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Official thread of "GAF I got a PS3, now what?"


mediocrity at its best
Unicorn said:
WipEout HD is one of the best games overall this gen, and the fact that you can get IT and it's expansion all for 30 bucks makes it the best bargain this gen as well.

Marvelous game.

Totally forgot about this. Amazing game. Noby Noby boy is also fantastic and fucked up. Buy it.


Valkyria was a nessecary until mid game+, where the AI needed 8-10 minutes to take their fucking turn. Skies of Arcadia DC encounter rates all over again!


Did not ask for this tag
There's better Blu-Ray movies than MGS4, really :/ I personally don't like the way you have to keep pushing a button every 20 minutes to keep the film rolling, either.

Oh and there's no rewind either. Weird disc.



The only answer.

Uncharted and Infamous are pretty good too.


criesofthepast said:
This thread is great but one thing about the OP FAQ. Why would I need to know the price or box contents of a system I just bought? :)

Because you got it for your birthday and would like to know how much people spent for your present?
Damn you :p

Ok, added a couple of things to the OP, including most of what you guys have suggested, and basic infos on remote play. Thanks :D
My recommendations based on my limited experience:
Uncharted - My favorite PS3 game so far
Little Big Planet - Great platforming fun. Fun local multiplayer and online multiplayer. Don't worry about creating levels if you are not interested, there are a ton of them out there.
Stranglehold Premium edition - OK game and comes with a high definition copy of John Woo's Hard Boiled. And it is available for a pretty low price
The Simpsons - If you like the Simpsons, pick this up for less than $15.00.
Bioshock - Great FPS and you can get additional Downloadable content
Tomb Raider Underworld - If you like the genre, this is a decent game but not as good as uncharted. Also has downloadable content.
Grand Theft Auto IV - If you haven't picked it up on the 360 already.
Super Stardust HD - Best game on PSN
Burnout Paradise - great crashes. Reasonably cheap. Free and for-pay downloadable content available.
Killzone 2 - Very good FPS
Resistance & Resistance 2 - Also good FPS
MGS4 - Duh


Can I get a PSN card in the US and use it on a Canadian account? Vice-versa?

The only JRPG I've ever played was FF4 on DS. I didn't like it. Should I get Valkyria?

User 406

Warhawk. Has three excellent map/vehicle expansions you can get in a cheap bundle, and anywhere between 15 to 20 thousand people still play it every day, two years after launch. I myself have put in over 1600 ranked hours and killed four controllers, and I still can't get enough. It is crazy addictive and fun, and there are still lots of gaffers who play. In fact, the official Warhawk thread in the Online forum is still active, and is second in posts only to the World of Warcraft thread, which has been around for a few more years. People start playing Warhawk and they just don't stop.

Just be ready to die. A LOT.
njmzhang said:
Why so many people overlook Demon's Souls? Please buy this game, we need a sequel

It's not for everyone. It's not a mainstream game by any means. Hard as balls, very unforgiving, and it does not let up at all.

I liked it, but I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone.


gregor7777 said:
It's not for everyone. It's not a mainstream game by any means. Hard as balls, very unforgiving, and it does not let up at all.

I liked it, but I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone.

Well, at least we need to make people aware that there IS such a game.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
You know you could skip it right?

If this is true I am going to start crying.

Explain how, I still kind of doubt I overlooked anything considering I was getting up to watch TV during certain battles where the AI was literally taking 10 minutes to complete a turn
Fat Princess
PixelJunk Monsters
PixelJunk Eden
Super Stardust
Wipeout+ Fury

Little Big Planet


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Valkyria, Valkyria, Valkyria!

I got this as my 10th PS3 game or so... and it's the best one by far!
My Top 5 Favorite disc-based PS3 games:
1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Killzone 2
3. Metal Gear Solid 4
4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
5. InFamous

Top 5 PSN games:
1. Flower
2. Wipeout HD
3. Warhawk
4. Super Stardust HD
5. Noby Noby Boy


DR2K said:
It's essential, go get some taste.
Lol no it isn't in any way, shape or form. SRPG's aren't for everyone, in fact they're for hardly anyone, see VC's sales. There's a demo up, try that first then decide.

There are much more essential games to get when you first buy a PS3.

Edit: And I agree with Folklore. I wish I hadn't traded my copy in a long time ago. Really want to find another one.


