LOL, I also remember Ryan Hart mentioning Hwoarang being in his top 5 list as well that made Aris go WTF. I guess it makes sense and it's a reflection of the scene. I believe UK's Starscream is a mean Hwoarang giving that notion to Ryan Hart, so I suppose the same could be said about the competition GM faces. But I'll be honest, Roger Jr. owns me 
Yo, what region you in? Add it to the list:
1) AdroitOne | WhoDaMasta
2) MarkMan | MarkManSDT
3) AAK | AAK0924 | ON, Canada
4) luka | Luka3x
5) MoonsaultSlayer | MoonsaultSlayer | CT (North East), US
6) CcrooK | Downplay
7) SephirothRK | SephirothRK
8) -DarKaoZ- | DarKaoZ
9) vocab | vocab- | PA, US
10) JEKKI | ???
11) thelastword | ???
12) Rolento | Rolento
13) GrayFoxPL | GrayFoxPL
14) DrDogg | ???
15) hikarutimitt | hikarutimitt
16) LiveFromKyoto | Agent_of_Atlas | ON, Canada
17) [In//Effect-Mode] | InEffectMode
18) Lyte Edge | lyteedge | GA (Southeast), US
19) ShinobiFist | ShinobiFist
20) Maastricht | niwrA | The Netherlands, Europe
21) Rhazer Fusion | Eraptura
22) rowanimox | rowanimox
23) Finaika | Finaika
24) Starfish_Oxide | i_shoot_to_kill
25) TestMonkey | TheTwoFourThree
AdroitOne said:I concur, because for some strange odd reason, I absolutely cannot beat Roger Jr. I can't stand that freaking kangaroo (can't stand Lili also).
Yo, what region you in? Add it to the list:
1) AdroitOne | WhoDaMasta
2) MarkMan | MarkManSDT
3) AAK | AAK0924 | ON, Canada
4) luka | Luka3x
5) MoonsaultSlayer | MoonsaultSlayer | CT (North East), US
6) CcrooK | Downplay
7) SephirothRK | SephirothRK
8) -DarKaoZ- | DarKaoZ
9) vocab | vocab- | PA, US
10) JEKKI | ???
11) thelastword | ???
12) Rolento | Rolento
13) GrayFoxPL | GrayFoxPL
14) DrDogg | ???
15) hikarutimitt | hikarutimitt
16) LiveFromKyoto | Agent_of_Atlas | ON, Canada
17) [In//Effect-Mode] | InEffectMode
18) Lyte Edge | lyteedge | GA (Southeast), US
19) ShinobiFist | ShinobiFist
20) Maastricht | niwrA | The Netherlands, Europe
21) Rhazer Fusion | Eraptura
22) rowanimox | rowanimox
23) Finaika | Finaika
24) Starfish_Oxide | i_shoot_to_kill
25) TestMonkey | TheTwoFourThree