're not going to fucking cancel an entire event just because you don't want to wait an hour to watch goddamn street fighter! Tekken 6 is the single most popular fighter in Japan right now for a reason.

The hate really does influence people too. My younger cousins recently started getting into the fighting scene and I used to play T5 and 6 with them a lot. Then SSF4 came along with it's Tekken hate-train fanbase and suddenly, one tournament stream later, they refuse to touch the game anymore because it's just "skill-less juggle fest" and "Daigo would never play Tekken!" Ugh. Fuck you internet. Stop corrupting my family!

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I just got into Tekken 6 like a month ago... didn't dig 5DR all that much, didn't like Tag much, but I loved Tekken 3 back in like.... 1998. I think the biggest thing working against the game is the character designs, and that the fighting engine doesn't really make sense until you've spent a while practicing it. Once you "get it", it's great... but I feel like the learning curve before the game gets fun is almost as steep here as it is with VF.


GrayFoxPL said:
Small megaton I fished out:

"I did'nt say "TK7 is being developed", I said "The next TK project started". (Interview in Spain). and SFxTK(TKxSF) is way off."
Does this mean we'll be getting Tekken 7 first (like say sometime next year at the earliest) & Tekken X Street Fighter sometime in 2012?


Yeah, there is a negative stigma, but the Tekken community is growing over it's DR days.

SF x Tekken should help assuming they don't screw it up

Finaika said:
Does this mean we'll be getting Tekken 7 first (like say sometime next year at the earliest) & Tekken X Street Fighter sometime in 2012?

I fully expect SF x Tekken in 2012...

and Tekken 7 another good some years after that
I'm not really one to make such comments as I'm a wee scrub when it comes to fighters... but isn't Tekken pathetically scrub-friendly by default anyway? I mean, I know there are the defenders here because the game has become their life and all... and they may know it like an elite guitarist knows his instrument, but that doesn't make it any more praise-worthy if you ask me. A person can become really good at molding shit into works of art- it's still shit.

Again, I'm not one who has any right to say this. Tekken and SC are the only fighters I play and the fact that they're scrub-friendly probably has a ton to do with that.

Watching top level play actually makes me laugh because I know there's this really serious tone in the air about who's better than who but what the fuck am I watching? Two dudes, herky-jerkying their way around each other and trying to land juggles which take way too long, get them to a wall, and watch more pummelage. Sure there's an exciting duck and whiff or two... but come on.

I think the more I surrounded myself on the internet with people who take this game way too seriously, the more upset with the game I became. I guess I prefer the slower-paced earlier titles which i bet would not be favored if it returned to that way again.
getting tekken 6 soon from a trade :D
although i got to look for fight pads since i don't have one

last tekken i played was 2 :lol i know smh at me , King better be in Tekken 6 B) i love that guy


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Watching top level play actually makes me laugh because I know there's this really serious tone in the air about who's better than who but what the fuck am I watching? Two dudes, herky-jerkying their way around each other and trying to land juggles which take way too long, get them to a wall, and watch more pummelage. Sure there's an exciting duck and whiff or two... but come on.

What you just described is a video game. Dudes pushing buttons and and getting a virtual reaction creating a competitive contest between the stimulus and response. All evolved from pong, to some people it became a hobby to take this even further. I don't know how you argue that this makes it "shit".

And your scrub friendly definition you'r insinuating basically means it's fun to play even at a casual level and has so much depth to it that it can be mastered as well. Again, doesn't tell me anything about why you think this is "shit".

But hey if you don't like it, don't play it. No one's forcing you.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
but isn't Tekken pathetically scrub-friendly by default anyway?

So is SFIV, what's your point? A good fighting game is a game that is easy to pick up and play, not some game that is so damn execution heavy that no one wants to spend 50+ hours to do a basic BnB.
AAK said:
What you just described is a video game. Dudes pushing buttons and and getting a virtual reaction creating a competitive contest between the stimulus and response. All evolved from pong, to some people it became a hobby to take this even further. I don't know how you argue that this makes it "shit".

And your scrub friendly definition you'r insinuating basically means it's fun to play even at a casual level and has so much depth to it that it can be mastered as well. Again, doesn't tell me anything about why you think this is "shit".

But hey if you don't like it, don't play it. No one's forcing you.

See, i didn't want to piss anyone off. I'm just bitter at the stale direction the game has taken.

Some videogames are much more fun to watch than others. Some look like the players playing are actually very skilled at what they do without resorting to the same ol' shit. I get bored watching Tekken vids... especially T6. I don't know why. Knowing my lameass, it's probably not so much the combos as I'd like to think but more the ugly customizations and years old character designs. But I'd still like to believe it's the combos. They're way too long and repetitive. It's not fun atching a player stay in the air because of a simple poke.

