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Official Worldwide VC, WiiWare, & DSiWare Thread

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Dammit, I really don't want to buy a DSi anytime soon, but all of these ArtStyle games look awesome.

Speaking of which, I wonder when we're going to see more ArtStyle games on WiiWare?
That Adventure Island game does look suspiciously similar to the GCN/PS2 remake...

More Art Style games!? yes please! :D

I really don't see why developers aren't putting up full versions of their retail games for a higher price! I want the full Mr Driller, not a condensed version!
Was never a fan of the GC/PS2 Hudson remake visual styles. Both Adventure Island and (especially) Bonk on Wiiware would be sweeter if they went the MM9 route instead.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Nuclear Muffin said:
I really don't see why developers aren't putting up full versions of their retail games for a higher price! I want the full Mr Driller, not a condensed version!

Because of the ridiculous size-limit restriction.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Dash Kappei said:
Because of the ridiculous size-limit restriction.

How is the size restriction "ridiculous", given the amount of internal storage the Wii has?

'Tis a serious question.
Dash Kappei said:
Because of the ridiculous size-limit restriction.

The DS game probably only takes up about 10MB (I was talking about the DSi Ware version, not the Wii one) so putting up the full game wouldn't be a problem.

This is what bugs me about the "chotto" series of releases, why do they only offer the smaller version, why not have the option of getting the full retail release as a download for a higher price?

Lee N

wackojackosnose said:
DSiware Points = WiiShop Points = Newly Branded Nintendo Points?
This is correct, however.. once you've used a point card with either the Wii or the DSi, it's locked to tha machine. So you can't buy a 5000 point card and use 2000 points on the Wii and 3000 points on the DSi.
Guh.. they really love to complicate things.

Now I'm wondering if you can register the DSi to your Nintendo Account in case you lose your DSi / want to transfer the DSiware games to another DSi.



Yes, you tie it to your account just like Wii. It's also worth taking note of your mac address and serial number, of course.


Nuclear Muffin said:
This is what bugs me about the "chotto" series of releases, why do they only offer the smaller version, why not have the option of getting the full retail release as a download for a higher price?

Bigger downloads are a BAD thing. I don't see why anyone disagrees with this. Bigger storage space just means lazier developers, and the extra space will get filled up with higher resolution textures and better quality music, neither of which you'll notice, and the game's feature set will remain the same.

DSiWare can be the rebirth of the SNES, on the go, downloadable. NEW SNES GAMES. Let's not ask for them to be bigger, let's ask for them to be more fun.


Adventure Island looks fine to me, I think it would have been neat to do an animated looking game but I will give it a shot. I think we need videos to see more of the direction they went.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
any impressions from evasive space?
Given the trickle of VC and Wiiware we NA folks have been experiencing, is NeoGAF anticipating the same treatment for DSiWare, outside launch titles?

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
hockeypuck said:
Given the trickle of VC and Wiiware we NA folks have been experiencing, is NeoGAF anticipating the same treatment for DSiWare, outside launch titles?

The optimist would believe that despite Nintendo's increasingly shoddy treatment of the Virtual Console and WiiWare, DSiWare will be given higher quality and/or more frequent updates than VC or WiiWare.

The pessimist (some might say realist) would expect more of the same.

I, for one, am a pessimist.
Hobbun said:
No word yet on VC/WiiWare releases for today?

No update on Nintendo's press site yet. In the past, there have been times when the PR wasn't posted until after the games were already up, although they've been pretty punctual recently. So, we may know shortly or it may still be a couple of hours.


FFantasyFX said:
No update on Nintendo's press site yet. In the past, there have been times when the PR wasn't posted until after the games were already up, although they've been pretty punctual recently. So, we may know shortly or it may still be a couple of hours.

True. Has only happened a couple of times, I think.

Probably nothing to get too excited about, anyways. Although there is always that hope.


FFantasyFX said:
"Hope springs eternal in the human breast?" I personally think "Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here" is the more fitting allusion in this case. :lol

Realistically, you are probably right. But as the service goes on, I remain hopeful in still seeing games I want to get.

Although, when you see crap happening like with Earthbound, it really puts a damper on it.

Ranger X

PR isn't up yet?

I'm wondering wich games I won't get this week on VC (outside every single great game they could upload any day of course)

poppabk said:
Hope so. My brother just got a Wii and this would be a cheap game to play co-op with him across the atlantic.

I would recommend you look at some gameplay videos before either of you decide to download it. That it's a WiiWare FPS with 4-player co-op is awesome, but its execution looks terrible.

EDIT: Usually, the press releases are published on Nintendo's website after 9:00 AM PST.


Corporate Apologist
Odd, ether the PR is going to come out in 15 minutes or I am going to have to boot up the shop to see whats new this week.
Drkirby said:
Odd, ether the PR is going to come out in 15 minutes or I am going to have to boot up the shop to see whats new this week.

lol, I wonder how many people like this. Mondays are fun days for Wii, people. Boot up the Wii Shop Channel, see the releases. Then, boot-up the Nintendo Channel, see the new content. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I have the day off from work and was hoping something cool was coming out. This wait is excruciating haha

*shakes head*

So this is why there's so much clamor. You guys hype-up the smallest things, lol. :p
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