Top 20% of American families do NOT have a total income of 200K+, I don't care how many workers it's really the top 20% if you add up two-income families as noted above
Top 20% of American families do NOT have a total income of 200K+, I don't care how many workers it's really the top 20% if you add up two-income families as noted above
Azih said:Top 20% of American families do NOT have a total income of 200K+, I don't care how many workers it has.
Hitokage said:Loki: As far as the debate is concerned, Kerry was only talking about getting rid of Bush's tax cuts, which we obviously couldn't afford, but only for the >200K bracket. As it happens, this would return their tax rate to how it was under Clinton, which is just what he said.
Of course, other things may be involved or different things may transpire, but that's what I got from what was said in the debate itself.
Money means necessities to the poor, luxuries to the middle and lower-upper class, but influence to the rich, and they buy lots of it.Loki said:Oh, ok; like I said, I just heard bits and pieces as I was studying, so I got the wrong impression. A repeal of the tax breaks given to those earning over $200K per year is reasonable, considering that they shouldn't have gotten it anyway. I figured he was proposing new tax rates for the various brackets. I still say that he should focus more on the top 2% ($500K and up) and corporations, but that's something I've always said.The reason I feel that way is that after a certain point, I feel that the accumulation of wealth becomes obscene, and money has diminishing returns (in terms of providing the necessities and luxuries of life); I just don't consider $200K/year for a family of 4 or 5 to be "obscene", nor at that point of diminishing returns yet. $30M per year? Sure.
Hitokage said:Money means necessities to the poor, luxuries to the middle and lower-upper class, but influence to the rich, and they buy lots of it.
*Kerry's assertion that President Bush received money and owned part of a lumber company. Which let's face it, made everyone think, "What?"
*Bush's 'I didn't know I owned a lumber company, would anyone like to buy some wood?' show-stopper zinger.
*The fact that it was proven to be true after the debate.
Stele said:Loki's numbers completely does not jive with what I thought was the common notion that 90% of America makes less than 40K a year.
maharg said:This is not *quite* right. Nitpicky I may be, but a TCP/IP network that occupies only one segment is not an internetwork (from which internet is shortened), it's just a network. It becomes an internetwork when you have a bridge between two different segments.
Likewise, a network that was capable of bridging of that sort is subject to the same rules. It's not IP (TCP is not really relevant here) that makes it an 'internetwork,' it's the bridging. IP was one of the first such protocols, though.
Splitting hairs? Protocols designed for the internet does not equal the internet itself. You're entirely off base there.Ignatz Mouse said:I ws torn on this one-- on one hand, I tend to agree with you-- but the "I" in "IP" does stand for Internet-- meaning even if it's not a connected internet, it's a potentially connected one, and hence an internet.
We're splitting fine hairs either way-- I was just tired of people jumping on Bush for a little thing like that when he's a lying asshole who started a pointless war and is driving up a huge deficit. I mean, pick your battles, people!
Azih said:I'm not comfortable with your assumptions Loki, so here's a table from the U.S census beareu that tracks *FAMILY* income, not individual.
Only 5% of American families earn more than 164K in 2001.
didn't think you were trying to decieve me, but the 20% figure you calculted seemed very wrong to me.Dude, you act like I'm trying to pull a fast one on you or something lol.I didn't have access to information showing the family income breakdown, so I proposed a scenario where two earners would be making a combined $200K. In no way did I state or insinuate that 20% or even 10% of American families made $200K or more combined. Acting under the assumption I was (which Hito has since corrected, which was that Kerry was proposing hiking the tax rates), my point was this:
Just an aside, but this isn't unexpected. One of the perks of cutting taxes no matter how deep you dig yourself into debt is the ability to accuse anyone correcting your insanity to be "raising taxes", which the mere mention of seems to get many people into a shrill panic. People should learn that tax and spend, for all the bile it gets, is many times better than borrow and spend.Acting under the assumption I was (which Hito has since corrected, which was that Kerry was proposing hiking the tax rates), my point was this:
I guess it would be like being the president of the US between the November election and their January replacement... but drawn out.Banjo Tango said:In regards to the whole General Shinseki comment, where Kerry says: states:Gotcha. But then they go on to say... So what I'm wondering is... how does leaking the story of who will replace him undercut his authority? If it's well known that he's retiring, what difference does it make if they know who's going to replace him?
MIMIC said:
MIMIC said:
And because Republicans* cannot comrehend legislation beyond 2 line summaries, he'll be accused of hating children or something.shoplifter said:If he wins, I'll just be waiting on the republican controlled congress to pass a tax hike attached to some random bill, which he'll then have to veto.
There is a distinct possibility in this election that the Democratic Party could take control of the Senate.shoplifter said:If he wins, I'll just be waiting on the republican controlled congress to pass a tax hike attached to some random bill, which he'll then have to veto.
Ignatz Mouse said:I ws torn on this one-- on one hand, I tend to agree with you-- but the "I" in "IP" does stand for Internet-- meaning even if it's not a connected internet, it's a potentially connected one, and hence an internet.
We're splitting fine hairs either way-- I was just tired of people jumping on Bush for a little thing like that when he's a lying asshole who started a pointless war and is driving up a huge deficit. I mean, pick your battles, people!
border said:What's wrong with wanting to reform the Patriot Act rather than destroy it entirely? Are you saying that there is nothing about it that's going to be useful or helpful?
MIMIC said:
.A bulge in the back of President George W Bush's suit jacket during the first TV debate with John Kerry has triggered rumours that he was wired to get help.
Internet websites alleged the apparent bulge, during last week's debate in Miami, was a radio receiver feeding him answers from an offstage aide.
The Bush campaign dismissed the claims, saying it was just a wrinkle in the presidential jacket.
It also denied some web reports that Mr Bush was wearing a bullet-proof vest. of Bush, especially bloggers, have suggested for sometime that Bush wears an earpiece during public events in order to assist him with his speeches.
To add weight to the matter, during a D-Day speech in France by Bush, television viewers reportedly heard a voice from a crossed frequency that was feeding lines to Bush during his speech and also during the question and answer period. Additionally, In one odd moment during the presidential debate, Bush, in response to. . . well. . . nothing, held up his hand and strongly stated, "let me finish," suggesting that there was someone else talking to him aside from the moderator as he still had plenty of time left to make his point.
Joe said:bush gave a very confident "no" on the draft while kerry seemed passive on the issue during the second debate.