Give defense options during juggles and we wouldn't be having this conversation.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
It's not fun atching a player stay in the air because of a simple poke.

Can say that about any fighting game.

ST: Lose 50+% off one mistake
BB: Get counter hit for big damage
Marvel: 4x HVB that wipes your team out in a few seconds because your sentiel whiffed a move, and your assist got caught in the action.

Fighting games are all about risk and reward.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Some videogames are much more fun to watch than others. Some look like the players playing are actually very skilled at what they do without resorting to the same ol' shit.
What are these "some" videogames?
vocab said:
So is SFIV, what's your point? A good fighting game is a game that is easy to pick up and play, not some game that is so damn execution heavy that no one wants to spend 50+ hours to do a basic BnB.

I've become a fan of Tekken BECAUSE of it's simplicity. I meant no harm with that comment despite it's appearance. It's the elitists that I'm upset with. I have no problem making fun of the series and my own skill level.

I just don't get why there's so much fist pumping over performing combos that we've all been seeing on the internet over and over and over. People with great timing are commendable. I just don't like the "OMG, it's THAT juggle. Dude is SOOOO good". Haven't we all fucking performed that combo? And if you didn't, you did after seeing it.

Again, I'm a simpleton who likes the basics. Although my fickle ass only recently started enjoying T6 because I've fianlly gotten the hang of Yoshi's changes and, get this, have been finding my own combos and shit in practise mode. haha. See, don't take me to heart. I just like mocking those who take it seriously.
Finaika said:
What are these "some" videogames?

Ok, I can't come up with "some" but I can say I have much more fun watching people who don't know how to play than those who do if that makes sense. When I have a get together, I fucking LOVE watching people play against each other. I get excited seeing what happens on accident rather than the constant footsies and 10 maximum moves I see used by top players.


Finaika said:
What are these "some" videogames?

I can name a lot of games that are pretty skill less compared to ones that are. If were talking about fighting games though, I think all fighting games require some sort of skill just because a skill gap exists between people who play it.
I'm still in this state of mind because of a dude on TZ who bitched about Tekken's community being filled with "scrubs and noobs" and he's upset with Namco for making T6 this way because it brought said fans. This makes me laugh because I don't see how having learned the game over the course of years should make anyone feel superior over those just learning when Tekken was never THAT deep in the first place. This dude has no right claiming his shit don't stink because he started at some other game besides T6 and lives and breathes it every day. Trash talk against fellow competitors is one thing. Against anyone on a forum who's new is another.


So yeah, that sparked a sweet taste to mock Tekken and those who take it as if it's the deepest shit they've ever played simply because they're good at it.


Trust me a good majority of those juggles are not easy, and they do not land from a single poke... not from Tekken 6 BR at least. You really have to work for a juggle starter to land.

And the length of the juggle is also a testament of skill, making sure the player does not choke wither mid combo, which is extremely common in tournament level play.

But hey, it's cool, we all understand you're not a fan of the competitive scene it's cool. You can enjoy Tekken at whichever level you like.


And there are always pricks in every community that are unwelcome to new players (see DoTA). But if I was to guess, it is pinpointed to those scrubs who are always posting stupid remarks like "Asuka is such a whore bring back Jun, blahablahablah".

There are initiatives out there trying to bring people up to snuff:


And also check out the podcasts @



Loves Robotech S1
MoonsaultSlayer said:
I've become a fan of Tekken BECAUSE of it's simplicity. I meant no harm with that comment despite it's appearance. It's the elitists that I'm upset with. I have no problem making fun of the series and my own skill level.

I just don't get why there's so much fist pumping over performing combos that we've all been seeing on the internet over and over and over. People with great timing are commendable. I just don't like the "OMG, it's THAT juggle. Dude is SOOOO good". Haven't we all fucking performed that combo? And if you didn't, you did after seeing it.

Again, I'm a simpleton who likes the basics. Although my fickle ass only recently started enjoying T6 because I've fianlly gotten the hang of Yoshi's changes and, get this, have been finding my own combos and shit in practise mode. haha. See, don't take me to heart. I just like mocking those who take it seriously.

People aren't actually impressed by the juggle combos themselves. Anyone can do them with practice. What really determines skill is the mind game and a solid grasp of the fundementals. Being able to repeatedly read your opponent and set up a juggle is what it's about. Look at any SF4 tournament and you see Daigo using the same basic combo/ultra setup every single time. All fighting games are basically the same in that respect.
AAK said:
Trust me a good majority of those juggles are not easy, and they do not land from a single poke... not from Tekken 6 BR at least. You really have to work for a juggle starter to land.

