Well, that's it. I think I'm going to jump on the X360 launch band-wagon.
I'll try my local Target (walking distance) on launch day morning before I go to work.
If I cannot get one then - then hell with it. I'll just sit back and wait few months.
I'm thinking of calling them up this weekend whether they plan to open midnight for this or not
- and I probably won't be camping outside, because I'm just too old for that shit now.
I did my share of camping out in Japan DC launch...
Here's the list of things I'll probably get if I can secure mine -
X360 Good pack x1
extra wireless controller x1
play&charge kit x1
extra battery x1 (or extra play&charge kit)
wireless adapter x1
Thing is, I'm wondering what should I get for the games.
I'm leaning towards Fifa 360 (I'm a soccer fan, but more of WE guy..
but I just want to check out.), as well as PGR3 or RR6.
To be honest, none of the launch games do not excite me at the moment -
as I've became quite tired of racing games thesedays -
so if my target do not require me to buy packages or so - then I might end up getting the system setup only for now...
wish me luck!