Doytch said:
Can I get a PSN card in the US and use it on a Canadian account? Vice-versa?

The only JRPG I've ever played was FF4 on DS. I didn't like it. Should I get Valkyria?

Fixed, I wrote Vesperia first. Shows how much I know my JRPGs.


Doytch said:
Fixed, I wrote Vesperia first. Shows how much I know my JRPGs.

Hmm... well SRPG are king of special. Even big jRPG fans can loathe them, so... I'd recommend you try the demo and see if you like it.

Robot 492

Best Shooting Games:

- Uncharted (TPS)
- Killzone 2 (FPS)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (TPS)
- Warhawk (TPS)
- Resistance 2 (FPS)

Best PSN Games:

- WipEout HD
- Flower
- Super Stardust HD
- Fat Princess

Best Platform Games:

- LittleBigPlanet
- Ratchet and Clank Future: ToD

Best RPGs:

- Valkyria Chronicles
- Demon's Souls
- White Knight Chronicles

Best Racing Games:

- Burnout Paradise
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Osaka said:
There's better Blu-Ray movies than MGS4, really :/ I personally don't like the way you have to keep pushing a button every 20 minutes to keep the film rolling, either.

Oh and there's no rewind either. Weird disc.
I see what you did thar.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Acid08 said:
Lol no it isn't in any way, shape or form. SRPG's aren't for everyone, in fact they're for hardly anyone, see VC's sales. There's a demo up, try that first then decide.

There are much more essential games to get when you first buy a PS3.

Edit: And I agree with Folklore. I wish I hadn't traded my copy in a long time ago. Really want to find another one.
The likes of Killzone 2 aren't for everyone either. In my opinion Valkyria is a PS3 killer app beyond most of the games people list.

Doytch said:
Fixed, I wrote Vesperia first. Shows how much I know my JRPGs.
Yes you should get it. It's a unique game with action elements that isn't duplicated anywhere else. And the graphics, music and art direction are refreshing in HD visuals.
MvmntInGrn said:
Top Pics:
Demon's Souls - Action RPG set in a somewhat Dark world. Open but organized in design with what I think is the best ARPG gameplay out there. Lengthy and has New Game Plus

I've been seriously considering reserving this one. I watched streams of it online after the Asian version launched, and the atmosphere is incredible...totally my cup of tea. It looks seriously, seriously difficult though. I wonder if it's one that would test my patience, but not in a good way. Perhaps it'd be wise to spring for that LE version that includes Atlus' strategy guide.
Top disc games you should get:

1. LittleBigPlanet - Awesome platformer, has SO much content, and is one of the best multipalyer experiences ever.
2. Demon's Souls - The best and brutalist RPG I've played in years.
3. Uncharted - A mix between Tomb Raider and Gears of War, with a great cast of characters.
4. Killzone 2 - A beautiful shooter with a fun, objective based online mode.

Top PSN games:

1. Flower - Visual poetry. That's sounds cheesy, and I ripped it from somebody else.
2. Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty. Best R&C in awhile, imo.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Super Stardust HD


Call of Duty 4 (if they don't already have it on 360, PC)


Uncharted 1
Uncharted 2


Gran Turismo 5

Eh, I'll update this when I can think of genres and a few more games off the top of my head.
Toy Soldier said:
I've been seriously considering reserving this one. I watched streams of it online after the Asian version launched, and the atmosphere is incredible...totally my cup of tea. It looks seriously, seriously difficult though. I wonder if it's one that would test my patience, but not in a good way. Perhaps it'd be wise to spring for that LE version that includes Atlus' strategy guide.
Demon's Souls is difficult, but not really cheap, so it doesn't "test your patience" like other games. I've always struggled with harder games, often giving up after a few hours, but I'm already on my third playthrough of Demon's Souls. Considering it's probably the hardest game I've ever played, that's saying something.

Demon's Souls is different from other games in how it deals with death, which is why it isn't as unforgiving as some other games. When you die, you don't see a game over screen, and you don't go back to a recent check point. You don't really start over. Instead, you are summoned back to the Nexus without your body (which means you're at 50% health). Despite having "died", you don't lose any of the items you've found, and any shortcuts you've unlocked or events you've triggered before you died remain active. However, all Souls you were carrying remain at your blood stain, which is located wherever you were when you died, you have to make it back to your bloodstain before dying (which creates a NEW bloodstain at your latest point of death) to recover them.

