bishoptl said:Sounds like it's time for another "WE LOVE BLIMBLIM" thread.![]()
Ah, fuck! Sorry I'm late!!!!


bishoptl said:Sounds like it's time for another "WE LOVE BLIMBLIM" thread.![]()
is that the executive edition wireless headset?neptunes said:Nah, J. Allard actually plays games regularly.
Same here (Italy). We'll have a review console *after* the console launch. And the explaination is that they first have to give the console to paper magazines, many of which aren't even gaming-related :-(Blimblim said:I don't have any official direct relationship with MS, it all works through a PR agency (working only with french fansites, so usually getting things 2-3 weeks late, if ever). I've been promised a review kit as soon as they are available but I'm not holding my breath, to say the least...
---Blimblim said:*sigh*
Still not even a review build (not even mentioning a 360 review kit) in sight here. MS Europe/France, how I love thee...
Joe said:is that the executive edition wireless headset?
Y2Kevbug11 said:Did anyone else notice Allard is playing an Xbox 1...
Blimblim said:I don't have any official direct relationship with MS, it all works through a PR agency (working only with french fansites, so usually getting things 2-3 weeks late, if ever). I've been promised a review kit as soon as they are available but I'm not holding my breath, to say the least...
It's kinda sad considering how big xboxyde has become in the past few months.
PlayStation 3 is to appear at the earliest in one year Sony computer Entertainment in Japan in the spring 2006 will deliver - the USA in one year, Europe questionably Japan, then the USA Sony and already bring its console might remain therefore faithful for its strategy in the spring 2006 in Japan into the trade. Stringer spoke in the interview of the starting month March. Afterwards the start is to take place in the USA, however only good nine months later - thus in more or less exactly one year. When Europe is to come to the course, stringer did not want to betray - in the worst case even a start of the PlayStation would be possible 3 in the spring 2007 in Europe, means experts. It is to be accepted however that Sony does not want to be able to be escaped two Christmas businesses one behind the other and Microsoft out with its Xbox thereby inadvertently support to carry. Expensive drive assemblies a reason for the late distribution might be the hp and/or Blue Ray drive assemblies. While Microsoft such a feature will not offer at all with its first consoles - although HDTV is seen as substantial point in the future console business, Sony might want to offer appropriate drive assemblies equal with the start. However pure Hp Disc Player costs - which HP of 3 would then also be - still approximately 1000 dollar. To this price Sony can probably hardly bring its console however into the trade. The price from view of stringer is to lie the selling price between 300 and 400 dollar. European prices, which are generally higher, became still none admit gegeben.(red)
brandonh83 said:What the hell is that ugly red streak doing down the center of the woody faceplate?
Get that shit off, Microsoft!
beermonkey@tehbias said:The bundles are up for Replay Zone members.
They suck, not surprising.
Xbox 360 Core System Starter Bundle
Xbox 360 Core System
Wired Controller
Madden NFL 06
Xbox 360 Core System Sports Bundle DOUBLE POINTS
Xbox 360 Core System
Wired Controller
64 MB Memory Unit
Madden NFL 06
Project Gotham Racing 3
Xbox 360 Starter Bundle
Xbox 360
Wireless Controller
Madden NFL 06
Xbox 360 Sports Bundle DOUBLE POINTS
Xbox 360
Wireless Controller
Play & Charge Kit
Madden NFL 06
Project Gotham Racing 3
I guess they may not be that bad if you like Madden. Best Buy sure loves EA.
Azwethinkweiz said:Just an FYI, I purchased one of these with second day shipping and it said the estimated arrival date is 11/19. So at least you get it half a week early.
hgplayer1 said:did you have any problems at all with the ordering process? I cant even get to the page from the link in my email. Xbox 360 episode 5 is up and running.
beermonkey@tehbias said:What is that thing on Ken Lobb's's like...a visor....made!
Azwethinkweiz said:Yeah it kept saying tax couldn't be calculated. I just kept trying over and over and I got in. What a fucking bitch that was.
Azwethinkweiz said:Just tried again. It's telling me that online ordering is down. Looks like you missed your chance man![]()
Bebpo said:So I finally tried Kameo and wow...that was awful.
is this confirmed as MSRP? i prepaid these games at gamestop and they're selling them for 59.99 each. bastards are trying to rip me off. wtf.
.Abras. said:I'm from Brazil and I'm going to US on november 24th.
I will leave on december 8th, what are my changes on getting one at miami?
WordofGod said:Is this new release date for DOA4 true?
Ships on 12/01/2005
Y2Kevbug11 said:I can accept this, I even agree with it. The controls seemed a little unresponsive, at best, slow. said:Is this new release date for DOA4 true?
Ships on 12/01/2005
bill0527 said:Heh, I've had mine paid for in full at EB games along with PDZ and Kameo for 2 months now and I just got a call in that I won't be getting one on launch day because they are only getting 12 in and I am 14 on the list.
My wife can't believe how calm I am about it. I'm going to go get a full refund tomorrow and line up at a retail store I guess.
--.Abras. said:I'm from Brazil and I'm going to US on november 24th.
I will leave on december 8th, what are my changes on getting one at miami?
vatstep said:
Zaxxon said:The lack of reviews before the system comes out is really irritating. Especially since it seems that alot of places will be selling games before the 22nd. I want straight answers![]()
SuperPac said:Well now that Kameo's out what's preventing EBs and Gamestops from busting open a copy to throw in their kiosk? When the Dew contest winners get their systems there'll be a bunch more. Impressions will be flowing steadily from now till launch, don't you worry your pretty little head none.
SuperPac said:Ouch. My condolences. :'(
Wouldn't it be better to leave the preorder where it is? Then if by some freak occurrence you line up and can't get a system then you'll have that #14 slot to fall back on for second shipment? It's not outside the realm of possibility that the first and second shipments will arrive before the 22nd.