I don't know if it was posted before, but people from Canada who want to try X360 can go into Futureshop stores. One where I live had one demo unit that I tried couple of hours ago.
I know that Walmarts in the US have had demo units for some time now, but I'm not sure if it's the same in Canada. Futureshop has it for sure though, and tonight the place wasn't very busy, there was basically no one in the game section except for one sales guy punching some numbers into computer right next to X360 demo unit.
I only tried Kameo for a few minutes, and thought the game looked very nice. More than anything I thought it was nice to see such advanced graphics and effects used on something colorful and fantasy-ish and not a PC FPS or some such realistic looking PC game. Very nice for a change! I liked the parallax mapping on the stone floor, and the gun/ship firing at me at the begining of the demo looked really great, and so did the red dragon in the small cinematic that followed (some cinematics were FMV but that one wasn't). Aliasing was minimal and I really noticed it only on some small spikes and some other small overlaping angular objects. Not a big deal at all I thought.
I was only slightly put off by the framerate which was 30, and which after getting used to 60 on games of this kind I used to play so far (R&C, J&D) seemed like it should have been smoother. Also, for whatever reason I'm pretty positive the game doesn't use anisotropic filtering at all, everything seemed like it was just bilinearly filtered to be honest - or trilinear at most, I didn't pay attention if there was a clear divider line between the blury textures behind and sharp ones in front.
Unfortunatelly, the demo unit froze when I tried to load the King Kong demo. I stand there looking at the black screen for about a minute, and then the sales guy turned around and asked me and asked if I'm looking for something in particular. I felt that was a sign to put the controller down, and to make it seem like I wasn't just wasting time there, I asked him if they received Guitar Hero before leaving (they still don't have it)