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Official TEKKEN 6 "Who needs a FADC? We got RAGE!" Thread

Loving that Hwoarang

forgot this one



OH man, that law custom. There was this one online troll law player that had the exact same custom almost but pink.... used to abuse delayed strings that couldn't be interrupted or punished because of lag. Painful memories :(
AAK said:
OH man, that law custom. There was this one online troll law player that had the exact same custom almost but pink.... used to abuse delayed strings that couldn't be interrupted or punished because of lag. Painful memories :(
Even from back online in T5DRO I always hated playing laggy Lili players >_<
was going to mention anyone who wants to online lag play me this week hit me up at Rolento... I'll be busy packing up to move for my Masters study (not really study since its art related... >_< ) but if anyone posts here a time I usually try to be free at that time.


I was just telling myself "There's no way that's gonna reach m.....!'


But those were definitely some fun games! lucky we're in relatively close proximity for now :) Where are ya moving?
AAK said:
I was just telling myself "There's no way that's gonna reach m.....!'


But those were definitely some fun games! lucky we're in relatively close proximity for now :) Where are ya moving?

You won't notice the difference since I'm still going to be in the same state (Florida) but just more north now (Gainesville), so possibly better connection actually.


Well, looks like I'm not going to be playing online for a while. :(

I've recently moved and all I have access to right now is some crappy mobile internet connection. The raw download and upload speeds are great, but the latency just kills any sort of online play that requires speed.

I guess watching Tekken Crash and Evo will have to do.


Sounds great!

I had to babysit a kitten at home today so I brought T6 along and got my online fix, played some Raven and Wang. I love playing both, but Raven is so much fun. I feel like you can really freestyle with him.


More like you can "only" freestyle with him LOL. Raven was the original guy I intended to main when I first bought Tekken 6 (which I bought the PS3 for)... Unless I'm a good 2-4 character lengths away from my opponent, I just get pummeled helplessly LOL.

But oh man, it sure is satisfying landing his qcf+4, parries, vampire knees, undertakers. Looks too badass!


AAK said:
More like you can "only" freestyle with him LOL. Raven was the original guy I intended to main when I first bought Tekken 6 (which I bought the PS3 for)... Unless I'm a good 2-4 character lengths away from my opponent, I just get pummeled helplessly LOL.

But oh man, it sure is satisfying landing his qcf+4, parries, vampire knees, undertakers. Looks too badass!

One time I even cheered for my Raven opponent to beat me. He had to work so fucking hard.
I hate playing against Raven players. I cheer for those who beat me and obviously know what they are doing, but mumble under my breath at people who don't know better and use him like an egg beater.


AAK said:
More like you can "only" freestyle with him LOL. Raven was the original guy I intended to main when I first bought Tekken 6 (which I bought the PS3 for)... Unless I'm a good 2-4 character lengths away from my opponent, I just get pummeled helplessly LOL.

But oh man, it sure is satisfying landing his qcf+4, parries, vampire knees, undertakers. Looks too badass!
True, he's definitely better fighting from a distance. He doesn't really have a good panic move to keep people off him, just good old d+1, unless you want to go for gimmicks like his bb+2 autoparry.

Qcf+4 is a great spacing tool, really hard to whiff punish. I love landing his high crush CH df+3 juggle, with the double knees, and if you can get a third in and carry them to wall... so awesome. It is unsafe of course, but I don't think anyone online knows that.
Doomshine said:
Oh cool, Juie footage. Nina and Steve were pretty fierce in Tekken 6 already though, Nina just has a higher execution barrier.

I knew that already I meant together in a team. My Lei's trickery always falls short because they always manage to get in on me before I can attack or set up some stances. Now that they can quickly get in on me, wall carry a crazy distance and beat the hell out of me at the wall :p


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I used to play a bit of Tekken 6 in the arcades once in a while when I was living in Japan, but I actually never picked up the game for a home console. I picked it up last night to start playing again, in anticipation for TTT2.

Maybe there are more people like me.


There's still a fairly active online community... but lag is terrible at first and it takes so long to adjust yourself to tolerate it.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I have a question. I haven't played Tekken in a long time, so it's probably my lack of skill, but I'm playing the offline mode, and once I hit 9th Kyu, I get my ass handed to me so fucking hard by the next opponent.

I realize I just suck at Tekken, but the ramp up in difficulty is a bit nutty. I read back earlier in the thread and it doesn't sound like anyone had that problem. Has anything changed?

(I'm getting back into Tekken to play with my friends, and we all mostly play MvC and SFIV, so yeah, this is a big change for us).

