my playbook should be called the empty threat
You have me next...I will cure you ills :'(as much as I dislike Romo, can't blame him for my woes in Madden.
Howabout that...Madden GAF Witch Hunt basically.
Howabout that...
You're my hero _insert instigator/rabble-rouser here_!
Me and Smokey are often the culprits of the witch hunt, we must stick together.
Me and Smokey are often the culprits of the witch hunt, we must stick together.
too bad there's not a wildcat-heavy
Texans! All of the elites use it!
but isn't it loaded with twins and trips?
too bad there's not a wildcat-heavy
Noooo. The secret of Tebow is out.Broncos
Isn't the popularity of the Texans playbook just a little suspicious?
This. I don't see anything in it that screams cheese but the route combos are great and it has good run plays as well.not really other than the fact its deep
I love that everyone uses the Texans book because they all use the same plays. I personally use thebook.madeyoulook
Slot receiver cheese, man.
You play me this week! Battle for first place! Ospreys vs Cardinals!
Is that a real threat, or an empty one like when Smokey said he was quitting, then eventually fell in line?
Yeah i could kinda see accidently picking something in the menu if it pops up quick and your mashing A or whatever. His attitude after was bad. As much as i hate losing id feel even worse if the guy who beat me got robbed of a win too.
Me and Smokey are often the culprits of the witch hunt, we must stick together.
The crimes of dropping back too far, crying after every game and running more Twins than is arbitrarily reasonable must be atoned for
I've cleaned up my dropback ways for the most part, and if it happens now I don't give a flyin shit. I have embraced it. The sideways moonwalk has been embraced so I'm all in!
Goddam! I get confused... you guys are at least both Giants fans or something, though, right?
Anyway, same goes. I'm free like.... right now, but have to leave my house at 6:30pm EST. I'll be home at like 10PM EST I think. PM me if you want ot try and do tonight, I'll get PMs on ma phone
Meh, I use the Arizona Cardinals playbook. Because I'm the Cardinals.
The hell is up with XBL? The update downloaded....but no bueno on connecting.
1. fmt
2. cb
3. luke
4. mrbob
5. ferny
6. dmczaf
7. ramirez
8. nightz
Goddam! I get confused... you guys are at least both Giants fans or something, though, right?
Anyway, same goes. I'm free like.... right now, but have to leave my house at 6:30pm EST. I'll be home at like 10PM EST I think. PM me if you want ot try and do tonight, I'll get PMs on ma phone
Keep my name outta your mouth whore!!ho if you're referring to last season I said I was quitting if I had to forfeit the game or something along those lines. This was about my great trade with DCX. I didn't have a problem benching the guys which I said I would do but you Mr. Captain Crusader led the witch hunt and kept going on about forfeiting the game. FMT agreed with the logical choice and so here I am.
Mik, assuming the EA servers are working (anyone checked recently?) I'm here and ready.
Just got home from work and I'm trying to scarf down some food. Can it be 7:30 central?
When do you want to play?
Does anyone want to throw down right now while I wait for Smokey?
When you wanna do battle, Sir?
We'll probably have to go tomorrow, if you can.
I can't until Saturday unless you have time off during the day.
Tomorrow doing a birthday party, Friday company holiday party.
When is the advance?
I can't until Saturday unless you have time off during the day.
Tomorrow doing a birthday party, Friday company holiday party.
When is the advance?