the wall street journal has a writeup on many 360 games today. basically, it says to skip perfect dark, call of duty 2 is amazing, kameo is good for teens and a favorite among those who tried, madden looks amazing, condemned looks creepy, king king works as a movie tie in, and need for speed most wanted is great if you like fast and the furious.
ill still get perfect dark..biggest complaint was that it didnt seem next gen enough. they rave about call of duty 2 though.
they have a 2 page writeup on next gen wars if anyone is interested.
(if this is in the wrong place, please move. i figured it was too general to be put in a specific thread.)
ill still get perfect dark..biggest complaint was that it didnt seem next gen enough. they rave about call of duty 2 though.
they have a 2 page writeup on next gen wars if anyone is interested.
(if this is in the wrong place, please move. i figured it was too general to be put in a specific thread.)