And the length of the juggle is also a testament of skill, making sure the player does not choke wither mid combo, which is extremely common in tournament level play.

But hey, it's cool, we all understand you're not a fan of the competitive scene it's cool. You can enjoy Tekken at whichever level you like.


And there are always pricks in every community that are unwelcome to new players (see DoTA). But if I was to guess, it is pinpointed to those scrubs who are always posting stupid remarks like "Asuka is such a whore bring back Jun, blahablahablah".

Me and fighting games = not so much. Me and Tekken = we go way back.

However, I don't play at a top level despite how long I've played. I don't sit there and learn it like everyone else. No biggie.

I feel relieved bitching again. But I want to end with something constructive. I would REALLY like to see defense options during juggles. I feel like a broken record saying that but if anything would make me want to play it more competitively, it would be just that.

How I see it implemented: Similar to throws, a correct button press that matches your opponents button press blocks the juggle allowing you to land safely. Timing is extremely important as a wrong press leaves you at a disadvantage and unable to attempt another escape for a few frames. Also, you should be allowed to ukemi a bound if your timing is godly. This addition would get rid of the boring ass, predictable juggles as more and more advanced folks would be able to snuff that juggle in no time. This would create so many oppurtunities for guessing games and shit. Imagine feigning a juggle just to get your opponent to try and block it only to leave them to fall to the ground unable to ukemi, roll or what have you because they are in the dead frames thanks to mis-timing a block... Ground games galore.

EDIT: Thanks for the tips and links and stuff, but I've been following Tekken for years. I'm just not interested in being up to snuff. I'm one of those oddballs that actually likes playing against the cpu and a proper story mode. I can do without a W/L record and my username in place of the character's name. i can also do without customizations that look retarded.

But, if what i mentioned above was implemented, I'd actually give a shit about the competitive side.


If the team wants to implement that.... I'd be cool with it since I love the core mechanics so much.

But Namco accommodated the damage in juggles by increasing the health of everyone from 145 in Tekken 5 to 180 in Tekken 6 and reducing the DMG on a vast majority of those moves (ignoring T6 vanilla).

The whole thing about Juggles is that it's a reward for punishing the other player. And to bear the maximum fruits of that reward, you have to be skilled enough to pull off the complete combo, or juggle as you refer to it. That's why I personally find it really fair.

Online however, the system becomes broken since I see Law's dragon tail coming at me and I block but the lag doesn't receive my input in time and get a ridiculous chunk of my life obliterated.

And I'm personally really cool with a Tekken tournament.
Yeah, T6 online kills my combos. After hours ( more like minutes) practicing them, I go online and I'm fucking I'm performing crouch jabs and hop kicks instead of what I want. Or sometimes I dash in, wait, and press 1+4 for yoshi's flash but the lag doesn't recognize the pause so I end up turning around for a fake suicide leaving myself exposed. Happens so often lol.


Loves Robotech S1
MoonsaultSlayer said:
I feel relieved bitching again. But I want to end with something constructive. I would REALLY like to see defense options during juggles. I feel like a broken record saying that but if anything would make me want to play it more competitively, it would be just that.

See, now this I can agree with. T6 has sort of hit an evolutionary dead end for the series as it's been progressing from 3 and 5. As much as I love Tekken, any more focus on new ways to expand and prolong juggles will just make the community collapse on itself. :D

I personally wouldn't mind seeing bounds disappear.

Kadey said:
Who wants a Tekken 6 GAF tournament?!!!!

-=crickets chirp=-

Okay. Nobody.



Whine Whine FADC Troll
MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm not really one to make such comments as I'm a wee scrub when it comes to fighters... but isn't Tekken pathetically scrub-friendly by default anyway? I mean, I know there are the defenders here because the game has become their life and all... and they may know it like an elite guitarist knows his instrument, but that doesn't make it any more praise-worthy if you ask me. A person can become really good at molding shit into works of art- it's still shit.

Again, I'm not one who has any right to say this. Tekken and SC are the only fighters I play and the fact that they're scrub-friendly probably has a ton to do with that.

Watching top level play actually makes me laugh because I know there's this really serious tone in the air about who's better than who but what the fuck am I watching? Two dudes, herky-jerkying their way around each other and trying to land juggles which take way too long, get them to a wall, and watch more pummelage. Sure there's an exciting duck and whiff or two... but come on.

I think the more I surrounded myself on the internet with people who take this game way too seriously, the more upset with the game I became. I guess I prefer the slower-paced earlier titles which i bet would not be favored if it returned to that way again.

Well, it takes a lot more effort then that.

