lulz it is a lot easier to pass here than in ncaa..... especially if you have a decent qb. did you seriously not see some of those balls come out of his hands? i mean if you saw it you would say his accuracy was in the 20's! but maybe after that first pick he lost confidence and that's what caused it.
i watched some of the replays on the runs and i think i figured out that one of the problems with the shitty run D is that if you try to change guys at all, it stops them immediately.... and the game defaults to the closest guy to the ball carrier. case in point, blount had a 5 yard-ish run, with rogers approaching to make the tackle, i was in the middle of switching so it switches me to rodgers, who is literally inches from blount.... basically touching him. but because it switched me to him, he goes lifeless for a moment, blount gets past, and then he is gone. i guess the lesson learned is don't switch guys?