Souls are your basic currency, which you receive upon killing enemies. You spend them on items, upgrades, and experience points. You really don't want to lose those in large quantities. :p


Doytch said:
OK. How long is [Valkyria Chronicles]? <20hrs?

Checking my first post-clear game save, it took me 43hrs 46min to beat with all classes at level 20 (max). YMMV.

I've also got about 4 more hours out of playing the first 3 Selvaria DLC missions.


Giolon said:
Checking my first post-clear game save, it took me 43hrs 46min to beat with all classes at level 20 (max). YMMV.

Aww, too long. I'll revisit it next summer if there's a lull for me. That'd take me like ten weeks to beat.




Prince of Persia


Valkyria Chronicles








Castlevania: SOTN
Dark Mist


BocoDragon said:
The likes of Killzone 2 aren't for everyone either. In my opinion Valkyria is a PS3 killer app beyond most of the games people list.
You're really doing yourself a disservice by comparing a mainstream FPS to a niche Japanese SRPG.


Don't have enough exclusives for a top three per genre, but here's my overall top five:

Killzone 2
Valkyria Chronicles


Wipeout HD
Pixeljunk Monsters
Super Stardust HD
Astro Tripper
makingmusic476 said:
Demon's Souls is difficult, but not really cheap, so it doesn't "test your patience" like other games. I've always struggled with harder games, often giving up after a few hours, but I'm already on my third playthrough of Demon's Souls. Considering it's probably the hardest game I've ever played, that's saying something.

Demon's Souls is different from other games in how it deals with death, which is why it isn't as unforgiving as some other games. When you die, you don't see a game over screen, and you don't go back to a recent check point. You don't really start over. Instead, you are summoned back to the Nexus without your body (which means you're at 50% health). Despite having "died", you don't lose any of the items you've found, and any shortcuts you've unlocked or events you've triggered before you died remain active. However, all Souls you were carrying remain at your blood stain, which is located wherever you were when you died, you have to make it back to your bloodstain before dying (which creates a NEW bloodstain at your latest point of death) to recover them.

Souls are your basic currency, which you receive upon killing enemies. You spend them on items, upgrades, and experience points. You really don't want to lose those in large quantities. :p

That sounds excellent, I never really picked up on any of this during my streaming. The guy I was watching mostly just grinded so I didn't catch much beyond the visuals and the combat mechanics.

Thanks for the info, I'm sold.


makingmusic476 said:
Demon's Souls is difficult, but not really cheap, so it doesn't "test your patience" like other games. I've always struggled with harder games, often giving up after a few hours, but I'm already on my third playthrough of Demon's Souls. Considering it's probably the hardest game I've ever played, that's saying something.

Demon's Souls is different from other games in how it deals with death, which is why it isn't as unforgiving as some other games. When you die, you don't see a game over screen, and you don't go back to a recent check point. You don't really start over. Instead, you are summoned back to the Nexus without your body (which means you're at 50% health). Despite having "died", you don't lose any of the items you've found, and any shortcuts you've unlocked or events you've triggered before you died remain active. However, all Souls you were carrying remain at your blood stain, which is located wherever you were when you died, you have to make it back to your bloodstain before dying (which creates a NEW bloodstain at your latest point of death) to recover them.

Souls are your basic currency, which you receive upon killing enemies. You spend them on items, upgrades, and experience points. You really don't want to lose those in large quantities. :p

Sounds like Diablo or other Action RPG roguelike variants. Awesome. Really looking forward to this one. I hope they streamline online "matching" so you can easily play with your friends.


mediocrity at its best
This thread really reminds me I should buy Valkyria Chronicles. I kinda feel dirty for not owning it.

I have betrayed Sega! :(


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (best racing game ever made, and amongst the best in the graphics department)
Killzone 2 (no one should miss it)
Resistance 1/2
Infamous (probably the best open world game in existence, with awesome powers and platforming)

There are others, but I think those are must haves, and after recently getting back into Motorstorm PR, it would be very unwise not to buy the game.

Fat Princess
Super Stardust
Pixeljunk Monsters

All must-haves, especially Flower and Fat Princess.
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