Well not only that but I am certain there are situations where the CPU pretty much knows what play you're running
I had this one sequence where I audibled between the same 2 plays (in the same formation) about 10 times during pre-snap, and the defense would always audible between the same 2 plays as well
Aye, this is a hallmark of EA CPU playcalling. IT's been the same since like Madden 96.
You call your play and the CPU calls one of four plays. If you're on JV, they call the right defense 1/4 times, Versity 2/4 times, AA 3/4 times, Heisman 4/4 times. IF you audible, there is an algorithm to match your audibles X amount of times. The major problem with this is that if you know what they're going to call, you can really easily exploit the defense by calling aplay and doing something different from what that play is supposed to be.
CPU playcalling in Madden engine games has always been a joke. You've always been able to test whether they've fixed the playcalling based on the special teams. If you come out in a fake punt pass, they will have a different defense than if you come out in traditional punt, even if everything is lined up right. Same with fake FG. It's the hallmark to see whether the CPU is prescient or not.
That being said, I like the aggressiveness of the CPU in NCAA '13, and their defensive playcalling is not completely horrible like in the last 2 years, when you'd get engage 8 every other play. On offense, they do play somewhat unpredictably, which is great. Of course, when they go for it on 4th down, run fake punts, and all else, it can be frustrating... but it also mixes up the game.