Somnia, when is it good for our Tonys and Tommys to grace XBOX Live?
Number one pick of the first rookie draft:
Sonic Generations on Steam today. YOINK.
Debating on Bulletstorm. Finally buying some games tho, I had previously only bough ME2 (I had non-steam version) and the You Monster Defense Grid expansion.
CB will vouch for its greatness. I just got it for Christmas will play tonight. It's very good from what i hear.Sonic Generations is excellent--especially on the PC.
I loved every minute. It's how Duke Nukem should have been.Bulletstorm is boring.
Sonic Generations on Steam today. YOINK.
Debating on Bulletstorm. Finally buying some games tho, I had previously only bough ME2 (I had non-steam version) and the You Monster Defense Grid expansion.
Get Rock of Ages
Rage fucking sucks.
i got rage on PC. not sure why there is all the hate. the game is pretty fun. animations are great, it's just an old school style shooter with good graphics.
people brought up the texture problem on PC before i bought it and sure enough some of them are really horrible, but i think people are being overly dramatic about it. the game is still fun.... kind of like borderlands but without all the worthless loot gameplay
Truth bullets.Rage fucking sucks.
I got it on PC and find the texture stuff unbearable. Having to deal with draw in every time I turn my head sucks.
Also I have played Borderlands, I have enjoyed Borderlands, I have loved Borderlands. Rage, sir, is no Borderlands.
I like Rage better than Borderlands....... I said it. Come at me bros
If you don't see textures drawing in when you spin around in Rage, someone sold you a copy of a different game and told you it was Rage.
calm down ladies. i said i haven't noticed any RIDICULOUS draw in. in other words, it's not affecting my enjoyment of the game
When we playin
You around for 4/5 your time?
Fuck you guys and your new PCs. I'll hold out until March and build a monster so I'm ready for Diablo.
Fuck you guys and your new PCs. I'll hold out until March and build a monster so I'm ready for Diablo.
Buy now, those penguins are skyrocketing in price.
Apparently ios thinks pentium is penguin...
gg dcx
i doubt diablo is going to be a huge system hog
Bob pm me what you're thinking. I'm free pretty much all the time for now
GG Ram....was trying to get the TD instead of just playing it safe. Oh well
gg wellington. the TD before halftime was killer. not sure if you were in zone or man but it looked like your LB was in a zone and just passed VD off to the safeties but they couldn't close the window in time. that, coupled with the 4 int's, was pretty much the difference.
oh and the lucky edwards TD. that's usually a pick!
The four picks were killer, especially that one in the endzone that would have tied the game. The totals are so misleading because I felt I was moving the ball all game and stuffing you but the long plays skewed it. What's killer to me is that I can't remember a lot of the route combos and passing plays I used to use last season or earlier this season. That user pick you got was a result of it, I'm sitting on the same 2-3 routes all day.
I thought this play was funny in real time because Whitner basically ran across the entire field, it doesn't show the whole run, but man he knew exactly where to go for the ball.
lol that was one of those plays where my man coverage went bonkers before the play for some reason. anyways, whitner was beasting in that game. not sure where that came from because he has been just ok all season
Were you controlling that guy because holy crap. He doesn't even play man, he just plays the out route.
nah i was d-line on that play
I need to stop controlling guys in coverage
Be a man and stay in the back 7. Line play is for pussies.
That is ridiculous. Donte Whitner did that? I would have pulled a Smokey on that disk after watching the replay if it was a close game