I got to play a top player once. I'm not an idiot when it comes to fighting games. I couldn't generate one lick of offense. I was shut out entirely by defense. This is why I prefer Virtua Fighter BTW- you can't really shut someone out and turtle in VF like you can in Tekken. The only time I got juggled was due to frustration wwhen I started taking risks cause I was losing.

Tekken is not great , but it's good. It's just not appealing to the Daigo-worshipping crowd.

I think people are right about Tekken being at a dead end though- they need a gimmick to restart the series again, either another Tag Battle- or a "turn back the clock" to 1960's style game with young Heihachi.


Mrs. Harvey
MarkMan said:
<3 oh yea, talk to me

If I can only.
Find the words to sayyyyyyyyyyyyy what you mean to me.
If I can only.
Break these chains of fear that keep binding me.
Every day you pass me by. I can't help but tremble inside.
There's only one way I know. To make you mine.
Only in my dreams are you here with me. You hold me in your arms attentively.
You look into my eyes and whisper to me. Never let gooooooooo.
Only in my dreams are you here with me. And every night's a fantasy.
Because when I'm awake, reality takes you away from me.



loves Arcade Sticks
Kadey said:
If I can only.
Find the words to sayyyyyyyyyyyyy what you mean to me.
If I can only.
Break these chains of fear that keep binding me.
Every day you pass me by. I can't help but tremble inside.
There's only one way I know. To make you mine.
Only in my dreams are you here with me. You hold me in your arms attentively.
You look into my eyes and whisper to me. Never let gooooooooo.
Only in my dreams are you here with me. And every night's a fantasy.
Because when I'm awake, reality takes you away from me.


<3 But really, I'll participate/help with the TEKKEN tournament. I'm sure I can get Namco to help too <3

luka said:
get a room

Oh we've got one <3


Loves Robotech S1
Kadey said:
You hear that people? If we can gather up 48 people there will be an Official GAF Tekken 6 tournament.

Well, I'm in...but I'm not optimistic about the chances of it actually happening. :p

Why get a room when we can give you live action right here? :lol



Tekken Tourney? Sounds good, but I'm on PS3, dunno if that matters. But I might finally fight Markman since the Gametrailers days, never managed to play him on that tournament on Gametrailers with T5DR. :lol


I'm in. I just got the game today, so i'm scrubby as hell. If anyone is just as bad as I am, let's play some time :lol

CcrooK said:
Edit: And live action Kadey/MM action is a bonus. :lol

Better be blu ray quality
MoonsaultSlayer said:
I've become a fan of Tekken BECAUSE of it's simplicity. I meant no harm with that comment despite it's appearance. It's the elitists that I'm upset with. I have no problem making fun of the series and my own skill level.

I just don't get why there's so much fist pumping over performing combos that we've all been seeing on the internet over and over and over. People with great timing are commendable. I just don't like the "OMG, it's THAT juggle. Dude is SOOOO good". Haven't we all fucking performed that combo? And if you didn't, you did after seeing it.

Again, I'm a simpleton who likes the basics. Although my fickle ass only recently started enjoying T6 because I've fianlly gotten the hang of Yoshi's changes and, get this, have been finding my own combos and shit in practise mode. haha. See, don't take me to heart. I just like mocking those who take it seriously.

I think you've really got an incorrect view of this game. It's got a higher barrier to reach competency than most fighters do because of the movelist, and it's got tons and tons of possibilities fir juggles (since they're not canned), many of which have brutal timing windows of only a few frames. So we definitely haven't all "done that juggle." Many of them only a small % of players will ever be able to work into their game.

The mistake you're making is that you're looking at its vast movelist which makes almost any input into a move, and assuming that makes it scrub friendly. But in fact it has an incredibly steep curve because of that, and because of all the various gameplay options. memorizing a single character's moves and their properties, and knowing how to read other players' moves takes a mountain of time & dedication.

I love SF IV, and I respect the talent it takes to master (talent I haven't got), but in terms of sheer complexity, T6 is a deeper game, and I'm not just talking about moves of # of combos. There are more variables at play in any given moment, due to the multiple attack heights, 3D movement, multiple okizeme options etc.


loves Arcade Sticks
Kadey these people want to see us holding each other.


Someone else copy/paste the sign up list. Let's go!
luka said:
The hate really does influence people too. My younger cousins recently started getting into the fighting scene and I used to play T5 and 6 with them a lot. Then SSF4 came along with it's Tekken hate-train fanbase and suddenly, one tournament stream later, they refuse to touch the game anymore because it's just "skill-less juggle fest" and "Daigo would never play Tekken!" Ugh. Fuck you internet. Stop corrupting my family!

That's pretty LOL because I know people who've seen him playing it, just not competitively because he's not that great at 3D fighters. An awful lot of the Japanese players play both.
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