Any tips would be helpful. I play mostly Kazuya and Bryan.


Both are pretty complex characters. But IMO first 2 things you should ALWAYS learn in Tekken is how to Move properly and how to Get up Properly. These are the core things which I feel no one gets in their first try in Tekken. especially when coming from a Street Fighter background. In case you don't know the convention for the notation used, here is the Legend from TZ.com



And How to get up properly


Second thing I guess is to be wary of low attacks in general but specifically strings that have low moves in them. The shorter ones like Bruce's d/f+1,4 or Law's d/f+1,3. Be sure to block LOW for them. A big impediment people have from SF is how simply holding d/b blocks the majority of the moves wheras in Tekken all mid attacks will hurt you if you block low. So you have to be much more cautious and block low when the opportunity arises and then you'll be able to punish accordingly since the recovery from a lot of low moves is pretty bad and allows them to get launched from it.

But for the other low moves that don't have such a bad recovery in which they can't be launched with... you can go for low parries:

How to Low Parry:

When to Low Parry and When to Block:

And as for the remainder of the combo's it's all just simply practicing and maximizing the strings you have at your disposal. But again I'd say the biggest thing to start with is how to move properly to get a whiff from your opponent and the next thing is to know how to intelligently get up after knocked down. But there is sooooo many other things to know at an advanced level but this should suffice for now :p

If you have Time, I recommend to have a look at the first Level Up Your Game episode right here. They go over EVERYTHING lol. But it takes quite a while and has 5 more parts:

I for the life of me cannot fathom doing wavedashes with the Mishimas.

I have to Crouch dash cancel into a forward dash into another crouch dash. Shaking the joystick like this hurts the wrist. o_O


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Yeah, this is like learning a whole new genre, especially when coming from Street Fighter. I guess I really didn't realize how much of Street Fighter's systems I take for granted when I play fighting games.

I'll check this stuff out, though.

You said both Kazuya and Bryan are pretty complex characters. Who would be a good character to learn if you've been absent from the series for a long time? I played a bit of Lars, and really liked his Silent Entry mechanic.

Oh god, number notation is completely different from SF. This is going to take some getting used to.


If you play MK, it's the same notation as MK.

As for the simplest character.... Lili x1000. Monstrous movement, monstrous damage, very easy execution. There is a character tier list in Tekken for the best backdash and sidestep. Lili is 1st for sidestep and 2nd for backdash (only after Alisa) out of the whole cast. Her only disadvantage is that she's relatively linear but don't worry about stuff like that this early into the game. Jack is also pretty simple but has a bit of quirks that would be much easier if you know the system. Lars IMO is moderate to play as. His inputs aren't that hard but they do need a bit of speed on your part with his SE and DE transitions. But the best thing about Lars is that he has DAMN GOOD tools to work with making him one of the upper echelon characters in the game. Honestly, you can play with anyone and enjoy, but like in SF how I tell everyone to start with Ryu/Ken, I do the same for Lili in Tekken. :)

But yeah, Tekken is by nature a massive investment but oh SO rewarding and a marvel to behold once everything clicks. I'm reaching my 500th hour spent on T6 already and I can't see myself stopping anytime soon :D

EDIT: Just to give an example of how simple Jack is, here is Justin Wong using him. With having such LITTLE knowledge about the intricacies of each character and their matchups, he still does pretty damn well because his fundamentals in spacing and punishing are rock solid:


See the 1:20 Mark and onwards throughout the rest of the tournament. (Yeah I know it's TTT2, but in the build they had at Comic Con, Jack didn't have the majority of the changes yet so he plays identical to his T6 counterpart)


As I hate Lily I fully recommend Paul instead. A murder machine and training in getting the best timing for deathfist is half the success and half of opponents lifebar, haha. That, "we will rock you(d+4:2:1+2), d+1+2, shreder kicks and you are set.

Don't underestimate the toughest man in the universe!

If you really want to tear shit online then learn Kuma. Uber mindfuck as nobody trains against the bears.


GrayFoxPL said:
As I hate Lily I fully recommend Paul instead. A murder machine and training in getting the best timing for deathfist is half the success and half of opponents lifebar, haha. That, "we will rock you(d+4:2:1+2), d+1+2, shreder kicks and you are set.

Don't underestimate the toughest man in the universe!

If you really want to tear shit online then learn Kuma. Uber mindfuck as nobody trains against the bears.

I hear Kangaroo's are hot on the market right now ;)


Revisiting this game after some time. I don't suck but I'm also not "ZOMG AMAZING." Would love to face some people from here sometime later on.
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